Read Velvet Submission Online

Authors: Violet Summers

Tags: #NTR

Velvet Submission (11 page)

BOOK: Velvet Submission
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"Gregori, I…"

He didn't dare trust what he thought he saw in her eyes, so Gregori silenced her in the quickest way he could think of. He kissed her.

The first taste of her hit him like a pure, iced shot of vodka. He swayed against her, suddenly light-headed and almost giddy. Sweet. She tasted so sweet, creamy and tempting like dessert, but underneath was a spice that was all woman.

Her breath hitched in a low gasp, and Gregori drank it down, greedy for her response. Her mouth opened under his, lips soft and damp and so fucking hot he felt singed.

He stepped in closer, pressed up against her, and shuddered as he felt her curves melt against him. She moaned and flattened her hands on his chest, and a great cloud of rage and denial billowed up inside him until he realized she wasn't trying to push him away. She was just looking for something to cling to for balance.

Satisfied for the moment, he lifted his hands to cup her face. She wasn't a small woman. There was nothing fragile about her. Yet in his grasp, she appeared delicate, breakable. It made him crazy.
made him crazy. He spread his fingers, speared them into her hair, and simply devoured her mouth.


Gregori Lavinkia did not kiss like a sexual submissive.

No, he kissed like a man staking a claim. He kissed like a man starving for her. He kissed like a man obsessed.

He sucked her bottom lip into his mouth, then let it slide out between his teeth, nipping lightly before releasing it to crush his lips over hers again, and Megan went dizzy with desire. She'd never been so consumed; consumed by him, and consumed by her own reaction. The closest she'd ever come was when Dominating a particularly susceptible submissive, but even that fell far short of this.

His fingers speared into her hair, dislodging her messy ponytail with a sharp tug. Then it was all honey as he combed through her tangled tresses, pulling just enough to make her scalp tingle, and her purr with appreciation.

They kissed for what felt like hours, until her lips were bruised and tender, and only stopped when the need to breathe outweighed the need to devour.

Gregori ducked his head, his lips landing on her collarbone like a brand. He muttered against her skin, soft words in Russian that sounded sacred and profane all at once.

"Let me have you," he finally whispered into the curve of her neck, and she was helpless to deny him.

No sooner had her ragged "Yes," passed her lips, and he was pulling at her t-shirt, dragging it over her head to toss carelessly behind him. She'd been prepared for bed, and wore no bra. Her breasts were free, and he groaned and buried his face between them.

." The words vibrated against her skin, and she shivered in response. When he cupped each globe in his large, rough hands, the shiver became a shudder, and her moan echoed his.

"Let me taste," he rasped, and dropped to his knees before she could respond. Not that she would have said no. No had been completely erased from her vocabulary.

On his knees, Gregori paused. The air turned static around them. He tipped his head back and met her gaze, his heart in his own. It was such a submissive posture, Megan had to call on every bit of discipline she possessed not to wind her fingers through his hair and roughly order him to service her.

But, no. That wasn't what this was about. She wasn't becoming his Domme. She was about to become his lover.

After a pause that seemed to stretch into eternity, Gregori lowered his eyes, fastening his gaze, instead, on the bounty that filled his hands.

," he muttered, catching her nipples in the vee of his fingers. "So beautiful…" He squeezed lightly, and she gasped, arching into the touch. "My Megan," he breathed against the painfully stimulated buds of her nipples. "My goddess."

She cried out when he stretched up to scrape his teeth over her nipple, stunning herself with the rawness of the sound. Hell, she was stunned with the rawness of the sensation; the rawness of his touch.

He moved one hand to her hip, holding her steady as she writhed against his mouth. His other hand cupped the breast he wasn't tormenting with teeth and tongue. He captured that nipple firmly between thumb and forefinger, compressing in time with his suction, and driving Megan straight out of her mind.

Just when she almost had absorbed the sensation, he switched sides, loving the second nipple with lips and tongue. He gave a sharp, startling nip, then sucked the bud deeply into his mouth, only to almost immediately release it with a pop.

