Wicked Dreams [The Wicked] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More) (5 page)

BOOK: Wicked Dreams [The Wicked] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)
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“Wouldn’t dream of it.”

Asa laughed again, slapped Eli on the shoulder, and left the room. Eli sat there staring at the wall, thinking of how, in the short time it had been since he’d been ordered to watch the human woman a little over a month ago, his life had changed completely. His life was no longer his own. Everything about him belonged to her, his mate. He hadn’t realized he’d been sitting there for so long until he felt a light touch on his shoulder.

He smiled, not needing to see who stood there. He could feel her there. Her presence made his insides shake with desire. Every worry, uneasy thought, anything remotely negative in his mind disappeared the moment she entered the room.

“I woke up, and you were gone,” she said, tucking her hair behind her ear.

“I just needed to think.”

Eli took in the changes the transformation had brought on. Her auburn hair looked shinier, her hazel eyes brighter, and the violet specks glowed slightly as she looked at him. Her body, which had been lean before, now looked more defined. She was the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen, and she belonged to him and him alone.

A smirk appeared on her face. “So, I’m yours and yours alone huh? What about Kota?”

“This whole mind reading thing is going to take some getting used to.” He scratched his eyebrow before continuing. “Kota is bonded to you in a very different way. His only mission is to protect you. To give you whatever you need in order for survival.”

“Seemed like more than that in the bed.”

Eli stiffened as the memories of Kota’s body pressed against hers flooded both of their minds.

“That was part of your transformation. It doesn’t have to happen again unless you are seriously injured.”

She shrugged, walking around the room, taking everything in. Her thoughts shifted from their time together last night to what happened next. Eli could see the wonder in her mind as if she had projected her thoughts right into his brain. She was slightly uncomfortable in her new skin because she could feel everything. She still had so many questions, but didn’t know which to ask first. Genevieve also felt fear. She didn’t know if she could live up to all the expectations everyone seemed to have for her.

Eli walked to Genevieve and pulled her into his arms and placed a kiss on the top of her head. He ran his hands down the long, elegant line of her spine as he tried to give her some kind of comfort. “Don’t be frightened, love. I will be with you every step of the way.”

“I just don’t understand it all. What makes me so important?”

“Asa!” Eli called because he knew the male would be a better history teacher.

“You rang?” Asa said as he walked into the room.

“She wants to know why the Seer is so important.”

“Where are my manners?” Asa walked to Genevieve, got down on his knee, and pressed his forehead to the knuckles of her right hand. His actions were the ultimate show of respect from a fighter such as Asa. “It would be my honor to explain anything you care to know.”

“Please don’t do that,” Genevieve whispered as she pulled her hand free and gripped his shoulders so she could guide him to a standing position. “I’m just me. No one special. What makes the Seer so important?”

Asa started talking. “I was young when the original Seer lived. She was seldom seen, but her power could be felt by the entire race. Vampires aren’t much different than humans. We want to live successful lives, protect our families, and thrive. We want peace. The Seer carries a part of every vampire within her heart. When the race hurts, the Seer hurts. She—you are our deity. Our living, breathing deity. That’s why the Fallen want to get their hands on you so badly. They know if they take you from us, we suffer for eternity.”

Genevieve’s mind shifted from uncertainty to resolve. Eli didn’t need to be able to see her thoughts to know that. Her face showed everything. The set of her brows low over her eyes, the way her shoulders squared, and her hands balled into fists.

“That will never happen. I won’t let it.” Genevieve looked at Asa. “Thank you. Would you give Eli and I a moment alone please?” Asa bowed at the waist before leaving the room. “Now what do we do?” she said to Eli.

“Now we train. You won’t just be a seer. You’ll be a fighter, a warrior.”

“I can fight.” She darted left then right before she sprang at Eli, pinning him to the ground as she straddled him, her fangs scraping the skin of his throat.

