Unique Ink (Shadow Assassins Book 5) (18 page)

BOOK: Unique Ink (Shadow Assassins Book 5)
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After a long, strained pause, Roxie said, “I thought you left town.”

“I did.” She motioned toward Flynn. “He
me back so I could speak with you. Flynn drives really fast.”

“Well, I’m sorry you wasted the trip. I don’t know any more than I did the last time you saw me.”

“Somehow I doubt that, but I’m willing to let it go for now. Just remember how fast Flynn can have me here if I ever find out you’ve betrayed me.”

“I haven’t betrayed you.” Roxie calmly met her gaze, almost daring her to doubt the claim. “I don’t know what’s going on between you and Jillian’s friends. More importantly, I don’t care. Your fight has nothing to do with me, so leave me out of it.”

Sevrin stared at Roxie for another moment then motioned Flynn toward the door. They opened the barrier this time rather than flashing through it.

“What did you sense in there?” She waited until they were well away from the apartment to ask.

“I felt pulses of Mystic energy, but that’s not unusual with a hybrid. I also sensed a link between them, but that’s not unusual for a couple who recently became lovers.”

“It wasn’t a mating bond, was it?”

“No. A mating bond is significantly stronger. I’m not even sure this one was formed intentionally. Does Roxie even know she’s a hybrid?”

“I certainly haven’t told her. And if what she told me is true, the others have no reason to tell her either. Could you tell if she was lying or not?”

He shook his head. “My powers don’t work like that.”

She sighed. She had no reason to doubt him. Still, something didn’t feel right. She couldn’t define her discomfort, but she’d learned long ago to trust her instincts.

They reached a small weedy clearing between two of the three apartment buildings. She carefully checked to make sure they weren’t observed then stepped into Flynn’s embrace. “Take me to the Team South house. It’s time I had it out with Nazerel.”

* * * * *

“Why didn’t you flash in here?” Roxie shouted at Blayne. She was so angry she was shaking. When the Mystics failed to intervene during Sevrin’s visit, Roxie had presumed something had gone horribly wrong. But moments after Sevrin’s departure, Blayne and his two new friends casually knocked on the front door. “Sevrin was right there! All you had to do was grab her.”

“You were never in any danger.” Though compassion shone in Blayne’s silver-blue eyes, his tone remained resolute. “Capturing Sevrin is no longer our primary objective.”

“What are you talking about?” Elias flared, every bit as pissed off as Roxie.

The Mystic glanced at his silent companions before he explained. The other two Mystics stayed well back, allowing Blayne to take the brunt of their hostility. “Early this morning Morgan received a detailed update from Flynn. The situation is much worse than we thought. Sevrin has six females in varying stages of transformation. This has become a rescue mission.”

“I don’t understand what you’re talking about.” Roxie took a deep breath, trying to calm down enough to recall everything she’d learned in the past few days.

“Sevrin has been trying to transfer Mystic abilities into someone born without them for decades. The Shadow Assassins were part of that process. We thought she’d given up when she found out about the battle-born daughters. Apparently, we were wrong.”

“Apparently,” Elias grumbled. “What makes you think she’s still at it?”

Blayne visibly braced for their reaction as he said, “She’s not just ‘at it’; she has succeeded. There are six human females at her lab that now exhibit Mystic abilities.”

“That sucks, but what does it have to do with why you didn’t help us?” Roxie crossed her arms, her hands still tightly clenched. “This could have been over. It
should have
been over!”

“Flynn can’t lead us to the lab,” Blayne reminded. “If he could, none of this would be necessary.”

“I know that, dumb-ass.” It was all she could do not to slap the serene expression off his face. “Sevrin sure as hell can.”

“It would have taken days, perhaps weeks of Mystic interrogation to unlock Sevrin’s mind. She has trained for years to resist such probing. By that time the captives would have been slaughtered, along with any nonessential personnel, and all evidence of the research destroyed. Rodytes are ruthless. Our only hope is a fast, clean, surprise attack on the actual lab.”

