Read Warrior's Craft Four Guys & A Witch Online

Authors: Cheryl Dragon

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Warrior's Craft Four Guys & A Witch (3 page)

BOOK: Warrior's Craft Four Guys & A Witch
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There were a lot of conditions. Reed shook his head. “This sounds harder than a simple spell. I’m not sure.”

“Pagans have done this for centuries. You’ve got your goddess. Now get with the program.” Andy shrugged it off.

Reed stared at Phoebe for a second. “Some ancient societies sacrificed virgins too. We’re not using Phoebe. We’ll fight without spells.”

“What? That’s it?” Phoebe stood up. “No way. You can’t compare this to a virgin sacrifice -- not that I’m a virgin anyway! I’ve never done this personally because I never had men around who I trusted enough, or reasons this good to fuse sex and magic. But this is a good reason. DC and I both came to the same conclusion independently.”

Reed rubbed his eyes then stood, rounded the table, and grabbed her shoulders. “I’m not going to use you for our fight.”

“You guys won’t let me fight with you, but this is something I
do. It will work. We can test it and see if it makes you stronger. It’ll take effort and time. Even magic isn’t a snap of my fingers. How can you say no to something that could help? Tell that dead woman’s family you’re too good to try this.”

Reed held his ground as Phoebe shouted at him. “We know there are risks.”

“And if one of your men gets hurt a lot worse than DC? Or gets killed next time? You’ll be fine with not having had a little faith in me and your friends to try something new? I know you better than that, Reed. You’ll blame yourself forever, and instead of helping people, you’ll wallow because you didn’t do everything you could.” Phoebe shrugged. “Maybe you just can’t get up any attraction for me?”

That hit him like the bell in a boxing match. Reed grabbed her and kissed her deeply. Tasting her the way he’d wanted to for so long had him holding on longer than he’d planned. She was carefree and real, all the things he wanted to be and couldn’t. Her arms curled around his neck as she kissed him back. There was no playing or shyness in her. The sexual siren hidden deep inside showed herself now.

He pulled back and nodded. “Fine. You win, goddess.”

“Please don’t call me that. I’m no goddess. But I think we should try this out before anyone else over thinks it.”

Chapter Three


Phoebe set out quartz crystals around the room while DC lit white candles. The dining room table made the most sense for the location. The natural wood, the warm sunlight, and the open space were perfect. Jude and Andy entered with handfuls of condoms and lube packets.

“Safety first,” Andy said.

“Absolutely. Are we ready?” Phoebe asked.

All the men nodded, and Phoebe felt the desire in the room. The ritual bath and massage were customary, but with five people it could take hours. She didn’t want them to back out. Deep down she felt it could work, and that sharing everything would bring them closer. Her own sexual longing for this tickled at the back of her mind, but DC had saved her from bringing it up alone.

“This is a trial run. Don’t expect to be invincible when you’re done.” Phoebe kicked her shoes into a corner and wiggled her toes. “Step one is to undress. Then each of you stand at a side of the table, facing in.”

As she eased her skirt down, she caught Andy and Jude playfully tugging each other’s shirts off. Their openness and love fueled her without even touching them yet. DC stripped, his eyes looking from her to the three other men with equal interest. She’d sensed his fluid sexuality, but Andy had confirmed earlier that DC was no stranger to group stuff or sleeping with men. Yet she’d never seen him date -- men or women.

She knew DC wanted something very specific. He was so precise. Maybe this would help him. Reed disrobed like it was a high school locker room -- eyes down as he methodically stripped and folded his clothing. He’d be the nut who had to crack for this to work. Giving in to passion wasn’t always easy. Reed had proven to her he had passion with that kiss, but how much he would let loose had yet to be seen.

Tugging off her top, Phoebe felt their eyes on her. She kept her back to them as she slid her bra off and then her thong. Finally, she removed the amber necklace and her other jewelry to be as naked as the day she was born. She stepped up to the table and onto a wooden chair. Jude took her hand and helped her kneel on the table.

“I’m going to do the spell first, and then we’ll start the fun. Focus your energy on the goal, and it will fuel the spell. We’re not done until everyone is satisfied, but obviously you only have to do what you want to.” Phoebe closed her eyes and silently called on her years of training to invoke the Goddess. Some witches used too many words and flash for Phoebe’s liking. Simple and pure worked best for her.

