Waiting for Love ((Waiting) Book 2) (8 page)

BOOK: Waiting for Love ((Waiting) Book 2)
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      “Good morning,” I reply in a calm voice that doesn’t reflect the inner turmoil I’m dealing with. “Hey, can you take me home now? I have a study group I need to go to. I didn’t plan on falling asleep on you. Sorry about that.” Here I go rambling again. I start to sit up but Garrett pulls me back against his chest.

“Hey there, not so fast gorgeous. Let’s savor this moment a little longer. I want to remember the first time I woke up with you in my arms.” He kisses the top of my head, where it lays under his chin. His fingertips are running up and down my back, sending chills through my body, making me shiver. My nose is against his chest and he smells just as good this morning as he did last night. He feels amazing too, the full length of his body is pressed against me and his arms are firmly wrapped around me. If it weren't for his morning erection snuggled between my legs, I could probably be lulled back to sleep. I try to hold perfectly still because if either of us moves and our parts rub together, I may beg him to make love to me. It’s too soon for that and I’m not even sure if I’ll ever want to go there with him. It could be a life changing experience and I like my life just fine, the way it is.

“Garrett, I really do have to get going. I can call for a cab if you want.”

“Shelby, you’re not calling for a cab, so don’t even think about it. Of course, I’ll take you home. I’ll even buy you coffee and a bagel on the way.” He leans down and drops a quick kiss on my lips, before sitting up. I rise from the couch and pause, awkwardly.

“Where’s your bathroom?” He points to a door across from the kitchen and I head in that direction. Once I’m inside, I take a look at the damage last night has wrought on my hair and face. I use his brush to tame my tangles and notice my makeup isn’t smeared under my eyes like I imagined. Garrett has mouthwash on the shelf next to the sink, so I swish some all around inside my mouth and hope it’s enough to get rid of my morning breath. By the time I come out he’s waiting for me. He’s dressed in running pants, a New England Patriots hoodie and a gray beanie. He looks hot and a lot younger than he does when he’s in his professor mode.

“I like casual Garrett,” I say as I look him over.

“Casual Garret?” He quirks his eyebrow in question.

“Yeah, you have different sides to you...Professor Hanlon, date night Garrett and casual Garrett. I can’t wait to see more sides of you.”

“You can see any side of me you want gorgeous, no questions asked.” I giggle at his reply and roll my eyes.

“Come on, I need to go.”

      He only lives about ten minutes from me so we’re able to make it to my apartment in plenty of time for me to get ready for my study date with Jeff. I really didn’t need to leave his condo quite this early but I thought it was for the best. Garrett stopped and bought me coffee and a bagel just like he promised, but I didn’t dare eat it in his pristine car. He walks me to my door, holding my hand and carrying my bagel with his other.

“Thanks for everything. I had a great time.” It feels awkward saying goodbye.

“Shelby, when can I see you again?” He lets go of my hand to rub his finger up and down my cheek.

“I’ll see you tomorrow in class.”

“Shelby, you know that’s not what I meant. Don’t play games with me. I want to know what night you’re free. I want to spend more time with you and I don’t want to have to wait until the weekend.”

“I guess we could do something on Wednesday night as long as I don’t have too much homework. I’ll have to play it by ear and see what’s assigned so I won’t have a definitive answer for you until that afternoon.”

“I’m okay with that. I can’t wait to spend more time with you gorgeous.” He leans down and takes my lips in a gentle kiss. “I’ll see you tomorrow in class. Thanks for giving us a chance.” I unlock the door and step inside; taking one more glance at him.

“See you tomorrow.”


Chapter 8


      It's late Wednesday afternoon and I have to cancel my date for tonight with Garrett. I’m buried in school work and since it's not going to take care of itself, I need to buckle down and knock some of it out. When I have this many assignments hanging over me, it makes me anxious. That's one of the reasons I work so hard to stay on top of things. My schooling has to be the priority and I can't lose sight of that for a guy...not even Garrett.

      I type out a quick text and send it to the number he programmed into my phone, the other night.

Sorry, can't make it tonight, too much work.

