Vanished Pride (The Seven Sin Sisters 4) (9 page)

BOOK: Vanished Pride (The Seven Sin Sisters 4)
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“But what about the
competition? I need to prepare, to be focused. It will take place just three
days following the Pronouncement.” Paige’s whining voice had the hairs on the
back of Donovan’s neck standing on end. His patience was dwindling. They’d been
discussing this now for two hours.

They had fallen into a
comfortable pattern over the last few days, but that had involved very little
talking. There was lots of great sex and plenty of delicious food, reminding
Donovan that he was going to have to step up his workout routine if he was
going to be spending this much time with his mate. Now it seemed his eating
wasn’t the only thing he’d let get out of hand.

“It will all work out
as it should. We will not wait.” Donovan gave his final word.

Apparently, Paige
thought otherwise, as she added, “We will wait. I will plan a wonderful
Pronouncement for March.” Her defiance and consternation was admirable, but
this was non-negotiable.

“No, you will not,

Paige’s eyes shot up
with his use of her nickname. She remembered how he’d once explained he saw it
fitting when she was acting spoiled. He’d also been clear how he’d handle that
behavior. She remembered. Donovan was pleased with the shiver that ran down his
mate’s spine. Beautiful.

“You know as well as I
do what you need. You’re spinning out of control. Clearly, you have been since
Layla filled you in before I had a chance to talk with you the other day.”
Donovan spoke as he moved towards her.

Paige continued to back
up until she was wedged between him and the kitchen table. She licked her lips
and looked up at him, then lowered her eyes. His Valendite Breed senses meant
he could smell her arousal. She could deny it all she wanted but Donovan knew
his dominance turned her on.

Donovan spoke her given name purposely knowing it would garner her attention
quickly. “You remember I tend to use Princess when you’re acting like a spoiled
one. I also told you what I would do when you acted that way.”

nodded and kept her eyes lowered. He wondered what was going through her mind.
The emotions he picked up were scattered and he couldn’t get a good read.

let you choose. You can come to me and place yourself into position or I can
place you across my lap again like a child.” Donovan watched for her response.
She said nothing but he was determined to wait her out.

position?” Paige finally asked in a quiet voice.

like you to bend over the table here.”

the kitchen?” By her high-pitched response, he knew he’d shocked her. He
suspected he’d do that often until they got used to one another.

the perfect place. There’s so many instruments to choose from,” Donovan teased.
Paige’s shocked reaction was priceless as she stood looking at him with her lush
little mouth simply held open.

herself together, she asked, “Can we talk about it instead? Maybe we could come
to an agreement about the Pronouncement?” Paige was ready to bargain now. He
didn’t think so.

late, Princess. Let’s try it this way.” Donovan moved quickly. He lifted Paige
up, placed her facing the table and bent forward, yanked down her skirt and
walked away. “Do not move a muscle.”

what he wanted in the second drawer he opened, Donovan returned to Paige and
laid three spoons on the table in front of her. “Choose your favorite.”


* * * *


can’t be serious. You aren’t going to use that to spank me. Your hand was hard
enough.” Paige complained in the whining voice Donovan was coming to despise.
She knew this and was using it on purpose because he had royally pissed her off
this time.

have to the count of five to choose. Or I choose. Want to know my favorite?”

did, or maybe she didn’t want to know. She looked away from the instruments,
tucking her head to the side, which only made him laugh.

Donovan started counting as he pulled her skirt down her legs in one rough tug.

was not giving in. If she chose the spoon, it would be the same as giving
permission. She was not going to give him permission to do this. It was

Donovan breathed right into her ear as he unhooked her bra beneath her shirt.

shivered involuntarily. She also looked at the spoons and began weighing her
options. If he was going to do this—and she was pretty sure he would—she might
want to choose one that would hurt the least.

see you looking,
Donovan breathed into her other ear as he grasped onto her bra straps and
pulled. “Three. And I hope that wasn’t an important piece of clothing to you. I
don’t think you’ll be wearing it again.”

was baiting her to respond. Damn him. His fingers stroked along her sides until
they tucked under her panties.

Donovan rolled her panties down her legs and left them wrapped around her
ankles. He stopped her when she tried to move her feet. “Nice to see you’re so
eager but I want them right there.” Then her mate actually chuckled as if he
were enjoying every minute of seeing her sweat.

vulnerable with her ass now sticking out, she needed to reclaim some control if
this really had to happen. Weighing her options, she reached out and pulled the
flexible rubber spoon from the group.

choice. Not the one I would’ve chosen but I guess we’ll see what this feels
like.” Donovan rubbed her bottom and it heated beneath his touch.

-what do you mean? Which would you have chosen?”

reached for the wooden spoon. “This is the one I suspect would be most gentle
but it seems you’re ready for more. Perhaps you believe you deserve this
punishment after all.”

