Read Undisputed Online

Authors: A.S. Teague

Tags: #novel

Undisputed (26 page)

BOOK: Undisputed
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I turn toward the bathroom.
Well, okay, then. It looks like we do have plans for the day.

However, I have a plan of my own.

“Gah, you’re so bossy!” I say, stripping my shirt off as I head to the bathroom.

“Christ,” he groans when I turn to face him, completely topless.

“How thorough was your shower earlier?” I hook my thumbs in my panties and start to shimmy them down. “You know what they say, Breccan. You can never be too clean.”

His eyes heat as they drift down my body. He licks his bottom lip and then adjusts his pants.

“Care to join me?” I arch a sultry eyebrow.

“Sidney,” he warns, and it takes everything I have to stifle the giggle.

I give my pants a shove and sent them to the floor, stepping out of them, my eyes locked on him.

“We can be quick,” I push.

I swear I actually hear his resolve break.

With three long strides, he closes the distance between us. His chest slams into me as one arm wraps around my waist, the other diving between my legs.

I hiss and dig my fingernails into his back as he thrusts a finger inside me.

“Shower, Sid.” His teeth graze my neck, “But, baby, we are
gonna be quick.”

Thirty minutes later, I emerge from the bathroom feeling like a whole new person. Breccan kissed me as he got out of the shower and left me with my legs still weak from two incredible orgasms in order for me to actually bathe.

I crinkle my nose when I’m forced to put the same clothes from the day before back on, but I’ll have to make do until we can swing by my house.

As I’m walking down the hall, I hear a woman’s voice coming from the living room.

“No, he’s outside on the balcony.” Pause. “Yeah, I’ll tell him.” Pause. “Okay, bye.”

I round the corner and see a drop-dead-gorgeous blonde sitting on the couch, a phone in one hand and a champagne glass in the other, full of what appears to be orange juice. Leaning forward, she sets her phone on the coffee table and grabs the remote, turning the TV on. After flipping through a few channels, she finally settles on a rerun of
Real Housewives of Atlanta
. She relaxes back into the couch and takes a big swallow of whatever’s in her glass.

I dart my gaze around the room, desperately trying to figure out who the hell this chick making herself at home in my boyfriend’s apartment is. I’ve finally decided to confront her when Breccan comes through the sliding glass door and spots me spying around the corner.

“Sid?” he questions. “What are you doing over there?” He strides towards me, never once glancing at the woman on his sofa.

She whips her head in my direction, and my cheeks heat. Her eyes narrow as she takes me in. A knot forms in my stomach when I realize what she’s seeing: wrinkled yoga pants, the T-shirt I’ve been wearing for the last twenty-four hours, and finger-combed hair thrown up on the top of my head into a wet, messy bun.


My appearance is a far cry from the perfectly dressed vixen staring at me. Her hair is long and perfectly straight without a hint of frizz. She is dressed in stylish jeans and a light sweater that hangs off one shoulder. Her skin is flawless, and even though she has makeup on, it isn’t over done—just enough to enhance her natural beauty.

Uncomfortable, I pull at the hem of my shirt, hoping that, somehow, some of the wrinkles will disappear. Then I glance at Breccan in a silent plea for help.

His face splits in a wide smile as he pulls me into his side and gives me a wet—and completely indecent—kiss. I want to question him about the mystery woman on the couch, but I’m powerless against the way his mouth moves over mine.

Throwing my arms around his neck, I let out a soft moan. He continues to kiss me, this time with urgency, until a throat clears over his shoulder.

Irritated with the interruption, I take a quick step back.

Breccan turns and puts his arm around my shoulders before saying, “Have you two met?”

Blondie shakes her head before tipping her glass up and finishing her drink. When she it down on the table, she rises to her feet. “Can’t say I’ve had the pleasure yet, Brec.”

I bristle at her familiarity with him and square my shoulders. I’ve never been possessive about anyone before, but suddenly, I’m tempted to lick Breccan’s face to let her know he’s mine.

He looks down at me and says, “Sidney, the woman standing in front of you is the love of my life.”

My heart sinks as her full lips spread into a dazzling smile.




Sidney’s shoulders stiffen under my arm, and she takes a step away from me. I tug her back against my side, but I’m suddenly cuddling a two-by-four.

She sputters, “Excuse me? The love…the love…of…your life?”

Surprised by her sudden change in demeanor, I begin to stammer as well, “Uh, well, yeah.”

