Werewolf Rebel Tamed (Werewolf Romance) (2 page)

BOOK: Werewolf Rebel Tamed (Werewolf Romance)
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He looked me up and down with his dark eyes, raising an eyebrow at my ramshackle appearance. I stiffened, ready for an argument, but he just gestured to the empty seat. “I made breakfast.”

I sat down, gingerly, not trusting his calm kindness. Tony would’ve delivered at least three separate lectures by now. “Thanks.”

“I figured you’d be hungry after last night.”

I gave a soft snort. “Hungry enough for two breakfasts today alone.” At his questioning look, I added, “Tony took me to the diner on Main Street.”

He served me some pancakes and passed over the butter and syrup. “How’d that go?”

I shrugged and smeared butter on my pancakes.“I ate, Tony chewed my ass.”

“He only does that because he cares.”

“Yeah, I know. Doesn’t make it any more fun.” I piled bacon on top of the pancakes, the scent of hot fat making me salivate. Nothing could compete with bacon, not even a fresh kill. “So, it looks like you’re stuck with me.”

“Looks like.” He glanced up at me, as if trying to gauge my mood.

“Why are you being so nice to me?” I asked, my eyes narrowed. He should be reaming me a new one just like Tony had, not making me breakfast and cleaning my house.

Before he could answer, the door to the trailer creaked open and then slammed shut. “
Randa?” called the familiar voice of my sister.

She bounded into the kitchen, a wide smile on her freckled face, and threw herself into my arms like the hyperactive puppy she was. I squeezed her tight, thankful for the chance to see her. Given what Tony had said, I thought we would be kept apart until I satisfied his newest set of rules. Or, worse, that I would never see her again because he would kick me out of the pack.

“What are you doing here, Ronnie?”

“Don’t call me that,” she huffed. “I go by Veronica now.”

Taken aback I asked, “Since when?”

“Since I turned fourteen and Alicia doesn’t go by Allie anymore. She says nicknames are for babies, not freshman in High School.”

I merely nodded, knowing better than to argue. Ronnie vs. Veronica was not the hill to die on. Not today. See? I can go along to get along. Sometimes. “I thought you were staying with Tony for a while.” What had he told her?

“Oh, I am,” she said as if it was no big deal. “Thanks for letting me do that. Now Alicia and I can ride the bus together when school starts next week.”

Relief flooded me. Tony had made it sound like my idea for her to leave. She had no clue what a fuck up her sister was.
For now at least,
I thought darkly.

Spotting the food, Ronnie gasped and her eyes lit up. “
Ooooo pancakes.” Plucking one off my plate she shoved it into her mouth, swallowing in big gulps. “Tony said I could sleep over at Alicia’s this weekend. Her mom dropped me off so I could get some more clothes. “She swiped another pancake. “She’s waiting for me so I gotta hurry. See ya, sis.”

I raised my hand in a wave as she walked jauntily back to our shared bedroom, her glossy pony tail bouncing with every step. “See
ya.” My heart twisted to see her go. I’d cared for her since she was five and now Tony had taken her from me. A hot anger burned in me at the last thought, rumbling through my chest in a deep growl.

Hunter reached across the table to lay a hand on my shoulder. “Easy, Miranda.”

I jerked away and glowered at him, daring him to push me over my edge. He regarded me with a calm expression until my anger, having no place to unleash itself, dissipated enough for me to notice how good the bacon smelled again.

Mindful of Ronnie’s presence, I staved off any conversation by keeping my mouth full of food. The pancakes were light and fluffy and the bacon was crisp, just the way I liked it. There was even fresh squeezed orange juice. Hunter matched me silent forkful for forkful and, before I knew it, all the food was gone, stuffed into our groaning stomachs.

Ronnie bounded out of the bedroom, a plastic bag of clothing in her hands. “I’m all set.”

“Have a good time.” I couldn’t let the chance for one last hug pass by, so I met her at the door and folded her into my arms. Inhaling deeply, I relished the scent of her strawberry shampoo and the clean smell of her skin. It would kill me to lose her. Tears burned my eyes and my lower lip quivered as I realized how high the stakes were.

