Read Unspoken Epilogue Online

Authors: Jen Frederick

Unspoken Epilogue (3 page)

BOOK: Unspoken Epilogue
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"No." I exhaled and rested the spoon on the side of the pan. Turning, I wound my arms around Bo's neck.

His mouth came down and the tender love he had for me passed between our lips, soothing the wounds of the day. His tongue traced my lips and stroked the interior recesses of my mouth. I let him make love to me with just his mouth. Without breaking our connection, he reached down with his hands and pulled me against him, wrapping my legs around his waist. This wasn't exactly a sexual act or a prelude to love making. This was Bo's way of telling me that no matter what happened outside, our world was filled with endless love.

He carried me into the living room and sat down in the big leather chair that was big enough to fit two people. His mouth broke away from mine and kissed my neck, my shoulder. Large hands smoothed my front, caressing my breasts over the button down. He made no effort to take this any further.

"I told my advisor and she suggested that it wasn't a good time for me to be pregnant." I placed my cheek against his chest and listened to the steady thumping of his heart. "Then I called my mom and she said that we weren't married. She's not married and still had me."

"I thought we weren't telling anyone?" Bo said.

"A few people. Not our friends though."

I could feel Bo shake his head. "I'm telling my mom then."

"Sure." At this point, I didn't care. Bo was silent for a long time.

"Let's go to bed, AnnMarie," he said. "There's nothing in there but us."

"Okay, Bo."

Bo carried me into the bedroom and spent what seemed like hours loving every inch of my body. It was dark when I woke up. I had drifted off after he'd brought me to my third release. I grabbed my smartphone and clicked the on button to check the time. It was eleven thirty. Bo's side of the bed was empty. I ran a hand over the sheets and the space was cold, suggesting that he had been gone for a while.

As I laid there I began to hear music drifting out of the living room. It was a slow, sultry music heavy on the saxaphone. Something that Bo ordinarily would not listen to. I wondered if we had company. I got up and pulled on one of Bo's old Central College t-shirts. Rummaging around, I found a pair of boxers with lipstick marks that I'd bought Bo as a joke. He preferred to go commando. I rolled the waistband several times and then stepped out of the bedroom. Lights flickered on the floor and at first I thought the place was on fire. Then I realized that there were hundreds of tea lights lining the small hallway from the bedroom leading into the living area. In between the tea lights was a carpet of red rose petals. I felt like I was walking on silk. The roses' fragrance was heady. As if I had dropped into another world, I moved gingerly down the hall. At the end of the hall, I saw more candles on every surface and more roses. Bo had covered our small table in a white cloth and he was sitting there in a tux that he'd bought to wear to Noah and Grace's wedding.

When he saw me, he dropped to his knee and held out a blue-green box with a white bow.

I covered my mouth with my hands and dropped to my knees in front of him.

"No, no," Bo said, "you're supposed to stand up for this."

He pushed me upward but I was so unsteady on my legs that I had to lean into him. Tears were forming and I couldn't hold them back.

"Why are you crying, Sunshine?"

"I'm so happy, I guess." I didn't really know why I was crying ,only that there was so much emotion inside me that I felt I would burst if I didn't let it out.

Bo shook his head. "I think I loved you from the moment I saw you in class."


"No, Advanced Economic Theory."

"But we never talked in that class."

"AnnMarie," Bo said with exaggerated patience.


"This is my show. You need to stop asking me questions."

I made a show of zipping my lips.

Bo took a deep breath and tried again. "I think I loved you from the moment I saw you in Advanced Econ Theory." He emphasized the class name and rolled his eyes. "We've been together for nearly four years and I can't imagine life without you. My life would be so dry and boring without you. You're my other half. If you don't marry me, I'm not sure I can wake up tomorrow and believe that there is a future worth living."

He unwrapped the box and pulled out a velvet box. Pulling the top open, he held up the box again. Nestled into the silk was a beautiful diamond antique setting with a huge round diamond in the center. It looked like something that a woman in the nineteeth century would wear, with delicate diamonds set all around the larger one and studded throughout the band.