Eli laughed, grabbed her wrists and rolled them over using his powerful legs. Now on top of her, his hips buried between her thighs, he held her hands above her head. He pressed his hardening cock against her pussy as he devoured her lips with his. She bit his lip, pulling and scraping her fangs against his skin. Eli moaned as she rolled her hips. He had just moved closer to her neck when she suddenly disappeared.

“What the fuck?”

“How did I just do that?”

Eli looked around the room, finally spotting Genevieve on the opposite side of the sitting room.

“What’s going on in here?” Sophia asked as she rushed into the room.

“Is there such a thing as dematerializing?” Eli asked as he got up and went to Genevieve’s side.

“Vampires don’t dematerialize. It’s a myth.”

“I don’t think it is anymore.” Eli looked at Genevieve.

“What do you mean?” Sophia asked.

“Genevieve was right where you’re standing, and the next second, she appeared over here.”

“We move with great speed, Eli—”

“I know that, but this wasn’t her simply running, she literally disappeared.”

Sophia looked at Genevieve with an appraising gaze. Eli didn’t know what was going on, but he had a feeling his mate had become more powerful than any of them realized.

“We need to start her training immediately. Where’s Kota? He should be wherever you are, Genevieve.” Sophia began to pace.

“I told him I wanted to talk with Eli alone. He didn’t like that very much, but he agreed. He said he’d be back soon.”

“That simply will not do! He should never leave your side.”

“Please forgive me for speaking harshly, but this is my fucking life, and if I want to spend some time alone with Eli, I will. Kota has given up everything to protect me, let the man go get his belongings.”

Eli looked between Sophia and Genevieve as the two women squared off. Normally Eli would have corrected Genevieve in the way she spoke to a General, but there was something so hot about the way she stood her ground.

“Fine,” Sophia snapped. “Get some food. You start training as soon as he returns.”

Sophia glided out of the room without the slightest sound.


* * * *


Genevieve turned to look at Eli, so tall and utterly mouthwatering. Everything about him called to her, like having him was the only thing that mattered. She watched as a smile spread across his face and instantly she knew he heard her thoughts.

“Stop listening!”

“What? I can’t help it. It’s not like I can just shut my brain down. Besides, you’ll learn how to control it. I can only hear you because you’re projecting your thoughts.”

She huffed and then spoke. “I can eat food? I thought vampires only drank blood.”

“Myth, just like the whole undead thing. Our hearts beat, we sweat, we bleed, and we eat food. The differences between us and humans are we are faster, stronger, and yes, we do drink blood, but only from our mates. Drinking human blood is forbidden.”

Genevieve let his words roll around in her head. She felt at odds with herself. She wanted Eli in every way possible, but a part of her, the human part, still lingered inside her. He felt like a stranger to her. However, she couldn’t fight the bonded female she had become. She would never leave his side if she had a choice. She would learn all there was to know about Eli and her love for him would only grow stronger because of who he was.

An hour later, Kota walked through the door. The rain was falling in buckets outside and water rolled down the side of his face to his neck. Genevieve couldn’t figure out how she felt about Kota. Her heart and soul belonged to Eli, no questions asked, but a part of her needed Kota. She felt off without him near her, as if she were vulnerable, easy prey for the wicked.

“Because you are,” Eli answered her inner thoughts. He sounded tense, but she figured it was because of whatever feud the two men had.

“Why? I don’t understand. Why are you not enough to protect me?”

Kota spoke instead of Eli, his voice deep and smooth.

“Because, it’s my destiny. There are things I’m capable of that he isn’t. I can heal you, breathe life back into you. He can’t. Protecting the Seer is the reason my people live and breathe.”

Genevieve looked between the two men, the vampire and the shifter, both of whom were an important part of her survival. Eli, with his huge, hulking muscles and Kota was long and lean. Both were beautiful in their own right.

“We should train. Teach me how to fight.”

Eli led her to a gymnasium, fully stocked with weights and other various types of workout equipment. In the middle of the room was a large blue mat.

