Read Unforgettable Online

Authors: Kimberly Foster

Tags: #Romance, #drama, #comedy, #Contemporary Romance, #Fiction

Unforgettable (26 page)

BOOK: Unforgettable
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With the last button of her gown unfastened, he rolled her onto her back and looked down into her lovely blue eyes.

“I love you from the very depths of my heart, angel, and I will love you forever.”

Breezy couldn’t help it…her tears came silently and slowly. Such words could only have been spoken from the depths of his heart and soul. Finally, one lifelong dream had come true…she’d found that undying, unyielding and everlasting love she’d always longed for.

Many long, passionate, enflaming kisses later, she was gasping for breath, wearing only her pantalets and her under top. Her hands trembled and her heart thundered in response to his touch. She had no idea how he’d managed to get her corset off so quickly, or even where her clothes were now, nor did she care. She could feel his hand on her ribcage, making its way upward. She wanted him desperately, but he was taking things slow for her sake and she loved him all the more for it.

She longed to express her love for him by exploring every gloriously muscled inch of his body. She ached to make him feel the same passion she was experiencing. He was already driving her wild with lust and, honestly, he was barely touching her.

The problem was, he was still fully dressed and she was half naked. She intended to make things a little more even before the heated desire he was building in her spilled over and made her lose touch with the fine grip she now held.

His hand was just a breath away from touching her breast. She could feel his warmth, strength and power. She could sense the restraint he held himself with, keeping a firm grip on the invisible reins of his own raging desire.

“Patrick…wait…wait just a second,” she said between breathless gasps for control over her thundering heart.

His hands stopped immediately and he looked at her expectantly, wondering if he’d hurt her or pushed her too fast.

Reading his thoughts by the expression on his face, Breezy quickly reassured him.

“No, love, I haven’t changed my mind and you haven’t hurt me at all,” she said, placing her hands on his face and kissing him.

“I want to love you and make you feel the same way I’m feeling, but you’re still dressed and you’re pushing me over the edge so easily,” she explained.

She gently pushed him onto his back and straddled his waist, then kissed him again.

“You make me feel so alive! Each touch, each kiss is sending me spinning out of control.”

She lay down on his chest, giving herself easier access to touch him.

“Let me love you, Patrick. Let me show you how you make me feel.”

As she began to unfasten each button of his shirt, she kissed the newly exposed skin. She loved the feel of his curly dark chest hair beneath her cheeks and fingertips. His hands were tangled in her hair and his breathing was quickly growing ragged.

She made her way down his stomach and, when only three buttons remained to be unfastened, Breezy worked her way back up his torso, letting her hands explore and expose the broad expanse of his chest.

When she flicked her tongue across one of his nipples, it earned her a sharp intake of breath followed by a low growl.


His sounds of pleasure only made her feel more courageous and daring. She moved across to lavish attention on the other nipple and was rewarded with the same response.

“Angel…you’ve got to…listen!”

She ignored his plea, enjoying this new feeling of control. It was intensely satisfying, knowing she could put him in the same spot she’d been in earlier; weak, breathless, burning with desire and yearning for more.

Quickly unfastening the last three buttons, Breezy pulled the shirttail free from the waistband of his slacks. Her breasts were against his groin and she could feel his burgeoning erection against her heated skin even though her pantalets and his slacks were still between them. She kissed the skin of his abdomen and nibbled along the narrow trail of hair leading from his navel to the waistband of his trousers, eliciting more grunts and growls of pleasure.

“This isn’t… fair, angel,” he said breathlessly.

“Isn’t it?” she asked innocently, as she began working the closure until it opened.

“No way!” he gritted through clenched teeth.

“But you get to get even with me in a little while, my love,” she said sweetly, still giving his flat stomach her full attention.

The vivid pictures her sweetly spoken words painted in his mind caused Patrick’s hands to fist the mattress in anticipation.

Breezy saw his reaction and smiled. She lowered her hand and began to caress him through the thin material of his boxer briefs.

