Read Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf [Wolf Creek Pack 6] Online

Authors: Stormy Glenn

Tags: #Glenn, #Stormy

Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf [Wolf Creek Pack 6] (7 page)

BOOK: Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf [Wolf Creek Pack 6]
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just wish that sometimes I could get something past him. I can’t even

try to surprise him. He knows. He—” Joe stopped talking when there

was a knock on the door. “Come in?”

Charlie stuck his head in, nodding to Joe before looking at Ben.

“Uh, Ben, there’s a guy out here. Says his name is Stefan and he’s

brought you lunch?”

Ben jumped to his feet and started to follow after Charlie,

stopping to look back at Joe. “Do you need anything else, Joe?”

“No, Ben, go have lunch. But I expect you back here in an hour.

No running home to have lunch, if you know what I mean.”

“Hell, who needs to run home? A broom closet will work just

fine.” Ben chuckled as he walked out, shutting the door behind him.

He immediately spotted Stefan standing by the door, looking around


Walking over, he wrapped an arm around him and leaned down to

give Stefan a long, passionate kiss. “Hey, baby, what did you bring

me for lunch?” he asked when he finally lifted his head.

“Ben,” Stefan whispered, leaning in to take a deep inhale of his

scent. Looking up at him, he smiled. “I missed you.”

“It’s only been a few hours, Stefan,” Ben reminded him.


Ben chuckled, getting a few strange stares from his fellow

officers. He wasn’t known for his sense of humor or for laughing.

Stefan just seemed to bring it out in him. He said the most amazing

things like they were the simplest words on the planet.

“So what’s for lunch, baby?”


Stormy Glenn

“Homemade chicken salad in pita pockets with fresh fruit salad

and cherry cheesecake for dessert,” Stefan said, holding up the sack in

his hands.

“Mmm, my favorite,” Ben said as he grabbed Stefan’s hand and

escorted him over to his desk.

“You’ve had chicken salad in pita pockets before?”

“No, but I can guarantee that as of today, it’s my favorite. You’ve

seen the way I cook, baby. Anything I would have brought from home

could have given me food poisoning. How do you think I got this



“Self preservation.” Ben laughed as he sat down at his desk. “I

needed a strong body to survive my own cooking.”

Stefan laughed as he unpacked the bag of food he brought for

Ben. “Oh, I see the way it is. You claimed me so you’d have someone

to cook for you.”

Ben grabbed Stefan around the waist and pulled him down onto

his lap, his face nuzzling Stefan’s neck. “It certainly wasn’t because

you’re so damn sexy or the way my cock feels buried in your tight

little ass, so it must be your cooking skills,” Ben whispered into

Stefan’s ear.

Stefan giggled, wrapping his arms around Ben’s neck. He leaned

in and gave him a quick kiss. “Well, if you’re really only after me for

my cooking skills, I guess I should feed you. Need to keep you


“Somehow, I don’t think that is going to be a problem.” Ben


Stefan reached over, grabbed a container, and popped it open,

handing Ben a pita pocket. Setting the container down on the desk, he

quickly opened the others, then sat back in Ben’s arms.

“Aren’t you going to eat?”

Who’s Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf


Stefan shook his head. “I had enough to eat last night. I won’t

need any more for a couple of days. Werewolf blood gives me more

nutrients than normal blood.”

Ben stared for a moment, then nodded. “I guess I forgot about

that. You’ll let me know when you need to feed again, right?”

Stefan nodded. “It doesn’t weird you out?”

“No, nothing about you weirds me out.”

Stefan grinned. “I’ve heard there are a lot of ways for me to take

blood, some of them are more erotic than others. Maybe next time I

need to feed we can try them out.”

Ben swallowed past the sudden lump in his throat. He could just

imagine the many places Stefan could draw blood from. “Yeah,


“You know I can only take blood from you now, right?” Stefan

asked, a cautious look on his face. “If I drink blood from anyone else,

it could kill me.”

For some reason, that thought thrilled Ben. It made him feel like

he had a special connection to Stefan that no one else in the world did,

something more than mating. He could provide for his mate on a very

basic level. The pride and possessiveness he felt at the thought made

Ben lightheaded.