“You okay?” Ronnie gave me a wary look, sensitive to my mood. She hadn’t changed yet, but it was coming. I could tell by the way she picked up on minute changes in my body language, reading me with her expanding wolf senses.

I sniffed. “Yeah, you’re just growing up so fast. Love you,
little sis.”

She rolled her eyes, but graced me with a rare, “Love you too,
big sis.” And then she was gone. I peered out the window and watched her climb into the waiting SUV, my throat tight with unshed tears.

Behind me, Hunter said, “You asked me why I was being so nice.”

I turned away from the window and looked at him.

He nodded toward the door. “Because you love her so much it hurts.”

“What do you know about that?” My voice was thick and, feeling vulnerable, I wrapped my arms around myself, squeezing tight.

“More than I’d like.” He cleared his throat and changed the subject. “I reserved a cabin up by the lake. Thought we could stay there for a few days until everyone cools off.”

I looked at him, wary. “Tony said you liked me. Why?”

He moved to stand next to me. “Because I see who you are.”

“And who is that?”

With a gentle tug of his hands, he turned me away from the window to face him. “You are smart. Beautiful. Strong. Proud. Fierce.”

“Trouble,” I added with a grimace.

“You just need some guidance, that’s all.”

“More lectures?”

He shook his head. “No. No lectures. I’m not Tony.”

“Thank God.”

He chuckled. “I have a different approach.”

When he didn’t say anything else right away, I pushed. “And that is?”

“You do everything I tell you while we’re together.”

I frowned. “How’s that different from Tony?”

“Because, unlike Tony, I know the difference between motivation and punishment. You’re going to like some of the things I request. Like letting me make you breakfast. That wasn’t so bad, was it?”


He gave me a crooked smile. “And right now, I want you to come here.” His hands snaked around my waist to pull me close. Before I could speak, let alone breathe, his lips were on mine, warm and insistent. My body suddenly remembered I was a wolf in
heat and desire hit me so hard my knees went weak.

Releasing my lips, he pulled back. “Now, has Tony ever done that?”

Mute, I shook my head.

“I would say that’s better than a lecture, wouldn’t you?”

Still speechless, I nodded.

“Good. Do me a favor, wash
the dishes and pack some clothes. I’m going to run to the store and get some supplies to last us a few days.” He stepped away from me and my body shivered, missing his warmth. He sniffed the air with a knowing expression. “You smell good enough to eat, Randa.”

My core tightened reflexively at the idea of him between my legs, tongue flicking over the sensitive bud there. My breathing hitched and I had to clasp my hands behind my back to keep myself from ripping off my clothes. Heat was like a second beast. My wolf wanted to run, to sniff the air, howl at the moon, while my heat clouded my mind and threatened to steal my sanity. I had thought I was above it all, that I could control it. After last night, I knew better. Even if Tony kicked me out of the pack, I would keep to myself in the future. It was too dangerous to do otherwise.


The cabin was tucked under a shady pine grove and
abutted the shallow waters of Moon Lake--so named for its round shape and the way it reflected the moon like a mirror. We were on pack land, part of the reserve every member of the pack donated money to for up-keep. Fifteen years ago, Tony had made the initial purchase of fifty acres and it was now up to one hundred. Funds that didn’t go toward buying more land went to the construction of rustic cabins. The pack had built twenty so far, spaced widely apart for privacy. Pack members could use them whenever they wanted to ‘go native’ and let their inner wolf run free.

By the time we arrived, dusk had settled in and the chirps of crickets sang a greeting. I stepped out of the truck and inhaled the air, enjoying the fresh scent of slightly damp earth and the faint perfume of wildflowers. Before we’d left the trailer, I’d swapped my sweats for a flirty summer dress, wanting something that would be easy to get out of if I changed. A light wind now made the skirt flare around my legs.

