Weather the Storm (Security Specialists International #3) (25 page)

BOOK: Weather the Storm (Security Specialists International #3)
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Ahh, she was more worried about their future. Guess he hadn’t been clear enough earlier in the Hummer. Plus, with her history, she would need constant reassurance. He had received the impression the men in her life had either been abusive like Demidas or self-centered metrosexuals on the make.

“Elana, I want you in my home. In my life. Period.” Vanko leaned over and brushed a kiss over her lips. “I want an intimate personal relationship with you. I told you this in the car.”

“Yes, you did. I just can’t believe…” Elana’s voice trailed off and she looked away. “I’m a mess. Why do you want me?”

Her fight to hold back tears made his heart ache. Did she believe he didn’t know his own mind? He’d just have to keep telling her, showing her until she believed she was his love.

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. Let me shift you over so we can be more comfortable.” Vanko stood and threw back the bedding, picked her up, then moved her to the middle of the bed so he could sit next to her without falling off.

After fixing the pillows behind her, he sat next to her, his legs paralleling hers, his arm once again around her shoulders. It pleased him when she immediately relaxed her good side into his body and let him take her weight. He leaned down and tugged the blankets over her legs to keep her warm. “Comfortable, Elana

“V-v-very.” She rubbed her cheek against his shoulder.

“Now, let’s get one thing clear. You are
a mess. You are my sweet woman. What brought on all these doubts? Are you afraid of me pressuring you too quickly into a sexual relationship?” The sudden tension in her body told him she
worried about their sex life. “Elana, I am not those other men. I won’t hurt you.”

“I know that.” She lifted her head from his shoulder and looked at him, so many emotions flowing through her eyes he couldn’t separate them out. “I want to live with you…have sex with you, but I’m…oh hell. I can’t even talk about it.” She took a deep breath and looked him in the eyes. “You could do so much better.”

She buried her face against his neck and let out a gusty sigh. Her breath against his skin aroused him. Everything about her aroused him. But she didn’t understand that, and it wasn’t something he could explain—it had to be demonstrated. Her past would always be there, lurking under the surface and rising at unexpected moments to throw her into bad memories. He’d be patient if it killed him.

He kissed and nuzzled her temple. “Elana, I want only you in my life, in my bed. You can say anything to me. You can trust me with not only your person, but also with your thoughts and feelings. In our bed, there is no judgment. Understand?”

“Okay.” Her voice said she didn’t, but she would. “I’m sorry.” Elana brushed a kiss over his chin and then yawned.

“Again with the apologizing,
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? There is nothing to apologize for.” He kissed her lips and taking another yawn into his mouth. He chuckled. “You’re sleepy. Let’s get you ready for bed. Shower now or in the morning after you rest?”

“Um…” She yawned and swayed as she attempted to sit up.

Vanko made the decision. “Morning, I think.” When she didn’t argue, he quickly stripped off her sweater, shirt and bra, then lowered her to the bed. “Let me do all the work. I don’t want you straining your wound.” Then he unfastened her jeans.

From her prone position, she lifted her head and looked down as he gently peeled the jeans and underpants down her body. “Am I still bleeding? I can’t see the bandage.”

“Let me worry about that. You just lie there.” He took off her boots and socks, then finished pulling her jeans off. The bandage was still pristine white. “It is good. We’ll change it tomorrow after your shower.”

“Okay,” she said, her eyes already at half-mast. “Sleep with me?” Even half asleep, her cheeks flushed when she asked the question. His little rabbit was shy about asking for what she wanted. She’d get over it when she realized he’d give her anything.

“Oh yes,
. I’ll sleep with you after I make some calls. Okay?”

When she didn’t answer, he looked up and saw she was already asleep. He packed the extra pillows he’d brought from the front desk around her body and then pulled up the covers and added two more blankets. Later he’d replace the pillows and some of the blankets with his body and warmth. Before leaving the room, he kissed her lightly on the forehead, pleased when she smiled and murmured his name in her sleep. She was already used to his touch, his closeness; it boded well for their future intimate relations.

