Read Wild Heart Online

Authors: Jennifer Culbreth

Wild Heart (10 page)

BOOK: Wild Heart
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“More like, eight.”

“Holy shit! Do you want to borrow one of my vibrators and go have some private time?”

“Kate! No! That’s disgusting.”

“I clean them, asshole. But seriously, wouldn’t you be more willing to give it up if it’s already hanging out?” Kate said placing her hands on her hips, she clearly wasn’t going to let Ani out of this one.

“Fine! But I am taking a pair of pants!” Ani stomped back off toward the spare bedroom.

She threw her pants on the small bag she had intended to bring for tonight, staring at them in contemplation before throwing them back onto the floor and slipping the skirt onto her hips with gusto.
Screw it, I’m getting laid tonight!
She walked over to the full length mirror that hung on the wall. The tight skirt actually complimented her long tans legs nicely. She turned in the mirror to make sure her ass cheeks weren’t hanging out, jumping when Kate spoke from the doorway.

“You look smoking hot.”

“Well then I know I can pick you up if everything else goes to hell,” she smiled sarcastically over at Kate.

“I don’t know what you college girls experimented with up in New York, but I don’t swing that way,” she said, trying to hide her smile.

“Yeah right! How about Gina Baker our senior year at Kyle’s graduation party?” Ani twirled around toward Kate who was now sitting on the bed.

“Ok, maybe that one time,” Kate laughed, “Come on, fix your make up before your stud muffin gets here.” Kate chuckled as she headed toward the front of the apartment.

Ani finished applying her dark black eyeliner as Kate came through the door carrying her phone, the theme song from Knight Rider blaring from the speaker.

“What the hell?” Ani asked confused.

“I took the liberty of changing his ringtone. I think he’s here,” Kate said, handing her the phone

“Hello?” Ani answered.

“You done getting dolled up?” She smiled as Knox’s voice came through the speaker.

“I think so. Are you here?”

“Almost. Tell your girl to call the guard. They don’t want us hooligans in here.” For the first time she heard him laugh, causing her grin to widen.

“Ok, I’ll tell her. See you in a few.”

“Be ready,” his words were deep with mixed meaning, as though he meant to be ready for more than just their arrival, but that was something she could only hope for.

She rushed as she hung up the phone. Throwing it into her small bag and grabbing her shoes. “Kate!” she yelled out toward the front of the apartment.

“What?” she answered between sips from her beer.

“They’re here, but you gotta call the gate guard. I guess they aren’t letting them in.”

“Shit! I forgot to let Joe know. See, this is why I live in a gated apartment complex. Just in case,” she picked up the phone and called down to the guard.

Ani slipped on the ankle high boots she had stolen from Kate’s closet and shoved the rest of her stuff into the small duffle bag she’d brought. She had no idea where they were going or how late they would be out, so she would probably just crash here for the night.

“They’re here,” Kate sang out in excitement, peeking out from the curtains to the parking lot below. “Come on, Toots. It’s time to get this show on the road.”

There was a mix of anxiety and nervousness in her gut as she stepped out of the front door. She draped her small black clutch across her chest and followed Kate to the elevators. Kate spoke excitedly as they rode the elevator down, only stopping to put on her lip gloss and fix her strawberry blonde curls in the reflection of the elevator door. Her flowing sequined shirt reflected tiny specks of light with the animation of her hands as she spoke. One last ding of the elevator and they were heading into the parking lot.

Ok, deep breath, tonight is going to be fun.
Walking toward the two black figures she heard a familiar whistle and smiled. There was something about the way Knox made her feel sexy that caused all of her cares to go out of the window.


He hung up the phone and nodded at the gate guard who eyed them suspiciously as they drove into the parking lot and around to where Ani’s truck sat. He had brought Rage, his oldest friend, his VP, and the one person he knew he could trust with his life. The irritation in Repo’s voice still resounded in his head; angry that he’d left with only Rage, knowing that they’d been having trouble with The Renegades for the past few months. Knox didn’t want this night to be about the club, or who was trying to throw a temper tantrum for not getting their way. He could protect himself, been doing it for over thirty years.

He kicked out the stand and propped his bike up onto it, leaning sideways as the door to the apartment elevator rang out across the parking. He looked up and caught eyes with hers, she was sexy and her posture and expression showed the confidence she felt. He could see the hunger in her eyes, the unspoken longing that he had for her reflected brightly in the glowing hazel eyes looking back at him. She didn’t have to speak, he knew from the look she was giving him that the same thoughts as his own, were flowing throughout her body.



“Damn, Darlin’,” Knox stood from where he was propped against his bike.

She came up to him and spun a quick circle, smiling from ear to ear. The way his eyes lit up when he looked at her made all of her insecurities melt away. She could already feel that this was going to be the beginning of a great night.

“Knox, this is my friend Kate. Kate, this is Knox,” she giggled as Kate curtsied toward the two bikers.

“Fuckin’ glad I came with you, Brother,” the other man said.

He was as tall as Knox and carried the same deep Irish accent. His hair was cut short and jet black. His bright blue eyes were on Kate as she walked over toward him. He tugged at his black leather cut that hung over his light blue plaid shirt as Kate stood in front of him with her hands on her hips.

“You must be my ride tonight,” Kate flirted.

