Read Wilderness Passion Online

Authors: Lindsay McKenna

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #Fiction

Wilderness Passion (10 page)

BOOK: Wilderness Passion
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“Let’s get going, Lib,” he ordered, watching the storm. He helped her stand, slipping the straps of the pack over her shoulders. Gripping her hand, he said, “Stick close. This wind is gusting a good fifty miles an hour.”

She didn’t need another warning, clenching his hand in a death grip. The fury of the gusts increased as they carefully made their way toward the area of the cave. She looked over her shoulder, her eyes widening.

“Look!” she called, pointing up at the sky.

Dan halted, looking upward. “Damn,” he snarled. His grip tightened on her hand. “We’re in for a hell of a storm. If we hurry, we can make that cave before it hits.”

They ran as quickly as they could, Libby leading the way. When they reached the cave Dan turned, gently pushing her against the wall outside the dark hole. “You stay right here.”

“What are you going to do?” she yelled above the rising wind.

“Make sure there are no animals in there. Watch how it’s done.” He picked up several fist-size rocks and carefully moved to the lip of the cave, throwing each one into the darkness. Shrugging out of his pack, he removed the flashlight, getting down on his hands and knees and searching the darkness more thoroughly.

The storm hit with an unparalleled fury, and Libby was caught off-guard by its sudden attack. Lightning danced around the ridge, and thunder caromed off the sides of the cliffs. The rain struck furiously and she lifted her hands to her face, protecting her eyes from the onslaught. The noise, the crackle of electricity and the howl of the wind drowned out Dan’s voice. Within seconds she was drenched to the skin by the storm. Blinded, she groped forward as she heard Dan’s second call, her hand stretched outward.

The rocks were slippery and she took two steps forward. At that moment the wind whipped sharply in a twisting pattern, catching her and knocking her off-balance. A cry broke from her lips as she threw out both hands to stop herself from falling. Just as suddenly Dan’s arms were there, halting her fall. Libby gasped, regaining her feet and allowing herself to be dragged forward. Getting down on her hands and knees, she felt the scrape of the rocks against her flesh. Dan pulled the pack off her back and she lay on her side, panting for breath. She felt his hand tremble as he pushed her wet hair off her face.

“Libby? You all right? Answer me.”

She gulped a steadying breath. “Fine... Just...give me a second.”

Another bolt of lightning flashed in front of the cave and Libby cringed, burying her head in her arms. The cave was cold, but she shivered from fright as well as the sudden drop in temperature.

“Come here,” he ordered gruffly.

There was barely enough room to sit up, and Libby crawled into his waiting arms, collapsing against his hard body. He pulled a blanket around her shoulders, holding her tightly against him.

Her heart thumped erratically as she clung to him, regaining her sense of equilibrium. With her head against his chest she could hear his heart beating solidly. Slowly she began to relax within the confines of his grip, finally feeling a corner of safety from the savage storm.

“God, you scared me out there. What the hell happened?” he said harshly.

Libby swallowed painfully. “The wind... It threw me off balance. I’m sorry, Dan.”

He caressed her face, his hand rough and callused against her smooth skin. “Lady, you damn near fell off that ledge out there. Do you know how far down—?”

“Don’t,” she rasped, squeezing her eyes shut. “I said I was sorry, dammit!”

He gave her a brief hug. “I’m sorry, too. I shouldn’t be yelling at you when you’re trembling like a leaf in my arms. I was worried, that’s all.”

She didn’t want to leave the safety of his arms or the warmth of his reassuring body. But at the same time he infuriated her. She opened her eyes, staring off into the darkness, which was at intervals punctuated by lightning. “One minute you’re growling at me like an old bear, and the next...”

Libby felt him laugh. She closed her eyes as he caressed her cheek more gently this time.

“I told you before,” he murmured. “I don’t want to lose you, but you seem bent on disappearing. If you don’t want me around, say so. But don’t go jumping off cliffs to prove it.”

She sat up, breaking the contact between them, real anger going through her. “Don’t flatter yourself by thinking I’d jump off a cliff to get your attention,” she snapped, jerking the blanket around her more tightly.

In a flash of lightning she saw him sitting back, watching her, a self-satisfied grin on his lips. Her nostrils flared and she muttered, “I’ve never met anyone with such an incredible ego before!”