* * * *

Monday morning, December 5th, 7:00 A.M. (EST)

Vanko awakened with his arms full of warm, naked woman. His woman. Last night, after he’d made calls to SSI and Elana’s uncles, he’d stripped down to his skin and crawled into bed with a dead-to-the-world Elana. He spooned her and fell asleep to the sound of her even breathing and the sweet scent of her hair. It was the best night’s sleep he’d ever had, and he looked forward to many more nights like it in the years ahead.

“Vanko?” Elana’s voice was a mere breath of a whisper.

?” He kissed the sensitive spot below her ear. His morning boner pulsed as she shivered in response against his body.

“I’d love that shower now.” She wiggled her perfectly shaped ass against his hard-on. “I’m hungry, too.”

She couldn’t mean for sex, could she? Damn it, his mind was in the gutter again. She was hurt and needed food and more rest, not hot, raunchy sex.

Vanko leaned over, caging her within his arms and kissed the tip of her nose, her cheek, and finally her mouth. She made a small noise in the back of her throat, a combination between a moan and a whimper. “
take a shower, and I’ll wash you. Afterward, we’ll have breakfast and then you’ll go back to bed and sleep some more.”

“Bossy much?” She turned her face into his throat and nuzzled. “Will you hold me if I go back to bed?”

“I’ll hold you for as long as you want.” He kissed her mouth, just a taste, because if he kissed her as he’d like to, he’d probably scare her to death.

After getting out of bed, he helped her to stand. He groaned and all but salivated at the sight of her beautiful body, all sleek dancer muscles covered by pale ivory skin with the texture of the finest satins.

“Vanko?” Her avid gaze swept over his nakedness. She licked her lips, and color tinted her cheeks. “Do you need help with this?” Tentatively she reached and then swept a shaking finger over his plum-colored cockhead.

It had taken a lot of courage for Elana to ask her question, and he had to be careful in how he responded not to shut down her burgeoning desire. Of course, his dick knew what it wanted as his cock seemed to stretch and demand more of her touches. Precum had spurted at her initial touch. Only a few more touches like that and he’d erupt. He girded his loins, both mentally and physically.

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…you…” he coughed. God, he sounded like a geeky school boy confronted by the most beautiful girl in school. “You aren’t ready for this. I can wait. You need to rest and heal.”

“Vanko…” Elana’s soft voice held a hint of laughter, but her eyes showed her wariness, her fear of rejection.

Shit, shit, shit.
He teetered on a precipice of over-protecting her or attacking her.

“…look at me,
.” She turned and faced him fully, her lower abdomen brushing against his painfully aroused cock. And the damned thing leaked again, this time over her soft, warm skin.

He looked into Elana’s beautiful eyes. In those eyes he saw his world. She loved him. Desired him. She humbled him with her bravery in opening herself up to him in this way. He couldn’t reject her intimate overtures. This was too new for her; her sexual identity was so fragile. He would protect her in this realm also.

“I like what I see,
.” She looked down to where their bodies touched, at his stiff cock.

His purple cockhead was in stark contrast to her pale skin. It was a very erotic sight and at any other time, he wouldn’t hesitate to take control and act on his desire. But this was her show, and he needed to take his cues from her, or risk damaging her.

“I’m glad,
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.” He massaged the tense muscles in her shoulders. “It is all for you. Only you.”

Elana’s smile lit her face as she stroked a hand down his chest. “Want, um…some…help…” she grasped his cock then squeezed, “…with this big problem in the shower?” Her other hand cupped his balls.

Her grip, while somewhat hesitant, was firm enough to cause him to grit his teeth and groan low in his throat. He could tell this wasn’t something Elana offered to just anyone…if ever. God, what he did or said next was crucial and he hadn’t a clue what he should say or do. He only knew he wanted her with every beat of his heart and didn’t want to hurt her in any way, physically or emotionally.

“Ah…” He barely opened his mouth when she cut off whatever he might have said by squeezing his dick firmly in her fisted fingers and gently swiping her thumb over the head of his cock. Then she pulled her hand away, her other hand still cupping his tight and aching balls, and sucked his juices off the digit in question.

“Sweet, holy mother of God,” he groaned. He leaned his forehead against hers and breathed through his nose as he tried to regain control. She threatened to unman him with just a touch.

“I’ll take that as a ‘yes,’” she whispered as she placed a kiss on the tip of his chin.

Every muscle in his body tightened at the thought of her “helping” him with his erection. He managed to beat back the urge to push her to her knees and thrust his steel-hard cock into her sweet, luscious mouth.

