Read What's Your Poison? Online

Authors: S.A. Welsh

Tags: #Gay, #werewolf, #Shapeshifter, #Glbt, #Paranormal, #vampire, #Adult, #erotic romance

What's Your Poison? (8 page)

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That conjured up very interesting images that played out between them as if they were watching a movie, and he retreated out of the mental connection as his wolf demanded another kind of contact. He took hold of Skylar’s shoulder and lifted him to his feet.

His mate picked up on what he wanted and smiled as he backed up. “Are you fast enough?”

“Let’s find out.” He darted forward, but Skylar was already gone.

He growled and lifted his head, taking in a deep breath to scent out his mate.

On the right.

Remy leaped in that direction, confident he would catch Skylar, but he only met air. Damn vampire was fast. Catching a blur of movement on his left, he pounced, and this time collided with a tall display stand, cracking the safety glass so it looked like a spider web. The happy, light laughter that filled the room made him growl. He rolled his shoulders to loosen the tight muscles that quivered with excitement that Skylar had tricked him.

His wolf appreciated the cunning of his mate, enjoyed the game. However, now it was time to end it and claim Skylar properly. He tracked the slight whistling in the air and sprang as it would have brushed by him, shooting his hands out in front of where he guessed Skylar was. This time, sure enough. Remy captured himself an armful of shocked, naked vampire.


He cut off Skylar’s question with a hungry kiss and backed his mate into the wall, hoisting him up and moaning when Skylar wrapped his legs around his waist with a growl that sent a thrill down his spine. The challenge in that sound spoke to his wolf and he smiled against Skylar’s lips.

Show me who is alpha here.

Obeying, Remy leaned against Skylar, holding the vampire to the wall with only his weight and crowding him close. With his hands free, he slid them along Skylar’s thighs, letting only the very tips of the deadly claws protrude from his fingertips and dragging them along the smooth, almond skin. “Alpha enough for you? I caught you. You’re mine do with as I please.”

Skylar’s scent deepened as he added more pressure with his claw tips and let a bit of his alpha tone creep into his voice. He was never alpha to Skylar, but it was fun to play the part every now and again in the bedroom. Right now, however, it was more serious, and he knew Skylar could tell he meant what he said on a base level. His wolf was claiming ownership over Skylar.

“And I claim the same rights over you, so come fuck me,
my alpha,
” Skylar goaded, pinning him with a sharp blue gaze that quickly bled back to crimson. The vampire somehow twisted out of his hold and shot away from him, racing around once more, too fast for even his wolf eyes to track.

Triggering the reflex to chase his prey, Remy was only a millisecond behind, shifting to his alpha form in a blink of an eye, growing to over seven foot tall with the hair on his body turning to patches of fur. His senses enhanced to the point where he could follow Skylar easily and he paused, watching his mate pick up something from the pile of clothes he’d discarded when trying out the new garments. The curiosity was enough that it trumped his lust for a second. Maybe Skylar was playing another game. His wolf did love to play.

Obviously sensing his interest and attention, Skylar skidded to a halt, dropping out of the high-speed sprint and facing him daringly, eyes bright. Skylar grinned widely, displaying and licking those sharp white fangs. “Did you think I’d leave home without lube after Jake promised you’d claim me?”

“You’re still trouble,” Remy growled, stalking forward, hunting his mate and prepared to lunge to either side should Skylar try to run again.

Watching his every move, Skylar let him come close, and Remy could see the vampire was enjoying the power play as much as he was. He initiated his shift back to fully human as he reached Skylar and snatched the bottle out of his hand. He spun Skylar around and clamped a hand on the vampire’s hip, nails tickling warningly like claws in case his mate had any ideas to push him any further.

“Someone’s impatient,” Skylar gasped, rubbing up against him like a cat.

“Mmm. I wonder why, could it have anything to do with you leading me on a merry chase when all I can think about is getting inside you and biting you right here,” he murmured softly, kissing the nape of Skylar’s neck.

“Yes. I want that. Please. I can hear your wolf now. He’s so fierce in his protection over me, and I can feel his need, too.” Skylar sounded amazed, but Remy didn’t know why it came as such a surprise. Every part of him called out for Skylar and drew him to his mate like a magnet.

