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Authors: N.J. Walters

WildLoving (10 page)

BOOK: WildLoving
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“I’ll go and do just that.” Rabb glanced toward the door as
it opened, but it was a group of six women and not Jason. He relaxed, but only
slightly. “I’ll be back in a few minutes.”

“Take your time.” Nevar smiled as the ladies headed toward a
booth. “I’ve got this. Denver is in the kitchen and the rest of the wait staff
will be here any minute.”


Eliza barely had time to duck into the ladies’ washroom to
avoid running into Rabb. Her heart was pounding and her head spinning. Jason
had found her. She hadn’t heard the entire conversation, but she’d heard enough
to know he was up to his old tricks and trying to stir up trouble.

She’d come out of the kitchen and heard Jason’s voice. The
shock had frozen her in the shadows. She’d heard all his lies before, telling
people she was the one obsessed with him and that she was mentally unstable.
But she’d never heard him tell anyone she’d stabbed herself to frame him. That
was a new one. And, she would imagine, almost physically impossible given the
placement and angles of the wounds. She’d have to ask Detective Zurkowski about
that. She wouldn’t put it past Jason to try to use that theory to get her put
away in a mental institution.

He was vindictive enough to try.

She swallowed hard, refusing to give in to the nausea that
churned in her stomach. Jason had found her. It had to be sheer bad luck. She’d
only left the kitchen a few times to deliver trays of clean glasses to the bar,
and only because the wait staff was slammed with customers. What were the odds
one of Jason’s acquaintances would see her in that short length of time?

Yet that’s exactly what had happened.

Should she leave? Her first instinct was to run. But that
hadn’t worked before. And she wasn’t alone anymore. She had a job and a place
to live. But most of all, she had Rabb.

Eliza stumbled over to the sink and twisted the cold water
tap to the on position. She scooped up handfuls of the cool liquid and splashed
it on her face until the queasiness in her stomach passed.

She grabbed a handful of paper towels and dried her face
before studying herself in the mirror. She looked pale but composed.

Should she let Rabb know she’d overheard his conversation?
No, she’d wait to see if he mentioned it.

Oh God, why did this have to happen? Why now when she’d felt
safe for the first time in months?

She needed to call Detective Zurkowski. She couldn’t put it
off any longer.

Eliza pulled the phone Rabb had given her out of her jeans
pocket. There were several people listed in her favorite’s list—Rabb, Nevar,
the club and Detective Zurkowski. She hit the right button and listened while
it rang. She was on the verge of hanging up when it was finally answered.

“Zurkowski.” His voice was low and gruff.

“Detective, this is Eliza Hart.”

She could hear him moving around and the background noise
went quiet. He must have ducked into another room. “Where are you? Are you all

She gripped the phone tight and felt a pang of shame. He’d
worried about her so much and done his best to help her, and she hadn’t even
called him. “I’m good. I’m safe, for now.”

He heaved a deep sigh. “I’m glad. I kept expecting your body
to turn up somewhere when you didn’t call. You disappeared, dropped off the
grid after you got out of the hospital.”

“Yeah.” This man had been nothing but kind to her. She owed
him the truth. “I was homeless for a while.”

He swore under his breath. “You told me you had the address
for a shelter.”

She scuffed the toe of her sneaker against the tile floor.
“I know, but it was full. They wanted to help but couldn’t.”

“You should have called me.”

She shook her head even though he couldn’t see her. “I
couldn’t do that to you.”

“Okay, what’d done is done. But you’re okay now?”

“I’ve got a job and a place to stay.” She gave him the name
and the address of the club.

“Where are you staying?” he asked.

“Here.” She only hesitated a moment. “I know one of the
owners and he’s helping me out.” Eliza hurried on before the detective could
question her more closely about Rabb. “Jason was here.”

“What? When?”

“A few minutes ago. He didn’t see me and he’s not a hundred
percent sure I’m here. Someone he knew caught a glimpse of me while I was at

“Waitressing probably isn’t smart, Eliza. It puts you out in
the open.” She smiled at his faintly lecturing tone. He and Rabb would get

“I’m not waitressing. I’m the dishwasher. And I only took a
few trays of clean glasses into the bar when they were busy. It was nothing but
bad luck that I was seen by someone who knew me and Jason.”

