Van, Becca - Her Norland Warriors (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (5 page)

BOOK: Van, Becca - Her Norland Warriors (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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“You have nothing to fear from us, little one. Why do you do this to yourself? Why do you torture yourself with needless worry? I can feel your anxiety. Have we not told you time and again, you are safe with us?” Hakon asked as he moved toward her.

“Well, you can tell me as many times as you like, but I don’t know you. Shit, how can you expect me to trust you? How can you make me feel the way I do? I have never wanted the touch of one man before, let alone three.”

“I don’t like it when you use profanities. It is most unbecoming of your station,” Hakon stated, taking the last couple of steps, then reached for her.

Jess gasped as Hakon took the material of her shirt between his two hands and ripped it from top to bottom. She looked up and swallowed loudly when she saw the carnal heat in his eyes as he stared at her lace-covered breasts. She couldn’t believe he had just ripped her top. Her pussy leaked more cream at such a dominant display.

“You will not use profanities anymore. You are our mate and as such have a position to uphold. We are the rulers of this southern realm of Norland, and as such, this makes you a leader as well. If I catch such filth coming out of your mouth again, you will be punished,” Hakon warned then ripped her bra from her chest.

In moments, Jess stood before them totally naked except for her boots. She saw Loki bend down and felt him removing her boots. She tried to stay still for him, but she couldn’t stop herself from wriggling with need. She heard him chuckle, and he held her ankle in his hand, not seeming to notice her movements.

“You are exquisite, mate. You were made to accept our bodies, yet you are still so lush and delicate. We will not need to be so gentle with you,” Dagr whispered from above her, still restraining her hands and arms.

Jess couldn’t contain the shiver working up her spine as Dagr’s hot, moist breath caressed her ear. She accidentally stood on his toe and shuddered and squirmed some more when he chuckled, which only seemed to make him laugh harder. Dagr lowered her arms to her sides and wrapped an enormous arm around her waist, effectively pinning her arms against her body and maneuvered between her and the shower wall. He used his free hand to lift her head so she was looking at Hakon and Loki. It seemed they had been waiting for her, because once her eyes were on them, they began to disrobe.

Their muscles rippling as they both removed their black leather vests made her breathing increase. They were so hot, so sexy, and so buff, Jess couldn’t help but respond to the sight. Her clit began to throb, her pussy clenched, and her nipples puckered. They dropped their vests heedlessly to the floor and moved their hands to the fastenings on their pants. They moved in synchronized rhythm, which made Jess burn hotter, causing her to squeeze her thighs together to try and relieve the ache. She was so aroused her thighs were coated with her own juices.

“I can feel your arousal, baby. If you would only trust us, we could give you so much pleasure,” Dagr whispered.

Jess wanted him and his brothers to touch her, but she couldn’t find her voice. Her eyes were riveted to the hard, muscular bodies in front of her. Their hands made quick work of the fastenings on their pants, and she gasped with awe and apprehension as their pants dropped to their ankles. They were huge. Their hard cocks stood straight out from their bodies, too thick and heavy to stand up straight. She followed the hair from their groins up the trails on their lower abdomens, where it spread out over their pecs. Her eyes snapped lower when the two men grasped their massive appendages and began to stroke themselves. They ran the palms of their hands along the length of their hard shafts to the tip and back to the base again. They did this over and over, until pearls of clear fluid beaded out of the small slits in their cocks. Jess licked her dry lips, her eyes following their hands, not wanting to miss a beat. They were so sexy, standing there before her, so confident and proud.

Jess held her breath as Hakon moved toward her, his hand still stroking his cock. Her breath was coming in fast pants now, and she could do nothing to stop it. She let her eyes wander up his body, over his lower belly, his chest and shoulders, until her eyes met his. They pinned her where she stood, his glittering with unappeased arousal as he stared down into her gaze. Jess began to see stars and took a gasping breath of air, only just then realizing she’d been holding her breath. She watched, entranced, as he leaned toward her slowly, his lips coming closer and closer. She whimpered, only vaguely aware the noise had come from her, and licked her lips again.

