Read Wild Nights Online

Authors: Jaci Burton

Tags: #Jaci Burton

Wild Nights (8 page)

BOOK: Wild Nights
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Screw that. She
have a good time tonight, whether he was here or not. She’d prove to herself she didn’t care about him or what he did—or who he chose to do it with. Determined, she turned around and slammed straight into Denver’s chest.

“Whoa, babe,” Denver said. “Sorry.”

She shook her head. “No, I’m sorry. I turned too fast.” Despite vowing not to look, she couldn’t help leaning around Denver enough to see Mike heading in their direction.

Damn. She felt weak in the knees just watching the predatory way he approached her. He was not going to affect her like this. She didn’t need him, didn’t feel a thing for him. He did not get to her in any way. Sex was sex and it didn’t matter who she had it with.

Panicked, she laced her arm through Denver’s and blurted, “How would you like to have sex with me?”

“Uh, what?” Denver’s eyes went wide. “Say that again?”

Forcing a calm she didn’t feel, she leaned into him. “I’m in the mood to play tonight. Are you game?”

She knew from the look on his face that what she was asking was incredibly unfair. Mike was Denver’s friend.

Mike stepped up beside Denver and arched a brow. “Am I interrupting?”

Denver offered a halfsmile. “Grace just made me an…interesting offer.”

“Is that right?”

“Yes,” she said, taking control of the situation. “I asked Denver if he wanted to play with me tonight.”

Mike looked at Denver, then at her. “I see.”

Yes, he was going to see, all right. “I’m thinking the voyeur/exhibition room, if you don’t have a problem showing off.”

Mike laughed. “Den loves to show off.”

“Mike,” Denver said, his gaze flitting between the two of them. “Do you have a problem with this?”

Mike shrugged and grinned. “Why would I? Grace is free to do whatever she wants, and so are you. I’ll just take a seat in the viewing room and watch. It won’t be the first time I’ve watched you with a woman.”

“Are you sure?” Denver asked.

Mike nodded. “I’m sure. Hell, I get off on watching. You know that about me.”

Den laughed. “Yeah, you will.”

Mike was already turning around to leave. “You two have fun.”

He pivoted and walked away. He was going to watch her and Denver having sex. Did he really not care, or was he putting on a show of bravado?

Wasn’t this what she wanted? To prove to Mike, and to herself, that she was her own woman, in charge of her own destiny? It was necessary, for both of them, that this happen tonight. To put an end to any hope he might have for a real relationship. Wild Nights was her life—adventurous, unattached sex was what she did.

“Grace, are you certain this is what

She looked up at Denver, his gaze one of concern. He really was a beautiful man. She’d be well taken care of—and safe—with him. Which was probably why her instincts told her to choose him.

“Of course it is.” She caressed his cheek. “It’s been entirely too long since I’ve enjoyed the fun at Wild Nights, Denver. And you and I have never played with each other. Unless you have some objection.”

“Are you kidding? A man would be insane to turn you down. My dick’s already hard at the thought of touching you.”

She laughed. “Then what are we waiting for?”

The pang in her stomach as she walked with Denver into the exhibition room was not guilt. It wasn’t. She was free to do whatever she wanted, with whomever she wanted. If Mike wanted to watch, that was up to him. He was a paying client and if he got off on voyeurism, that was great. Good for him. She didn’t care what he did to get his rocks off.

This wasn’t the first time she’d been in the exhibitionist room. Grace occasionally enjoyed showing off for her clients. It was good for business. Her clientele liked watching her. It was important for them to see her participate.

And what better man to play with than Denver McKenzie? Tall, hot and sexy, she’d stopped in and watched Denver pleasure a woman or two in the past. He definitely knew what he was doing. He had magic hands and a great tongue. She’d envied the women he’d had, because they certainly seemed to enjoy the orgasms he gave them.

Tonight, she planned to do the same.

The exhibition room was set up like an open efficiency apartment, except it was just sofas, chairs, tables and a bed. Those using the room, and sometimes it was more than one couple or ménage, could choose either to watch or be watched, depending on their mood. Once in there, Denver took over, leading her into the living room portion and sitting her on the sofa. He kneeled in front of her and smiled.

“Relax. If there’s anything you don’t want me to do, or you just want me to stop, then say so so. I hear ‘no’ loud and clear.”