The moon glowed full in the night sky and the wolf within stirred, perking her ears. She wanted to hunt and roll in the fragrant grass. I took a deep breath and pushed her back into the dark recesses of my brain.

started to retrieve my bag from the back of the truck, but Hunter stopped me. “Why don’t we eat first?” He held up a picnic basket.

“Where did you get that?” I thought he’d just made a grocery store run.

“I called in a favor.” He grinned. “I knew we’d be hungry and I didn’t want to take the time to hunt tonight. Come on.” Leading the way with his long stride, he headed for the edge of the lake. I scurried after him, my short legs moving twice as fast to keep up with him.

Hunter spread out a blanket and pulled an assortment of goodies out of the wicker basket. The scent of fruit salad, sandwiches and a dessert platter with different bite-sized cakes made my nose twitch. I hadn’t eaten in three hours, which is the equivalent of a year in wolf time.

“Come, sit down.” He spread his arms in invitation.

“This looks delicious.” I sat next to him and fished a strawberry out of the salad, sinking my teeth into its sweetness. The food and the nature around us set a romantic mood. The realization jarred me. “This is like a date isn’t it?”

He shrugged. “Yeah, what else would you call it?”

I rolled my eyes. “Following more of
Tony’s rules.”

“I’m not following any rules.” His gaze held mine.

I broke eye contact first. “Aren’t you?”

“You think Tony is making me do this?”

I bit my lip and nodded.

“No, I offered.” He set down the grape he’d been about to eat. “Just so we’re clear. I asked to be with you.”

“But why?”

He gave an exasperated sigh. “Why does a wolf howl at the moon? Because.” Hunter reached for me and pulled me into his lap. Before I could protest, his lips were locked on mine, his warm hands kneading their way up my spine. In between kisses he said, “Because I’ve wanted to do this since the first day I saw you. Because I’ve been waiting for the right time, but you might get kicked out of the pack before that happens.”

I started to speak, but he sucked my bottom lip between his. Desire sparked inside me and my wolf rushed my skin, wanting to jump through. She was eager to feed the flames, craving satisfaction. I moaned and resisted her advance, refusing to let her through. Hunter released my lip and kissed his way down my neck to nibble on my collarbone. Goosebumps ran across my skin, tightening my nipples.

Then he stopped and set me down on the blanket. “Now, eat.”

Dazed, I just looked at him, confused by the change in direction. He chuckled at me, amused, and pushed a grape between my lips until I accepted it.

I reciprocated with a piece of pineapple. To my surprise, he sucked my finger into his mouth too, whipping it with his tongue. The nerves in my hands sent tingles of desire through my breasts and made my stomach clench. My core spasmed as a wet heat blossomed inside me.

When he fed me a strawberry, I did the same to him, swallowing his finger almost to the base. He shifted his hips as his pants bulged and I smiled, pleased with his response. The musk of his wolf rose in the air, filling my nose with his arousal.

gently tugged his finger free and peeled the plastic wrap off a sandwich. Handing it to me, he said, “We’d better eat before we get distracted by other...appetites.”

I took the sandwich without comment
and gulped down the turkey and cheese croissant.

He ate his even faster than me, in two quick bites. Licking his fingers, said, “Tell me about your first change.”

I stopped chewing, surprised by the question. “Why?”

“Because I asked.” He narrowed his eyes at me, expectant.

Swallowing, I said. “It was in an alley. Behind a bar.”

When I didn’t say anything more, he raised an eyebrow at me. “That’s it? That’s all you have to say?”

“What about
first change?” I countered.

“My mom and dad took me to the pack clearing. I kneeled before my alpha and changed with the moon.” He looked up at the sky, his gaze as distant as the stars. “I ran wild all night. It was amazing. Then my mom made pancakes for breakfast the next morning.”

I bit my lip and focused on eating more fruit to fight the emotion rising up in me. There had been no pancakes at my first change. The stench of blood, guts, and fear suddenly crowded my nose as fresh and terrifying as the day it had happened. My appetite gone, I set my food aside. “You’re not from this pack, right?”

BOOK: Werewolf Rebel Tamed (Werewolf Romance)
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