Read What She Wants: Cape May, Book 1 Online

Authors: Anne Rainey

Tags: #romance

What She Wants: Cape May, Book 1 (2 page)

BOOK: What She Wants: Cape May, Book 1
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“Little Gage?”


Summer laughed. “Well, little Gage is all grown up and he’ll be a guest here for the week.”

“Great, you filled that room, then.”


Tory grinned. “Didn’t I tell you it would all work out?”

“I don’t remember you saying that at all. In fact, you cursed that couple for leaving me in the lurch.”

She huffed. “Not to their faces.”

“It’s just as bad to do it behind their backs, and you know it.”

“But you were counting on that money and you let them slide on paying you. You’re too nice, Summer.”

Gage decided to cut in before they started brawling on the kitchen floor. “Good thing I came along. Everyone gets what they want. I get a room. The couple gets out of paying. Summer still gets her money.”

“Yes, a happy ending for all. So quit complaining,” Summer growled at her friend.

Tory took a long drink from her glass. “I still say you need to crack down on these people when they back out on you at the last minute.”

“Fine, but we won’t argue about it in front of a guest.”

Gage snorted. “You should meet my cousins. They were born to argue.”

Summer’s eyes widened. “You don’t mean Bev’s kids? She’s so sweet and easygoing.”

Gage nearly choked. “You haven’t seen her when she’s browbeating her two adult sons. The woman’s downright tenacious.”

“You’re pulling my leg. Bev’s never even raised her voice around me.”

Her words had him curious. “How long have you known my aunt?”

“She and my mom went to high school together, so my entire life really.”

“How come we never met?” Sure as hell he’d have remembered her.

She shrugged. “My mom and your aunt stay in touch via the phone and email, but they don’t see each other very often.”

“Well, I’m glad to finally make your acquaintance, Summer Chase.”

Her eyes changed hue to a darker shade of brown with small green flecks barely visible. “Me too, Gage.”

Chapter Two


Startled, excited and scared all at once? Was that even possible? Summer hadn’t felt a single spark of sexual desire since Seth’s death. Suddenly, her libido was leaping with energy. Two years was a long time to be alone. Her many jetting emotions frightened her, and she hadn’t a clue what to do about them.

Falling in love with Seth had been as easy as slipping into an old pair of jeans. She’d gone out for drinks with her girlfriends from work, met Seth at the nightclub, and they’d hit it off. Soon, Seth had swept her off her feet. They’d married ten months later and moved into the beautiful old Victorian she still called home.

Three and a half years into her marriage, the awful phone call came. Her world came crashing down. Bills piled up. Something had to be done or she’d lose the house. She couldn’t bring herself to sell. She’d shared such wonderful times in the old beauty. The idea of a bed and breakfast was born. With lots of help from some very dear friends, she’d managed to make Chase’s Bed and Breakfast her sole source of income.

While watching Tory regale Gage with stories of
weeds gone wild
, adrenaline rushed through her bloodstream. Even Seth hadn’t set her system exploding with such awareness. Guilt washed through her at the traitorous thought. The handsome, tanned Gage was more man than she knew what to do with. His whole demeanor screamed dominance. From his smoothly shaved head to his powerful, black T-shirt-encased chest, to those scrumptious sculpted arms she’d been eyeballing.

She’d been the innocent virgin when she’d met Seth, but she couldn’t help feeling that their relationship had been too easy. She knew innately that Gage would be anything but easy.

“Summer, have you considered hiring a high school kid to help out?”

The way he said her name, as if tasting it on his tongue. A zing of pleasure raced up her spine. “I’ve thought about it. To be honest, I haven’t taken the time to put an ad out. Besides, Tory helps quite a bit. Without her, I’d be lost at sea by now.”

Tory quickly shook her messy blonde head. “Don’t let her fool you. She’s handled this old girl on her own and done a fine job too. All I do is help out with those things that require more than two hands.”

Summer smiled warmly at her dearest friend. “Well, anyway, it’s become my pride and joy.”