Once she felt the ethereal light shining through her, Phoebe felt connected and bare to the world. Opening her eyes, she knew she belonged exactly where she was. The Goddess had given her these men, and it was her destiny to love and help them.

She faced Reed first. “Goddess, protect your warriors from all evil and injury as they fight to protect all innocent beings in your name.” Phoebe repeated the call as she looked deep into each man’s eyes. Their hearts were true, but she knew there were secrets residing in at least two of them.

She paused, taking in their bodies. Being surrounded by men, with their sexual need directed all at her for the moment, made her believe this would work. She knew once wouldn’t be enough, though. It was their first time.

Phoebe moved to DC and unwrapped the gauze on his arm. She avoided the red, inflamed flesh. Kissing around his wound, she let her hands tease over his powerful chest, which had enough hair to tickle her skin. She kissed up his torso. He pulled her in for a deep kiss. Pressing closer, she felt his erection and the heat radiating from him.

“Do we need to stay in place?” he asked.

“No, I think we all belong on the table. No rules.” She pulled him on and then went to Reed and kissed him.

His hands went for her breasts, and she knew the monk comment was not too far from the truth. He’d lived like one for a while and clearly needed release. Another large erection greeted her as her eager fingers explored.

After she’d coaxed him onto the table, she found Andy and Jude already on it. They kissed and fondled DC. The energy charged her, yet she felt an emotional tug between DC and Reed that sparked harder. They seemed oblivious to this invisible wall between them. Reed stayed with her, and Phoebe had no intention of pushing anyone anywhere during sex. Their truth and choices had to be revealed at the right times.

She stretched out on her back and reached for Andy and Jude’s cocks. Stroking and teasing them while they played with DC a bit, she offered her body to them. She couldn’t deny her arousal as Reed cupped and licked her breasts before trailing his tongue lower. She spread her legs. Phoebe knew she was wet and ready for more than oral play. Calming her need for a climax, she pulled DC in and kissed him. Soon Andy and Jude were each trying to fit a breast fully in their mouth while their erections rubbed her hips.

Finally Phoebe had to pull DC’s cock to her lips, and he moved to give her access. Never before had she seen men so full of need yet so patient. The feel of his erection throbbing in her mouth as she sucked on him had Phoebe’s pussy pulsing. Reed’s fingers worked her but she needed more.

“Let your energy go. I need to feel it.” She looked at Reed and tossed a condom at him.

“You heard our lady.” Andy licked over her bare pussy and spread her lips to tease her inner folds. But in seconds he was gone, and Phoebe groaned in frustration.

Reed took the hint, and Phoebe gasped when his tongue worked up until he teased her clit. Lifting her hips, she trembled. Reed controlled the pressure. He cupped her ass, and held her where he wanted as he buried his face in her cunt, and licked her inner folds over and over.

Phoebe’s fingers dug into Andy and Jude’s thighs. They continued their attention to her breasts, but her need for release trumped everything else. Reed kept her riding the edge. He was the leader, and he was proving his control. Smiling, she spread her legs wider and tilted her hips to him. He could have everything, and she knew that’s what he wanted -- all of her.

Reed thrust his tongue into her pussy and she moaned. Instinctively, her body tried to cling to the pleasure trigger, but Reed was too fast. He fucked her briefly, and then slowly worked his tongue up to rub her clit fast and hard. Three men held her tight as her body surrendered to the passion she’d long felt for them. Her orgasm made her clit the focus of the universe, and the rest of her body floated in awe.

Coming down from her first climax, Phoebe ran her hands over her men to ground her. When Reed pressed a thumb into her cunt, Phoebe arched. She knew she’d have no shortage of releases with these men now that the cautious politeness was behind them. Did they need any further proof her body was ready? Reed put on the condom and centered himself on her. Despite encouragement from Jude and Andy, Reed filled her slowly. Phoebe’s body opened for him like a familiar friend. She watched DC’s eyes as he stared at them. His needs were complex, but she’d do her best to help him.

Lifting for more, Phoebe encouraged Reed to pick up the pace. The others kissed her body, held her… caressed her. She couldn’t stop her release. Reed’s thick cock hit her just right as he added a little force to his strokes. Her body tightened and a lightning bolt orgasm struck her.

DC held her head and all eyes were on her. It was sexy and a little embarrassing at the same time, but the rush was undeniable.