“There’s a locker room through that door. You can change.” Eli pointed toward the door.

She nodded, kissed his lips, and walked into the locker room. Once she had changed into shorts and a tank top, she went back out into the gym and stopped dead in her tracks. Eli and Kota were sparring. Both of them were in gym shorts, bare chests and feet, and she nearly fell down at the sight.

Eli threw a punch, which Kota dodged easily. Kota grabbed Eli’s arm and twisted it behind his back. Eli swept his leg backward, knocking Kota off balance and causing him to free Eli’s arm. Fists flew and were blocked, roundhouse kicks were barely dodged, sweat poured off both of them, and Genevieve nearly passed out from it all. Her knees grew weak. Her hands shook slightly as she swallowed hard. Suddenly, their actions went from sparring to an all-out fight. Kota moved fast and pinned Eli down as he pressed his forearm against Eli’s throat.

Before she realized what was happening she felt her body moving, flying faster than she could blink. One second she stood there watching them fight, and the next she landed on Kota’s back, her fangs punching down with fury. She used the momentum to flip Kota over onto his back. She straddled his hips, growling and snarling at the thoughts of him hurting Eli. She felt strong arms wrap around her waist as Eli pulled her off Kota.

“Easy, love, don’t kill the dog.”

Eli laughed lowly in her ear, causing her to shiver then relax into his arms. She watched as Kota sat up, trying to figure out what just happened.

“Yeah, apparently she can dematerialize,” Eli said, laughing at the shocked look on Kota’s face.

“Apparently,” Kota replied getting to his feet.

“Sorry, I don’t know what happened there,” Genevieve said.

“No worries, let’s just get started.”

And with that, Genevieve’s training began.

Chapter Five


Genevieve spent weeks training. Weeks locked in the compound. She felt like she might lose her mind if she didn’t get out soon. The Generals were constantly breathing down her neck. Train, train, train. If she wasn’t honing in on her fighting skills, she learned about the vampire histories. Reading books upon books about the very first vampire, or the first and, until Genevieve, the only Seer. Although she found it all interesting and loved sparring with Eli and Kota, she longed to take a walk. To go to a club and dance until her legs ached.

“We could always make a break for it,” Eli said, his tone light and teasing.

“I’m going absolutely crazy, Eli. I swear if I don’t get some fresh air I’m going to lose my mind.”

“Have you had any visions?”

“No, not since my transformation.”

Genevieve loved the smile that spread across his face. During the weeks she’d been there, she’d learned when that particular smile appeared, he was up to no good. He was always so serious, so focused on protecting the Generals and the rest of the vampire race. He seldom let the carefree side of himself show.

“I’m going to go for a drive.” Eli stopped talking. Instead he simply thought what he wanted her to know next.
“Dematerialize and go past the gates. I’ll meet you there.”

She nodded, and he left the room. She looked at Kota, who sat at the desk staring out the window. She knew he heard everything, and waited for him to object.

“This is a bad idea.” He slowly turned his head, his coal-colored eyes piercing into her.

“If you value my sanity, then you won’t give me shit about this. Kota, I’ve been locked up in this place for weeks! So have you. I figured you’d be as ready to get out as I am.”

“Fine! But you stay glued to my side. You’re talking about going out into the human world. If The Fallen show up we’re all fucking screwed.”

Elated he had agreed to the outing, she sprang into his arms as soon as he stood up. “Thank you, Kota. You really are my savior.”

Kota squeezed her tightly before setting her on her feet. Genevieve could feel the conflict rolling off him in waves. He wanted a night of freedom as much as she did, but he worried for her safety. She pushed her way into his mind and listened to his thoughts, which were a mixture of lust and protectiveness for her. Their relationship was strange. The sexual pull they both felt was undeniable. However, the only person she could think of loving with her soul was Eli. Genevieve loved Kota in a very different way. He was her life force, and without him, she would die.

BOOK: Wicked Dreams [The Wicked] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)
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