Read Wild Child: A Skull Kings MC Novella Online

Authors: Sage L. Morgan

Tags: #motorcycle club, #motorcycle club romance, #biker gang, #biker gang romance, #biker club romance, #erotica, #new adult erotica, #new adult erotic romance, #biker, #motorcycle, #alpha male, #new adult contemporary, #new adult romance with sex

Wild Child: A Skull Kings MC Novella (4 page)

BOOK: Wild Child: A Skull Kings MC Novella
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I reminded myself to keep breathing.

Suddenly, the door opened loudly behind us, issuing music into the alleyway.

“What’s going on—”

The pallor of Gabriel’s face made me turn to look. The bartender from earlier stood there, one hand still holding the door open. The other rose steadily to her mouth as she stared toward the dumpster. It had taken her much less time to realize what was hidden in the trash.

“Is that—”

“Yeah,” Gabriel said.

She let the door swing shut behind her. “Did you guys find her like that?”

Gabriel ran his hands through his hair. “Fuck, Sarah. Of course we did.”

Sarah walked over to join us in the middle of the alley. The perfume she wore smelled strongly of sandalwood. Her slim arms crossed over her chest. “What should we do?”

“Give me a minute,” Gabriel muttered. He backed away slowly, covering his mouth as he eyed the sky, deep in thought. “Okay, you said she came back here with a customer. Did you happen to see what the customer looked like?”

“It was a chick,” Sarah said. “White. Young, kind of like your friend here. Peroxide blonde. Honestly, a little generic looking.” She shrugged helplessly.

“That’s okay,” Gabriel said. “I think we have a...” His voice dropped away as he scanned the walls. I followed his gaze to a security camera mounted just a few feet away from us. “Yes! We have a camera there. We can check the footage and see if we can get a good look at—”

“Why?” Sarah asked suddenly. “What’s going on?”

“It’s none of your business—”

“Sure it is.” She smirked. “I’m a witness. The police will be interested in talking to me.”

Gabriel groaned. “Just give us a few minutes with security to look at the tape, okay? Then we’ll worry about the cops and everything else.”

Sarah lowered her head, gazing at Gabriel through her eyelashes. “It’s going to look suspicious if we’re standing around talking like this, and the tape is time-stamped. I’m going to call the police right now. You should have enough time to review the tape before they get here.”

“Awesome. Come on,” Gabriel said.

Sarah caught my wrist just as I began to walk away. “Rude of him not to introduce us. I’m Sarah.”

I returned her warm smile. “Lisbeth.”

There was no use lying about my name, now.

* * *

abriel and I stood behind his colleague, Omar. We were in the office, and Omar sat at a cluttered desk to fast forward through the footage from the outside surveillance camera.

“Wait!” Gabriel said, clamping his hand onto Omar’s large shoulder. “There.”

The footage stopped and resumed at normal speed. A door swung open in the bottom right hand corner of the screen, and I recognized Gloria in her cowboy hat and braids as she entered the frame. A small figured followed close behind her.

Gabriel and I leaned forward.

“It’s kind of grainy,” Omar remarked.

“Looks young, white, and blonde, just like Sarah told us,” Gabriel said, sounding a little disappointed.

“And tattooed,” Omar said, noting her heavily inked arms.

I remained silent. My stomach felt like it had collapsed on itself. I pressed my lips together and kept watching the tape.

“Are they arguing? They’re arguing, right?” Gabriel continued.

In the footage, Gloria gestured wildly with her hands. The young woman in front of her was also moving her hands, but with much less enthusiasm. Gloria shrugged and shook her head, stepping close to the other woman, who backed off. Then, the woman raised her middle finger and shoved it in Gloria’s face before walking off.

“Huh,” Gabriel said. “Someone else killed Gloria, then.”

The young woman walked toward the camera, passing under the lamp. Her face was illuminated for the entire two seconds she remained in the frame. Then, she was gone.

“There!” Omar cried out.

A second figure in a black hoodie emerged from the shadows, running in from the opposite direction. Gloria reacted with a surprised jump, but she didn’t have time to do anything else. The figure pointed what was obviously a gun at Gloria’s chest. A white flash briefly filled the screen. Although there was no audio, I heard the shot sound off in my head. Then, Gloria crumpled to the ground. The hooded figure tucked his gun back into his belt, grabbed Gloria by her wrists, and dragged her toward the dumpster. Her hat fell off and rolled away into the darkness.

