Vice's Domination [Demon Twins 2] (Siren Publishing Menage and More) (6 page)

BOOK: Vice's Domination [Demon Twins 2] (Siren Publishing Menage and More)
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She pushed back at him, fighting him with all the strength she had. Her nails clawed at his thick kilt as she raged against this alien penetration.

Vice stilled. His deep breathing filled Claudia’s ears.
“Relax. I willnae hurt ye. Trust me, Claudia.”

Claudia accepted his calming words. The thick tip of his penis slipped in, and Claudia thought she would be torn into two. She waited. Nothing happened. Slowly he began to rock, sliding more of his impossibly engorged length into her puckered anus. She found the more she relaxed, the easier accepting him became. Finally he was sunk to the hilt, and Claudia reveled in the unbelievable sense of fullness. She was stretched to her limits.

Vice gripped the suspenders from the behind and withdrew his shaft. He slammed into her without warning. Claudia gasped around Neil’s cock. It was like the breaking of a dam. The men began to thrust into her in the oldest mating dance known to man. She accepted their impaling with deep, guttural whimpers.

“That’s ma precious. Arenae ye glad ye obeyed me, slave?”

So very, very glad.
She squirmed against all the different cocks, greedy for their lusty pumping. Suddenly Neil and Troy stilled. Their tips became swollen, and Claudia strained to join them in their glorious release.

“Nay. Wait.”
Vice’s tone held a slight tremor as he gripped onto her hair painfully. Claudia knew he spoke both to her and himself. His cock jerked in defiance.

Above the hoarse shouts of Neil’s and Troy’s climaxes, she heard it. Sweet notes of music climbed higher and higher in scale until a screeching crescendo was reached.

“Now.” Vice slammed into her hard, picking her knees clear off the floor. Heavy spurts of hot cum shot into her. “I said now, slave.

Claudia surrendered as Neil muffled her shrill scream with his semierect cock. Her pussy passages squeezed sharply and released just as magnificently. She shuddered as hot cream gushed down her pussy and soaked Troy’s thighs. Never had she felt such glory, such bliss. She submitted fully as her master caught her easily in his arms.

“You did well, my dearling.” He kept his length submerged in her as he flopped into a chair, dragging her onto his lap. “I shall reward you well for your obedience.”

Claudia closed her eyes as Vice surrounded her with his warmth. As the sleep darkened the edges of her consciousness, she heard Vice command, “Help her dress. I shall take her home and care for her.” Claudia’s smile followed her into her dreams.

Chapter 3


Claudia struggled to shake off the lethargy that gripped at her. Her body ached in places she didn’t even know existed.
That should teach me for being a hussy.
She rolled over and froze as her arm landed with a solid thud against a wall of tightly packed muscles.
Oh, fuck.

She barely dared to breathe as she studied Vice’s sleeping form beside her. He was on his back and so very still. Claudia bit her lip. He reminded her of a dead person. Only the slow rise and fall of his chest gave evidence of life.
How odd.
Even in slumber, his features were carved in stony dominance and power. Sleep failed to expose a softer, innocent side to him. She exhaled slowly as he lay undisturbed. The saying about allowing sleeping dogs to lie echoed through her mind as she stealthily slipped out from under the covers.

Her feet met the floor, but her knees quickly threatened to follow suit. Her nails dug into the thick mattress, saving her from a clumsy tumble, but her elbows quivered under the strain, and she slipped helplessly to the floor like a pool of Jell-O. Claudia shook her head in disbelief. She was officially and royally screwed. Unwilling to have Vice wake up to her dreadful morning-scary other half, she stubbornly crawled to the bathroom doorway. Her knee landed on something sharp. Unable to keep the gasp of pain in, she plopped on her ass with a thump. She searched the surrounding carpet with her open palms, even though she could see well enough with the sunlight streaming in through the open drapes. Her hand touched a thick fold in Vice’s kilt and jerked away nervously. Peering over the bed’s edge, she found him still sound asleep.

Curiosity was a strange and dangerous thing. Unfortunately, some people were not born with the ability to resist temptation. Her fingers furrowed through the thick cloth until she touched cold metal. Silently, she drew the jewel out.
A chain. But what the devil is that attached to it?
As she studied the coin-sized object, she suddenly lost all sense of time. This piece, whatever it was, was enchanting. The deep engraving along the edges, endless concentric circles, and tangled squiggles that strangely resembled writhing snakes, held her mesmerized, and try as she may she could not look away. Eerie speculations ran wildly through her frantic mind. Was this possibly a device Vice used to control people? She inhaled sharply. Did he hypnotize women into obedience? How else was he able to command her senses? How could he speak directly into her mind?

“Hand that over.”

The deep growl broke her paralysis. Her head whipped around, and she stared blankly into swirling storms of black. God but the man was as gorgeous as he was frightening. Tiny goose bumps broke out over her flesh. She fought a losing battle to get her heart rate back to a manageable tempo.

“Don’t let me come over there and get it, Claudia.”

Oh no don’t do that.
The chain practically jerked within her grasp, agitated by her trembles. Vice snatched it so fast, her palm stung. “What is it?”

He didn’t place it around his neck but crushed it in a tight fist instead. “A family heirloom.”

Mm…well that explains a lot.
“What does it do?” It’s obvious it served some purpose. Why else had she been virtually paralyzed by it?


And I’m Tinker Bell.
She wasn’t buying that one damn bit. “This may surprise you, but I do possess a brain.” This man maddened her with his know-it-all attitude, except during sex, of course.

His forehead crinkled into tiny frown lines. “No surprise at all in that. Why don’t you tell me what you think this is?”

Claudia pursed her lips. “I think it’s a hypnotizing device.”

