Read Victoria's Challenge Online

Authors: M. K. Eidem

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Fantasy, #Science Fiction

Victoria's Challenge (6 page)

BOOK: Victoria's Challenge
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Scanning his hands
again, she picks up the headset he’s dropped on the table. Walking over to the comm center, she connects with Dr Magnes.

’m bringing the Major in. He needs his bandages removed. Now. Have the manipulator ready.” Setting down the headset, she sees Lucas is awake and listening.

“What’s wrong?”

“Nothing. Yet. The muscles in your hands and fingers are starting to tighten. We need to keep them flexible. You’re getting your wish, Major, the bandages are coming off. Let’s get you dressed.”


In medical, Magnes waits in the private exam room, knowing this is going to be tough on everyone. As Zafar enters, he can see he’s rested and unconcerned. Chamberlain follows, the look in her eyes telling him she knows what’s about to happen.

“Well Zafar
. Let’s get these off.”

“About time, damn things itch.
” Lucas sits on the cot.

“That’s a good sign, means your heal
ing.” Carefully Magnes removes the bandages, pleased to find no infection in his arms. Carefully unwrapping his hands, Magnes eyes shoot to Victoria and sees she already knows.

Lucas watches the bandages come off
. While he thought he’d been prepared for what he’d see, he is still shocked. His skin is red and raw with angry gashes where the flames had bitten deep. His hands are red and swollen, with parts of his skin peeled back, where blisters have popped but it’s his fingers that shock him. While they’ve been painful, he hadn’t realized they were bending at unusual angles.

Victoria watches Lucas carefully, her heart aching at the thought of what he was going to have to go through to get back in a Blade
. Her dream had been right.

“What’s wrong with my

“Nothing uncommon.”

“What the fuck do you mean? Look at them!” Lucas demands.

, your tendons are tightening due to the trauma and swelling," Victoria informs him calmly. "It’s common for your injuries. That’s why you need rehab. Where’s your unit?” Magnes gestures to the table behind him as he continues to exam Zafar’s injuries.

“Dr Magnes.
” Victoria draws his attention, her voice eerily still. “Could I speak to you outside please?”

“In a minute.”

Dr Magnes, we’ll be back in a minute, Major.” Leading the way, Victoria waits until the door is closed before she erupts. “What the fuck is that machine!”

“It’s our rehab machine.
” Magnes looks at her shocked.

What’s it rehabbing? A fucking Blade!” She takes two angry steps before turning back to face Magnes.

“It’s what we have
, doctor!”

! Fuck! Fuck! Why didn’t I ask? He should have been on the Phocion.”

“I don’t understand
. We use this machine all the time for rehab.”

“For broken fingers and hands correct?”

“Yes, of course.”

“Burns have to be handled differently
. Every muscle has to be worked, equally and systematically or one will overpower the other.” Victoria rakes her hands through her hair.

“Can we send for one?”

“There’s no time, you saw his fingers.” Closing her eyes, she reaches a decision, taking a deep breath as her green eyes bore into Magnes. “I’m going to need all the burionic solution you have. Adjustable pressure syringes with sapophine, turpidian, and afritic in them. I'll need braces to keep his fingers where I want them. Oh, and I’ll need protective gloves, child mediums.”

“What are you going to do?”

“Manual manipulation.”

Magnes pales at the thought
. “Do you know what it takes…”

“Yes, everything I just told you
. I’ve done it before.” Victoria holds up her hands. “The benefit of having small hands.”

“He’s going to hate you for the rest of his life.
” Magnes warns.

“That’s okay, he already does.
” Victoria, thinking about her dream, misses Magnes shocked look. This is the right choice. She has to do it. “I won’t do it here, though. He won’t appreciate anyone hearing him. Get it gathered up Magnes, I’ll go tell him.”

“He won’t understand.”

“Not at first, but he will.” Turning she walks back into the exam room.


“What’s going on Victoria?” Lucas watches her hesitate. “The truth.” Guarded eyes meet his.

“You need immediate rehab if you want full use of your hands and fingers
. That rehab machine is useless for you.” She gives it a disgusted look. “We’ll have to do manual manipulation.”


It’s a long and painful process. Each session will take three to five hours. You’ll need a session a day, then your hands and wrists will be splinted and braced to keep them where we want them.”

“How long?
” Lucas swallows hard.

“It’ll depend on how
well you respond to the manipulation, two weeks minimum. Magnes is gathering up the supplies.”

“Alright, let’s get started.
” Victoria moves, loosely bandaging his hands.

“What are you doing?”

“We’re going to do the treatments in your quarters.”


“Because that’s where
want them done.”

Lucas finally realizes what’s going on.

“You’re doing the treatments.”

. Magnes isn’t trained for it.”

“But you are.”

“I’ve done it before, yes.” Finishing with the bandages, she looks up to see Magnes entering carrying a bag. Checking it, she looks at him.


Walking behind her, he opens a cabinet pulling them out.

Do you want an assistant?”

Victoria gives Lucas a serious look, the fewer people hearing him the better.

“No. I’ll contact you if I need one.” Taking the braces, she puts them in the bag. “Ready Major?”

The sooner we start, the sooner we’re done.”