“Jesus,” Gabriel said, straightening up. He exchanged a troubled glance with Omar.

Just then, the door opened behind us. Sarah poked her head in. “You guys might want to take off. The police just pulled up.”

“Great. Thank you,” Gabriel said. Before she could step back out, he stopped her. “You mind if we crash at your place tonight?”

“Sure,” Sarah said. It sounded like it wasn’t a big deal at all, as if she were used to Gabriel randomly asking to stay at her place. “Come with me. I’ll give you my spare key.”

Gabriel caught the strange look on my face and chuckled. “Don’t worry,” he said, misreading my emotions. “Sarah’s cool. No gang affiliations or anything. Probably the first normal person you’ve met since you got here.”

Back out on the floor, we waited patiently while Sarah ducked under the bar to get her keys. Two uniformed police officers entered the room, enduring jeers from the drunk and grinding crowd. The younger looking of the two met my eyes from across the room and walked up to me.

“Someone called the police. Was it you?” he asked, his voice dripping with authority.

“I did,” Sarah said, suddenly popping up from behind the bar.

“Take us to the body. And—” he waved a hand at the crowd behind him “—you might want to close early tonight.”

“I’ll let my boss know,” Sarah said. “Please follow me, officer.” She walked away from us, leaving a single key on the bar just where her hand had been a second ago.

“Smooth,” I said as Gabriel picked up the key.

He raised his eyebrows at me. “That’s Sarah for you.”

We were on our way out the door when the music stopped.

“Ladies and ladies, I’m sorry to say that we will be forced to shut down early tonight,” the DJ’s voice boomed through the speakers.

Chapter 5


arah lived in a sketchy apartment complex, but entering her actual apartment was a whole different experience. I smelled sandalwood and patchouli incense the moment Gabriel unlocked and opened the door. Instead of couches, she had benches carved from black wood. Her windows were draped with sheer sequined scarves the color of fire. A stone elephant stood sentry beside the door. I slipped off my shoes and left them at its feet.

“Pro tip: sleep on the floor,” Gabriel said as he dropped my backpack onto a bench. “Trust me.”

The living room had no television. I wandered toward a weathered old bookcase, its shelves straining under the weight of her many books. “Have you stayed here often?”

“A few times,” Gabriel said casually. “I’m always coming and going, so I don’t have a place of my own here. Sarah’s the coolest about letting people crash in her living room, but the no couch thing...” He gestured around the living room and laughed. “Yeah, I try to save this as a last resort.”

I lowered myself onto a bench. “So, what now?”

“Hm.” Gabriel sat down next to me.

I tried to position myself in a way that was comfortable and natural. My hands hung between my knees, still trembling from the night’s excitement. I couldn’t hide how jittery I was from Gabriel. His keen eyes picked up on that right away.

He shrugged deeply. “Well, I guess now we drink.”

“What?” I said.

“Stay here.”

Gabriel stood up and went around the corner into the kitchen, disappearing from view. He turned on the light and rummaged loudly through the cabinets. A minute later, he was back holding a bottle of whiskey.

“Won’t Sarah mind?”

“She won’t notice a nip or two gone out of the bottle.” He took a deep swig. “Wouldn’t want to leave dirty glasses around as evidence, would we?”

I stared warily at the bottle. I liked to have a beer or some fruity cocktail every now and then, but whiskey straight out of the bottle was just not me. But there was something about seeing Gabriel standing there, extending that bottle toward me like an open hand. Maybe it was the strange night I’d just had. My wad of cash from Tim Hawks was still in my pocket. Had that really been just a mere few hours ago? This didn’t feel like real life anymore.

“You’re right, I could really use a drink,” I said. “Give me that.”

Gabriel sat back down beside me, laughing, as I took my first swig. Whiskey pooled on the back of my tongue, delivering a full mouthful of heat. I coughed, and tears sprang to my eyes.

“It burns,” I croaked.

Gabriel laughed again, and in spite of myself, it felt good to hear him enjoying my company.

“You’re not trying to shoot cheap tequila for a quick buzz. Really
the complex notes of this whiskey,” he said.

I passed the bottle back, skeptical. “Are you serious right now?”

“Nah. You just have to learn how to drink like a man,” Gabriel said. He took another deep swig and handed the bottle back to me, looking like it wasn’t any stronger than lemonade.

I smirked. “Girls can drink, too. Watch.”