She nodded, saw Mike step into the outer viewing room and cast her gaze back down at Denver. “I won’t say no.”

Denver’s gaze went dark, his hands grazing along her ankles. “Good.” His voice had gone deep and she felt a little thrill, though she wasn’t sure if it was because Denver was rubbing her feet or because Mike had taken a seat in the front row of the voyeur room.

She could see Mike clearly. He’d settled in, leaned back in one of the wide chairs, his legs spread and his arms resting on the chair. He didn’t seem uncomfortable or irritated. He seemed like anyone else watching their play—interested. Several other people had started to file in and take seats, but Grace ignored them, her gaze riveted on Mike. She wanted to know what he was thinking—was he angry, did he care at all, or did the fact that she was about to fuck his friend not matter?

And why did she care? Dammit, why did it matter to her what he thought, when it shouldn’t? Wasn’t this the reason she was in this room with Denver in the first place?

Focus, Grace. Focus on the man you’re with, not the man on the other side of the window.

Tearing her gaze away from Mike, she looked down at Denver, watching him smooth his hands over her calves, kneading her muscles with a gentle squeeze.

“That feels good,” she said.

“Spread your legs a little, baby,” he said, using his shoulder to nudge her thigh.

Tonight she wore a short red dress, tight and clingy. She knew as soon as she spread her legs the dress would hike all the way up to her crotch. She did, and it did.

She hadn’t worn panties.

“Damn,” Denver whispered. “You have a pretty little pussy, Grace.” He leaned forward, resting his arms on her thighs and pushing the hem of her dress up and over her hips. His warm breath washed across her thighs.

Grace couldn’t help it—her gaze flitted to Mike again, wanting to gauge his reaction. Track lighting in the voyeur room showcased those watching for those exhibiting. It made it exciting for people on both sides. Mike’s expression was clearly outlined, but once again he
gave her no clue what he was thinking—there was neither anger nor pleasure on his face.

“Scoot your ass down this way a little,” Denver urged, reaching under her to cup her ass cheeks and pull her forward. His hands were warm and she forced herself to look at the man pleasuring her, not the man watching.

Denver grinned. “Baby, go ahead and look at him if that turns you on.”


“Look at Mike.”

“I’m not…I’m not looking at Mike.”

Denver ran his palms over the inside of her thighs, his thumbs precariously close to her pussy. “Yeah, you are. I know you wish he was here instead of me.”

She had muted the sound between the rooms. It was her choice whether to connect the audio portion of the two rooms or not, so at the moment Mike couldn’t hear what was being said between her and Denver. She laid her hand on his head, smoothing her palm over the softness of his dark hair. “I don’t wish anyone was here but you right now, Denver.”

“You’re not a very good liar, Grace. And I’m not emotionally invested in this, so quit worrying about hurting my feelings. You won’t.”

She didn’t know what to say. Had she been subconsciously wishing Mike had dragged her in here? God, she didn’t know the answer. “I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be, because I’m still going to make you come. And I’m still going to fuck you good and hard until I come. So believe me, baby, you have nothing to apologize for. You just look at Mike and make him wish he was in here with you instead of me.”

Denver turned around and shot a quick glance at the window, then back at her. “Though I think he’s probably already wishing that.”

“Doesn’t seem to be.” She shouldn’t care. Not when Denver was moving his hands so close to her clit, his thumbs making lazy, teasing circles around her pussy lips. She was wet, aching, needy.

“Trust me. He cares.”

She didn’t want Mike to care. Wasn’t that the problem? She was so confused.

This whole thing wasn’t clearing her head like she thought it would. Instead, she was spread out and Denver was crawling between her legs and Mike was watching.

And as Denver’s lips pressed up against her sex, his tongue parting her and licking against her clit, arousal flamed hot and she moaned, flipping on the button to open the audio between the two rooms. She wanted Mike to hear her, wanted him to be as close to her excitement as he could get.

Yes, she was turned on now. But not because of what Denver was doing. Because Mike was watching, and she caught the telltale flicker of desire in his eyes. And dammit, she wanted him to want her, wanted him to want her so badly that the urge to tear through the window would be so great he’d have to use every ounce of his willpower to prevent himself from doing just that.