Dread dropped like a brick into the pit of Roxie’s stomach. “Meaning there is no longer any other option; she has to take me there?”

“She has to take
there.” Elias slipped his arm around her waist and pulled her against his side. “You’re not going anywhere without me.”

“Do you still have the suppression collar?” Blayne asked Elias.

“I do.”

“Thank you for not using it. It’s much better if they don’t realize we have one.”

Roxie tensed and looked up at him. “Did Blayne tell you not to use it?”

“He didn’t have to. It would have been wasted on Flynn. Besides, by the time we were wrestling, it was obvious the Mystics weren’t going to interfere.”

“Why was it obvious to you?” She twisted out of his light embrace and moved several paces away. “It surprised the hell out of me.”

“Sevrin was just doing recon. This wasn’t an attack.”

Roxie turned back to Blayne, emotions still seething inside her. “Go. Away! If you can’t bother to show up when I need you, you sure as hell aren’t going to hang around when I don’t.”

Blayne motioned to the other Mystics and all three flashed out of sight.

An exasperated cry tore from Roxie’s throat. “I really need to hit someone!”

Elias ambled toward her, all calm, composed, alpha male. She wanted to kick him in the shins just to change his expression. “Go ahead. I can take it.”

She shot him a disdainful look. “It would probably just hurt my fist.” He reached for her hand, but she snatched it away, not yet ready to accept the comfort waiting in his warm embrace. “Do you think she bought it?”

He lifted one broad shoulder in a lazy shrug. “I don’t know how much of your story Sevrin believed, but she wasn’t suspicious enough to confront you and you’re still safe. We couldn’t ask for more.”

“Yes we can!” She planted her hands on her hips and glared up at him. “I want this finished. I want all of the aliens out of my life and I want…” Her breath shuddered out and she furiously blinked back tears. That evil bitch would not make her cry! She wouldn’t allow it. “I’m going to take a shower. If I don’t cool off, I’m going to punch a hole through the wall.”

“Or,” he stepped even closer, his gaze beginning to smolder, “we can work off your frustration and take a shower together when we’re done.”

“I won’t perform for Blayne and his cronies.”

“I’m sure they’re nearby, but they know you’re upset. They’ll give us a little space.”

She stared into his eyes as their proximity bond vibrated with excess energy. She couldn’t deal with a gentle seduction right now. Fast and frantic makeup sex was more in line with the emotions surging through her. With a silent prayer that he’d understand what she was doing, she drew back her hand. She paused for a heartbeat, making her intention obvious, then swung fast and hard, her open palm angled toward his face.

He caught her wrist a millisecond before her palm connected with his cheek. “I’m not the enemy.” His tone was dark and smoky, filled with sensual promise.

“No, you’re my jailor, my shadow, my guard.” The words sprang automatically to her lips, fueled by lingering resentment and insecurity. She yanked against his fingers, reveling in the strength so obvious in the simple hold. “Why won’t you leave me alone?”

“I can’t.” He leaned down and whispered, “I won’t.”

She shoved against his chest with her free hand, but he felt solid, grounded, unmovable. Excitement tingled through her, awakening her senses as heat trailed in the wake of the other sensations. Rocking up onto the balls of her feet, she twisted his T-shirt around her hand. “What do you want from me?”

“You know what I want.” He released her wrist and wrapped both arms around her, pressing her tightly against his body. “I’ve made my desires clear. The question is, what do you want from me?”

“Nothing.” She wiggled and twisted, rubbing against his hard body until they were both breathless. God it felt good, but her temper was still churning. “You’re an arrogant jerk! I don’t even like you.” She threw her weight back, knowing he’d catch her, keep her safe within his arms.

He chuckled, both hands moving down to grasp her butt. “Your pride’s sayin’ one thing, honey, while your body’s sayin’ another. Which should I believe?”

“Believe whatever you like.” She arched away, turning her head sharply to one side. “You don’t care what I say.”