His words grew less and less intelligible as electrifying pleasure shot through his body, straight to his groin. But when her lips dropped lower and he felt her tug at his briefs…when her heated breath and soft lips touch his erection, Patrick lost the last shreds of the control he’d exercised to allow her to explore.

“That does it!” he cried, with a sharp intake of breath.

In one swift move, he grabbed her, hauled her up on the bed and placed her firmly on her back. She knew she’d pushed the last of his buttons with that little kiss and smiled, knowing she could make him feel that way. However, her smile didn’t last long before he buried it beneath a hungry kiss full of need.

“Lady, whoever told you that you don’t ‘know things’ was a damn liar!” Patrick said, thrusting the lower half of his body between her legs to prove his point.

Breezy gasped as she felt the full hard length of him press against her. She hadn’t even begun to please him the way she’d intended.

“If you knew any more, you’d no longer be inexperienced,” he ground out through gritted teeth.

“I still have a few tricks up my sleeve,” she grinned breathlessly.

“Oh, really?” he said, raising one eyebrow to look at her quizzically.

“Well, it’s my turn now, angel, and I know many wonderful tricks,” he said, lowering his mouth to hers.

Slow, sweet kisses ignited her passion. He kissed and teased and tasted her neck and collarbone, outlining his path with his fingertips as he went. Her response to him, to his to touch, was immediate and incredibly strong. He wondered just how much she knew from experience and how much she had picked up elsewhere.

He ran his hand the length of her thigh and she sighed his name. That one sound, spoken in such a way, sent incredible waves of desire rocketing through his entire being and he longed to hear her call his name again.

“Say it again, angel,” he whispered, retracing the path with his hand.

“Call my name.”

“Patriiiiick!” she cried, the last part of his name dying off in a moan of pure pleasure.

He kissed a slow, fiery trail over each tiny freckle across her cleavage, just above her top. He cupped one small rounded breast with his hand, which brought another sweet little moan of pleasure from her.

“Have you ever been touched this way, angel?” he asked, stroking his thumb across her taut nipple. He wanted to know exactly how far she’s been in the past.

“Only…through…clothes,” she managed to whisper.

He was driving her wild with sensations she’d never felt before. His voice barely registered through the haze in her brain and her feelings were overpowering her ability to think coherently.

“Ever been kissed here?” he asked.

Patrick removed her top before following the same path with his lips. He watched her every move, making sure he didn’t go too far, too fast.

She couldn’t answer him, biting her lip in response to his heated kisses and burning touch.

‘Relax, angel, and tell me,” he said, once more tracing the path.

“No!” she answered breathlessly.

God in Heaven, how am I ever going to get through this wonderful night without melting into a puddle of goo?
was her last coherent thought for some time.

Patrick took his time loving every inch of her body, being more patient and gentle than he’d ever known he could be. He moved slowly, taking her to heights of pleasure never known before by either of them. He spoke loving words and questions to her and gently demanded answers. Answers she couldn’t give with just one word, for he loved the sound of her passion filled voice.

Each word spoken in that breathless whisper was like the caress of her hand or the stroke of her tongue across his body. Hearing it brought him to the edge of passion the same as his touch was doing for her. It brought him pleasure he never before imagined possible.

Easing her pantalets down and off her legs, Patrick gently spread her legs with his large hands and, with his long fingers and wicked tongue, he explored her sweet center, bringing her to the edge of fulfillment time and time again.

Somewhere in the back of his mind registered the thought that, of all of his bedroom escapades, he never thought he could feel this wonderful. He’d never felt this way before. He’d never known such satisfaction in giving someone else pleasure.

Then he began to imagine what it would be like to finish what they’d started. To feel her legs wrapped around him, to enter her small, tight, delicate little body. To hear her cry his name and feel her nails dig into his back as…

Those thoughts were too much for him. Every fiber of his being now ached for her and he quickly discarded the remains of his clothing and pushed her once more to the edge and she cried his name again, pleading for him to take her there.