Gage licked his lips, and her knees went weak. The act seemed so sensual; she could sink right into a puddle at his feet. “I can see how much you treasure this house. It’s been well loved.”

Her legs quivered at the way he spoke. The intimate tone seemed intended for her ears alone. “Thank you. I have four couples right now. You’ll be my fifth guest.” A full house meant this month’s bills were paid.

“I’m glad.” He took his empty glass to the sink, rinsed it and set it inside, then turned and smiled at her. “If you’d like to show me to my room, I can get out of your hair. I’m sure you’ve got more interesting things to do on your Sunday than entertaining the likes of me.”

“Oh, of course. Sorry for rattling on. You’re probably exhausted from your trip.”

He stretched his back. “Making the trip in that Camaro wasn’t the brightest thing to do.”

Summer’s feet were caught in quicksand. She stared, mesmerized by the motion of his muscles moving beneath the tight T-shirt. God, the man was fun to watch.

“I love that sweet baby, but she leaves a little to be desired on road trips.” He flexed his neck from side to side, then glanced back at her and caught her staring at his delicious body. He winked. In a low voice, Gage said, “If I didn’t need a shower and a bed, I’d be perfectly content to sit and talk with you. What I heard about you from my aunt wasn’t nearly enough to satisfy my curiosity.”

She didn’t know what to say. Thankfully, Tory did. “While you show him to his room, Summer, I’m going to head down to the beach for a quick dip.”

“Okay.” The single word was all she could manage. Her throat suddenly seemed horribly dry. Gage held her immobile with the intensity of his gaze. Once Tory went out the back door, Gage moved toward Summer. She held her breath, very aware that serious chemistry was at work between them. As he drew near, she tilted her head back to see into his eyes. So tall, over six feet, and so big she felt dwarfed—a rare feeling considering her five-foot-eight, full-figured frame.

Gage reached out and touched her on the cheek with the back of his hand. His caressing, barely-there stroke electrified her.

“So, you aren’t seeing anyone right now, huh?”

“I haven’t dated since Seth died. You?”

“Nope. Would you consider spending some time with me while I’m here?”

His low, deep voice made shivers run up and down her spine.

“Yeah, I’d like that.” God, how lame. Where had her brain gone? She sounded like an idiot.

His brow quirked up, and his eyes took on a predatory gleam. “Have dinner with me,” he murmured.

Summer had to remind herself to breathe.

When she started to speak, he blurted out, “Tonight.”

Too soon
, her mind warned. “I really shouldn’t. I need to pay bills or there won’t even be a Chase B & B.”

He folded his arms over his chest. “I’d like to get to know you better. Pretty please, have dinner with me?” As if sensing her indecision, he moved in for the kill. “You know I’m new in town. Take pity on an outsider. I don’t know the good from the bad around here. Do you want me to end up with food poisoning?”

A tense silence followed. She really wanted to say yes. How long had it been since she’d wanted to spend time with a man? “I suppose I could always deal with the bills tomorrow.”

“Good,” he whispered, “Now, about that room…”

Summer snapped back to reality. “Right this way.” Rooms she could handle. It was the devastatingly handsome Gage Knight she wasn’t so sure about.

Chapter Three


Gage plugged in his computer and booted it up, then stripped out of his clothes and stepped into the shower. As his muscles relaxed under the pounding jets, his thoughts unerringly went back to Summer.

He soaped himself up and let his mind stray into forbidden territory. Summer had a body made for long hours of loving. Instinctively, he knew they’d fit together perfectly. The flare of her hips and that ass. Gage could only guess at the shape, but he was real good a filling in the gaps. He ached to knead and stroke the ample globes.

Then he remembered her husband.

Christ, two years was a long drought. He couldn’t conceive of it. His mind screamed at him to stay away. She wasn’t the type to play around. That knowledge should’ve made his desire dry up. Knowing a woman was the type to get serious usually had him steering a wide path. If he were a gentleman, he wouldn’t consider touching her. But Summer wasn’t just any woman. His cock hardened when Gage thought of all the possibilities, all the things he wanted to do to her, the pleasures he could give her.