“Compliments will get you nowhere. Now calm down, will you? It’s going to be a long night, and whether you like it or not, we’re stuck with one another for the next ten hours or so. Want to call a truce so we can both get some sleep, or are you going to lie awake, spitting and clawing?’’


in the darkness, waiting for lightning flashes in order to locate her gear. There was very little room to work, and their bodies brushed together more than once as they struggled to unroll their sleeping bags. The temperature dropped alarmingly without warning and Libby began to shiver once again. She stubbornly said nothing, clamping down on her chattering teeth. But too soon she could no longer endure it and began groping for her jacket, which was tucked away in her pack.

“What’s wrong?” Dan wanted to know.

“I’m...cold,” she chattered.

He reached out, pulling her into his arms. “You need to get out of those wet clothes.”

Libby struggled, alarmed by her sensual reaction to Dan’s warm body. “I’ll just get my jacket—”

Dan held back an exasperated sigh. “Get out of the clothes, Libby. It’s the only thing that will help. Here, I’ll zip the two bags together and you can snuggle down between them.”

She was frightened by her own attraction to Dan. The wind howled into the entrance, and Libby’s teeth chattered so badly that she couldn’t even answer him. She heard him swear softly and felt his arms capture her.

“Come here before you freeze to death,” he growled, pulling the one sleeping bag over top of both of them. Systematically he began to release the buttons on her blouse.

Horrified, Libby shoved his hands away. “W-what are you doing!” she protested, stammering.

“Trying to get you out of these wet clothes!” he growled. “Now, just relax, I’m not going to rape you, for God’s sake!”

His fingers were like an exquisite brand upon her cool flesh as he stripped off the soaked blouse. Expertly he released the hook on the bra. Her heart beat wildly in her chest as he pressed her upper body against him. She clung to him; needing his warmth above anything else.

“Just lie here and try to relax,” he breathed against her ear. “You’re damn near hypothermic.”

Libby closed her eyes, resting her head on his shoulder, grateful for his continuing warmth. “What’s—hypo—?” she stuttered.

“It’s when your body temperature drops to a dangerous level. If we don’t stabilize your body, you can go into shock.” He ran his callused hand across her naked back in small circles, rubbing her skin briskly. “Usually people who fall into mountain lakes get it,” he explained, his voice a roughened whisper. “But it’s been ninety degrees out there today, and the temperature has dropped to close to freezing in less than an hour. That kind of drastic change can bring on hypothermia, too.”

“Mmm,” she mumbled, finally feeling some semblance of heat returning to her shoulders, hips and back, where he continued to briskly rub her skin. She began to relax in his arms, feeling a subtle euphoria. Libby laid her head on his arm as he worked to bring blood back into her chilled legs and feet. By the time he’d finished, the storm had abated in its initial fury. Still, the wind continued to howl across the ridge, making strange, eerie noises she had never heard before.

Libby was aware of the textured material of his jeans against her lower body, and the softer flannel of his shirt against her breasts. She inhaled the smell of his maleness and a soft smile curved her lips as she buried herself more deeply into his welcoming embrace.

Finally Dan settled down beside her, keeping both his arms around her. “There,” he whispered, “you should be warmer now.”

“I am,” she returned softly. “Thank you.”

Dan reached out, stroking her damp, unbound hair, delighting in the silken texture of it. Libby responded to his hand on her head, nuzzling upward. She felt his breathing change, become more shallow. Opening her eyes, she could barely see the outline of his craggy features. Her heart opened spontaneously as he met her gaze. How could she ever have thought Dan was cold and unfeeling? Being in his arms, having been protected and cared for by him, she knew he was a gentle man. The toughness was only skin deep. Hesitantly she reached out, her long, slender fingers tracing the rugged planes of his face. She heard him groan, felt his arms tighten about her.

“Libby,” he growled thickly, “don’t, if you—”

She placed her fingers across his strong mouth, a newly ignited fire flaming brightly within her aching body. “Love me, Dan,” she whispered throatily, meeting his burning blue gaze.

He hesitated. “I don’t want to hurt you, Libby,” he murmured, taking her fingers, kissing each of them gently. His eyes became readable, and Libby saw pain in their depths. Without realizing it, she responded to his vulnerability, pressing her body against him, tilting her head up to meet his descending mouth.