It's only a minute before my phone chimes with a new text alert.

Can I bring dinner to you? You need to eat.

As sweet and thoughtful as his offer is, I know I need to pass on it. If he comes over, I know I won't get my work done. He’ll be way too much of a distraction for me.

No thx, see you Friday.

I don't hear back from him and I know he's probably annoyed that I turned him down. He seems like someone that's used to getting his way. Oh well, I have to do what's right for me.

      I spread my books out on the kitchen table and dive right into my work. I'm saving my math assignment for last because Jeff and I have plans to study together tomorrow afternoon. I'm working on my psychology paper when there's a knock at my door. I glance at the time and notice it's eight o'clock. I've been working on this assignment for over three hours now. I roll my shoulders to stretch them out as I walk toward the door. When I open it, I find Garrett standing there with a pizza box in one hand, a bottle of wine in the other and a smile on his face.

"I know you're too busy to go out tonight but I wanted to make sure you had dinner. The wine is for after you finish your work." He says, merriment shining in his eyes.

"Garrett, this is very sweet of you. I haven't had a chance to eat dinner yet. I've been too busy writing this paper."

"Don't worry, I'm not staying. Just consider me your own personal delivery boy." He sets the box down on the kitchen counter and hands me the bottle of wine.

"I'm going to let you get back to work now. Do you need anything else before I go?"
Yes, you naked, on my bed.
I set the bottle down on the counter next to the pizza and turn to face him. I rise up on my tip toes and wrap my arms around his neck. He looks pleasantly surprised before his arms slip around my waist.

"Thank you for bringing me dinner Garrett. It was really thoughtful of you and I want to make sure I thank you properly to inspire more of this reward worthy behavior." I raise my mouth for a kiss and he presses his lips to mine. As I nibble on his lower lip, he loses patience and thrusts his tongue between my lips. The kiss instantly becomes heated as he explores every part of my mouth. His hands lower to cup and grip me, pressing my hips to his. What I meant to be a simple kiss has quickly become a scorchingly hot one. He ends our connection and pulls me to his chest, kissing the top of my head.

"Wow, that was some kiss. I need to leave now before I can't. I didn't come here for anything more than to drop off dinner for you and I'm going to go now so you to have time to eat. Can I take you out on Friday night?"

"Sure, Friday night sounds great." I smile up at him. He leans over and brushes my lips with his for a final kiss goodbye.

"You stay here and eat, I’ll let myself out. I’ll see you on Friday." I lean against the counter as I watch him walk to the door and leave. Once the door closes, I drop my head back onto my shoulders and exhale. I'm in so much trouble when it comes to Garrett. I'm in so far over my head. If I were smart, I would run far…far away from him…while I still can.




      Garrett picked me up at seven sharp. I'm wearing a pair of black skinny jeans with a pair of black Michael Kors stiletto ankle boots. I have on a dressy gray tank with a cropped black motorcycle jacket. I think Garrett likes my outfit because he groaned out loud when I opened the door and he took a good look at what I'm wearing.

      Now we're sitting next to each other in a dimly lit piano bar, enjoying the romantic atmosphere and having a drink. His hand is on my thigh, just above my knee and even that simple touch has me amped up. Earlier he took me to dinner at a popular steakhouse in a nearby town. It sucks that I'm his student and we have to be careful of where we go together. I wish we didn't have to hide our involvement. If he weren't my professor, I wouldn't be so hesitant to pursue a relationship with him.

"You look really beautiful tonight. I wanted to tell you when I first saw you, but I was pretty much speechless." His fingers are drawing slow circles on my leg and it's making it difficult to think of anything else.

"I think you look really handsome, but then again, you always do." He's wearing a black sweater with tan cargo pants and black chucks. I love the way he dresses. He has a great sense of style that leans toward dressy casual.

    "Will you stay over my place tonight? I just want to hold you all night...this time in my bed. I've missed you sleeping in my arms all this week."

"I'll stay over as long as you promise to behave. I'm not having sex with you and I don't want you to try and convince me I should."

