What's Yours Is Mine: An Alpha Billionaire Romance (Cerise Preston Story Book 1) (2 page)

BOOK: What's Yours Is Mine: An Alpha Billionaire Romance (Cerise Preston Story Book 1)
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Chapter 2

Hands on hips, Cerise surveyed her new domain. She had been given a plush corner office, complete with a suite of ebonite office furnishings, plush leather chairs which rivaled those of Blake Hamilton himself, and all the technology she could possibly need to reach out and touch the toughest players in the industry. Nodding in satisfaction, she turned at the sound of her new secretary’s voice.

“Would you like some coffee, Ms. Preston, or is there anything else I can get you?” Marcus Taylor, her new young assistant inquired.

“No, thank you, Marcus, that’ll be all for now,” she replied, smiling as he closed the door behind himself. Apparently when Blake Hamilton made good on a promise he didn’t cut corners. The red carpet had been laid out for Ceri, and part of her still wondered what the catch was going to be. It all seemed too good to be true, but she was being given an opportunity and she would capitalize upon it in a way that Mr. Hamilton never saw coming. Her smile broadened at the thought. She spun the Rolodex packed with leading names in the industry thoughtfully. She could focus on trying to lure away already popular talent from some of the other well-known record companies, but had an idea for a different approach that would put BVR head and shoulders above the competition. Grabbing her purse, she headed out of her office, closing the door firmly behind her. She passed Blake in the hall on her way to the elevator.

“Lunch break already, Ms. Preston?” he asked, only halfway joking.

Smiling sweetly, knowing that her plan of action was beginning in mere moments, Ceri responded, “Only if you’re buying.” She had clearly taken him by surprised with her snappy comeback and he chuckled appreciatively.

“Careful what you ask for Ms. Preston…..” he cautioned.

“I assure you, Mr. Hamilton, I always know exactly what I’m asking for,” she arched an eyebrow at him. “And by the way, since we’re going to be working together, you really should start calling me Cerise.” She smiled to herself again as the elevator doors closed behind her, cutting of his response.

Ceri’s first stop was a jazz club called Scat Cat that she frequented, in a less than desirable part of town. The room smelled of stale beer and the carpet was worn and frayed but some of the best R&B hopefuls she’d ever seen came to open mic night here. She went into the office of Frank Michaels, the geriatric former world renowned trumpet player who owned the joint, and sat down across the desk from her old friend. Frank and her mother had been fast friends for many years and Frank frequented family gatherings, birthday parties, and barbeques at the Preston household ever since Ceri could remember.

A slow smile spread across Frank’s face as Ceri looked at him smugly from across the desk. “You got him?” the wizened owner asked eagerly.

“I got him,” she grinned in response.  Frank high-fived her across the desk, the leathery skin of his palm resounding against hers. “Who do you have for me, Mr. Michaels?” she asked, practically purring.

“Oh darlin’, I gotta whole damn list for you. C’mon over here and look at this,” he held out a thick sheaf of paper toward her. For the next couple of hours, they pored over the papers together, making phone calls and setting up appointments. Cerise would be in the front row at the club tonight, because two of his open mic participants were worth taking a look at and as yet, had remained undiscovered by the competition. Smiling with satisfaction, she left the club smelling a bit like stale beer herself but more than willing to make the return trip this evening. It was a good day and a successful launch toward her ultimate goal.

The soulful sounds of James “Sugar” Matteson reached Ceri’s delighted ears before she ever entered the club. “Dear god,” she thought to herself, “Whoever’s crooning up there is going to be first on my list.” After James finished his set of three songs (he was only supposed to do one, that was the rule for open mic night, but the audience wouldn’t let him leave the stage), Frank brought him over to her table for a little chat. The 22-year-old’s eyes grew wide with excitement upon hearing what company Ceri represented and he nearly fell out of his chair when she asked him to come in for a demo. After chatting him up for nearly half an hour, Ceri knew that she would be making a huge splash at BVR with this kid and patted herself on the back for a Step One well done.

“Don’t you think it’s a little too soon to have a kid in here doing a demo already?” Blake challenged when Ceri told him about Sugar Matteson. “Studio time’s not cheap, you know.”

“You think I don’t know that?” Ceri demanded in a low tone, brooking no argument.

Blake raised his hands in a gesture of mock surrender. “Alright, alright, I just hope that you know what you’re doing.”

“I’m doing exactly what I’m being paid to do,” she thrust her chin forward, hands on hips. Blake raised his hands again and turned to leave, smart enough not to argue.

Cerise scoured all the worst places for all the best voices for two months running, and out of some of the dingiest clubs in the city she brought twelve new recording artists to BVR, seven of whom immediately hit the top 100 list in R&B singles. Refusing to succumb to the temptation to lead a lifestyle comparable to that of the Hamilton’s, she saved and invested the scads of cash coming in rather than spending it on material things. Her little car was perfectly serviceable and she didn’t want to go through the hassle of moving to a larger house so life remained pretty much the same with the exception of a fabulous new collection of suits, shoes and handbags. If she wanted to expand her home, the thing she would need most would be a new closet. As she finished getting ready before work, she glanced in the mirror, taking in the sight of her new pewter silk blouse, pin-striped grey Italian suit, and brand new pumps that cost more than her current rent payment, smiling like a Cheshire cat. She certainly looked the part of a successful recruiting agent for the world-renowned studio but her quest for satisfaction far eclipsed her current position. She was headed in the right direction and there was no stopping her now.