Did he want her that much? She hoped so, because every flick of Denver’s tongue against her clit was Mike’s. His fingers sliding into her pussy were Mike’s fingers, and the orgasm bubbling up inside her was being brought about because she was locked on Mike’s deep blue eyes, not Denver’s brown ones.

She hated this, but she couldn’t help herself. And when she couldn’t hold back, when Denver pressed his hand over her belly, his fingers pumping hard and furiously into her cunt, when his mouth latched onto her clit and sucked hard and she came, she bit back Mike’s name when she screamed, shuddering and crying out instead as waves of pleasure rocked her ass right off the couch.

And not once did she tear her gaze from Mike’s. He didn’t move, or stop looking at her. Not when Denver dragged her to her feet and pulled her dress off, covering her breasts with his hands and then his lips, tugging at her nipples until they were wet and rigid. Not when he pulled her over the back of the sofa and jerked his pants down, grabbed a condom and shoved his cock in her, impaling her with a hard thrust that made her cry out in pain and pleasure.

She wanted Mike behind her, fucking her like this, imagined his thick cock powering in and out of her with wild abandon, so hard it would make her hurt, bruising her with each driving thrust until she begged for more.

She saw the slight lift of Mike’s chin, his nostrils flaring as Denver pushed into her so hard the couch scooted a few inches across the floor. She whimpered from the pleasure of it, but it was Mike giving her that enjoyment. Did he know that? Did he feel what she was going through, realize that she wanted him so much she could feel his cock inside her when another man was fucking her? Denver didn’t exist for her anymore. The other people watching weren’t there. There was only Mike and her, and the sweet pulsing of her pussy around the cock inside her.

“Harder,” she said through gritted teeth, asking for more even though she couldn’t take more. But she wasn’t asking Denver for it.

“I need you,” she pleaded. Did Mike understand? “Please.”

She was panting now, mindless, wanting only the orgasm that hovered just out of her reach. “I need to come.” She gripped the fabric of the sofa, tightening her fingers around the pillows. “Please make me come.”

And yet knowing how much she needed it, feeling Denver behind her, she held back, unwilling to give it to anyone else. Denver growled against her back, shuddering as he orgasmed, pumping hard against her. She cried out as he lifted her with a punishing final thrust, then collapsed against her.

As soon as it was over, people filed out, onto the next activity, the next sex party—whatever thrilled them. Mike stayed, though. Denver pulled away, turned her around and kissed her forehead.

“You’re an amazing woman, Grace.”

She blinked her eyes closed for a second, then smiled up at him. “Thank you Denver. For…everything.”

He winked. “Anytime, baby.” He stepped out, stopping in the outer room to speak to Mike. He’d pushed the audio button first so Grace couldn’t hear what they were saying. Mike nodded a few times and Denver squeezed his shoulder, then left.

That’s when she realized she and Mike were alone, realized what she’d done, the signals she’d sent out to him. She hadn’t come at the end with Denver because she felt guilty about having sex with him. Because Mike wasn’t the one giving her the orgasm and she wanted it with him.

No. No, no, no. She would not do this, to him or to herself. What was wrong with her? Anger boiled up inside her. Anger and guilt. And she hated guilt. She was never guilty, especially about sex. That’s what she’d run away from all those years ago, and she was not going through it again.

No goddamn man was going to make her feel this way.

She pulled on her clothes and stormed from the room.


For a few moments, Mike stood frozen, unable to

Whether it was the visual of watching Grace get fucked by Den that held him immobile, or Denver’s words after that or the fierce expression of fear mixed with anger on Grace’s face, he didn’t know. All he knew was that he needed to sort this out before he went after her.

And he
going after her. They were going to get this figured out one way or another, tonight. No more mixed signals. He read the confusion on her face. One minute she seemed indifferent, the next sending him “fuck me” signals, the next angry as hell.

Then Den told him Grace was his for the taking, that she wasn’t the least bit interested in screwing other guys. Yeah, right. Could have fooled him, since she’d just finished letting one of his best friends fuck her. Which was exactly what he’d said to Denver. He’d had to bite back the angry jealousy that had reared its ugly head. Hell he’d wanted to take a punch at Den, and that was completely out of character for him.
He never cared if Den fucked someone he knew. But he sure as hell had had an uptight moment when Grace told him she’d chosen Den.

BOOK: Wild Nights
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