After passing the bottle back and forth a few times, we’d put a noticeable dent in the whiskey reservoir. I had a good little buzz going and could tell Gabriel was, too. He broke away to check his phone, and that was when I realized that Sarah hadn’t come home yet.

“Was that her?” I asked hopefully.

“Yeah,” he said as he typed out a quick text. “She says the cops just left. She also got a chance to watch the footage and has an idea, or so she says. She’s on her way now.”

The little hairs on my arms rose. I suddenly remembered. “That girl in the video...the one who was talking to Gloria before that guy came to shoot her...”


I started playing with the hem of my shirt. I felt foolish for even thinking it, and I was afraid to admit my hunch, but...

“She looked a lot like Anna.”

Gabriel’s eyes focused on an area just over my right shoulder. “I mean, are you sure? The quality of the video wasn’t that great, and it was dark—”

“I know. But there was a second where she walked under the lamp. It could’ve been anyone, but I’m just saying that she
like Anna.” I chewed on my lip.

“You’re really freaked out about all of this, aren’t you?” Gabriel asked softly.

I nodded. “Kind of.” Then, I laughed. “It’s’s just bananas! I just got here two days ago, thinking I’d bum it around town for a few days before taking off again. Then, I meet you, and Larry shows up at the motel, and some drug dealer I’ve never met who recognizes me in a random bar gets shot, and somehow Anna is involved—”

“Breathe,” Gabriel reminded me, taking my hands. “Here.”

Before I knew it, he’d wrapped his arms around my body and pulled me in for a hug. I sat stiffly against him before breaking down and hugging him back. The scent of his leather was comforting, reminding me of home. I closed my eyes and imagined the faces I’d left behind: Liam, Carmen, Aspen, and the rest of the brothers in the club. I tried to remember what had made me leave.

“You okay?” Gabriel asked softly. His hand pressed against the back of my head.

I rested my cheek against his shoulder, turning my face toward his neck, breathing slowly. “I’m fine.” My voice came out quieter than I’d intended.

Gabriel pulled away to see my face. He blinked lazily, probably from the whiskey. But there was a clarity within his eyes that I couldn’t explain, but I could’ve sworn I could
his gaze on my skin. I felt vulnerable all of a sudden. I wanted to look away but found that I simply couldn’t.

What’s happening to me?
My heart was beating so hard that I was afraid Gabriel could feel my pulse pounding in my skin against his hands. My limbs were frozen in place. My body was waiting for him to make the next move.

Then, we heard it. A key scraped in the lock of the front door and turned. We jumped apart as if we’d been electrified. I watched as the door opened and Sarah entered the living room. Her soft face looked confused as she passed her attention between the two of us sitting on the bench.

“Goddamn it, Gabriel,” she said, dropping her keys on the coffee table. “You raided my liquor cabinet again, didn’t you?”

* * *

abriel and I sat at Sarah’s kitchen table while we waited for her to change. Caught between the bright fluorescent light and beige linoleum floor, I felt like I’d just woken up from a dream. Gabriel had his chin propped in his left hand, while his right tapped a steady rhythm on the surface of the table barely inches from my own.

Maybe it
a dream,
I thought, studying his face. His eyes shifted over to mine, catching me off guard. I blinked away just as Sarah strutted into the room, wearing loose shorts and a cotton cami without a bra.

I tried not to notice Gabriel’s eyes lingering on her form.

“Okay,” Sarah said, clapping her hands. She retrieved three beers from the refrigerator and sat down at the table. Her next words were punctuated by three pops as she pulled the caps off of the bottles. “I saw the tape, and I got an idea of what your next step should be.”

Gabriel placed his hands on the table, opening his palms to the ceiling. “Aren’t the police opening an investigation? Maybe we should let them take care of it.”

“You think the police care about some small-time lesbian drug dealer?”

Gabriel and I exchanged a look.

“You barely gave two shits about Gloria, and all of a sudden you walk in on your night off towing this little thing looking for her? I’m not sure the police can even help you,” Sarah continued. “But I can.”

I got a prickly feeling. Irritated, I spoke up. “How?”

Sarah looked at me in surprise. “I saw something in the video. A clue, if you will.”

“Which is?” Gabriel said.

A playful smile formed on Sarah’s lips. “I’ll share if you tell me what’s going on.”

BOOK: Wild Child: A Skull Kings MC Novella
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