The world came to a halt around them as his mouth grazed her waiting lips. A shiver of pleasure coursed through her as his mouth pressed more insistently, parting her lips, demanding entrance. His tongue moved with delicate slowness, exploring her moistness, drawing her into a blazing inferno of barely contained desire. Her breath was hot and shallow as his hand roved the length of her neck and shoulder, slowly circling her tautened breasts, teasing her. He dragged his mouth from her lips, leaning down, capturing a hardened nipple between his teeth.

She arched, moaning as Dan slid his hand between her thighs. Mindlessly she reached out to touch him as he was touching her, wanting to give him as much pleasure as she was receiving. Their kisses became torrid as she unbuttoned his shirt, running her fingers across the magnificent expanse of his torso and chest Dan groaned as she released his jeans, boldly slipping her hand beneath the material. He tensed beside her, growling her name, wrapping the long strands of her hair in his fist, gently drawing her head back. He rose above her, his eyes filled with a dark intensity.

Dan stared down at her, amazed and pleased by her ability to love him just as fiercely as he was loving her. Despite Libby’s fragile Swedish beauty there was a courageous heart in her gently curved body. Lovingly he leaned down, tasting her parted, eager lips. She was unafraid to meet him on his own ground, where it counted. He gloried in that fact, wanting to please her more than he had pleased any woman before. She was responsive, welcoming, sharing, teasing and sensual all at the same time. It dizzied his senses and he lost himself in a sharing that rarely happened unless there was a great deal more than physical desire between two people. He traced her wet, throbbing lips with his tongue and stroked the velvet of her inner thigh with his hand, feeling her tense.

“Dan,” she whispered breathlessly, “please... Take me,” she begged.

A tenderness came into his eyes as he slid his hand beneath her slender waist, pulling her beneath him. She was like quicksilver, her undulating form sending a raging, unchecked fire through his hardened body. Gently he entered her moist, welcoming depths, watching her eyes widen with pleasure and surprise over their union. A groan escaped him as he plunged more deeply, feeling her response with unabashed jubilation. They were one. They were eagles in free flight, wheeling and diving with one another. He felt her tense, a cry of joy escaping her parted lips. His heart seemed to burst with an incredible joy he had never before experienced. His own explosive release hurtled him to the edges of the universe. Dan lay on his side, drawing Libby protectively against him.

Libby gulped, feeling a trickle of sweat between her breasts as she rested weakly against Dan. Her breathing was fast and erratic, her eyes closed. “Oh, Dan,” she whispered raggedly.

He caressed her hair. “You’re something else, my druidess,” he said thickly. “Something else...”

She slept afterward, feeling safe within his strong, masculine arms. It was only at dawn that Libby awoke, realizing that Dan was already awake and studying her in the gray twilight. He had risen on one arm and was studying her with tender interest when she roused herself, rolling onto her back. As she lifted her thick wheat-colored lashes Libby saw his features above her. A soft, vulnerable smile fled across her well-kissed lips, lips that still tingled from his branding mouth.

“Good morning,” she whispered.

Dan returned the smile. “It is,” he agreed, his voice husky.

Libby stared up at him. His face was peaceful now. Gone was the harshness she had seen there before. In his own way he was devastatingly handsome. No longer were there lines on his brow or at the corners of his eyes. Instead she saw a flame of tenderness that made her heart blossom in silent happiness. They had shared something far more than just a meeting of bodies. She closed her eyes as he stroked her hair, responding openly to his gentle touch.

“I’ve been watching you sleep,” he began quietly. “I never realized until now just how beautiful you really are.” He gave her a wistful smile. “There’s a cleanness about you, Libby. Something I can’t quite put my finger on...a naturalness. You proved that last night by the way you loved me. You weren’t inhibited. You were free and giving, like the spirit of these woods....” He shrugged, embarrassed by his own words. “You really are a part of the forest.’’ He stared out of the entrance of the cave at the green carpet of trees far below them. He returned his attention to her, caressing her upturned face. “My druidess.”

Libby shivered pleasurably beneath his touch and his softly spoken words. “Before I say thank you for all those wonderful compliments, maybe you had better fill me in on Celtic druidesses.”

BOOK: Wilderness Passion
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