“Okay, what did Jason say?”

“He talked to Rabb Hatter, one of the owners and the man I’m
staying with. He accused me of stalking him, of being mentally unhinged. The
usual. But he also said I’d injured myself just so I could accuse him.” She
shivered at the memory. “What kind of sick mind thinks up things like that?”

“A dangerous one. Don’t underestimate him, Eliza. I’ve been
doing some discreet digging on him, but so far he comes up clean. He’s good at
covering his tracks. The night he attacked you he was seen going into a gallery
opening and leaving later that night with friends. But it’s easy to slip away
from a party like that for a short time without anyone really noticing.”

“I’ll be careful,” she promised.

“Look, I’ve got a hot case I can’t leave right now. But you
have my number. If you see him at all or if he comes there again, you call me
immediately. You hear me?”

“Yes, I hear you.” She straightened and smoothed out her
apron. “And thanks.”

“Just stay safe and don’t let that bastard win. That’s all
the thanks I want.” The line went dead and Eliza tucked her phone back into her
pocket. She’d been gone a long time. Denver was going to wonder where she was.

She opened the door and checked the hallway. When she saw
the coast was clear, she hurried back to the kitchen. Denver turned as soon as
the door opened. “You okay? You were gone a while.”

“Sorry about that.” She took up her position at the counter
and started washing tomatoes and lettuce for the club sandwiches. She always
helped Denver prep the food and do whatever else he needed help with when she
wasn’t busy with the dishes.

He eyed her critically. “You look a little pale. You take it
easy today.”

She shot him a smile she hoped looked more convincing than
it felt. “I’m fine. Honestly.”

The kitchen door swung open and Rabb walked in. His gaze
went straight to her and she could see the worry in his eyes. “Everything okay
here?” he asked.

“Any reason it wouldn’t be?” She gave him the opening and
wondered if he’d take it.

He slipped his arms around her and kissed her. It wasn’t a
quick peck on the lips either but a claiming. His tongue swept into her mouth,
demanding a response. And she gave it to him. It was a hot, passionate kiss
that ended when Denver let out a low whistle.

“No wonder the girl looks tired.”

Rabb broke the kiss and studied her intently. “You do look

“I’m fine. Really.” And she was getting tired of telling
everyone that.

“Okay, but take it easy today. We’ll talk later.”

She nodded and watched him leave, admiring the breadth of
his shoulders. He’d probably tell her about Jason later. Now was not the time
or place to get into it and he probably didn’t want to worry her. That was

Eliza went back to work but knew she wouldn’t settle. Jason
had found her. It was only a matter of time until he made some kind of move.

* * * * *

Rabb ducked back into the office and shut the door. He
pulled out his phone and scrolled down his list of contacts until he found the
right number. A few rings later, the call was answered. “Hey, Rabb.”

“Hey, Archer. You got anything new on Jason Ware?”

“Not since I was talking to you a few hours ago. Why? What’s
happened?” Rabb could hear traffic in the background and knew Archer was out
and about.

“He came here. Seems a friend of his caught a glimpse of
Eliza working here and couldn’t wait to tell him. Jason tried to get me to fire
her. Claimed she was obsessed with him. Unstable.” Just saying it aloud made
Rabb want to hunt Jason down and beat a confession out of him. He was grateful
that Eliza hadn’t seen Jason. Rabb knew he’d have to tell her about the unexpected
visit, but not now, not when she had a full day of work ahead.

“Damn, that’s not good,” Archer said. The siren from a fire
truck made Rabb pull the phone away a few inches from his ear. It quickly faded
and Archer kept on talking. “Listen, a guy like this doesn’t reach his age and
suddenly start obsessing about a woman overnight. He’s probably done it before.
Not to this extent, but there has to be something. I’m going to talk to some
folks in the neighborhood he grew up in, people he went to school with and see
what I can dig up. It won’t be easy, though. A lot of folks are away for the
holidays. I’ll be able to do more once they’re over and everyone is back to
normal schedules.”

“Do what you can and be careful,” Rabb told his friend.
“This guy is smooth on the outside, but inside he’s got a lot of anger pent

“Will do.”