And then his lips were on hers. Jess had never felt anything like it. Her lips were tingling as Hakon slid his flesh over hers. He was gentle, which surprised her. She expected him to be more forceful, more dominant. When she felt his tongue against her mouth, Jess could do nothing less than obey his command. She opened up to him, mewled in the back of her throat as his masculine flavor exploded on her taste buds, and craved more of his taste. She hissed into his mouth as her naked body came into contact with his, and couldn’t help but rub her aching breasts, her peaked nipples, over the hair on his belly and his warm skin. She was drowning in his touch, his taste, and knew she would never be able to get enough.

Jess whimpered when she felt Hakon’s hard cock pulsing against her stomach as he thrust his hips into her body. She wiggled around until his turgid flesh was trapped between them and moaned into his mouth again as his hard rod slid back and forth against her skin. She twirled her tongue around his, and he retreated and thrust again, the crown of his cock now massaging her throbbing clit. How he had managed that feat since there was so much difference in their height, she had no idea. She felt Dagr remove his arm from around her waist, releasing her arms from their restraining prison, and then both his hands were at her waist, and he was lifting her up into Hakon’s arms. She wrapped her arms around Hakon’s neck, clinging to him as she wrapped her legs around his waist.

She was on fire and needed to relieve the wanton ache of her pussy. She wriggled around until she felt Hakon’s stomach touching against her clit. She slid her hips up and down, massaging her clit on his warm flesh, her breath sobbing out of her lungs as she pulled her mouth away from his. She gulped in air, threw her head back, and screamed out her release. Her body shook as her pussy clenched and released, her juices flowing freely over Hakon’s stomach. When the last shudder subsided, she found herself wrapped around him, clinging to him, and buried her face against his neck.
What the hell did I just do? Oh God.
They weren’t going to let her keep her distance now, not after what she had just done.

“You have no need to feel ashamed, Jessamine,” Dagr rasped out from behind her. “Come, we will bathe you.”

Jess didn’t want to let go of Hakon, but she had no choice, as Dagr grasped her by the waist and pulled her away from his brother. She ended up cradled in his arms, one muscular arm supporting her back and the other beneath her knees. She felt compelled to look at him, and even though she fought it, she found her head lifting to stare into his eyes.

“You are very beautiful, Jessamine. I will enjoy bathing you.”

Jess lowered her eyes again as Dagr carried her around the cubicle wall and into the large shower The steam drifting up from the floor tickled her nostrils, and she inhaled, trying to clear her passion-fogged brain. There was an elusive, familiar scent permeating her senses, but she was too satiated to name it. The perfume seemed to have a calming effect on her. She closed her eyes and sighed as the warm water streamed over her body, making her languid, her cares floating away on the steam rising above the water.

Jess let Dagr carry her over to the far side of the shower and place her on his lap when he sat on a bench she hadn’t seen along one wall of the massive cubicle. She could feel his hard shaft poking into her hip but was surprised when she felt no embarrassment. Instead she felt the embers of her so recently satisfied arousal begin to stir, making her squirm as her libido flamed even hotter.

“I can feel your need, little one, but also your disquiet. You have nothing to worry from us,” Loki stated as he sat on the other side of her and Dagr. “You are very precious to us, Jessamine. Please, do not be afraid.”

“I am not afraid. I am nervous. I have arrived on a strange planet and don’t know any of you. You are claiming I am your bond mate, and you can calm me with a touch. I’m not usually like this. How are you doing it? How are you all making me crazy with desire?” Jess asked on a sob.

Jess couldn’t believe the way she was acting around the three giant, handsome men. It was so totally out of character for her. She knew they had to be the ones making her feel like she was, and she didn’t like it. Not one little bit. She was a virgin for goodness’ sake. She had never wanted to be with a man before, let alone craved the touch of the three men claiming to be her bond mates.

