Unfinished Business (Erotic Reunion) - a SEXY romance short (5 page)

BOOK: Unfinished Business (Erotic Reunion) - a SEXY romance short
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until such a perfect role came along, she decided to stick with her stress-free
lifestyle. Okay, well as much as being broke and living hand-to-mouth was

Tugging off her bulbous sweatshirt, she
went to the kitchen island to prepare something to eat. It was just too bad
that she hated eating alone. Which was why she hardly ate.

that was why she was as skinny as a chopstick, Hailey thought with a smirk as
she viewed her reflection in the broad blade of the knife she was using to chop
her veg. To make matters worse, she had this humungous double D chest that had
plagued her for all her teens and even into adulthood. It had been weird
growing up around her friends with their perky, half-orange busts. Meanwhile she
had woken up one day when she was barely fifteen and found she’d turned from a
tomboy into a virtual pin-up girl. It had been mortifying.

was why, even now, she wore bulky clothes.
Outfits that
concealed her enormous jugs that would have seemed so disproportionate with the
rest of her.
But then, now that she thought about it, none of her former
boyfriends – few as the numbers were, had ever complained. In fact, they
let her know in enough ways that they had no issues at all with her

no surprise there, she thought with a twist to her lips before popping a piece
of carrot into her mouth. And then, out of nowhere, she thought of

guy in the building she kept “almost” running into. Ever since she’d sneakily
moved in weeks ago, she’d caught glimpses of him at least five times. And each
time, he seemed even hotter than the last.

would think, looking at her, that she’d be more into those laid back types, or
the tattooed, rock band, skateboard dudes. But no, for some reason, what turned
her on were those steel jawed, corporate hunks in their dress pants and
charcoal black ties. Those men with their custom made suits and boardroom
savvy. She wasn’t sure why, but such was life. She couldn’t count how many
times in the past week she’d lain back in her scented bath, or on her fluffy
pillows, and roved her hands over her body thinking of

him, with those molten brown eyes of his she’d only seen once, when they’d
crossed in the lift. He with his square-cut good looks, his broad shoulders in
those dark grey suits he favored which looked obviously made just for him. And
probably cost ten times more than everything she owned in her entire wardrobe!

brushing past him in those few seconds had her universe tilting in a dangerous
fashion. The fresh scent of him, which was a mix of faint hints of shampoo,
citrusy bath gel and light, expensive cologne.
And the look
on his face when their eyes met…

If he could make her feel that way with
just fleeting moments of near contact, then he was definitely trouble. She was
in no position to be falling for guys who oozed sex appeal – though they
did make great hero material…

she forgot all about food as her handsome “neighbor” suddenly struck her so
much she was already thinking of a whole new story built around him. There was
no doubt she’d found her muse – for her next novel at least.

occurrences were rare, but when they hit her, they couldn’t be ignored. Barely
remembering to grab a fruit from the bowl, she went off to the office area of
the apartment, determined to begin what already promised to be a spicy
composition indeed.


Chapter Two

different meetings in one day and within minutes of each other
helping to further fray Ethan’s mood. Even a call from
his brother who was in far away Canada on business didn’t do much to cheer him
up. Ethan didn’t mind hard work and enjoyed every bit of what happened to be
his chosen field, but
he had no social life to
speak of. That wasn’t normal, was it? A red-blooded guy like him needed some
leisure time to ease the tension from that entire corporate grind. For
goodness’ sake he certainly made more than enough money to be able to afford
enjoying himself.

it, Ethan – it’s not really about your social life or even making time
for leisure. The truth is, you just want to get laid.

voice in his head sounded quite sensible indeed. Well, it had been some weeks
since he’d dabbled in any kind of sexual encounter. He couldn’t even remember
her name or face right then, but it had been a satisfactory event in any case.
It had been another of those blind dates his friends were always hooking up for
him. She’d been pretty, and they’d shared great conversation, but by morning he
hadn’t been able to wait for her to leave.

that what was going to happen tonight?
Another casual romp,
to be vaguely recollected weeks after?
Ethan sighed deeply, just as his
phone rang. He picked it up to hear the sound of one of his friends, Luther.
Right on time, Ethan thought wryly.

Ethan, don’t tell me you’re still at work. For goodness’ sake man, you own the
company. What’s the use of having so many staff if you’re going to do
everything yourself?” Luther jested.

I guess I’m too much of a perfectionist”, he said sarcastically, “Besides, this
is a busy time for us. We’ve got a lot of titles coming out this month. I’m

worry tomorrow,”
said with a chuckle. “Because
we’re at this new bar just a briefcases’ throw from your office, so hot foot it
here. Plenty of hot, ready women just waiting to mingle – and the best
cocktails I’ve had in a while. You coming?”

his last thoughts before the call, Ethan hesitated. But then he heard himself saying,
“I’ll soon be done here. Give me the address and I’ll join you guys shortly.
I’m definitely overdue for some unwinding.”

the spirit!” Luther said, giving the address before he hung up.


always felt emotionally drained whenever she finished visiting her aunt and
uncle – and tonight was no different. She’d gone to see them for that
weekly dinner they insisted she made it for, and it had been a trial to put it
mildly. Her Aunt Betty and Uncle Frank had raised her since her parents had
died when she was sixteen. Not that they got the chance to raise her very long.
At age nineteen, she’d moved out to live with a friend from college.

now, at
twenty two
, she couldn’t remember the last
time she’d had to stay at that house for any period of time. After she’d
graduated with her degree in English Lit, they’d expected her to go into
something meaningful, like teaching or any other regular job.

sure, she’d tried it for a while but it didn’t work. She could feel their
disappointment every time she came around for a visit. It was all magnified by
the fact that their own biological kids were doing so well. Hailey’s cousin,
Jessica was a successful psychologist, while Michael her younger brother was
doing well in his IT business.

usual, Hailey didn’t let any of that bother her. Once she got up to her own
four-squared space, she’d be in her own bubble and put any of the irritating
happenings of the day behind her.

the apartment building, she saw the lift doors about to close and quickly
dashed for them, making it just in time. Only to go rigid when she saw the two
people necking passionately inside the car.

