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Authors: Annabelle Jacobs

Union (10 page)

BOOK: Union
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He felt Ryneq’s cock begin to harden again as he rubbed up against Nykin’s thigh, and Nykin wanted nothing more than to feel it inside him. He shifted his hips, a languid roll that sent a frisson of pleasure along his spine and made him suddenly impatient for more.

“What are you waiting for, then?” he said, breaking the silence, and then grinned at Ryneq’s quiet huff of laughter.

Ryneq straightened fully, his dark eyes boring into Nykin’s. “I hope you ate well at the feast, because you’re going to need all your energy for what I’ve got in mind.” He darted in for a quick, bruising kiss before manhandling Nykin so his back was flush to Ryneq’s front.

They were roughly the same height, but Ryneq was much broader, and Nykin felt every inch of him as he hooked one hand under Nykin’s shoulder and wrapped an arm around his chest. Ryneq was fully hard again now, beads of precome sliding along the top of Nykin’s ass each time Ryneq rubbed against him. Nykin let his head fall back, and Ryneq was there—warm breath washing over the side of Nykin’s neck and making him shiver.

“I want to fuck you, Nykin. Hard. I’ve wanted to do it ever since you put on those damn leather pants.” He nipped at Nykin’s ear, and slid his arm down to hold Nykin across the waist. They were pressed so close together now. Ryneq’s dick was wedged snugly between Nykin’s ass cheeks, and to have it so close but not inside him was almost an unbearable tease.

“Do it.” Nykin closed his eyes and reached for his own cock—hard and straining upward. He stroked along the length with slow, unhurried flicks of his wrist. “I want you to.”

He turned his head to the side, searching out Ryneq’s mouth, and moaned soft and low when warm rough lips closed over his own. The angle was a little awkward, but neither of them seemed to care. Ryneq bit at Nykin’s lower lip, then licked over the tender flesh as his hand dropped lower to join Nykin’s.

He wrapped it around Nykin’s cock, their fingers entwined and moving together. “Ready?” Ryneq whispered, breaking the kiss.

“Gods, yes.” Nykin was so beyond ready for this. He reached out blindly toward the bedside drawer, knocking off the book he’d been reading earlier, before his fingers closed around the small bottle of oil. “Here.” He held it out for Ryneq to take, almost whining at the loss of friction on his cock when Ryneq let go to grasp the bottle.

Ryneq stepped away from him. The sudden cool air along Nykin’s back caused goose bumps to appear all over his skin. Ryneq placed his hand at the base of Nykin’s spine, his palm rough with callouses but warm and surprisingly gentle as he pushed Nykin down face-first toward the bed. Nykin lay with his body on the bed and his feet on the floor, and Ryneq followed after him, trailing kisses down between Nykin’s shoulders as oil-slicked fingers rubbed over his hole.

The sheets were soft under Nykin’s belly as he writhed under Ryneq’s touch. He spread his legs wider, and Ryneq worked him open with long thick fingers, rubbing and twisting inside him over and over until Nykin was barely hanging on. “I’m going to… going to come if you don’t stop.”

Ryneq’s fingers were gone in an instant, replaced by the blunt head of his cock pressing at Nykin’s entrance. “Not yet,” he whispered, grabbing Nykin’s hip—fingers digging in hard enough to bruise—while he guided himself inside.

Nykin’s hands curled into fists as Ryneq slowly pushed forward, the thick length of him filling Nykin and making him gasp out loud from the burn. He squeezed his eyes shut as his body adjusted to the feeling, the soothing touch of Ryneq’s hand a constant pressure on his back.

“Okay?” Ryneq leaned forward, his whole body covering Nykin’s, and Nykin nodded, breathlessly. “Hold on, then.”

Ryneq hooked both hands under Nykin’s shoulders, holding him tight, and slowly began to fuck him. Long, torturous strokes had Nykin pushing his hips back with every thrust, urging Ryneq to go faster, but Ryneq kept the same steady pace—driving in slow and deep.

“Come on,” Nykin hissed, clenching around Ryneq and making him curse. “I thought you were going to fuck me hard?” He felt Ryneq shake his head and let out a short bark of laughter.

“Oh, I am.” Ryneq drew his hips back, and slammed back inside him.

