Unleash (Vampire Erotic Theatre Romance Series Book 6) (17 page)

BOOK: Unleash (Vampire Erotic Theatre Romance Series Book 6)
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“I cannot.” She lowered her head further, causing her long black hair to cover her face.

“Why not?” Snow couldn’t hold the growl of frustration and hurt from his voice when his feelings were colliding within him, despair battling hope, cowardice fighting courage.

He frowned and ground his molars, unsure what to do. His head said to give up and let her go. His heart said to reach out and grab hold of her, and never let her leave him. She couldn’t leave him. They were meant for each other. He was sure of it.

“We do not belong together,” she whispered and he shut out the words of the song she had sung to him, the tale of two who didn’t belong together, two he was coming to see as he and Aurora, even when he wanted to go against the odds and win her heart forever. “My master is right.”

Something in Snow snapped on hearing those words leave her lips. “Screw your master and what he thinks is right. What do you think is right? What feels right to you?”

Aurora glanced at him. “I do not know.”

Snow pieced his shattered heart back together, mentally picked himself up off the deck, and took another step towards her, determined not to back down until she had given in to him.

“I know that you fear what is happening between us, Aurora… the Devil knows I do too… and that it is all new to you and may feel wrong, but if you would only give me a chance… I can show you how right we are for each other and that your passion is something to embrace, not deny.” He halted in front of her, his entire body shaking and his knees weak, and stared down into her beautiful eyes, catching the spark of warmth that now lit them. A spark that ignited hope within his aching heart.

Snow breathed hard, struggling with himself and the words, trying to get them all to come out right in spite of his nerves. He longed to touch her but he couldn’t. He feared he would taint her. God, he wanted to taint her. He had never wanted anything so fiercely.

She looked as though she was going to say something stupid about her master.

Snow’s hands trembled, nerves threatening to get the better of him. He wouldn’t let her leave him. He lifted his hand, gently slid it along the length of her jaw, and raised her face to his. His gaze fell to her lips.

He pressed his thumb to her jaw, captured her nape with his fingers, and tilted her head, slanting his at the same time.

“I will ruin you.”

He leaned in and placed his mouth on hers, cutting off her protest with a kiss. The heat and taste of her struck him hard, and the softness of her lips against his rocked him to his soul.

Snow closed his eyes and gathered her against him with his free arm. The feel of her supple body pressing into his sent him out of his head and it was hard to keep the kiss chaste, giving her time to adjust to it.

His whole body cried out to take things further and kiss her deeper, sliding his tongue between the seam of her lips, ruining her completely.

He gently swept his lips across hers, the feel of her shaking in his arms keeping him grounded, awing him as she mimicked his actions, her soft mouth working against his. Her breath stuttered, moist and sweet on his face, and her palms settled on his bare chest. His heart beat hard against it, hurting his ribs as it attempted to break free of the cage of his body and get to her.

It belonged to her now, no matter what happened between them. In return, he wanted her to belong to him. It was only fair.

He risked it and stroked her lips with his tongue and she clutched his pectorals, her fingertips pressing into his flesh, and her heartbeat went wild.

Snow hadn’t kissed in too many centuries, but she had probably never been kissed. He didn’t want to overwhelm or scare her, not even when he ached to feel her tongue caressing his, hot against cool.

He reluctantly drew back, releasing her mouth, and looked down at her. She stayed on her toes, her entire body leaning against his and her hands burning into his chest. She looked beautiful with her eyes still closed, head still slanted, and lips parted and rosy from his kiss.

Rain fell softly on her face, drops glistening on her cheeks and brow. A single drop landed on her lower lip, quivering there. He wanted to capture that drop in another kiss.

Her eyes slowly opened. A deep blush crept onto her cheeks.

“Give me a chance,” Snow whispered, voice thick and hoarse, tight with the feelings filling his heart and his desire.

She swiped her tongue across her lower lip, catching the raindrop, almost doing him in. He groaned internally, his hunger for her rising, burning away all restraint and goading him into kissing her again, and not relenting until she was completely his.