It was
too late to skip out again, because the doors were shutting behind her. The
couple paused when she entered, and though she barely stole a glance their way,
she recognized him – her muse, Mr. Molten Brown Eyes. Carefully avoiding
his gaze, she mumbled an “excuse me” and reached for the button for her floor.
Already, she was cursing herself for rushing into the lift without making sure
it was empty first.

he said, surprising her, and she almost didn’t look around. Seriously? Was this
guy actually going to try and talk to her with his squeeze right next to him?
She’d seen enough when she’d bumbled in to guess what those two could only be
going up to his place to do – fuck each other’s brains out.

she barely turned, gave a tight smile, and said, “Hello.” In that split second,
she registered that the woman with him was a very pretty, young and curvy dishwater
blonde dressed in a stylish skirt suit with the buttons of her blouse undone to
reveal a nice pair of C-cup tits.
Definitely one of those highflying exec
types or for all Hailey knew, even his secretary. And well paid too, judging by
her expensive looking corporate outfit and designer high heels.

pretty face was creased in something like a half-curious, half- disdainful
look. She certainly didn’t seem like she considered Hailey to be any real

that it mattered, but suddenly Hailey got pissed off – with everyone.
People who judged her and found her wanting just because she didn’t
Her aunt and uncle, her
cousins – and now even this blonde who was looking at her like something
that should be kept under a Petri dish. Hailey had had it.

funny how we keep seeing each other around the place but I never get to ask
your name. I’m Ethan Wolf,” her hunky neighbor was saying in that mega
cultured, clipped and sexy tone of his. She felt more than saw the hand he
stretched out – the hand he’d only just had wrapped around Miss Bimbo’s

felt annoyed with herself for thinking such mean thoughts about the other lady.
Especially when deep inside, Hailey knew how in her fantasies, she wished it
was she following him up to his apartment. How pathetic of me is that? She
asked herself this with a hidden smirk.

she turned to him with a courteous if not stilted smile as she took his hand
and quickly shook it. Despite the brief contact, she’d felt the tingle that
came with touching a man who effortlessly exuded such intense virility.
Snatching her hand back and stuffing it into her combat jacket’s pocket, she
kept the smile pasted on as she said, “Hailey. Nice to meet you.”

here,” he replied, with an added warmth in his voice that made her steal
another look at him- and to also catch the now spitting glare of the curvy,
efficient secretary type.

she reached her floor seconds later.

to help aggravating the other lady further, she turned to the blonde’s
companion and said to him sweetly, “See you around.”

He nodded,
smiled and said goodnight. Not sparing the other blonde another glance or
thought, Hailey exited the lift.



least, now she had a name to go with that hunk of male juiciness, Hailey
thought with an inner sigh. Just imagining what could be going on in his apartment
at that moment, made her grit her teeth. Was there something terribly wrong
with her for feeling suddenly turned on by the thought of him having sex with
some other woman right then? Imagining him peeling off her clothes and then
his, before laying her across his sheets and bending that brown-haired head of
his to the cleft between her thighs…

maybe he wasn’t the peeling off type. He actually looked more of the kind to
rip things off, and then
into things –
mainly with his cock. Hailey swallowed drily as she thought of him grabbing his
lover by her waist, flipping her on her belly and hoisting her hips up for his
masterful penetration. He’d sink in deep on the first thrust, and then he’ll
stroke out till just the tip remained – and then slam in again, jolting his
lover forward and making her whimper his name…

for goodness sake! She shook out of her wildly erotic haze, shaking the vivid
images out of her mind. She needed to seriously get a grip on herself. But
still…she couldn’t help thinking that here was even more material she could
use. Already, she felt the juices – this time creative – pumping
again. And though it was almost past midnight, she went straight to her
computer, flipped open the lid, and was soon frenziedly at work. At this rate,
she might just have her newest title up and ready in no time…



hadn’t felt so pleased and fulfilled in a long time. As she made her way home
that rain-swept evening, she didn’t mind the wind blowing at her clothes or
even the light yet cold drops of rain still washing down.
just a few strides
from her apartment building.

she really was getting used to the luxury. But in the back of her mind she knew
she’d have to give up on that soon considering her best friend would soon be
back in the country. Hailey had to admit that Samantha lived quite an enviable
rich folks, and an even richer boyfriend
– and a highly lucrative career as a top buyer for one of the premium
designer brands. The great thing about her girl pal though, was that Samantha
was also the coolest and most down to earth person Hailey knew. She was also
very generous. Hailey couldn’t count how many times Samantha had offered to
help her out by loaning or even giving her money. But Hailey drew the line at
accepting that kind of charity.

BOOK: Unfinished Business (Erotic Reunion) - a SEXY romance short
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