His jaw dropped, and Claudia enjoyed a moment of seeing something other than vulpine strictness in his face. “And who exactly is it you assume I hypnotize?”

“Women, of course.”

His lips twitched at the corners, and Claudia wondered if the man ever truly smiled. “I’m sure that is not what my mother intended when she gave this to me.”

His mother. Oh dear Lord. Now I’ve gone and put my size-seven foot in my presumptuous mouth.
And then, of course, she had to make things worse. “Is she a witch?”

“You could say that she was. She passed away.”

Claudia didn’t know what to focus on, the witch part or the dead part. She chose the sensitive route even though her curiosity had been piqued further. “I’m sorry for your loss.”

Vice shrugged. “It was a long time ago.” He studied the pendant in his hand before continuing. “As to your supposition of alluring women with this, I can safely say you’re wrong. The idea was to keep them
from me.”

Considering the hordes of admirers who swarmed to him that notion seemed preposterous. “She must not have been a very successful witch.”

The lines on his face smoothed out. “That is a matter of opinion. Now if that is the end of your interrogation…”

“There’s more to this story. I can feel it in my bones.” It took a great degree of courage, but she looked him straight in the eyes as she spoke. “How about you explain to me how you are able to speak into my mind.”

“Raw talent I guess.”

Talent my ass.
She’d always prided herself on being forthright, and she wasn’t about to change now. “This mysterious persona is growing old. For heaven’s sake, I think we’ve passed the point of holding back secrets, wouldn’t you say?”

His eyes narrowed into dangerous slits as his face darkened ominously. “Everyone has secrets. It’s what makes us who we are. Unless you can safely say you’re a perpetual open book, I would think your opinion overly critical.”

The wedding band she’d slipped back onto her finger burned like toxic acid. She lowered her lashes, lest he read the truth in them. Here she was dictating to him about being honest when she was a cesspool of deceit.
Nice, Claudia. Keep pointing fingers.
But she did have her excuse. She wanted to ask him about his unusual and rather disgusting kink for adultery, but the question might provoke inquiries about her marital affair.
Best I don’t go down that path.

“I have a question.” His voice startled her. She looked up at him anxiously, praying he was not about to confront her about her bogus marriage. “Why are you sitting down there?”

Claudia blushed and could not help a small self-conscious grin. What was she to say, that they’d fucked her so soundly that she couldn’t stand? “I found the bed too soft.” So what was another lie? She was becoming quite apt at it.

“Really?” His dark eyebrows rose until they disappeared beneath his adorably tousled hair. “I suppose on your ranch, you cowgirls bed on the crust of the earth.”

On occasion.
“Some even sleep standing up with the horses in the stables.”

His stoic silence had her studying him more closely. He had turned his gaze to the view outside the window. Whatever deep running thoughts were going through his mind was yet another mystery to her. Finally he spoke. “It’s a lovely day outdoors. You must miss your home. I’ll arrange for you to go do some exploring on horseback if you choose.”

Claudia stifled her guilt. The man was obviously caring enough to not want her homesick.
If only I did have a home.
“That would be lovely. Let me know when you’re ready.”

“Unfortunately I have a business trip out of town today. But rest assured you won’t miss me very much. Either Troy or Neil will be ecstatic to play host to you.”

Somehow, although she enjoyed the men’s company, they simply were not Vice. Fortunately, sulking was not her style. “Have a safe trip.”


* * * *


It ended up being Neil. As usual he was in a jovial mood. Claudia quickly added her face and stomach muscles to endless list of throbbing tendons beneath the wide beast.
When have I laughed this much? Have I ever?
“You can’t seriously expect me to believe that? Guys like you don’t know the meaning of the word

“That’s what you think. Men don’t just pop out of their mother’s wombs, all brawn and muscle.” His crystal eyes twinkled with merriment. “I was the fattest cherub, I tell you. Gave my mother a damned solid eighteen-hours labor.”

Claudia grinned at the image that formed in her head. “Baby fat. You must have grown out of it.”

“After twenty years. That first girl I asked out literally had to take four paces to get around me so she could start running for her life.”

Laughter bubbled from deep within her. She wiped at her eyes with her free hand as she held fast to her reins with the other. “You’re only saying this to make me feel better.” She sputtered as he crossed his heart solemnly. “I don’t care how many times you do that, I still don’t believe you.”

As they drifted over another small rise, Claudia used the silence to study Neil. He was a charming man that no one could ever be bored around. His red hair shone like brandished copper in the sun. His tall, slender build seated the horse beneath him expertly. He seated a woman just as admirably. She blushed as she recalled bits and pieces from last night’s return home. The love scene had continued with her half in dreamland.

She inhaled the fresh air, but the open space before made her suddenly sad. She would have to leave as soon as these men tired of her. What did she have to offer them? They were young bucks. The world was still at their feet, waiting for their exploration. Where would an elderly, bulging woman like her fit in? At least she would have these memories to take with her. After this escapade, no one could ever accuse her of not having truly lived.

“Why the long face, Claudia? We Travis men don’t usually make women maudlin.”

“Dear God, how many brothers do you have?”

Neil’s twinkled mischievously. “Come to my house for a visit, and you’ll see.”

And meet your parents, no thank you.
“I’m happy enough here.”

“Let me guess. You’re afraid you might meet even more Scottish men that you can’t resist.” He laughed as she turned away sheepishly. “I promise you my mother will not allow any of them to take liberties with you.”

How could she? His mother would wonder what her precious son was doing with someone’s granny. “I don’t think I’d like to meet her.”

BOOK: Vice's Domination [Demon Twins 2] (Siren Publishing Menage and More)
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