In Lucas’ quarters, Victoria heads straight for the bathroom. After sterilizing the sink, she fills it with hot water to warm it and pours in some of the burionic solution. Turning, she finds Lucas watching her, his eyes questioning.

“I need to grab a chair
. You are going to want to sit.”

“What about you?”

“I need to stand. What do you want to sleep in?”


“Once the treatment is done, you’re going to want to sleep.”


“Trust me, you will, so bottoms?”

Yeah. Victoria.” He waits until she looks at him. “I do trust you.”

Looking at him, even injured, she sees everything she’s ever wanted, ever dreamed about but will never have
. Not after this. Nodding stiffly, she turns making sure everything’s organized. Once Lucas is ready, she pulls out the syringe of sapophine, adjusts it to the dosage she wants and puts it to his arm.

“What is it and why?”

“Sapophine, for the pain, you need to let me know when it gets to be too much.” She raises her eyes to his. “I’m serious. We need to control the pain. When it gets to be too much, I can give you turpidian.”

“Hey I’m tough.
” Lucas jokes, trying to break his growing tension.

“No one’s this
tough.” She doesn’t return his smile as she gives him the injection. “Sit.” Pulling on gloves, she steps in front of him, carefully unwrapping one hand. With one last look into his eyes, knowing that he will never see her the same way again, she turns and lowers his hand into the solution.

“What the fuck!
” Lucas tenses behind her. It feels like his hand is in boiling water.

Major,” she tells him.

“How am I supposed to do
that?” He has to force himself not to pull his hand away. “And stop calling me Major! Fuck! What are you doing?” It feels like she’s driving nails into his hands.

“I’m manipulating the tendons, loosening them.”

“Why don’t you just fucking rip them out?”

Victoria’s heart
breaks at the pain she’s causing him.

Talk to me. Tell me about getting back to the fleet after the Challenge. What ship where you assigned to?”

Gritting his teeth,
Lucas talks as she works each tendon, each muscle, asking questions when he falters. Trying to keep his mind occupied. When she feels him start to quiver, she looks up. He’s pale and sweaty, his pupils dilated.

“Damn it Lucas
! I told you to let me know.”

“Just finish!
” Reaching for the turpidian, she gives him the pain medication. Watching closely she can tell when it starts to work. Turning back, she finishes working his thumb. Assessing the entire hand, finding she can move everything properly, she carefully dries and bandages it before bracing it onto the board.

As the sink
empties, she stretches her back. Sterilizing it again, she refills it, changing gloves, she unwraps his other arm.

” Looking at him, Victoria sees his pain, she can feel it, deep inside and it nearly crushes her because she can’t make it stop, she won’t. This is what needs done if he’s ever going to fly again, for him to have the life he wants, even if it’s one without her. Fighting through the pain, she picks up his other hand.

“It has to be done.
” With tight lips, he nods. “Tell me this time when you need a shot.” Slipping his hand into the treated water, she hears him groan.

“So what happened
on the Rodham?” When he doesn’t reply she pushes. “Come on Lucas talk to me, I’ll get you through this. I heard rumors it was the party to beat all parties.”

Slowly he starts to tell her about the Carinian equivalent to Earth’s New Year’s Eve
. They’d docked at the Space Station Rodham and rumor had it were not allowed to return. Sometime during the telling, Lucas manages to pull himself closer to her. With his bandaged arm on one side, his other in the solution, he rests his head on her back, seeking her silent comfort and strength.

” She’s concerned at his silence.

” Turning, his head comes to rest on her breast.

“Let me help.
” Pain filled eyes pierce hers.

“I can’t take much more of your help!
” Devastated eyes greet his statement before they go blank. Giving him another shot, she turns back to the sink.

” He’s not so far gone that he doesn’t realize he’s hurt her.

“So Dodge
was dancing…” She is not going to cry. She knew this would happen. She’s a doctor for God’s sake. She’s tougher than this. If she’s not, then she needs to rethink her choice of career. It’s a good thing he’d told her his feelings before the accident, otherwise…

long, she feels him leaning against her again. Bracing her legs, she takes more of the weight he doesn’t know he’s putting on her. Finally finishing, she repeats the wrapping and bracing of his hand.

Come on, let’s get you to bed.”

” He asks, his voice slurred.

“We’re done, you need to rest
. Come on.” Getting him up, she realizes she should have called for help. If he went down...

“One step at a time, that’s it, a
lmost there. Sit down. There you go. Now lean back. Good.” Once he is situated, she heads back to the bathroom for the afritic.

“What’s that?
” Pain filled eyes watch her.

“Something to help you sleep.”

“Don’t want it.”

Too bad, you’re getting it.”

“Damn it
! Haven’t you done enough?” Victoria can’t speak as tears fill her eyes. Giving him the injection, she watches his eyes close as hers finally overflow.


After a long night of readjusting splints, monitoring pain meds, and listening to him talk in his sleep. Victoria is more than ready to call Magnes and arrange for someone to stay with Lucas while she’s in class.

he tries to sit up.

. Here let me help.”

Opening his
eyes, he finds fatigued green ones.

” He looks around confused.


“What time is it?”

, around 0530, here drink some of this. It’s just water, promise.” She tells him when he looks at her. Drinking, he finds he’s parched. “More?”

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