Nykin immediately grabbed handfuls of the sheets to hold on to as Ryneq did it again and again, all the while pinning Nykin to the bed—his grip so tight that Nykin could barely move. Ryneq set a hard and fast pace, just this side of too much, but it felt so good, and Nykin desperately fought to keep himself from coming. He wanted Ryneq to keep fucking him like this, wanted to feel every inch of him.

“So close,” Ryneq grunted. He hauled Nykin up off the bed and supported him with strong arms around his waist and chest. “Touch yourself.”

His mouth was right next to Nykin’s ear, and the ragged breathing told Nykin just how close Ryneq was to losing control. Nykin reached for his cock, fisting it roughly, his whole body wound so tight that when his orgasm rushed through him, he all but collapsed against Ryneq—thick spurts of come landing all over the sheets below.

Ryneq immediately pushed him back onto the bed, and Nykin was so boneless that he didn’t care about lying in his own mess. With his hands back on Nykin’s hips, Ryneq pounded into him, once, twice more before he stilled completely, his come spilling into Nykin in a wet rush.

“Gods, Nykin.” Ryneq fell forward, resting his sweat-damp forehead against the middle of Nykin’s back before gently pulling out and crawling onto the bed next to him. “Hey.”

He tugged on Nykin’s arm until Nykin relented and shuffled up a bit so he could sprawl over Ryneq’s chest.

“Better.” Ryneq pulled him in closer with an arm around his shoulders, and Nykin relaxed into the warmth of Ryneq’s body.

He didn’t have the energy to move any farther, so he mumbled “Night” into Ryneq’s chest before his eyes fell shut, and he drifted off into an exhausted sleep.

Chapter 7


Nykin was awake earlier than Ryneq the next morning. He stretched his aching muscles, relishing the satisfying soreness from the previous night’s activities. They’d been up well into the night, exploring each other’s bodies, and Nykin had the resulting marks coloring his skin.

At only a little past dawn, with the sun barely lighting the sky, Nykin was already restless and anxious to start the day. They had so much to do now that Cerylea’s wedding had moved forward, but that wasn’t what had woken Nykin so early. Today he was going to ride his dragon—for the first time in what seemed like forever. He hadn’t been on Fimor’s back since he left the palace to rescue Ryneq.

He counted back in his head—it had to be at least four weeks ago, maybe longer, and Nykin was itching to get back in the saddle. Ryneq stirred beside him, and Nykin shifted slightly to look at him. He rarely got the chance to take him in like this. Ryneq was constantly moving, always busy, and he hardly ever took the time to just be.

Nykin traced a finger down the side of Ryneq’s jaw, barely touching the skin, but the rough stubble still prickled. Ryneq needed to shave. He had his mouth open a little, and Nykin felt the soft puff of air each time he breathed. His lips were soft to the touch, and Nykin followed the bow of the bottom one with his thumb, startling when Ryneq suddenly nipped at it with his teeth. Ryneq’s eyes snapped open, dark and sleepy, as he stared up at Nykin.

“Morning.” Nykin’s voice was scratchy, and he had to clear his throat before speaking again. “We should get up. There’s a lot to be done today.”

He smiled at the way Ryneq reached for him, curling his body around Nykin’s like a large cat.

“Hmm… you’re right.” Ryneq shifted onto his side to face him, and slid a hand over Nykin’s taut belly. He used his fingers to map the contours of Nykin’s muscles before moving his hand to disappear under the covers. “We should get up.” Nykin was hard and ready, and Ryneq grinned as he wrapped a hand around him and leisurely stroked him from root to tip.

Nykin sucked in a breath and closed his eyes as his head fell back against the headboard with a soft thump. “We don’t have time,” he protested weakly, his voice lacking any conviction.

“Yes, we do.” Ryneq moved closer, flicking his tongue over Nykin’s nipple before taking it between his teeth. He bit down hard, and Nykin groaned loudly, arching his back. “I’ll make it quick.” He hooked his leg over Nykin’s hip, rolling him over so they now faced each other, and he trailed gentle bites and kisses up Nykin’s chest and along his collarbone.

Ryneq shuffled his hips over a little to line up his dick with Nykin’s, then took them both in his hand. They were already slick with precome, and Ryneq swiped it up with his fingers to ease the slide of his strokes. It still felt drier than Nykin was used to, but the rough drag of Ryneq’s calloused palm had him cursing and pushing into Ryneq’s fist to get more friction.