“I can only give you three days,” she said quietly.

It was more than he had dared to hope for and he would be a fool not to take it.

“Snow?” His name trembled on her lips.

He took his hand from her jaw and teased the strands of her damp black hair from her face, clearing it for his heated gaze to devour.

She swallowed and her eyes flickered between his and his lips.

“Kiss me again.”


now captured Aurora’s jaw and drew her back to him, lowering his head at the same time.

He swept his lips across hers, earning a breathy sigh that verged on a moan, and gathered her body closer to his, settling his free hand in the small of her back and then sliding it around to clutch her hip.

The feel of her soft flesh giving beneath his fingers was divine, stoking his desire up another degree. He wanted to run his hands over every supple delicious inch of her but feared it would frighten her away or she would reject him if he tried to slake his need to touch her.

She tasted sweet and addictive, and he knew he would crave her forever.

Aurora responded quicker this time, her small hands sliding up his damp bare chest, teasing him with the warmth of her palms. She clutched his shoulders, fingertips pressing into his flesh in the same hungry way his grasped her side, and tilted her head and kissed him, her actions choppy and a little clumsy, but enchanting all the same.

Rain began to fall in earnest, fat drops that were cold against his bare skin, but he didn’t feel them. Didn’t notice anything while his lips danced with Aurora’s, his heart on fire and his soul filling with light.

He trembled, nerves threatening to get the better of him even when he was battling them, trying to shut them down so Aurora didn’t notice them. He didn’t want her to think him a weak and inexperienced male, even when he felt like one as he kissed her, drowning in her taste and her heat, afraid he would do something to make her pull away and leave him.

Snow struggled to keep the kiss soft, a tender exploration of her lips and a gentle easing into her first experience. He grew more confident as she kissed him, her mouth working against his, growing bolder with each sweep of her lips.

Her fingertips pressed into his shoulders, clutching him tightly, and she leaned into him, mashing her breasts against his chest. Her heart thundered against his, a frantic rhythm that called to his base hungers, telling him that she wanted more. His body responded in the only way it knew, growing hard for her. Painfully so.

He ached to take things further and he wasn’t sure how long he would be able to deny that need, even when he knew he should.

She loosed her first moan and tensed, as though the sound of pleasure emanating from her throat and heart had startled her. He smiled against her lips and deepened the kiss, stroking his tongue over her lips so they parted for him. He teased another moan from her when their tongues touched, causing his to tingle and a shiver to tumble down his spine. He needed more.

Aurora was way ahead of him.

She delved her tongue into his mouth and groaned low in her throat, the sound conveying pure unadulterated bliss. Snow groaned with her and tackled her tongue, taking control of the kiss again, showing her that two could play at her game. She upped the stakes.

Aurora clutched his shoulders, tiptoed and moulded her hot body against his front, her belly pressing into his hard cock and tearing another moan from him. She ran one hand up his neck to his hair and her fingers tangled in it, nails scraping his scalp, driving him out of his mind.

Rain poured down on them and thunder rolled menacingly overhead.

Snow planted his hands against her lower back, gathered her flush against him and leaned over her, kissing her harder and losing himself in sensations that felt foreign to him. It had been that long since he had held a woman like this and kissed one.

He shook that thought away. He had never held a woman like this, clinging to her as though his world would end if she escaped his grasp, and had never kissed like this either, his passion pouring out of him because it was overflowing and he couldn’t contain it. A dam had burst and he was powerless to resist the violent flow that swept him along, pulling him under at times until he felt as though he was drowning.

Gasping for more.

Lightning cracked above them, the flash registering even with his eyes closed, and the hairs on the back of his neck prickled. His senses blared a warning he was too far gone to heed.

The electricity in the air was nothing compared with the intense energy that blazed between him and Aurora.

Their desire put it to shame, burning at a billion volts, far beyond their control.

Aurora ran her short nails down his arms, clawing at his wet skin, and he growled and gathered her closer.

