Read Wicked Game Online

Authors: Erica Lynn

Tags: #contemporary

Wicked Game (10 page)

BOOK: Wicked Game
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William ran his fingers through his hair, then grabbed his phone to look at the time. “Are y’all about to head back?”

“Yes…” Crissy said, eyeing him suspiciously. “We said we’d only be gone an hour or so. Why?”

“Can you give me a minute? I want to come, but I’ll need to make a call on the way up there.”

“Of course.” Ben smirked at Crissy, then looked back at William. “Some advice, though; take a shower, dude. You fucking reek.”

* * * *

“Thank you so much for your help! The food was amazing. Everyone raved about it.” Kara shook hands with the caterer, then motioned toward her pregnant belly. “How far along are you?”

Lexie Hayes smiled and rubbed her hands along her tummy. “About six months. My husband and I got pregnant right after getting married. But hey, that makes perfect sense, right? Get married, get pregnant,
open a business.” Lexie rolled her eyes, shook her head. Her smile was infectious, and Kara liked her immediately. “I’m just so glad I was able to help. You know, we had our bachelor and bachelorette party here. We wanted something small and relaxed, and this place is perfect for that.”

“I’m so glad you like it,” Kara said. “I’m hoping to build an outside area in the back with another dance floor, new sound equipment. Hell, maybe even room for live bands or something. That’d be cool, right? Maybe the younger crowd would start frequenting here more.”

Lexie nodded in agreement. “Absolutely. I’ll start spreading the word around, and I’ll tell my girlfriends to do the same. They love it here as well.”

“That’d be wonderful.” Kara smiled and led Lexie to the office. “I just need to grab my checkbook.”

Lexie looked confused. “What do you mean? Jonathon, my husband, said your boyfriend already paid for it.”

Kara’s breath caught in her throat. “What? When?”

“He called just a few minutes ago and gave Jonathon his credit card number. You know, when he called and asked for a quote for your renovations.” Kara could see Lexie searching her features for some kind of recognition. “Oh…I get it, now. Your boyfriend is one of

“One of those?” Kara asked. “What do you mean?”

“Big man on campus. Alpha male. Always has to come in and save the day. I get it; hell, I married one. Sure, it can be exhausting at times, but from one woman to another, they’re the best.” Lexie shot her a wink and then excused herself.

Kara sat in her chair and stared straight ahead at her computer. She hadn’t spoken to William since the night her father had trashed the place, and that was a few weeks ago. Why would he suddenly come back into the picture and pay for the food? Kara slowly went through everything Lexie’s company had brought, the amount of food, the setup, cleanup… It had to be well over the two thousand dollars Lexie had quoted.

“Hey, Priss Pot.”

Kara jerked toward the office door and saw William standing in the entryway, looking entirely too delicious in jeans and a black shirt. His blue eyes burned holes into hers, and he had some stubble on his face. “What are you doing here?”

“I could ask you the same thing.”

“What do you mean? It’s my bar; of course I’m going to be here.”

“That’s not what I meant.” William came and stood in front of her, then dropped to his knees. He gently grabbed her hands and kissed her knuckles; the tender feel of his lips against her skin had her stomach doing summersaults. “Kara, baby, why the hell did you agree to marry Trevor?”

With those words, the spell was broken. “Wait, what?”

“You can’t do it, baby. I won’t let you. You deserve a man who will take care of you, who wants to be with you, who loves you even when you act like a pain in the ass. And let’s be real, we both know you do that. Quite often, actually.”

She sighed as his hands dropped to her legs, massaging her bare calves. It wasn’t until then that she noticed her green dress had ridden up her thighs when she sat down. A few more inches and she’d be flashing some purple panties.

“I want you, Kara. I need you. And I know you feel the same way about me. Things got complicated. Yeah, I should have told you about my ties to my father from the beginning, and that’s on me. But if you do this, if you marry Trevor, you’ll be throwing away your chance at happiness. Mine too because I can’t be happy without you.”

Kara felt a tear trickle down her cheek. “I missed you,” she whispered. “I missed you so much. Tonight turned out amazing, and I know I have you to thank. This was your idea.”

“I talked to my father,” William said as he ran his hands up her thighs. “I’ve almost convinced him to invest in the bar. He’s not there yet, but he’ll come around. In the meantime, I’d like to invest some money from my trust. Not because I want you back, even though I do.” He leaned in and kissed her knee. “Not because I can’t stand the thought of you marrying that asshole Trevor, which I can’t.” He brushed his lips over her breasts, still covered by her dress. “It’s because this place isn’t only important to you, it’s important to the people too. It’s one of the last original bars in the area, and I want you to keep it. I have the cash, and I’d be stupid not to take advantage of a prime moneymaking opportunity when I have the chance.”

“William?” Kara placed her hands on his face, tilting his head so that he looked at her. “I’m about to sit on your face just to shut you up.” She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him in close, smashing her lips to his. She moaned against his lips and sighed as his tongue invaded her mouth.

William pulled her up to a standing position and quickly pulled her panties to the side. Her head fell back as she felt his tongue glide into her slit. She’d missed him. Not just the physical part, which yes, she’d definitely thought about, and often. But more importantly, she’d missed their connection. He knew what she wanted without her having to say it. Like they’d been molded specifically for each other.

Kara eased away from him, kicked off her panties and then hiked her dress up until it was bunched around her hips. She watched in awe as William hurriedly dropped his pants and boxers. His thick erection looked heavy, and she desperately needed it inside her.

She pushed William into the chair and straddled him, impaling herself on him with one quick thrust of her hips. They both moaned in unison, the pure pleasure evident on their faces.

William grabbed her hips and began to work her on top of him, setting a brutal pace. “Fuck, baby, I’ve missed you. I’ve missed
, right here.” He placed his thumb on her clit, rubbing small circles onto her sensitive flesh as she rode him.