His higher brain once more engaged, he coughed once, then again, before he managed to rasp out, “First, let me check your wound.”

Elana frowned. “Check my wound, then we’ll shower.” The “after that” was left in the air. She let go of his balls and swept her thumb over the glistening head of his bobbing erection again. She looked in his eyes, her gaze both defiant and fragile.

God help him. Vanko swore silently. She saw his move for what it was, a diversion. He was fairly certain she wouldn’t be diverted. She’d courageously put herself out there and asked for what she wanted; she wouldn’t back down now. She was just as stubborn as he was.

But still, she needed her wound checked, and dammit, he’d check it. Her physical well-being was his first responsibility.

Vanko lifted Elana to the bathroom counter. He checked the exterior of the bandage and was happy to see no blood had soaked through. He lifted the bandage back and found only a bit of blood on the dressing where it had oozed from around the wound glue. He bent over to get a closer look at the wound track. The glue seemed to be holding the skin edges together well, and what seepage there was ran as slightly tinged sera. Damn amazing stuff, that glue.

He sniffed the area around the wound, and only smelled Elana’s slightly sweaty skin, the copper smell of healthy blood, and the antiseptic smell of the glue.

“How is it?” Elana lifted her right arm as if to look and winced. “Dumb move. I’m not very flexible right now.”

“Don’t strain yourself,” Vanko chided. He straightened to stand in front of her and massaged her smoothly muscled shoulders, easing the tautness he found there. She was nervous.

“That feels so good.” She moaned and swayed forward.

Her beautiful, teardrop-shaped breasts brushed his chest; the rosy nipples were tight buds. Two perfect handfuls. Before he could stop himself, he cupped both breasts and swept his thumbs along the ruched nipples. “Damn, I didn’t mean to…”

He started to pull his hands away when Elana begged on a sigh, “Don’t stop, please. That feels wonderful.” She peeked at him from between thick, dark lashes. “I love your touch.”

“And I love touching you.” He leaned over and pressed kisses to the fullness over the top of her breasts. She sighed and her lids drifted shut as if she concentrated on the sensations he was giving her. “Your beautiful breasts shot my self-control all to hell.”

Elana giggled. Her eyes flew open as she looked at him with happiness and desire. He’d have to give her more compliments. He liked the sound and look of her happy.

Vanko shifted his attention back to her wound and resealed the old bandage, then taped a plastic bag over it to help keep the wound as dry as possible while they showered. He’d put on a new dressing afterward.

Elana watched him, hunger for him in her eyes. When she licked her lips as she cast another glance at his ever-ready cock, it was all he could do not to take her to the floor and claim her fully.

God, give me strength.

Vanko examined her face. He found no signs of pain. Maybe he could take this intimate moment a little bit further, let her gain some confidence in the sensual game of tease and retreat. “You know I find your body beautiful. My body can’t hide its desire for you.” He took her hand and placed it back on his dick. “This is yours. Just as these,” he touched her breasts, “and this,” he swept a finger over her damp pussy lips, “are mine.”

Elana’s eyes darkened to a stormy gray. She licked her lips and sighed. “Yes.”

He smiled then bent down slightly to whisper against her mouth. “So, tell me. Do you like my body,

Elana eyed him from top to bottom and back again. Her pupils dilated and her dainty nostrils flared. His undisciplined dick got even harder within the light clasp of her hand.

“I love your body. It’s so strong,” she pumped her hand up and down his cock once, “so beautiful, so powerful.”

Her voice had been hesitant…but also, thank you God…husky with need. He wanted to shout his joy to the sky.


Even after his reassurances last evening and the evidence in front of her eyes right now, Elana still couldn’t believe this sexy man wanted her with all her sexual deficiencies. She wanted to pinch herself to make sure this wasn’t all a dream.

Elana wasn’t used to a man who played…all teasing and sexy outside of bed. Heck, for that matter, she wasn’t used to teasing sex play in bed either. Her previous lovers had been in and out, then gone. There’d been nothing fun or teasing or sexy about any of her sexual encounters. The men had scratched their itches, and she’d endured in an attempt to find a way to a normal sexual relationship.

BOOK: Weather the Storm (Security Specialists International #3)
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