Effortlessly reading her silent signals, he fisted the back of her hair and turned her head back around. “No more teasing, no more games.” His mouth covered hers, urging her lips apart for the bold thrust of his tongue.

She moaned into his mouth, retuning the kiss with equal urgency. Her body came alive with a sudden jolt, anger fueling her desire. Her skin felt tight and hot, her nipples tingled and her core clenched hard enough to warrant another moan. She’d never needed a man like she needed Elias.

Her arms wrapped around his broad back and her hips started rolling. She rubbed against him like an affectionate cat. Suddenly, he stilled and clasped her hips with both hands. He tore his mouth away and looked deep into her eyes.

“Can you feel that?” He rubbed against her, leaving her no chance of misunderstanding his meaning. She licked her lips and nodded. “Then you know exactly what I want from you, what I need more than breath right now.”

The hunger in his gaze hypnotized her and triggered an ache deep inside. Before she could think of another objection, he picked her up and carried her into her bedroom. “You better not stop this time,” she whispered against his throat. “I need this too badly.”

“You’re not leaving this bed until I run out of condoms.” He bent his head and kissed her, the touch soft and tender this time. “Unfortunately, that’s not much of a threat. I only have two.” He tossed her onto the bed where she landed with a little bounce.

Roxie laughed, joy bubbling up inside her. “I think we can survive long enough to buy more.” His playfulness was even sexier than his growling intensity and she responded to it just as readily.

“We don’t actually need them, you know. Of course, you only have my word on that.” He sat on the side of the bed so he could pull off his boots and socks.

“What do you mean? I’m not on the Pill.”

“You don’t need to be.” He looked back at her then tucked his socks down inside one of his boots. “Hybrids can’t conceive without a mating bond and you’re immune to the vast majority of human diseases.”

Her pulse raced as he waited for her reply. His expectation was obvious, the hope shimmering in his eyes. She wanted to trust him, but there had been so many stories about aliens intentionally impregnating Earth’s females.

Elias wasn’t an alien.

But you don’t really know him that well.

Her inner voice won out in the end. If she didn’t protect herself, no one would. “I…” She swallowed hard and tried again. “I’d be more comfortable if you used a condom.”

“I understand.” His expression didn’t change, though he quickly looked away and disappointment sparked across their link.

Her heart sank and she reached out for him, not wanting the closeness they were building to slip away. He stood before her fingers made contact and hurriedly stripped off his shirt.

The bunch and flex of his muscles momentarily scattered her thoughts. She’d seen pictures and videos of people who were toned like this, but she’d never had the opportunity to touch one until she met Elias. He took off his jeans, pausing to dig the condoms out of his wallet before he let the garment fall to the floor. Dressed in nothing but his underwear, he turned back toward the bed. “If you’re not ready for this, we can—”

“I’m ready.” She knelt on the bed and pulled off her tank top. “I’m more than ready. But all the talk about war brides and knocking up coeds has made me a little paranoid.”

He tossed the condoms on the bed then pulled her toward the edge. With her kneeling on the mattress and him standing beside the bed, they were nearly the same height. “We’ll never do anything you’re not comfortable with and I’ll never lie to you.”

She lightly rested her hands on his shoulders, stubbornly meeting his gaze. “Never is a really long time. Let’s start with today.”


Flashing his sexy grin, he swept her legs out from under her. She landed on her back with a gasp as he attacked the laces at the front of her black leather pants. She’d kicked off her sandals by the front door, a long-standing habit, so he was able to peel the supple fabric down her legs.

He caught her foot with one hand and raised her ankle to his lips. Tingles danced up her thigh and heat erupted in her core. He’d wanted to taste her the night before and she’d stopped him, hoping to slow the consuming fire devouring them both. The heat in his gaze made it obvious the need had returned. Or maybe it never left, maybe he’d been thinking about this ever since Morgan pounded on his door.

BOOK: Unique Ink (Shadow Assassins Book 5)
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