He wrapped his arm around Stefan to steady himself until the

dizziness passed. Once the world righted itself, Ben smiled at Stefan.

“I think I like that idea.”

Ben could feel Stefan’s gaze on him as he opened his mouth and

took a piece of watermelon he held out. He slowly sucked the juices

off Stefan’s fingers. He pulled back to chew, smiling at the darkened

and aroused look on Stefan’s face.

“Looks like you got a better lunch than the rest of us, Ben. Gonna


Ben glanced up to see Joe standing by his desk, an indulgent look

on his face. Ben shook his head. “Nope. My baby made this all for



Stormy Glenn


“Oink, oink.” Ben laughed.

The man looked down at Stefan, holding out his hand. “I’m

Sheriff Joe Nash. It’s nice to meet you, Stefan. I’ve heard a lot about


Stefan looked at the hand before raising his head to glare at Joe.

“Do you always refer to your deputies as pigs, sheriff?” Stefan asked


Ben bit his lip to keep from laughing as he watched Joe turn a

little red, shaking his head as he dropped his hand. “Uh, no, not

normally. I didn’t mean anything by it, Stefan. I was just—”

Stefan turned and looked at Ben when he couldn’t hold his

laughter back anymore. “And just what the hell are you laughing at?”

he asked, cuffing Ben gently on the back of the head.

“Nothing, baby, I swear.” Ben laughed as he held his hand out in

front of him in surrender.

“Told you he’d be running things.” Joe laughed as he crossed his

arms over his chest and leaned back against the edge of Ben’s desk.

“Nate would have smacked me, too. Stefan, I apologize for calling

your mate a pig. It won’t happen again,” Joe said as he looked down

at Stefan.

Stefan turned to look up at the sheriff, nodding his head after

several moments. “Who’s Nate?”

“Nate is my mate. Ben mentioned that you like to cook. So does

Nate. You might want to give him a call. I’m sure the two of you

would have a lot to talk about,” Joe said as he grabbed a pad of paper

and wrote his phone number down on it.

“Here’s our home phone. Nate is usually home most days, unless

he’s with my mother, who also likes to cook. Can I let him know

you’ll be calling?” Joe asked as he handed the paper to Stefan.

Stefan looked down at the paper for a moment, then tucked it

away in his pocket. “I guess so, but I may need a few days. I’m still

Who’s Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf


trying to get acclimated to my new surroundings. It took me forever

just to find the sheriff’s office.”

“Nate was just passing through when we found each other. Now

he knows every back road and short cut that there is. I’m sure you’ll

get used to it in no time, Stefan,” Joe assured him.

Stefan nodded. He smiled at Joe as he watched him get to his feet.

“Don’t forget to give Nate a call, Stefan. He’d be thrilled to meet

you. I think it’s hard for him with me being at work all day. I’m sure

you know what I’m talking about.”

Stefan nodded again. “Thank you, sheriff,” Stefan replied.

“Please, call me Joe. Sheriff is just my job, not who I am.”

“Joe, then.” Stefan’s smile grew a little bigger as Joe turned to

leave, pausing for a moment to look back at Stefan curiously.

“Oh, hey, Stefan, Ben mentioned you met at the mate gathering

the other night. Are you a member of Prince Zacarius’s coven?”

“Yes. Why?” Stefan asked.

Ben could feel Stefan’s apprehension in the tightening of his

body. He wrapped his arms more fully around his mate, letting the

man know he wouldn’t let anything happen to him.

“Oh, no reason, really. I had a chance to meet your prince and was

impressed by the man. He’s made Devlin a very good mate, although

I was sad to see Devlin leave Wolf Creek,” Joe replied, shrugging his

shoulders as he turned and walked away.

“So, interested in exploring the broom closet with me?” Ben asked

as he nuzzled his face into Stefan’s neck. Ben glanced at the man and

wondered at his smile. What was he thinking? What had crossed his

mind that would give him that strange smile? Was he thinking about

what he would do to him once he got him alone?