Rabb ended the call and tucked his phone away. He wanted to
go back to the kitchen to check on Eliza, but that would only make her
suspicious. She was pale as it was. He dragged his fingers through his hair,
took a deep breath and left the office, locking the door behind him.

He strolled back to the club and took up his position behind
the bar. It was filling up quickly. It was going to be another busy day.

Chapter Ten


Rabb was worried about Eliza. She’d been withdrawn and quiet
all day. Although he couldn’t really blame her for that. It wasn’t easy to get
a word in edgewise around his family. Christmas dinner, served promptly at one
o’clock had been the usual Hatter celebration—loud, boisterous and fun.

But he was glad to be taking Eliza back to his place for a
few hours before he had to head downstairs to open the club. It always amazed
and saddened him how many people crowded Hatter’s over the holidays. So many
were away from family or simply didn’t have any to spend the day with.

“Did you enjoy yourself?” With one of his arms wrapped
around her shoulders, they walked side by side up the flight of stairs to his

“I did. Your parents are great.” She flashed him a tired

“They can be a bit overwhelming at times.” His mother had
been in her glory, dressed in a red velvet dress with a white apron over it.
But there was no mistaking her for a motherly Mrs. Claus. His mother was
slender and more vibrant than most women half her age.

Eliza gave a quick laugh. “That’s an understatement.” She
chewed on her bottom lip. “I don’t mean that in a bad way,” she hurried to add.

Rabb laughed, unlocked the door and motioned her to go on
in. “You don’t need to explain it to me. I grew up with them. My parents are a
bit crazy and over-the-top when it comes to celebrations of all kind, and life
in general, but I wouldn’t have them any other way.”

“They’re really something special.” Eliza kicked off her
shoes and practically fell onto the sofa. She rubbed her hand over her stomach.
“And I ate so much. I’m glad I’m wearing a dress and not jeans.”

Rabb loved the dress she was wearing. It was long and fell
to her calves. The color matched her eyes and made them pop. The design was
simple, but she made it look good. Her red hair was bundled up on top of her
head in some kind of loose ponytail that appeared as though it could tumble
free any second.

His heart jumped and his cock surged to life. Eliza was
oblivious as she sprawled across the sofa with her eyes closed. He turned on
the tree lights before lifting her and settling onto the cushions with her in
his lap.

She sighed and opened her eyes. “Thank you.”

“For what?” He stroked his hand up and down her arm.

“For making this such a wonderful day.” She plucked at the
skirt of her dress. “For the new outfit and all the other presents.”

He hadn’t had much time to shop for Eliza, but his mother
had helped him, picking up everything he’d asked her to. He hadn’t gone
overboard, knowing it would make her uncomfortable. But he’d gotten her a bath
gift set, complete with lotion, body wash and one of those mesh puff things
that women seemed to like. The dress was another gift, along with the stockings
and shoes. He’d also bought her the latest paperback by one of her favorite
authors and a box of chocolates.

His family had helped out by adding to her small pile of
presents. Eliza needed so much and asked for so little. She’d surprised his
family by baking Christmas cookies and fudge as gifts. He’d never before tasted
fudge as creamy and melt-in-your-mouth good. The woman had talent. She’d spent
her own money on ingredients. And as much as it had pained him not to, he
hadn’t offered to pay the grocery bill, knowing she both wanted and needed to
have the gifts come completely from her. “I’m glad you had a good time.”

She yawned, barely covering her mouth with her hand in time.
“What time do we need to go down to work?”

“Not for a few hours yet.” His dick was throbbing and he
wanted nothing more than to strip off her dress and make love to her on the
sofa. But they had to talk. He’d delayed the inevitable long enough and was
starting to feel guilty about not telling her about Jason’s little visit. He’d
put it off because he knew it would only upset her.

“We need to talk,” he began. Eliza started to move off his
lap, but he stopped her. “Stay. Please,” he added.

“All right.” She settled back and distracted him from his
purpose when she started toying with the buttons on his shirt. Her fingers slid
into the opening between the buttons and caressed his chest. His cock responded
to her touch. Now the damn thing was poking into her side like an iron post.

Eliza laughed. “Seems to me like you want to do more than
just talk.”