As he finally moved over her body, the rest of the world disappeared. It no longer existed to her. In this moment, her whole world was Patrick…only Patrick. Those tender, dark eyes hypnotized her. The smell, the taste, the sound of his husky, sexy voice, the weight of his strong, muscular body filled her senses.

Time, memories and old fears ceased to exist. Nothing mattered…nothing except this man, as he slowly but smoothly entered her, breaking through all the barriers, both mental and physical, that she’d kept safe all these years.

Breezy cried out, clinging tightly to his broad shoulders. He held extremely still, allowing her to adjust to his size and to the feel of him inside her.

He kissed her forehead, her cheeks, and her lips whispering sweet, comforting words of love. Then she moved against him, wanting more of the wonderful sensations she now felt.

“Angel…” Patrick said on a sharp intake of breath “…I love you.”

He began a painstakingly slow rhythm that she soon matched and increased. Finding a rhythm all their own, they climbed higher and higher together, but they did not fall over the edge. Instead, they went above and beyond mere passion, beyond raw desire, beyond pure need and fulfillment. Together they soared to a place of beauty and joy where these two angels created a song unique to them alone. And, as the song ended, they drifted back down with a part of their new world still reflected in each other’s eyes.

Patrick pulled the sheet up over them and held her as close as humanly possible. She was still trembling and panting, trying to catch her breath. He kissed the top of her head, caressing her hair and back in an effort to relax her.

He’d tried to take it slow but, when she’d matched his rhythm and increased it, all his love, passion and desire had burst forth and exploded as he lost the last shreds of his control.

“Oh, my God!” she whispered weakly, snuggling into his heaving chest.

“I know,” he chuckled.

“Are you alright, angel?” he asked, worried he might’ve hurt her. The thought ripped through his chest like a knife. He’d rather die than hurt her in any way.

“Did I hurt you very much?”

“Not at all, love. Had you been any gentler with me, or taken any more care, I probably would have died of sheer anticipation!”

She lay against him quietly, content to be held in the arms of the man she loved, the man who loved her in return.

“God, the way you make me feel…I never knew…” she whispered sometime later, her voice trailing off in awe.

“How did you know…” she started to ask, then quickly changed her mind.

“Never mind, I don’t wanna know,” she said, snuggling closer against his warm body.

“I learned it from you, sweetheart,” he replied.

She looked at him as though he’d lost his mind.

“I’m serious, angel. I wasn’t inexperienced but never, in all my life, have I ever been a part of something as powerful and fulfilling as what just happened between us. I learned that from you.”

“But, I didn’t do anything,” she said.

This time, Patrick looked at her incredulously.

“What? That was you…you and me. That was what made our lovemaking so incredible. I’m only sorry I lost control and forgot it was your first time. Damn, woman! What you did to me…” he said as a tingle ran down the length of his spine at the memory.

Breezy smiled at his words, thrilled that he was pleased with her and with making love to her. Their legs entwined and she rested her head against his broad chest, listening to the sound of his heart beating and loving the warmth of him lying next to her in bed.

Her hand stroked gently down his soft happy trail, absent-mindedly keeping time with his beating heart. She felt physically incapable of getting close enough to him or of keeping her hands off his body.

“Baby, if you keep that up, you’re going to be in deep trouble and completely shattered by the time I’m finished with you,” he said.

She giggled softly, then frowned as a terrifying thought entered her mind.

“Patrick, what if we…what if it was only because it was my first time? What if next time it isn’t…”

“Want to find out?” he asked eagerly.

He knew it wasn’t just a fluke. It was nothing short of a miracle. A miracle they would share every time they made love.

“You could show me some of those tricks you supposedly have up your sleeve, remember?” he teased.

“Oh, I remember, darlin’ “ she said, smiling wickedly, “I’m just not so sure you can handle ‘em,” she giggled.

“Oh really?” he said, slipping a hand beneath the covers.

When he began to caress her soft folds with his long fingers, her breath caught in her throat, slowly releasing in a pleasurable moan.

“We’ll just have to see who can handle what,” he said, whispering seductively.

BOOK: Unforgettable
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