“We are not doing anything to you, Jess. It is natural for a female to crave the touch of her bond mates,” Hakon explained as he took a seat on her other side. “We are not controlling your body in any way. We are able to keep you calm, and yes, we do feel what you are feeling, but we cannot control your body’s responses to us. That is all your own doing, little Jess.”

“But…what if I don’t want to feel these things? What if I don’t want to mate with you? I can’t grasp the thought of being dictated to by one man, let alone three. Don’t I have the right to have a choice?”

“Well, yes and no,” Dagr replied. “Yes, you can say no, and we would leave you alone. We would never do anything you don’t want us to do. Your need for release was too much for us to ignore, and since you did not protest, we could not let you suffer the way you were.”

“But that’s not fair. You have the unfair advantage of feeling what I feel. I don’t want you to be able to feel my desires and anger,” Jess said and heard the tremor in her own voice.

“Ah, little Jess, but that is what a bond mate is supposed to do. We could not have tended to your needs if we were not able to feel what you do. You were aroused, and we could not ignore your desires. We felt the ache of your body, the desire to have our hands and mouths touching you, easing the longing you felt. You were not denying us with your mouth. You did not say no to our touch when you could have, but your body and mind were begging for our touch,” Loki explained.

“Well, that just stinks. I don’t want you reading my mind and feeling what my body wants,” Jess stated peevishly.

“You can’t stop it from happening, Jessamine. It is part of the mate bonding for us to feel your needs. The more we are together and the more we touch you, you will also begin to feel our needs, our desires. Once we have joined together in body, you will feel our emotions as well. So then you won’t be at such a disadvantage,” Dagr explained.

“I don’t want to feel what you lot feel. I have enough of my own problems and my own emotions without having to sort out who is feeling what. I don’t know what I want or need at the moment. I am so confused.”

“You can deny it all you wish, Jessamine, but it will not change the fact that you are our bond mate,” Hakon said firmly. “Now let us bathe you. You are tired and need to rest.”

Jess was surprised at the fact the three men claiming to be her bond mates weren’t pushing themselves on her. She had been afraid they wanted to have sex with her now, tonight. But apparently they weren’t as insensitive as she believed. Maybe they weren’t so bad after all.

Chapter Five

Jess wandered the long rabbit warren–like corridors, trying to find her way to the large dining room so she could have some breakfast. She had no idea where she was going or even what time it was. She had been surprised to find the large bed empty when she had awoken that morning and had bathed, dressed, and headed out. She wished she knew what the runic signs at the end of each corridor said. She felt as if she had been traversing these endless corridors for hours. She was about to give up and turn around, when she saw a tall, large, blond-headed man walking toward her.

“Oh, thank you, God,” Jess muttered under her breath, then began walking toward the man at a quick pace. “Excuse me, can you help me find my way to the dining room? I seem to have lost my way.”

“You are new here. I have never seen you before. What is your name, female?”

“Jess. Who are you?”

“I am a visitor. I hail from the northern realm of Norland. I am the leader of my people. My brothers rule at my side. My name is Nadal Highmond. I am pleased to see you, Jess. You are a very beautiful woman,” Nadal stated, making Jess move back as he stalked toward her.

“What are you doing?” Jess asked, her voice rising with panic when her back hit the wall behind her. Shit, she was trapped.

“You are not bonded with anyone. Why is that? I think you would do well with me and my brothers,” Nadal stated, leaning down and sniffing at her neck.

“Back off, buddy. I may not be mated as yet, but I’m sure Hakon, Dagr, and Loki would not like what you are doing to me,” Jess stated through clenched teeth, more than surprised at how calm she sounded. Her heart was beating rapidly in her chest, and she was very afraid at what she saw in the man’s eyes as he looked down at her. She kept her eyes on his as he moved his big arms to lean against the wall, effectively caging her in with his big body.

BOOK: Van, Becca - Her Norland Warriors (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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