He gasped out a moan as Ryneq tightened his grip and twisted his wrist at the top before easing it back down, then doing it all over again. Nykin bit his lip and shoved the sheets out of the way to get a better look. Ryneq’s large hand moved quickly now, bringing them both closer to orgasm, and the sight had Nykin fisting the sheets, his toes curling and his balls drawing up tight in preparation.

“Oh Gods…,” Nykin hissed as Ryneq bit down on the top of his shoulder. He felt Ryneq’s cock pulse against his as Ryneq spilled out his release all over his hand. He didn’t stop though; stroking himself through his orgasm and using his come to make Nykin slick. It only took a couple more pulls before Nykin followed after, burying his head in the pillow to muffle his cries.

Ryneq lifted up on one elbow, a smug, satisfied look on his face. “I told you we’d be quick.”

Nykin collapsed onto his back and rolled his eyes.

“And next time I want to hear you,” Ryneq whispered as he leaned in to place a kiss just behind Nykin’s ear. “There’s no need to hide your noises from me.”

Nykin was about to reply, but a knock on the door stopped him. It seemed someone always wanted Ryneq’s attention. Ryneq shouted for them to come in, not bothering to cover himself up, but Nykin hastily grabbed the sheet and pulled it over their hips. He ignored Ryneq’s soft laughter and watched the door swing open as Kalis ducked her head and stepped inside.

“Forgive me, Sire, but the Princess Cerylea asked me to come and make sure you and your consort were awake.” She kept her head bowed as she spoke, waiting for Ryneq to acknowledge her before looking up.

She’d been Ryneq’s maid when he was younger, so Ryneq had informed Nykin, but she was still only in her late twenties—not much older than Ryneq himself.
She’d been gradually replaced by Thane, Ryneq’s valet, as Ryneq grew older, but Thane had recently broken his leg, so Kalis had temporarily taken over his duties.

“That’s okay, Kalis. As you can see”—she finally looked up, and Ryneq’s warm smile had her blushing slightly—“we’re both very much awake.” Nykin was almost positive their room smelled of sex, and judging by the way Kalis only got redder, he was right.

“Would you like me to bring your breakfast to your room, Sire? Or will you be breakfasting with the princess this morning?” Kalis waited patiently for Ryneq’s answer, and Nykin marveled at how still and composed she was. The state he and Ryneq were in made it obvious what they’d just been doing, but apart from her flushed cheeks, Kalis didn’t bat an eye.

Nykin fleetingly wondered how many times she’d seen Ryneq in this exact position, but he quickly pushed that thought away as a sharp spike of jealousy flared in his chest.

“I think we’ll take breakfast in here this morning. Thank you, Kalis.”

She smiled and nodded. “Of course, Sire.” Then she quietly left the room and pulled the door shut behind her.

Kalis was back only a few moments later with a heavily laden breakfast tray full of bread, fruit, and a block of cheese, which she placed on the table by the windows. Behind her, two young serving girls, who Nykin recognized from the kitchens, carried in a large bucket of what he hoped was hot water. They took it into the bathroom, and through the open doorway Nykin could see them laying out fresh towels. The girls followed Kalis out as quickly and quietly as they’d arrived.

Nykin and Ryneq washed and dressed for the day before sitting down to eat. The sight of all the food had Nykin’s stomach rumbling loudly, and he realized he was actually starving. He loaded up his plate and had a mouthful of cheese and apple when Ryneq spoke.

“Hungry, Nykin?” He reached for the bread, broke off a large piece, and set it on his plate. “Anyone would think you’d had a busy night.”

Nykin swallowed and washed it down with a mug of hot tea “And morning.” He reached for some more fruit. “Why are we eating here and not with Cerylea?” he asked, cutting the rest of the cheese into slices before popping one into his mouth.

Ryneq set his knife down and leaned back in his chair. “Traditionally, after an announcement ceremony, the king and his consort would spend the following day locked in their rooms—supposedly to consummate their union as many times as possible before the king returns to his many duties.”

Nykin choked a little on the apple he’d just bitten into, and Ryneq smirked at him before continuing.

BOOK: Union
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