It was absolutely gorgeous and exactly what I would've have picked out for myself. A perfect blend of old and new. I felt myself tear up yet again.

"What is with the waterworks?" Bo stood up and lifted me in his arms. He pulled out a chair at the elegantly set table and cuddled me close. He still held the box in his hand and I could feel the side of it pressing against my waist. I reached behind and pulled it out of his hand.

"Put it on me please." I offered him the box from the cradle of my hands. Bo's smile was more bright than all the candles in the room put together. He plucked the ring out of the box and slid it on my finger. I was glad his hands were steady because I was trembling. When the ring reached the base of my finger I clenched my fist around it, unnecessarily because it fit perfectly.

"Did you think that this was never going to happen? Is that why you're crying?" Bo took his big thumbs and swiped them across my cheeks. He leaned in and pressed soft kisses all over my wet face.

"No, it's just unexpected and everything. I hope you're not asking because I'm pregnant." I worried my lower lip between my teeth.

Bo shook his head. "Marry me, AnnMarie. There is no future without you. Without you, I can't face another day. You are my today and all my tomorrows."

"Yes, God, yes, Bo." I let my lips be captured by his, our tongues tangling and stroking against each other.

I felt him grow hard under me. He rearranged my legs so that they straddled either side of him, the arms of the chair spread me wide. He pressed me hard against him, the moisture between us from my arousal rather than my tears now. His lips firmed and his kisses became harder, his tongue moving in and out of my mouth in a rhythm in keeping with his steady rubbing of his hardness between my legs.

"I love you Bo, love you so much." I whispered these words between open-mouthed, wet, sex charged kisses. I dug my fingers into his hair and leveraged myself up against him. It was not enough. It would never be enough. His hand reached down between us, under the borrowed boxers. At the feel of the soaked cotton, Bo let out a long, low groan into my mouth which made me tighten around the fingers he'd slipped inside me.

"I can't wait until you are riding me, Sunshine," Bo grunted.

"Right here," I panted. Riding his fingers, hard, I repeated, "Right here."

I don't remember what was on the table, but it was pushed down to the floor, off to the other side. Bo pushed me back on the table and tore the underwear down. Hoisting his elbows on the table, he lifted my hips until my pussy was level with his mouth.

"I can't fucking believe my baby is inside you. God, I was hard all day thinking about it."

"Please," I begged. My hands clutched at the white linen table cloth and I wondered where we got it. We didn't own white linen. We didn't own tablecloths. But at the touch of Bo's mouth against my pussy, thoughts of table coverings dropped away. My entire focus was on his touch between my legs. He held me with one hand under my buttocks, his other hand was busy thrusting between my legs. I squeezed his head between my thighs and drummed my feet against his back which made him release a throaty laugh. He loved to make me crazy. He loved hearing me beg and there was no shame in asking for what I wanted with him.

"I need you inside me right now," I cried. The torture he was working with his tongue and fingers was too much for me to take. He bit my clit and then sucked it hard while curling his fingers inside of me. His thumb pressed right below my clit while he worked the whole area with his mouth. Thrust, pluck, suck. It was all too much. I couldn't hold it in anymore and I came all over his mouth and tongue. He hummed as he lapped up my release. I could feel the vibration against my pussy.

"That's a good way to start our celebration." Bo grinned at me when I raised up on my elbows, dazed from the force of my orgasm. He wiped his fingers on the table cloth and leaned up over to blow out the candles that rested precariously on the edge of the table.

"Let's go to bed then. I ache for you," I told him.

"Where do you ache?" Bo pressed a kiss on my neck. "Is it here?"

"No, lower." But I tilted my neck to the side. He suckled lightly which raised goosebumps all over.

His hand slid lower and drew a finger over my taut nipple. "Here? Is your heart empty?"

"No, my heart is so full it might burst." I captured his hand and brought it up to my lips. "I'm empty in my pussy. I need your cock filling me up. I need your come inside me."

"Oh fuck me." Bo bit his lip and gritted his teeth when I dragged his hand down between my legs to the tissues still swollen from my arousal and release. He stroke me lightly. "Not until you go to the doctor."

I rubbed up against him but he took his hand away. "Let's go to the bedroom and cuddle."