Wait. I want the softest one. This one is soft. I use it in creams and whipped

it has elasticity which means with one slap, it rebounds for a slight follow up
sting,” Donovan had the nerve to grin at her. He used that one-sided
sexy-as-sin look that made her think of the devil, a very sexy devil. “But at
least I didn’t get to five. Then I might’ve chosen the slotted spoon and that
wouldn’t have been any fun at all.” He paused before adding, “For you.”

wait please,” she pleaded.

more waiting, Princess.”

her legs hanging off the table and her toes just touching the floor, he had
positioned her bottom perfectly for his use. How dare he do this again! She
squirmed and then felt his large hand press down on her back. A flush rushed
over her skin as he ran his other hand along her bottom and commanded, “Open
your legs as wide as you can.”

followed his directions but found that they didn’t open very far with her
panties still around her ankles. Then just as he had done the first time he
spanked her, Donovan wedged his long fingers between her thighs and into her
damp folds. His fingers stroked along her folds. Paige could feel her core grow
wetter and hotter. Damn her body for betraying her! She didn’t want him to know
how turned on this made her. She squirmed as much as she could, shifting in
hopes of getting some relief from his exploring fingers.

use hiding, Princess. You have been a naughty, naughty girl and I plan to
supply incentive to be more considerate in your next decision.” Donovan
at her as if she’d done something wrong and, if
possible, she flushed even more.

located Paige’s bundle of nerves at the top of her wet folds. Another shiver washed
up her body as he circled it viciously. Her clit was on fire with blood rushing
to it. She couldn’t think of anything more than, without a doubt she was going
to cum any second. Yes, a few more flicks right there and she’d be flying.

stopped. Donovan moved his hand away. She felt him shift and then felt the
sting of the rubber against her ass. There must’ve been three smacks before
Paige found her breath and screamed. This was far worse than his hand. She
couldn’t do this. She needed him to stop. Squirming, Paige begged, “Please,
Donovan, please. I can’t do this. Oh Goddess, it hurts. It hurts too much.” She
was babbling and knew her face was a wreck of smudged makeup and tears.

rubbed circles over her reddened ass and Paige continued to cry as he cooed
nonsense into her ear. He hadn’t let her up from her position but he was
reassuring her at least. Once again, his fingers drew through her folds. She
couldn’t believe she was still so wet but as soon as his fingers made contact
with her clit, Paige was again so close to orgasm. The pain that was nearly
unbearable a few minutes ago faded to the background as she chased her orgasm. Her
body responded as it recognized her mate. Close, she was so close.

pulled his hand away and she missed his touch instantly. “Now that you’ve had a
moment, was it really too much? Perhaps the harshness of your punishment is in
line with the harshness of your actions?”

I…” Paige didn’t get to finish her sentence as Donovan brought the rubber spoon
back down on her ass. It burned. The stings with each slap reverberated through
her core. After three more strikes, he stopped and again he rubbed his hand
over her bottom. She screamed and cried, her sobs muffling the string of
apologies Paige tried to convey.

ignored her. Once satisfied she’d calmed enough, Donovan again struck her
cheeks three times. He never spoke a word and the only connection she had to
him was his hand on her back, but even that was over her shirt. She needed him.
The pain was terrible but Goddess, she deserved it if she’d hurt him this
badly. The realization of what she had done to him slammed into her. The
turmoil brewing inside now felt worse than the fire he ignited on her bottom.

stood over her. The only sound in the room was the expulsion of deep breaths
before she heard the whistle of the spoon crossing air. Paige’s body quivered
as she worked at relaxing her muscles, knowing it would hurt less but then
finding she wished it hurt more. She deserved this. Selfishness was just the
beginning of her transgressions. She had hurt her mate without a second thought
and she stood here ready to do it again. Paige sobbed as the final three
strokes came down.

rubbed circles on her lower back. He remained quiet and Paige wondered if he
was waiting for her to speak. She didn’t know where to start. Calming her sobs,
she whispered through a broken voice, “I did it again. I’m so sorry.”

did you do again, Princess?”

only considered myself. I was so selfish. I just needed everything to be

you considered that I knew what you needed? And that together we were going to
make it perfect?” Donovan’s voice was calm. He didn’t sound angry and that only
made Paige feel worse about hurting him. “You need to consider more than just
, and you need
to entertain the possibility that I can take care of you as your mate.” Donovan
patted her sensitive cheeks before hardening his voice, “For the final five,
focus only on the sensations I provide. I need to give you these last strokes.”

can’t. Donovan, please, I get it and I feel terrible for what I did but please
no more,” Paige grabbed onto his hands and held them.

final five. Now move your hands. I recommend you hold onto the far edge of the

was frightened. She could recall the final five strokes from her last spanking
and they bad been the harshest he’d given her, yet still were lighter than the
spoon. Her mind was spinning with the possibilities of the pain to come. Why
did he need to do this? She’d learned her lesson. Anger at him and at herself
swirled around her in streams of colorful light.

startled when she felt him stroke over her flesh with his bare hands. Then he pulled
apart her cheeks and slid his fingers down her cleft, brushing lightly until he
reached her folds. Donovan searched out her center, his fingers tickling her
with feather light touches before a finger slid deep inside her core.

gave herself over and relaxed into his touch, raising her bottom seeking out more.
Paige was lost to the sensations of Donovan thrusting his thick finger in and
out of her while his thumb found her clit and drew it out from hiding. Her mind
was focused on his touch as the first of five strokes blazed across her ass.
The slaps of the rubber spoon burned and vibrated a terrible sting while his
fingers brought her close to the edge of an orgasm. How could she be so close
to such pleasure while this pain continued to explode across her ass?

cried out as another slap came down, tears flowing down her cheeks, and yet
couldn’t help but reach for more at the same time. “Good girl, Princess. Mind
over matter. We’re going to end this on a happy note. I promise it’ll help.”

couldn’t respond as the last strokes, done while he touched her so privately,
were simply too much to contain. She was ready to explode, burst and come
apart. She shuddered when the final stroke burned more deeply than all the
others. She screamed out as so many emotions raced through her. Donovan’s hand
was tapping her clit. Her muscles were clenching and unclenching.

BOOK: Vanished Pride (The Seven Sin Sisters 4)
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