Her light, teasing tone sent him over the edge. With a low
growl of arousal, he swooped down and captured her delectable, soft lips. Her
mouth tasted sweet, like the decadent chocolate fudge he’d eaten for dessert.

Her tongue tangled with his, rubbing and exploring. The
little sounds of arousal she made drove him crazy with need. He reached behind
her, found the tab of her zipper and slowly pulled it down. His fingers met
bare skin.

She wasn’t wearing a bra.

Rabb’s brain threatened to explode. All the while they’d
been having dinner and laughing with his family, she’d been all but naked under
her dress. His testicles tightened and drew up close to his body.

“You’re not wearing a bra.” His mind was still having a hard
time wrapping itself around that fact.

She smiled at him, a siren’s smile, luring him to his
willing doom. “I know.”

“Fuck.” Finesse escaped him. Rabb tugged down the sleeves,
giving a sigh of relief when the top half of the dress fell to her waist. He
cupped her breasts. Her soft pink nipples tightened into hard nubs beneath his
gaze. He stroked his thumb over one and then the other, loving the way her
breath caught in her throat.

“Stand up so we can get this off you.” His voice was gruff,
but there was no help for it. He was so close to coming it wouldn’t take more
than a breath to send him over the edge.

He helped Eliza stand in front of him. She gave her hips a
little shake and the dress slid down her legs. The fabric pooled at her feet.

“God almighty.” He was spellbound by the erotic picture she
made standing in front of him wearing only her panties and thigh-high
stockings. The scrap of lacy, white fabric covering her mound was miniscule.
Rabb wasn’t even sure they even qualified as underwear. He’d have to remember
to thank his future sister-in-law for gifting them to Eliza.

The fading scars on her stomach were an abomination on her
otherwise flawless skin. Rabb leaned forward and brushed his lips over each
one, wishing he could rewind the past and make it so they’d never happened. But
since that was impossible, all he could do right now was show her how beautiful
and sexy she was to him. Eliza brushed her hand over his hair but said nothing.

He sat back. “Turn around.” His voice was hoarse and deep.
Eliza stepped out of the knot of fabric at her feet and pushed it aside. Then
she turned slowly. Her spine was delicate, her waist small. Her hips flared
out, giving her a womanly shape even though she was still a bit too thin from
her ordeal of living on the streets. But she was looking better each day.
Healthier. More lush.

And her ass was spectacular, full and firm. The fabric of
her panties didn’t stretch to cover the mounds. Rabb reached out and covered
her behind, letting his palms slide beneath her panties.

Her breath hitched and she stopped moving. “I love your
ass.” He hooked his fingers into the waistband and slowly lowered the fabric.
It was like unwrapping a present. The best one ever. When he had her panties
down to her ankles, he made her step out of them.

She shuddered, but didn’t turn to face him.

Rabb stroked the firm globes and then stroked his thumbs
through the crease. Eliza moaned, her entire body trembling.

He reached around her and dragged the coffee table over so
it was perpendicular to them. “Kneel on the table.”

Eliza lowered herself, gripped the edges of the table and
crawled on top of it.

“Lower your head and raise your ass.” She hesitated, but
only for a split second before complying. Her pussy was wet and flushed with
arousal. “I love how wet you are.” He stroked two fingers over her labia before
sliding them inside.

She gasped and pushed back against his hand.

“You want me to fuck you, don’t you?” He withdrew his
fingers almost all the way before forging back into her tight sheath once


Rabb fell to his knees behind her and blew on her heated
flesh. Eliza shivered and moaned. With a low growl, he moved closer.

Eliza’s head was spinning. When they’d walked through the
door she’d have sworn that the only thing on her mind was a nap. Dinner had
been delicious and she’d eaten so much she felt stuffed and lethargic.

That had changed in a heartbeat when Rabb touched her.

The smooth wood of the coffee table was cool against her
forearms where she supported herself. Her naked butt was in the air, and she
knew Rabb was looking at her. There was no hiding her arousal.

Then she felt his breath on her pussy. She almost came then
and there, but he pulled back at the last second. She bit her lip to keep from
begging. She didn’t want to come yet, didn’t want this moment to end.

Her fingers curled inward, but there was nothing for her to
hold on to. She felt hot and cold at the same time, tortured on the rack of
anticipation. “Rabb.” His name was no more than a breathy sigh that turned to a
long moan when he lapped her slick folds.