He wasn’t really thinking much else, considering all of the blood

in his body had pooled in his groin. But he was feeling everything,

especially the soft body held tight in his arms. Stefan squirmed a little

on Ben’s lap.


Stormy Glenn

Ben groaned and reached into his desk drawer for the new bottle

of lube he’d purchased on his way to work. He quickly shoved the

tube into his pocket. Stefan’s squirming drove him crazy. He needed

to get them somewhere private and fast.

“Just how big is this broom closet?” Stefan murmured.

“Let me show you.” Ben grinned as he grabbed Stefan and set him

on his feet, standing up behind him. “Just walk in front of me. I don’t

want to scare the natives.”

Stefan let out another giggle. He gave Ben a wicked smile as he

brushed his hands against the bulge, giving him a little squeeze. “This

might scare the natives, but I’m rather looking forward to it.”

Ben growled. He quickly steered Stefan from the room and down

the hallway. Ben’s rapid stride stopped when he realized that the man

he had been pulling behind him started to fall behind. Ben leaned

down, picked the man up, and started carrying him.

Stefan seemed so light, Ben needed to check to make sure he was

actually holding a person. The man weighed less than a bag of grain.

But Ben could feel every soft curve resting against his chest.

Suddenly Ben had a need to get him away, not from prying eyes,

but so that he could have Stefan to himself. He wanted to see Stefan’s

passion again, to see Stefan as he came unglued by Ben’s touch.

He ignored the voice inside that said he was lying to himself. He

really wanted to get Stefan alone so that he could claim his body, as

well as his blood. Quickening his stride, he nearly ran down the

hallway. A few minutes later, Ben pushed him into a small room lined

with shelves, locking the door behind them.

Before Stefan could even turn around, Ben reached for his jeans,

unbuttoning them and pushing them down off his feet. A moment

later, he pressed Stefan up against the wall and took the man’s hard

cock deep inside his mouth.

“Oh, fuck, Ben,” Stefan cried out above him.

Ben felt Stefan’s hands clench in his hair. He didn’t know exactly

how much experience Stefan had. He didn’t really want to know, but

Who’s Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf


Stefan seemed to love what Ben did to him. And Ben knew he loved

being the one doing it.

“Ben, I can’t—” Stefan cried out after only a moment. His hips

pumped furiously against Ben. Stefan’s hands tightened in Ben’s hair

to the point of pain. Ben ignored it and sucked harder, his cheeks

hollowing out at the force of his suction.

His reward came moments later when Stefan stiffened. Then

tangy cream filled Ben’s mouth. Ben swallowed it all down, licking

the long shaft, then around Stefan’s balls until he cleaned up every

last drop of the sweet liquid.

“Ben,” Stefan said, his voice sounding all breathless.

Ben stood up and reached for the bottle of lube in his pocket. His

hands shook as he popped the cap open and squirted a fair amount out

on his fingers. He wanted nothing more than to sink his aching cock

deep into Stefan’s ass, but he knew he needed to prepare the man first.

He’d never do anything to harm his little mate. He couldn’t. It would

be like slitting his own throat.

“Stefan, turn around and lean your hands against the wall.”

Stefan turned and placed his hands on the wall. He pushed his ass

out toward Ben and separated his legs. Ben’s eyes just about glazed

over. Stefan’s little bubble butt was the sexiest damn thing he had

ever seen.

Ben reached down and stroked his finger between Stefan’s ass

cheeks. The small shiver from Stefan almost brought Ben to his

knees. Ben never thought he’d have something like this, someone

made just for him. It felt intoxicating.

Ben leaned over and licked the side of Stefan’s neck as he pushed

his finger into Stefan’s tight hole. “You’re so damn responsive,

baby,” he whispered against Stefan’s skin. “Do you know how much

that turns me on?”

“Why don’t you show me?” Stefan giggled and wiggled his butt.

Ben really didn’t think Stefan had a clue how much he aroused

Ben. Everything from the way he walked to the small twinkle in his


BOOK: Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf [Wolf Creek Pack 6]
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