“Need you,” he husked and she didn’t deny him. She whimpered in response, kissing him harder, working her body against his in a maddening way.

Snow gathered fistfuls of her white dress, squeezing the water from the saturated layers, and growled as he pulled her closer. She still wasn’t close enough to satisfy him, even when there wasn’t a trace of air between their bodies. He needed her closer. He needed to be inside her.

He slid his left hand down her exposed thigh and slowly raised it as he devoured her mouth. He hooked his fingers under her knee and held it close to his hip, thrusting against her belly at the same time. She let out another groan and dragged her lips harder across his, kissing him with fierce need that had him rock hard in his underwear. He needed more.

Aurora writhed against him, her actions jerky and tense, her kiss blistering but speaking of her inexperience. She didn’t know how to respond to the feelings flooding her, the intense need and hunger. He could feel her desperation and frustration, and he wanted to help her find the satisfaction she needed.

Snow lifted her into his arms, guiding her legs around his waist. She wrapped her arms around his neck and when she rocked her body this time, her core rubbed his hard shaft and she sighed in bliss. It drove him insane.

He couldn’t let her go that far with him, not even if she wanted it. He was desperate to feel all of her, to bury himself in her warm body, but he couldn’t. She was an innocent.

An angel.

She had never known a man’s touch.

Aurora rocked her hips again and threw her head back, her moan of pleasure combating with the thunder rolling overhead. Rain drenched her, the drops splattering on her pale skin, soaking into her dress and making the material transparent.

Ah, Hell.

Snow stared at the taut dusky buds of her nipples, the tight puckered beads clearly visible as they strained against her white dress, calling to him.

God damn him.

He smiled darkly, swearing that higher power already had and now it had sent an angel to tempt him into sinning again, and lowered his head. Aurora cried out when he wrapped his lips around her left nipple, bending over her and holding her bottom with one hand and supporting her back with the other.

He closed his eyes and sucked the sweet bud through her dress, groaning at the feel of her and the cool taste of the rain on her skin. Lightning arced across the clouds, the rain lashing at him, but he didn’t care. He would gladly die right now. He had already tasted heaven.

No, not quite. He wanted to taste it before he died.

He wanted to taste Aurora.

Snow fell to his knees, hitting the black tar hard enough to jolt his spine and cause Aurora to shriek. He leaned forwards and laid her down on the wet roof, pinning her beneath him as he continued to tease her nipple with his teeth and tongue. Her legs tightened around him and he took his wicked angel’s hint, driving his hips against hers, taking and giving pleasure that had them both moaning and quaking.

Aurora’s fingers tangled in his wet hair, clutching the long lengths, holding him to her breasts. He wanted to taste them properly. He pushed himself up on one hand and the sight of her arrested his gaze, stilling his body at the same time. She lay beneath him, her beautiful eyes bright in the darkness and cheeks flushed with desire. The dark passion-filled abyss of her pupils gobbled up her colourful irises, speaking of the needs he could already sense in her and would gladly fulfil. She wanted this too.

“Snow,” she whispered, her breath hitching, and he moved above her, rocking between her hips, her hot core burning his cock. He wanted to be inside her as he moved like this, making love to her. Her brow puckered and she tilted her head back into the roof and cried out, clawing his biceps at the same time.

Bright colours filled the corners of his vision and he frowned as he looked down at his arms. A trail blazed across his skin like an aurora borealis.

“What the hell?” He looked back at her, wanting an explanation.

Aurora panted, moaned, and undulated her body against his, almost driving his curiosity to the back of his mind. It darted back to the front when she touched his chest, fingers leaving more bright ribbons of jewel tones on his skin as the ones on his arms faded.

She bit her lip and raised her hips into his, rubbing herself along his hard length, making his eyes roll back in his head. He thrust against her a few times, unable to help himself, tearing more blissful cries from her sweet lips.

Aurora arched her back, caught the cups of her dress, and wantonly pulled the white material down her breasts, exposing them to his eyes.

BOOK: Unleash (Vampire Erotic Theatre Romance Series Book 6)
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