"I promise I won't take advantage of you unless you want me to."

     When we arrive at his condo, it's almost midnight so we decide to watch a movie in his bed. He hands me a tee shirt and a pair of boxer briefs for me to sleep in.

"I have an extra toothbrush in the top drawer of the vanity. Help yourself to anything else you need. There are towels in the closet."

"Thanks, I'll just be a few minutes." 

    I close the door behind me and take a look around his bathroom. The walls are painted a medium gray and the dual sink vanity top and shower tiles are marble. Large, dark gray tiles that look like linen cover the floor. The decor is tasteful but the marble gives it a luxe feel. This just might be what my dream bathroom would look like.

      I quickly undress down to my underwear and put on the black Nirvana tee he gave me. His shirt falls to mid-thigh on me so I don't bother putting on his boxers. I brush my teeth and wash my face, before taking my hair down. I brush out the curls and try to tame my frizzy hair into some semblance of order, but it's no use. My hair isn't going to cooperate. Good thing his room will be dark. I fold my clothes and his boxers, putting them in a neat pile on top of his laundry hamper. He keeps his condo clean and I don’t want to mess up his space.                  

      When I walk back into his bedroom, Garrett is seated on his bed in only a pair of black Calvin Klein boxer briefs.
Oh my God.
He looks like a male model with his perfectly chiseled abs. His well-defined chest is mostly hairless and he has the ‘arrow’ which is what Hailey and I call those delicious muscles on a guy’s lower stomach that point toward "the goods." He looks me over and I’m self-conscious as I walk over to where he’s sitting.

"Wow, that shirt never looked so good before." I smile and try to fake like I'm feeling confident.

"Which side of the bed do you prefer?" I ask, trying to cover up how awkward this seems.

"I usually sleep in the middle so you can choose whichever one is most comfortable for you. I'm going to brush my teeth. Think about what movie you want to watch. The remote is on the nightstand." As he goes into the bathroom, I climb under the covers on his bed. I’m on the side closest to the bathroom. It's the side I typically sleep on in my own bed. When I lay down on one of his pillows and snuggle into the soft sheets on his cloud-like Tempurpedic mattress, I suddenly realize how tired I am. I decide to rest my eyes until Garrett comes out of the bathroom.

      "Shelby, wake up doll. I need to kiss your sexy lips goodnight." He's leaning over me as my eyes slowly open. It takes me a minute to realize where I am and what he's talking about.

"I'm sorry, I must have dozed off." I wrap my arms around his neck and gaze up at him through half-closed lids. He smiles down at me and rubs his nose against the end of mine. I love that he called me doll. It sounds so sweet coming from such a large, muscular guy.

"I need to feel those lips on mine. I've been thinking about kissing you all night." He swoops down and takes my mouth in a hard, passion filled kiss. Our tongues are dueling as he shifts his lower body so our hips are now aligned. He rolls his pelvis into mine and we both moan into each other's mouths as our kiss continues. I’m suddenly wide awake and more turned on than I’ve ever been. He pulls back suddenly and brushes my lips with a single gentle kiss, before rolling to his side.

"Get some sleep, doll. I know you're tired." Now that he has me all fired up I'm not sure if I’ll be able to fall asleep. It's not easy to resist him when he's fully clothed but it's damn near impossible in only his boxers. I turn over to my left side so I'm facing away from him and I'm close to the edge of the bed. If I'm going to get to sleep at all, I can't be staring at his muscled pecs.

“What are you doing all the way over there? I need my girl in my arms all night long. I have to make up for all the nights without you." He wraps an arm around my waist and pulls me to the middle of the bed, where he cuddles up behind me. He shifts so his hand is splayed against the bare skin of my stomach and I don’t think I’ll ever forget what his hot palm feels like. It's as if he's branding me forever with his scorching touch. He nuzzles his nose against the crook of my neck and inhales deeply.

"You smell so good, like warm vanilla cake. Mmm, good enough to eat." 
Oh God! I bet he has a talented tongue.

"Garrett, you're killing me here. You need to stop the sexual innuendos if we have any hope of sleeping."