When he trusted Skylar wasn’t going to make him wait any longer, he let go of the vamp’s waist and retracted his claws, then clicked open the squirt top of the bottle and liberally coated his fingers. He bent Skylar over a little and reached down to tease a gliding pass of his fingers over Skylar’s hole, knowing his mate liked being played with. He did it a few times until he needed more lube and Skylar twitched and panted in his arms, the scent of desire skyrocketing.

Remy nuzzled the side of Skylar’s face as he wet his fingers again and drizzled more lube over the mounds of Skylar’s ass, leaning back to watch the fluid run down into the valley between them. He sank two fingers inside Skylar and waited for the hiccup he loved to hear before adding a third and moving them slowly in and out, mimicking what he’d do once he had his cock inside Skylar’s tight ass. No one had ever ruled his body like Skylar, and his mate could drag him to orgasm over and over again, milking him dry.

“Don’t be gentle,” Skylar ordered with a gasp, dancing on his toes as Remy continued fucking him with his fingers. He removed them got into positon, bending his knees a little to get the right angle to fit the tip of his erection against Skylar’s lubed and stretched ass.

“Believe me, I’m too wound up for gentle,” he growled, throwing back his head in a howl as he pressed forward and entered Skylar in one smooth, slow push.

“Oh. It feels like it did the first time, where you were so big you almost split me open. Stay,” Skylar pleaded, reaching back to claw at him head rolling back to rest on Remy’s shoulder.

It took so much effort to restrain himself and resist his instincts to rut like a wild thing, but he locked his muscles and kept completely still, letting Skylar adjust to his invasion. Remy glanced over Skylar’s shoulder at the mirrored wall in the changing cubical and took in the handsomeness of his mate. He’d never get tired of seeing Skylar’s face or the erotic slope of his neck, the defined lines of his stomach and the little freckle on his hip he loved to lick. He just wished Skylar could see it, see them together as they were now, with his cock stuffed into his mate’s glorious heat.

Oh God. I can. I can see you! You’re so beautiful.

He understood instantly. Skylar was seeing through his eyes, seeing what he saw in the mirror.

Don’t blink. It might go away if you do.

Leaning back, he moved his gaze down, careful not to close his eyes even for a second. He wanted Skylar to see them, see where their bodies joined.

How does that even fit in there?

Skylar’s thought sent him into unexpected giggles and he puffed out his chest with masculine pride. Every man liked to be told he was big in that department.

“It fits very well,” he purred, licking the shell of Skylar’s ear before drawing back again and keeping his gaze fixed downward so Skylar could see what he saw as he carefully pulled away, retreating until just the tip of his engorged cock was still inside Skylar. He waited a beat, building the anticipation, then thrust in again with a quick roll of his hips.

Skylar cried out as he grunted and grit his teeth.

It felt so good, the tight heat surrounding him and clinging to him intimately. Remy was a slave to his body as he repeated the move, watching his dick disappear inside Skylar. It was almost as if he was feeling both sides of the encounter, like he could feel Skylar fucking him as he fucked Skylar. It was simultaneously trippy and amazing.

“So good,” he forced out, and in the same breath cried out as Skylar clenched his ass muscles, clamping down on him in a way that robbed him of his control. He set a quick pace, using his wolf speed to go faster when Skylar arched into him and moaned in encouragement.

“Look in the mirror, I want to see everything.”

Remy manoeuvred them so they were side on to the mirror and did as Skylar asked, staring into the reflective surface, concentrating on all the things he found irresistible on Skylar’s body before looking at himself, feeling Skylar’s metal nudge to do so.

Handsome. Eyes like chocolate and hair as rich as chestnut licked with fire.

“You say pretty things,” he said, throwing his hips forward in a driving thrust and knocking them both forward a step. Skylar just hissed and demanded more. God, he loved his mate. He was perfect.

“Not so bad yourself, wolf,” Skylar returned, giving him a sinful grin in the mirror and grinding back against him. “That all you got?”

Remy felt his eyes change as the colours of the world around him altered and he lost himself in answering the sexual challenge. He thrust into Skylar and gave the shiny black hair a tug to remind Skylar who was in charge here. The ploy only spurred his mate on as Skylar writhed against him.