Gage reached down and took his cock in his fist, the need to take the edge off paramount in his mind. As he stroked the hard flesh, he imagined her naked, her large breasts so gloriously bared for him, her smoothly rounded hips cushioning him. He’d fit himself between her silky thighs and delve right into paradise. He could almost hear her shout his name. The thought of bringing her to climax sent him careening out of control.

Gage tossed back his head and closed his eyes, the water cascading down, his mind wrapped up in thoughts of Summer. He squeezed his hard length, imagining the warm clutch of her cunt. He pumped faster, harder. When his mind pulled up an image of Summer in the turquoise bathing suit, tits all but bursting out of the scooped neckline, he exploded. His hot come shot all over his fist, but in his mind he saw his milky seed coating those magnificent swells of flesh.

A few minutes later, Gage realized the water was beginning to cool. He sighed and wished like hell he was inside Summer’s sweet, voluptuous body. He rinsed and turned off the shower, his thoughts swirling with ideas. He’d only just met her, but he’d not be letting her squirm away anytime soon. One way or another, he’d have to show her that her grieving period was over. It was time to start living again.

Suddenly his stomach rumbled, reminding him he hadn’t eaten anything since he’d grabbed coffee and a danish at the gas station hours ago. He quickly dressed, snatched up the room key and went in search of the delectable Summer Chase.



As the hostess led the way through the crowded restaurant, Summer turned back to Gage and whispered, “I really can’t think of a better beach restaurant. Their crab cakes are fantastic.”

When they reached their table, Gage held her chair for her and murmured, “I trust your expert judgment, sweetheart.”

They were seated in the covered rear garden terrace. Summer’s heart beat erratically, nearly drowning out the simple romantic beauty of the moment. It’d been so long since she’d enjoyed a meal with a member of the opposite sex in any kind of romantic way.

Though Summer had guy friends, friendship couldn’t replace her need for intimacy. Tender touches and warm kisses—she hadn’t realized how much she missed those things until Gage had shown up at her door. Sparks had flown. Being with him, even in such an innocent way as having dinner, caused Summer’s juices to stir.

“So, Summer, do you come to this restaurant often?”

“I wish, but no, I’m usually too busy.”

He leaned across the table. “You should never be too busy for fun.”

Man, he was sexy. Summer’s mind blanked as she gazed at him. In the muted light, his smooth, tan head shone. She’d never known how sexy a bald man could be until Gage. She had the urge to run her fingers over his scalp. His five o’clock shadow only added to his dark, masculine appeal. If she were bold like Tory, she’d reach out and stroke his firm jaw. Too bad she wasn’t. He was so damn good-looking, and she really wanted to touch him. All over. For hours.


“Oh, yes, I think you’re exactly right,” she breathed out. Lordy, even when she’d married Seth she hadn’t been this excited. That thought gave her a momentary pang of guilt. Thinking of Seth and looking at Gage, she knew it was way past time for her to move on with her life. She’d been stagnant too long.

Seth would have never wanted her to pine away for him forever, living in the past and shoving the future further and further beyond her reach. He’d want her to move on, get through the grieving and get to the living.

With just a hint of an ornery smile playing at the corners of Gage’s lips, Summer had a feeling he was the sort of man who lived life to its fullest. Even his profession was exciting. A private eye. Scandal and intrigue. Action and danger. Yep, definitely more exciting than running a B&B. What would it be like to make love to the roguish man? He was like a juicy steak sitting on the edge of the table, and she was the puppy dying to sink her teeth into the scrumptious feast. So close. All she had to do was reach out and she’d have him in her voracious mouth.

“Hey, Summer, care to share?”


“You looked pretty far off there for a second.”

She waved his words away. “It doesn’t matter. Tell me, what made you choose Cape May for your vacation?”

BOOK: What She Wants: Cape May, Book 1
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