“I will be anything you want me to be, Darlin’,” his eyes were flared with desire as Kate ran her hand down the length of his seat.

“For now, we will just call you,” she paused as she thought, “Tonight. Fair enough, bad boy?” Kate’s eyes were fierce as she looked up at the handsome biker.

“We’ll see, Baby. Might be calling me that for the rest of your life though,” he said smugly. “By the way, I’m Rage,” he said as Kate climbed onto the back of his bike.

Oh yes, they will get along just fine.

Ani looked back up at Knox, “So, where are you taking us?”

“Can’t tell you that, Love. It’s a surprise,” he stepped closer, putting a helmet onto her head and snapping the clasp together under her chin.

“I love surprises,” she smiled up at him.

He straddled his motorcycle and stood it up, taking one last deep breath she climbed on behind him. It was too late to turn back now.

“Good Lord, woman. Do you think you picked a short enough skirt?” his eyes flashed down to her legs, spread as she sat on the back of his bike, then back up, “I’d rather
be for my eyes only.”

Her first reaction was to cover up, but instead she scooted as close to Knox’s back as she could. “Guess, I’ll have to sit close then,” her voice a husky whisper, filled with the craving she had for the man her arms were wrapped around.

His eyes were on fire as he turned back and cranked his bike. She’d only rode on a motorcycle a handful of times as a child. One of her uncles had owned one; and when they would take trips to the reservation, she would beg him to take her for rides. She felt the vibration of the engine flowing through her body as she wrapped her arms around Knox’s waist. The sun was starting it’s decent over the top of the mountains as they pulled out of Kate’s apartment complex, smiling wildly at Joe the gate guard. He shook his head and smiled as he opened the gate for them.

As the wind whipped through the hair dangling free from her helmet, she embraced the feeling as if she were flying. They pulled out onto the main road and headed north. They would be passing through Coker Creek and Ani could only hope that she wouldn’t be recognizable on the back of Knox’s motorcycle. It was a small town and it wouldn’t take long for that kind of gossip to make it around a time or two. It had only been a few weeks since she’d been back home and she didn’t want to be the center of attention more than she already was.

They cruised up the highway through the humid early evening air, the trees becoming a blur on each side as the bike accelerated. She leaned into Knox’s warm body with each turn, smiling when he reached down and placed his hand on top of hers. Ani looked over at Kate who was beaming on the back of Rage’s bike. It had been so long since she had Kate to confide in and having her here tonight seemed to make her world feel complete.

With each tight turn of the mountainous road, she felt her body getting closer and closer to Knox. Her skirt had practically come all the way up her legs, only a small piece of black fabric wrapped around her hips on each side. The sensation of the vibrations caused all of her senses to go on high alert. She could feel her nipples growing harder each time Knox hit the throttle causing her hips to grind against him. His hand left the one she had placed against his rock hard stomach, starting at her knee it traveled back toward her lacy panties. He tilted his head back toward her and her eyes told him that is was ok. She dug her nails into the skin at his stomach as he trailed little circles around the outside of her panties. She felt as if she were a bomb that would explode at any moment.

She tried to restrain herself, but as he slowed enough to let Rage and Kate go ahead of them, she felt as if it were just the two of them along the long stretch of tree-lined highway. Her hips slowly moved back and forth toward his hand as she grasped against his chest. Eight years. It had been eight damn years since she’d been with a man, eight years since she’d felt the sensations of a climax racking throughout her body. She wasn’t sure how far Knox was going to take it; she could only hope that she would be able to hold on until he was done.

His fingers slipped inside of her panties, lightly flickering over her sensitive clit. She leaned her head against his back as she panted out onto his leather cut. The wind was so loud against her ears she couldn’t hear the soft moans that were escaping her mouth. She closed her eyes and absorbed every wave that floated through her body. She could feel her body giving in and she gripped tight against him. Just as her body was tipping toward her climax, he slipped his hand away. Disappointment and need flooded into her body at the sudden parting of his touch. His eyes glanced back at her with a wide smile; she blushed as she looked back at him. Wondering briefly why he had stopped, but as the question entered her mind they flew into the main part of Coker Creek.

She tried to adjust her skirt down as they passed by the shops and stores of the main strip. It only proved to be useless as it rode back up. At this point, she could only pray for green lights the rest of the way through town so that no one would have the chance to see her. But just as they drove up to the last stop light through town she saw it begin changing to red and the bike slowed and stopped next to Rage and Kate.

“You look like a biker bitch!” Kate yelled over to her.

“You do too!” Ani laughed.

Just as the light turned she glanced over toward the gas station to their right, taking in the handful of people who were staring at the four of them. At the end of the parking lot sat Cash’s Bronco. She hoped that the darkness setting over the town had camouflaged her enough, but as they began to picking up speed, she saw him staring at them with his mouth wide open. She locked eyes with his until they were too far away for her to see him any longer. Guilt washed over her. She truly didn’t want to hurt Cash, but maybe if he saw that she was out having a good time then he’d back off a little. She wasn’t sure what the future held but at twenty-seven, she still had plenty of life left to live before she had to figure that out. As Knox hit the throttle, she let out a squeal and before long, they were passing through the outskirts of town and heading toward the shadowed road that lie ahead.

BOOK: Wild Heart
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