"Can you come like this?" An hour ago the answer would have been no. The thought would have been ridiculous. But an hour ago, Megan hadn't experienced Gregori's oral genius on her breasts.

"I don't know," she managed to force out. "Maybe. I don't want to." She was panting, and she hardly recognized her own voice. "I want to come with you inside me."

He groaned and cursed foully, pulling away from her breasts.

"Then you'd best get naked,
, because I am very, very close."

His words and the look in his eyes sent liquid fire through her veins to pool between her thighs. He slid his hands under the waistband of her sloppy sweats, and eased them down her legs almost reverently, leaning in to plant soft, wet kissed along her inner thighs.

"So sweet," he murmured into her soft flesh.

"You, too," Megan gasped. "You need to be naked, too."

Gregori sent her a wicked smile through his lashes, and dipped his head until he could slide his tongue between the swollen folds of her pussy. Just as she would have groaned and clasped his head to her for a deeper taste, he fell back on his haunches and yanked his black t-shirt over his head, baring all that pale golden flesh and silken black hair to her famished gaze.

Megan stepped out of the fleece pooled at her feet, and offered Gregori both hands. He took them gently, and rose to his feet. Releasing his hands, Megan dropped hers to the button fly of his jeans.

His cock was an iron bar behind the denim, so swollen it made maneuvering the buttons a challenge. When she finally managed to pry one free, his cock would surge toward the hint of freedom, teasing her fingers with the promise of hot, silky skin.

When she'd finally unfastened most of the buttons, Megan slid her hand inside, under soft, worn denim; under the soft cotton of his briefs to the even softer skin of his shaft. He groaned and his hips heaved against her, forcing her into closer contact with his throbbing cock.

She groaned, too, caught up in the feel of him in her hand at last.

Now Megan dropped to her knees, peeling the jeans and briefs down his thick thighs, and guiding him to step out of them. He toed off his shoes and socks in the same movement, and then he stood over her, bare and beautiful. And hers.

Drawn to him like iron to a magnet, Megan leaned in and rubbed her face against his belly. The skin was like velvet, the silky trail of hair made her cheek tingle deliciously. She looked up and smiled at his absorbed expression.

Nuzzling at the groove where his thigh met his torso, she became absorbed herself. His scent was wild, musk and pine and all man. It filled her head and made her almost dizzy. She snaked out her tongue, teasing at the delicate skin there, and grinned in satisfaction when he groaned and his thighs went hard as marble.

She might not be Domming him, but he belonged to her.


She was killing him, one breath at a time.

She rubbed her cheek over his belly, and Gregori saw stars. She rubbed her face in his groin, and Gregori wanted to cry. He wanted more. He wanted everything.

When she wrapped her strong, silky fingers around his dick, Gregori knew he couldn't take any more. Digging his fingers into her hair, he guided her upward, drawing her to her feet.

"Bedroom," he commanded. "I don't want to take you on the floor." She blinked and gave him a sleepy smile, and he found himself smiling back. "Not this first time, anyway." He combed his fingers through her hair, smoothing the golden strands. "Maybe next time," he added devilishly, and was rewarded with her oh-so-ladylike snort of amusement.

Still smiling, Megan took his hand and led him down a short hallway and into her bedroom. Like the rest of the condo, it was a reflection of the complex woman he was coming to know. The textures were soft and inviting; the colors vibrant jewel tones that made her fair beauty glow luminously.

She climbed onto the bed, impatiently shoving the twisted-up comforter to the floor, and knelt before him. Gregori stepped closer and lifted a hand to cup her cheek. She mirrored the move and then leaned in to kiss him.

He didn't think he'd ever get enough of her kisses. The sweetness of her taste. The succulent teasing of her tongue. He let himself drown in the sensation.

All too soon, she was pulling away, drawing him with her to join her on the bed. Wrapping one hand around her waist, he gently tumbled her down, then followed her, catching himself on his forearms so he was braced over her.

Her thighs slid open easily, inviting him into the cradle of her body, and he eagerly accepted. As he settled his hips against her, she opened even more, so that his aching dick rubbed along the folds of her pussy.
, she was so hot, so wet. She surrounded him in slick liquid fire.