Chapter 3

Cerise sat in her Cordovan executive chair, facing the windows, looking out at but not seeing the bustle of the city below her. She’d come a long way, and one of the most surprising aspects of her plan was the growing respect that she felt for Blake Hamilton. From what she had seen of him over the course of the last several months, he actually was a man of integrity who cared deeply about the company he had inherited from his father and was committed to running it the way it should be run. She had seen pictures of Hamilton’s family on his desk but found it odd that he never mentioned his wife and young son during any of their interactions. Perhaps he just preferred to keep his business and personal life separate.  The office was quiet this morning, with the administrative staff in meetings called by HR to increase “sensitivity and tolerance in the workplace,” leaving Ceri the time and space to ponder about the enigma that was Blake Hamilton.  The object of her thoughts knocked softly on her office door after letting himself in. Locking the door quietly behind him, he moved to her desk.

“Do you have a moment?” Blake asked, taking a seat across the desk from her as she swiveled to face him.

“Of course,” she smiled, surprised that she was actually glad to see him.

“I just had to come down here personally to let you know how much I appreciate what you’ve done in the time that you’ve been here. You’ve discovered more new talent in the past several months than any of my other agents had in the last few years. I don’t know how you did it, but whatever it is, keep doing it, and thank you.”

“Well you know, I had to make something happen, because ‘studio time is expensive, you know’,” she joked, reminding him of his earlier lack of confidence in her abilities.

Blake had the good grace to look chagrined and nodded in agreement.

“Whatever motivates you, Ceri, keep it up girl.” He stood to go and she came around the desk to see him out. He turned suddenly, causing them to be in very close proximity. Gazing down at her thoughtfully, he mused, “I’ve never met anyone quite like you, I’m glad you joined our team.” He reached out to squeeze her shoulder. Ceri was astonished at the jolts of electricity that rocketed through her at his simple gesture and had to work hard to keep herself from gasping at the sensation. Electricity crackled between them and the air around them thickened with anticipation suddenly. Instead of dropping his hand from her shoulder, Blake caressed her arm through the silk of her blouse. Unable to stop herself, Cerise tentatively reached her hand up and trailed it lightly over the fine fabric covering his thickly muscled chest. His slight intake of breath inflamed her, causing her to move in closer.

At the moment, all thoughts of Blake being her boss and having a wife escaped her and all she could think about was the full softness of his finely chiseled lips. Seeing her gaze directed at his mouth encouraged Blake to move his hand from her arm to the small of her back, drawing her in. Her body trembled a bit as a searing need awakened her senses. She could feel the heat of his breath at her temple and tilted her face toward his. It only took a heartbeat for Blake to incline his head toward her, possessing her mouth with a savage hunger that took them both by surprise. Ceri was overwhelmed by her fierce reaction to the feel of his lips on hers and pressed against him, feeling the evidence of his desire. Enthralled, Ceri’s body was enflamed, her panties instantly damp with the heat of her passion, nipples hardening beneath the expensive lace of her bra. Blake groaned against her mouth, taking one of her hands and pressing it firmly to his hardened cock. Her knees nearly buckled with longing. She hadn’t been with a man in a very long time, her career consuming her entirely. She reveled in his powerful form and wanted to possess him in a way that he’d never forget. Throwing caution to the wind, she groped him hungrily through the fine fabric of his Italian trousers, liking what she found there. 

Wrenching her mouth from his, she pulled back slightly. “I want you,” she demanded his attention. “Right here, right now.”

“Fuck yes!” Blake growled, taking her mouth again while simultaneously undoing the buttons of her silk blouse. The fine fabric hit the floor in a hurry, followed closely by her delicate lace bra. Her creamy mocha-colored skin radiated lust and Blake dropped his head down to take one of her taut nipples into his mouth, suckling hungrily. Pushing him away roughly, she yanked the ends of his tie apart, taking it off of his neck, and quickly undid the buttons of his expensive shirt, impressed by the sculpted torso beneath. Practically ripping his suitcoat and shirt from his shoulders, she reclaimed his mouth, grabbing handfuls of his thick blonde curls, yanking hard. Gritting his teeth, loving the pain, Blake reached around behind her and quickly undid the button and zipper of her entirely proper suit skirt, letting it slip down to the floor. His fingers quickly went to the drenched V of her lace panties, causing her to writhe against him. Taking her lips from his, she sank her teeth into his shoulder as he lightly ran a fingertip across her clit, driving her to a frenzied madness. She responded by yanking his belt out of the loops, popping the buttons off of his trousers in her haste, and pulling his zipper down with trembling hands.