Her nipples were so tight they ached, so she unbuttoned the top of her dress and let her breasts spill out. Her pussy clenched at the sound of William’s moan as he leaned in and took the tip into his mouth. His tongue swirled, and he sucked, hard, a shot of heated ecstasy running straight to her core. She felt her orgasm looming, and her body began to shake as the pleasure took over.

William placed his lips on hers and spoke into her mouth. “Come for me, baby. Come on my dick. I want to see you dripping on my cock.”

As the orgasm ripped through her body, she bit her lip in a desperate attempt to keep anyone from hearing. William groaned and found his release with her, and she felt his dick harden inside as her walls milked him.

They stayed in the chair for a while, she straddling him, both naked from the waist down. Finally, she drew back, quickly grabbed a tissue from the desk, and proceeded to clean herself off.

“So, will you be my girlfriend again?” William asked as he shot her a small smirk.

“I’d love to.” Kara smiled and leaned in to kiss him. “Oh, and by the way, I don’t know who gave you your information, but I never agreed to marry Trevor. I haven’t talked to him since he told me about your dad.”

William looked perplexed; then he rolled his eyes and grinned. “Fucking Ben and Crissy. I swear I’m going to give them hell.”

Kara laughed as she fixed her dress. “I have a feeling they were trying to light a fire under our asses.”

William grabbed her hips and pulled her against him. “Well, I’m glad it worked.”

“Me too.”


Three Months Later

William watched as Kara carefully applied some lipstick. She caught him watching her and turned toward him. “Can I help you, sir?”

“Not at all, baby. You just look beautiful tonight, that’s all.” Truthfully, she looked absolutely stunning. Her hair was loose and wavy and fell down her back. She wore a black dress and black heels, a little fancy for the bar, but it was a special night. One he hoped would end better than she could have imagined.

Kara smiled and tossed the tube back into her purse, then wrapped her arms around him and hugged him close.

Tonight was the grand opening of the outside area, and William could see Kara was on pins and needles. He didn’t blame her; they’d worked their asses off to make it as perfect as possible. The dance floor was huge, and an outside bar area wrapped around the side, along with tables and chairs. There was a large area in front of the dance floor where future bands could set up, and the lights they hung gave it an almost magical ambience. Big things were happening, and he knew this was just the beginning for her.

“It’s almost time to cut the ribbon,” she said nervously. “I still can’t believe you insisted on a damn ribbon.”

William laughed and threw his arm around her shoulder, leading her toward the filled bar area where everyone waited.

“Kara!” Crissy ran toward them and engulfed Kara in a large hug. “I can’t believe it’s actually happening. I’m so excited for you.”

“Thank you,” Kara replied, her face glowing.

“It’s time, baby,” William said as he handed her a large pair of scissors.

The crowd cheered as she walked to the red ribbon, a huge smile plastered across her face.

“I want to thank everyone for coming. I’ve wanted to add on to this place for so long, and now, here we are. It’s almost like a dream. As you all know, a very important man, my grandfather, built this bar. I’ve worked really hard to keep the original charm intact. After all, that’s what makes this place so special. I hope I made him proud tonight.” Kara choked back a small sob, then laughed as she smiled again toward the crowd. “Are we ready?” she asked as she placed the ribbon in between the blades. With a final smile, she cut the ribbon and opened the doors.

* * * *

Kara sat at one of the outside tables, smiling as she watched the party unfold. The customers were having a blast. She looked around and saw almost all of the bar’s regulars, as well as numerous new faces. If business kept up like tonight, she knew her troubles would be over soon.

Two large arms found their way around her shoulders, and she turned her head to the side and breathed in William’s masculine scent. They’d been inseparable lately. While they technically still had their own places, they alternated between each other’s houses, very rarely staying a night apart.

“I love you,” she whispered against the side of his face.

“I love you, baby.” He sat in the chair next to her and then pulled her into his lap. “I’m really proud of you too. You had a vision in mind, and you set out and executed it. This is amazing. I mean, look at everyone. They’re having an awesome time. You did good, Priss Pot.”

Kara laughed and leaned back into his body. “I talked to my dad today.”

“Oh, yeah?” She could hear the worry in his voice. “How did it go?”

“It went well, actually. He sounds really good. He technically only has to be in there a few more days, but he’s decided to stay a little longer. Then he’s going to look into some sober-living facilities in the area. That’s the plan for now, anyway.”

“Kara, that’s great.” William ran his hand up and down her arm. “Oh, I almost forgot; I got you something.”

“You know I love presents. Give me, give me, give me.” She turned to face him, the laughter dying when he placed a small black box in her hand. She looked at him suspiciously, then slowly opened it to reveal a beautiful princess cut diamond ring.

“Kara Priss Pot Smith, you’re the love of my life. You drive me absolutely insane, and I hope you continue to do so for a long time. I’ve never met anyone like you, and I don’t want to live one more day on this earth without you being my wife. Will you marry me?”

Kara smashed her mouth against his, the kiss passionate and scorching. “Yes, William. I’ll absolutely marry you.”

William took the ring and gingerly slid it on her finger, then brought her hands to his lips and kissed them.

She placed her hands on his shoulders and leaned in, whispering in his ear, “I love you, William Pain-in-My-Ass Richardson.”

“I love you too, Priss Pot.”

Loose Id Titles by Erica Lynn

Wicked Game

* * * *


Her Husband’s Brother

Cuff Me

In the Shadws

Erica Lynn

Erica Lynn lives in Houston, TX with her husband, daughters, and dogs.

She considers the beach to be her happy place, and as fate would have it she fell in love with her husband after a day of sun and sand.

BOOK: Wicked Game
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