Rather than pout, I simply pushed up off the table and walked down the hall to our bedroom. No amount of arguing was going to move Bo from this position. He was always trying to make me happy but there were a few times when he put down his foot and I had to give in. The first time was when I was thinking of going to the University of Chicago for a two year MBA program in the College of Business. Bo insisted on paying for it. I told him Roger had offered but Bo was mulish. He was going to provide for me and that was that. The second time was when we got this apartment. I had no job and Bo was paying for my grad program. I wanted to get a job and rent a cheap apartment. Bo took one look at the "goddamn slum" as he called it and presented me with this place a day later. It was in a perfect location just north of the University and full of up and coming young professionals. Even though I managed Bo's trust he'd managed to buy the entire building without me knowing. When I learned that the building was a business venture with his best friend Noah, I just gave in. I sensed his not having sex with me until I went to a doctor was going to be one of those moments.

But I had my own plans. Cuddling my ass.

Once inside the bedroom, I pulled off my tshirt. My underwear was in shreds somewhere in the dining room along with the rose petals and the candles. I crawled on the bed, knowing Bo was behind me watching the whole time. His sullen silence was heavy in the room. He didn't like I was using his favorite thing"”my body"”against him. Knowing he couldn't see me, I allowed myself a smug smile. I opened my legs as I crawled toward the headboard so he could see the wetness that was coating me, just based on him looking at me.

"I know what you're doing and it's not going to work," Bo said hoarsely but he had followed me into the room and when I looked over my shoulder I could see his eyes were glued on my ass. I wiggled it a little just to taunt him. He covered his eyes and flipped off the lights. I laughed low and husky. Turning around, I rested my back against the headboard and pulled my legs into a lotus position so I was completely open to him. The tea lights in the hallway were still flickering and illuminated the front door. Bo stood there in his tuxedo, the white shirt untucked and the vest and coat hanging open. The fine wool of the pants were tented in the front. Bo was commando once again.

I felt decadent totally nude while Bo was mostly dressed in his finest clothes. It was very naughty and turned me on even more. I crooked my finger for him to step forward.

There was cuddling that night but not until long after I'd broken down Bo's self-control and ridden him to heaven.

18 Years Later


"Have we got sunscreen?" AnnMarie called out.

"Yup, and the towels, the hair conditioning thingy, and goggles." I winked at Charlotte who covered her mouth to stifle a giggle. Her pleasure was infectious and I couldn't suppress a smile. Leaning down I pressed a kiss on top of her sandy blonde hair and stared into the blue eyes that were a mirror of my own. Charlotte was a beautiful child, a perfect replica of AnnMarie's fine beauty. She was unmistakably my daughter though with her shocking blue eyes. I never really appreciated how arresting the color was until I saw it in her eyes.

"See," Annmarie had told me, "that color of blue should not be allowed in humans."

Part of me agreed. I didn't want to see my little girl using those blue orbs on any guy. Already at twelve, Charlotte was drawing the attention of much older boys who looked at her wavy blonde hair and her already lithe legs and had visible inappropriate thoughts that made me want to pound them into dust. Somehow fate had given me this delicate beauty and Noah two brawny sons. Noah piously said it was because he was a good boy and had waited patiently for Grace and that I'd been too free with my favors.

Had I known that the price of promiscuity was that I'd get a daughter that would've attracted more attention than the naked cowboy in Times Square, I would've kept my dick in my pants. Goddman Jackson. I heard AnnMarie and Grace talking about how great it would be if their eldest, Nathan, would marry Charlotte. Maybe when Charlotte was thirty. I loved Noah like a brother but the thought of his son putting a penis inside my daughter made me want to pulverize Nathan. Now we were going on a boating trip with the Jackson family. Noah, Grace, and their two boys. Fourteen-year-old Nathan who looked like he was eighteen and twelve-year-old Nicholas who was dating some eighth grader. The whole idea made me scowl.

"Whaddaya got underneath your cover up?" I asked Charlotte. She had some thigh-length terry cloth sweatshirt on. Maybe she should put some pants on.

BOOK: Unspoken Epilogue
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