"Do you want to sleep, doll?" He whispers in my ear. "Or do you want me to make you come harder than you ever have?" I groan as my mind calls up the memory of how good his nimble fingers touching me felt the first time he made me orgasm. Thinking about the possibilities of what he can do with his tongue, already has me on the verge of exploding. I don't even need to give this any thought, there's no question in my mind of which option to choose. I push his hand further down my stomach until it's resting on my panties.

"Make me come Garrett." My voice is husky with need. I've barely finished speaking before his oh so talented fingers slide inside to explore.

"You're so wet...so hot. Is this all for me? I need to get my mouth on you. I have to know how your beautiful pussy tastes."

      "Oh God, your dirty talk is so hot." I roll over and grip his hair in both of my fists and pull his mouth to mine for a passionate, teeth clashing kiss. He pulls away from my lips and begins slowly kissing his way down to my chest. He leisurely circles one nipple with his tongue, before his teeth gently close around it, biting it. I jump, reacting to the unexpected sting of pain. He moves to my other nipple, first licking and then sucking on it and soon I'm begging for more.

"Please...Garrett." I moan out in a shaky voice as I grip his shoulders with both hands. I raise my hips hoping he’ll ease this ache he's created. He tears my thong in two as he moves lower and lower, licking my stomach as he goes.

      "You have no idea how much I want to slide my cock inside your dripping wet pussy, but tonight is all about you doll."  He dips his tongue inside of me and licks the length of my slit, before moving up to leisurely circle my clit.

"You taste even better than I remember," He adds two fingers, sliding them inside me as he gently sucks on my clit. It's only a matter of seconds before I'm moaning and thrashing around in the throes of the most powerful orgasm I've ever had. My breathing is jagged as my body slowly settles down.

      "Making you orgasm is quickly becoming my favorite thing to do. I can't wait to make you come with my cock." Speaking of his cock...I can feel how rock hard he is. I reach down between us to touch him, but he sits up before I can.

"I meant it when I said tonight is all about you. I'll be fine. I may need a cold shower before I sleep, though." He winks as he shifts to lay down. I’m a little guilty that he has blue balls, but I'm feeling so boneless after the orgasm he gave me and I need to get some sleep. He pulls me onto his chest, holding me close with both of his muscular arms.

"Go to sleep Shelby. I've got you doll. Sweet dreams." I snuggle into his chest, making myself as comfortable as possible. Although, I'm not used to sleeping with anyone else, having his arms wrapped around me feels wonderful.

"Goodnight Garrett."

    When I wake in the morning, he’s still holding me. We’re facing each other and my face is buried in his chest. Our legs are tangled, and the hardness of his erection is pressing along my hip. My libido is in overdrive, even after the explosive orgasm, he gave me. Knowing that he’s rock hard and ready, is such a tease. If his boxers weren't on and he moved about four inches over, he'd be slipping inside of me for the best kind of wake up call. Not that I'm an expert on morning sex. Before Garret, I hadn't spent the night with a boyfriend since I was with Austin. Sleeping in Austin's arms never made me feel the way being with Garrett does. His strong arms make me feel safe and cherished. It's a feeling I could quickly get used to. Having these warm and fuzzy thoughts about being here is the catalyst I need to get me out of his bed. I unwrap his arm from around my waist and slowly slide my legs from where they’re tangled up with his; while watching him the entire time. He doesn't stir...so far so good. I tiptoe into the bathroom and get dressed faster than I ever have before. I can't put my boots on until I leave his condo. The stiletto heels would sound even louder tapping across his beautiful hardwood floors. I grab my hair elastic from his vanity and throw my hair up in an extremely messy bun, not even taking the time to brush through it first. I silently open the bathroom door and creep through his bedroom, casting one final glance at Garrett. He's lying on his back with the sheet draped across his waist. He’s the ultimate temptation wrapped in a taboo professor package. I'm torn about leaving, but I know it's the right thing to do. I turn my head, resolute in my decision and head for the front door.

BOOK: Waiting for Love ((Waiting) Book 2)
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