She lowered her forehead to the table and gasped for air.
Rabb tongued her clit before tugging gently on it with his lips. His fingers
pushed in and out of her pussy. Cream slid down her inner thighs.

Oh God, she was so close. When Rabb suddenly pulled back,
she cried out.

“Condom,” he gritted out.

Her legs and arms quivered while she waited. It seemed
interminable, but was only a few seconds. She expected him to stand and slide
into her. Instead, she felt herself being lifted and pulled back against him.

Rabb sat and she caught herself from tipping forward by
resting her hands on his knees. She was facing away from him with a clear view
of the Christmas tree. “Up you go.” He gripped her waist and steadied her as
she rose.

The broad head of his cock nudged her opening. She gave a
sigh of relief and lowered herself even as he pulled her down. They both moaned
as he sank deep. He wrapped his arms around her and cupped her breasts. Then he
widened his legs, pushing hers apart as well, and simply sat there.

His cock felt hot inside her. It pulsed and rippled,
stretching her sheath to the max. She needed him to move, to touch her clit, to
play with her nipples. Something. Instead, he simply cupped her breasts and
kept himself still.

The tension in the room grew and thickened. Every cell of
her body was focused between her thighs. It got more difficult to breathe with
each passing second. “Rabb.”

“Hmm.” She felt his lips brush against her spine and

“Touch me.” She tried to move, but he released his hold on
her breasts and banded his arms around her torso, keeping her still.

“But this is so much more fun.” She could hear the teasing
note in his voice. The man was diabolical.

“This is torture.” She squirmed and was gratified when he
moaned. He wasn’t as unaffected as he liked to pretend. She wished she could
see his face. Somehow facing away from him, being stretched by his cock and
held in his arms, made her feel more vulnerable.

“We don’t want that, do we?” He slid one hand lower, poised
over her mound. Finally she’d had enough. She grabbed his hand, thrust it
between her legs and rubbed his fingers over her clit.

Eliza’s head fell back and she released a deep moan. Her
lower body jerked as her pussy clamped down around his cock, squeezing and
caressing it. He swore and she knew he was coming, felt his shaft swelling
inside her.

Rabb groaned and pushed his hips upward, grinding deeper.
Her orgasm rippled out to her whole body and then seemed to plunge inward
again. Spasms of pleasure shook her. She didn’t realize she was crying until a
fat tear plopped on her arm.

“Hey.” Rabb quickly withdrew and pulled her into his arms.
“I’ve got you. Everything is okay.” He peppered her face with kisses and lapped
at another tear.

“I don’t know what’s wrong with me.”

He caught her chin between his thumb and forefinger.
“There’s nothing wrong with you. That was…” He shook his head. “I’m not quite
sure how to put it. Intense doesn’t quite do it justice.”

The fact he not only understood, but felt it too, settled
her. It was only then she realized Rabb was still completely dressed. Except
for where his zipper was open, he didn’t even have a hair out of place while
she felt totally debauched. And very naked.

She tugged at the throw that lay over the back of the sofa
and spread it over her. “Cold?” he asked.

“Feeling a little underdressed,” she retorted.

Rabb laughed and slid out from beneath her. “I’ve got to get
rid of the condom.” He walked down the short hallway and into the bedroom.
Moments later she could hear water running.

Eliza curled up beneath the warm blanket. She closed her
eyes and savored the sensations coursing through her. Another spasm hit her and
she shivered.

She felt Rabb rather than heard him. When she opened her
eyes, he was standing there with his thick terry-cloth robe in his hands. As
much as she’d rather not move, she knew his robe would be cozy and warm.

She tossed back the covering and surged upward, quickly
pulling on the garment. It wrapped around her like a cocoon, swaddling her from
neck to ankles. Sighing, she settled back into the corner of the sofa, using
the arm to support her.

Rabb sat beside her and pulled her feet into his lap. “We
need to talk.”

She tensed. She’d been waiting for him to mention Jason
since yesterday morning. “About what?”

He raked his fingers through his hair before tilting his
head back to rest against the sofa. “I don’t want you to get mad or be scared.”

BOOK: WildLoving
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