His throbbing cock sprang forth, bumping against the passion-heated skin of her lower belly. She emitted a low growl from her throat and grasped his thick shaft in one hand, feeling its pulsing heat. His sharp intake of breath encouraged her in her explorations and she dropped to her knees in front of him. Blake’s head dropped back with a guttural moan as she flicked the tip of her tongue against the ultra-sensitive head of his erection. Cupping his sensitive sac with one hand, she tickled the ridge of his manhood with her tongue, driving him mad with lust. She enclosed the head of him within the hot wet confines of her mouth, suckling and tonguing, driving him to distraction, and then took him into her mouth entirely. His hips thrust forward involuntarily; his hand buried themselves in the silky raven strands of her hair. She could feel his release building within him and went he reached the precipice of his orgasm, popped him out of her mouth, leaving him groaning for relief. Standing up and stepping back, she hooked her thumbs in the sides of her panties, tugging them down slowly over her hips, swaying with the motion. Blake’s ice-blue eyes spit fire as he pumped his impressive member slowly within his fist. Stepping out of her panties, she walked slowly toward him, and brushed his hand away from his erection. Grabbing him by the wrist, she led him to the windows overlooking the city and placed her hands on the glass, bending over and presenting her high, tight ass to him. Gazing at him over her shoulder, she slowly reached between her legs and with two fingers, spread her pussy lips wide, inviting him in. “You can fuck me now,” she directed. 

Blake grabbed her roughly by the hips but instead of entering her, rubbed his cock against the engorged wetness of her glistening vulva, causing her to arch her back, pressing against him. He nipped her lightly on the shoulder and she gasped with pleasure. Reaching around, he rolled her nipples between his thumbs and forefingers while she writhed against him.

“Get it,” she hissed through clenched teeth. She heard Blake chuckle darkly behind her. “What is it that you’re wanting, Cerise?” he taunted, withholding her pleasure.

“Get it,” she ordered fiercely, slamming her ass against his cock.

“Get what?” he teased, caressing her ass lightly.

Demanding satisfaction, Cerise took her hands off the glass, rose to full height, and spun around to face him. Grabbing him by the shoulders, she threw him against the thick plate glass and thrusting her face within an inch of his, cried out, “You. Are going. To fuck. Me. Now.” Twining her arms around his neck, she wrapped her legs around his waist and rubbed against his throbbing erection. Gripping her waist with one hand and burying the other in her ebony tresses, he directed just the tip of his manhood into the tight but ready opening of her femininity. Sucking his lower lip into her mouth, Ceri tried to lower herself completely onto him but he held back, still tempting her. Grabbing a handful of her hair, he tilted her head back, his lower lip slipping out of her mouth, his eyes blazed into hers.

“Tell me what you want,” he ordered, hot with desire.

“Fuck me,” she whispered, fevered with lust.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t quite catch that. What is it that you wanted?” Blake took pleasure in her torment.

“FUCK ME,” she whispered vehemently, not taking the chance of being heard, even if her assistant was away for the moment.

“Are you sure?” he asked innocently, with a wicked grin.

“FUCK ME NOW!” she demanded through clenched teeth.

He took his time, reaching slowly down for the trousers that he tossed in a heap onto the floor, and digging into a pocket for a metallic-covered square that would allow him to give her what she wanted. Smoothing the thin magnum-sized sheath over his cock, he thrust deeply into her. Cerise came undone as he filled her entirely with his substantial erection. Blake’s hips bucked slowly at first, thrusting in and out, driving her to the brink, and when he felt her muscles begin to contract around him, he thrust deeply and quickly, over and over, sending her into orbit. She cried out as her orgasm ripped through her with a frenzy that had her shuddering around him. It took every ounce of willpower within him to hold back his own release until he felt her spasms beginning to subside, and when he felt her beging to relax, he slammed into her, balls-deep, loving the feeling of her engorged pussy wrapped around him.  His entire body shook with the power of his release, his thighs going rock-hard as his hips bucked seemingly of their own accord while she rained kisses over his neck and nibbled the sensitive area below his jaw.

Gasping and spent, they leaned against each other for support, catching their breath after the unexpected encounter. Once the heat of the moment had subsided, Cerise was left not knowing how to behave toward the man who was once her mortal enemy was now her boss and had just become her lover. The self-recrimination started almost immediately. What the hell had she been thinking? This was a married man for whom she worked. Now what was she supposed to do?

Blake apparently had no such fit of conscience, drawing back from her, his hand still in her hair, capturing her mouth in a slow, sensual kiss.

“Ready for round two?” he husked in her ear.

Not knowing how to respond, Cerise giggled and pushed him away lightly, hoping not to offend.

“Absolutely not, some of us have work to do,” she smiled, hoping he didn’t see through her façade.

He studied her carefully for a moment, and then relented, reaching toward the tissue box on her desk.

“Alright then,” he agreed easily, slapping her bottom lightly as he reached for his trousers. “I’ll be in my office if you change your mind.” He quickly slipped into his clothing and softly shut the door behind him, leaving a stunned Cerise perched on the edge of her desk, wondering what the hell had just happened.

BOOK: What's Yours Is Mine: An Alpha Billionaire Romance (Cerise Preston Story Book 1)
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