It wasn’t enough—he needed more.

Keeping his rhythm, he guided them over to the mirror, and Skylar braced his hands on the wall on either side of the shiny surface just as he’d hoped. Without having to worry about Skylar toppling over, Remy turned himself loose to his wolf, slamming inside Skylar as fast as he could, anchoring his hands on Skylar’s hips when his claws came out again.

Three thrusts and his body shook with the need to release and his eyes fastened on the soft, delicate skin of the back of Skylar’s neck hungrily. There. He had to bite down there for them to come.

He plunged into Skylar twice more and bent to sink his sharper than normal teeth into Skylar’s skin to leave a bite he knew would create a proper mating mark that any shifter would understand and respect. The shared vision of his sight faded away under the overruling and unstoppable force of their orgasms and he howled for real this time, his wolf calling out his pleasure.


Heart still racing, Remy gently withdrew and turned Skylar in his arms before sinking down onto the small wooden seat below the mirror, pulling a limp and shuddering Skylar down into his lap.

“Was that what you were hoping for?”

“I don’t know. Want to try again to be sure we did it right? I want to top this time.” Skylar’s hand snaked down his chest to tug at the curls at the base of his cock.

“Can we wait until we get home? I think I’m getting slinters in my ass from this cheap excuse for a bench,” he complained even as his dick rose to the occasion, hardening at his mate’s touch.

“You’re no fun.” Skylar kissed him anyway and snuggled close, continuing to pet him.

“I’m lots of fun. That’s why we’ve totally trashed the place,” he countered, taking in the mess of the room where the walls were dented and cracked. Clothes were strewn all over the floor like a tornado had hit, and the swinging light fixture completed the image. There were even pieces of the shattered wooden door Skylar had broken imbedded in the opposite wall. It looked like there had been a war waged in there.

“Fine. Did I imagine it or did you just buy everything in the store?”

Remy smiled and let out a tired laugh. “Yeah, I guess everyone is getting an early Christmas present. We’ll send them back here for any alterations that are needed. Rylan is going to be stoked…Micah not so much.”

“He’ll deal with it to make Rylan happy,” Skylar said certainly.

“That he will.” He smirked as he thought about his big brother. Since mating Rylan, Micah had mellowed considerably and was much less of a pain in the ass—though he still had his moments of big brother stupidity and overprotectiveness.

“Well at least we’ll have the best dressed pack this side of the Atlantic,” Skylar joked, fidgeting uncomfortably with an abashed smile.

“It’s fine. But you’re buying dinner, and I’m not skimping on the sides.” Remy stood with Skylar in his arms and began picking his way through the debris to the toppled rack of clothes. Hopefully they’d find something to wear out of there so they could get home and begin round two. Maybe he’d make Skylar chase him through the forest.

“Deal,” his mate agreed, scraping his fangs over Remy’s jugular. “You’d better run fast.”


Chapter Six





His spine snapped straight and he shot a glance around the room. No one other than he and Rylan were in the pack library. Remy had set it up in the pack house so people could come and go as they pleased. This was also where they would hold the new pack lessons for the pups. He sat on one side at a large wooden table and Rylan was on the other. They’d been picking out books to read in their room. It had become a kind of night-time tradition to read to each other, and he’d gotten much more confident. The sexual favours he received made for powerful encouragement.

“Rylan?” His hissed question brought his mate’s head up quick and he gulped. The feelings flooding him became so intense his fingers clawed into the table as he squeezed his eyes shut. “Oh fuck.”

“Are you okay? Micah, talk to me.”

Rylan’s hands skated over his gently, as if afraid to cause him pain.
As if.
He snorted at the notion, but the noise broke off into another guttural groan.

“They’re mating.” He forced out between his teeth, gasping for breath. His cock was hard enough to drive a hole through this fucking table and he would if it meant getting some relief. He arched as another wave hit him and collapsed forward onto the wooden surface. “Oh God. Jake must have figured out how to unblock the mate bonds.”

“But why are you feeling it? Shit, Micah, I can smell the lust and arousal pumping off you as if you were a fucking nuclear generator.” Rylan growled, his hands tightening on Micah’s shoulders.

BOOK: What's Your Poison?
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