“You want us bad,” Jude teased.

“Four men like you is a fantasy. Having it come true would send any woman into a frenzy.” She nudged Reed and he eased back, still hard for her. “On your back.”

The man’s self-control was impressive, but she wanted to break it, all the same. Grabbing a lube packet, she squeezed it over Reed’s shaft. His eyes widened but she didn’t pause. Turning, she eased her rear down on Reed’s cock and let her body open. DC stepped in, cupping her ass and carrying some of her weight so she could relax a little more.

“You’re sure about this?” DC asked.

She kissed him. “Aren’t you? You want it all.”

DC grabbed protection and slid it on. Phoebe watched as he looked back to the other guys who nodded and picked up some packets themselves.

“You’re tight,” Reed said.

“You’re well hung. It feels so good. Denying our sexual needs is wrong. They’re a gift.” She shifted her hips and slid a little more down on him. Taking it all would take time but it felt damn good at the moment.

“Two?” DC asked.

She nodded without hesitation. He rubbed her clit and inner folds until her hips lifted in his direction. Some men needed encouragement. She leaned back on Reed. DC pressed into her, and the heat of his cock dazzled Phoebe as he slid fully into her cunt. Two men she’d wanted for years were there, stretching her and completing her, a true union of male and female. The desire to keep them safe with her forever and to enjoy their bodies mingled as she rocked.

DC’s mouth found her breast, and her pussy tightened on him. Reed groaned and Phoebe shared a smile with DC. She caught him looking over her shoulder, and felt his passion for her transcend further to include Reed. It was magical. She felt them both fucking her.

She’d always found men together a beautiful sight, and glancing over DC’s well carved back, she saw Andy and Jude kissing and teasing each other while Jude put on protection. A jolt of need shot from her toes to her brain when she imagined what would come next. Never before had any sexual encounter triggered such energy or promised more.

Andy knelt on the table and moved to Phoebe’s side. “Room for one more?”

She smiled and kissed his sac. DC wasted no time licking the shaft. Had DC been denying himself men? There was a relief in his energy field, despite the hungry arousal. Phoebe knew they’d never master the complex inner workings of five hearts and minds in one round of sex, but she drank in the details and let it feed her love for them.

Jude eased up behind DC and tore open a lube packet. The momentary tension in DC’s strong form was quickly replaced with a relaxed and open state. They worked Andy’s cock together as Jude slowly took DC’s ass.

“Been a while,” DC muttered.

Andy chuckled. “Like riding a dildo.” He leaned down and kissed DC and then Jude.

When her back started to twinge, Phoebe flexed a little to avoid a cramp. “Okay?” Reed asked her.

“It’s so good I don’t want it to stop. Are you okay?” she asked.

“They can play all they want as long as they don’t try to push on my ass.” Reed reached around and teased her clit.

Moaning, Phoebe got the message but wasn’t sure if she believed him. Was it denial or did he have a bad experience? Reed had deeper issues. Phoebe hadn’t connected to them yet. There was too much information, and she truly wanted DC’s needs to be fulfilled. She’d like to watch them, join them, and have them all fully sharing. Juggling all these men would leave her dizzy.

DC’s thrusts sped up and Phoebe lifted for more. DC’s mouth was full of Andy’s cock, and she glanced over his other shoulder to see Jude’s shaft buried balls deep in DC’s firm ass. “You men are amazing. Magnificent.”

Andy and Reed massaged her breasts and pinched her nipples slightly. The pressure inside her and the need for more sent her into orgasm on the two cocks. Her hands braced on the table as she let it possess her. Grunts from beneath fueled her fun as Reed kissed her neck and lifted to her ass. He didn’t seem to mind fucking her rear, and she wondered if he’d ever played with men.

The thought of Reed and DC together triggered a quicker climax deep inside her. She shuddered and tried to join DC in sucking off Andy. The men were doing an amazing job, though, and Andy’s cum landed across her breasts.

“This is sex magic, not porn,” Reed grumbled.

Phoebe giggled. “It’s natural, isn’t it? Sex celebrates life, and this is a potent and powerful tribute.” She rubbed the cream into her skin, absorbing the energy.

“It worked for me.” DC leaned down and licked one last drop.

BOOK: Warrior's Craft Four Guys & A Witch
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