He contented himself for a while with rubbing his cock along her slit, bumping the sensitive head against her swollen little clit and feeling intense satisfaction every time she moaned in response.

"I want you inside me," she finally panted, her hips surging against him. "I need you in me now."

Gregori was only too happy to comply.
, she was tight. He had to work his way in, shifting and delving with short pulses of his hips.

"How long?" he gasped, feeling as if his head would explode at her fiery clasp.

"Too long," she moaned, arching so that he slid a fraction deeper. "I don't remember."

That was good. He didn't want her to remember. He wanted to wipe the memory of any man but himself from her mind forever.


There was nothing, Megan realized, nothing that could truly take the place of a man's cock. The heat, the silken skin, the tensile strength as it delved, inch by inch, into her grasping, desperate body put her entire collection of toys to shame. Of course, maybe it wasn't "a man's cock," in general. Maybe it was just Gregori.

He surrounded her completely, leaving her feeling vulnerable and overwhelmed. Braced on his forearms as he was, Megan had a prime view of bulging muscles. Damn, the man was so well built that he made her feel almost petite—an unusual sensation for a woman built along Megan's generous lines.

His thighs forced hers wide, his belly dragged against hers, and when he finally bottomed out inside her, his pubic bone rasped suggestively over her clit.
Oh, God
. Nothing had ever felt so good.

She drew her legs up, wrapping them high and tight around his rib cage. The movement allowed him to slide one impossible inch deeper, and they both groaned.

"Look at me," he rumbled, and Megan realized her eyes had closed against the sensation. She forced her lids up, and found herself the sole focus of Gregori's molten gray gaze.

Once he was assured of her attention, he began to move. The fit was so tight she could feel herself clinging to him on the outstroke, her body begging with silent eloquence for him to stay, to possess her forever. He groaned, low and guttural at the sensation, and paused at the apex, the wide knob of his dick stretching the tender mouth of her sheath.

"Please," she whimpered, and she didn't even care that her voice was breathless and pleading. She needed him inside her, cock so deep it touched her heart, and she needed it now.

A garbled curse burst from his lips, even deeper and more guttural, if that were possible, and he exploded into motion.

Each inch was hard fought. She'd been celibate for a long time, and he was huge. But he ground against her clit with every thrust, and before she expected it, before she was even remotely ready, orgasm rolled over her like a bulldozer.

Gregori roared as her pussy clamped violently down on him, capturing his rampant cock deep inside and clutching his welcome invasion. When her brain came back on-line, she devoured him with her eyes. His arms trembled in her peripheral vision, and a bead of sweat wound its lazy way down his temple and over the tense line of his jaw.

He was so beautiful, rock hard and shaking with need for her. Then she met his gaze again with her own, and the bottom dropped out of her stomach. His heart was in his seething mercury gaze. Hell, she could see all the way into his soul.

He began to move again, slow and precise. It was easier now; she was softer after her climax, wetter. He felt so good against her, inside her, and now that a hint of the urgency had passed—for her at least—she could enjoy him.

She arched voluptuously against him, stroking his flanks with her thighs. Each scissoring movement shifted his cock inside her, allowing it to rub over different pleasure points. She thought it must be the same for him, because with each undulation of her body, his moans grew louder, more frantic.

"Megan," he panted. "
Chort Poberi
." His face filled her vision, his breath washed hot over her mouth. "I need to be deeper." Her body tightened at his words, her breath hitched. Stunningly, she was already beginning the climb again, orgasm just outside her grasp.

Gregori grunted, planted a knee and in one amazingly smooth move rose to his knees, scooping her up until she was straddling him. Oh, God. Deeper, indeed. He was touching her fucking throat this way!

He grasped her hips, lifting and guiding her. Megan loved the position, loved how deeply it lodged him inside of her, and loved looking down into his tense face as she rode him with slow deliberation.

He shifted his grip, cupping her ass in his huge, hot hands. The motion pulled her cheeks wide, a tiny stretch of unexpected sensation that sent a host of shivers through her pussy. And all at once Megan knew she needed

BOOK: Velvet Submission
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