She wrenches free of my grip and spins toward me. “Then what the fuck are you doing with me?”

“Hey, calm down there, chief. You didn’t let me finish.” I glance over at a frowning Rebecca and pop an eyebrow. “Feisty, isn’t she?” I jerk a thumb at Sidney.

Rebecca’s frown doesn’t budge.

Crossing her arms over her chest, Sidney taps her foot on the floor. “Well, I’m waiting,” she snaps at me.

Jealousy on any other woman is an automatic game-over, but Sidney makes it adorable. I reach out to ruffle her already messy hair, but she jerks her head away.

“Sidney, meet Rebecca. The love of my life—when I was twelve.” A smug smile forms on my face half a second before Sidney slaps me in the arm.

“Seriously? Why would you do that?”

“Uh, because it was funny.”

“You made me look like a jealous bitch in front of your best friend!” She wildly waves her arms around.

I have to duck to avoid being hit again. “Yeah, but I was waiting for you to dry-hump my leg as a show of possession. Imagine my disappointment when it didn’t happen.” I grin when a scary vein starts ticking on her forehead.

God, she is so fucking cute.

She slaps my arms hard. “We’re gonna talk later.”

“Can it be in the shower?”

Swear on my life, her eye actually started twitching.

Giving up on me, she turns her body away and looks at Reb. “I’m so sorry I gave you the ‘bitch die’ look earlier. I’m not a crazy person. I promise.” Angling her body back to me and growls, “Gah! What a terrible first impression.”

I’m not letting her off the hook easily. “Oh, no,” I say. “You were totally jealous.”

“I was not!” she shouts.

I can’t help laughing when I retort, “Sidney. You were jealous.” I place a kiss on her forehead. “But I liked it.” Then I give Rebecca my attention.

She puts her hands on her hips. “That was a dick move, Brec. I’ve told you to stop saying that shit.” She shakes her head and looks at Sidney. “He tells every new guy I bring around the same thing.” Offering a hand, she says, “I’m Rebecca Toler, Breccan’s soon-to-be
–best friend. It’s nice to meet you. I’ve heard so many good things.”

Sidney takes her hand and smiles. “Nice to meet you, Rebecca. I’m Sidney O’Neil, Breccan’s soon-to-be
-girlfriend.” She pops an eyebrow at me.

Rebecca walks around us to the kitchen and calls out over her shoulder, “I’m having mimosas, Sid. You want one?”

“Yes, I would,” she replies—at the exact moment I say, “No, she can’t.”.

Whipping her head up at me, she scoffs. “Excuse me? Can’t?”

“We were just heading out. Remember? Breakfast?”

She rolls her eyes. “Yes, I remember. But that doesn’t mean I can’t take a mimosa to go. You’re driving, right?”

Giving up, I shake my head. “Yes, I’m driving. But, if you spill orange juice in Velma, I’ll—”

She puts a hand on her hip. “You’ll what, Breccan?” Dropping her voice, she asks, “You’ll spank me?” Her lips turn up in a sultry smile.

And I find myself praying that she’ll pour her entire cup all over my leather interior.

Rebecca finishes filling the glasses and hands one to Sidney. “Brec, Tripp wanted me to tell you he’s coming by this afternoon.”

I nod before teasing Sid. “Should I expect the same reaction when you see Tripp for the first time?”

She slaps my arm once more, but this time, I see the humor in her eyes.

“Oh my God, Breccan. You’re such an ass.” Standing on her tiptoes, she brushes a light kiss against my mouth.

I can taste the champagne on her lips, and I’m tempted to push her against the wall and have my way with her right here. Rebecca be damned.

Sidney backs away and smiles at me. “Do we have time to sit and visit for just a minute?” she asks quietly.

I glance at my watch and then nod. “Yeah. I’m sure a few more minutes would be fine. I need to make another phone call anyway. Why don’t y’all go sit on the balcony?” I pat Sidney on the ass as she passes, which earns me another swat and giggle.

After I call and beg the lady who cleans my apartment to come early, I watch as Sidney and Rebecca chat. I can’t hear what they’re saying, but I can see their faces as they laugh. I’m relieved they’re getting along.

I didn’t think to be nervous about them liking each other until just now. Thankfully, I have nothing to worry about. They stand and hug each other before making their way back inside.

Grinning at me, Rebecca says, “Brec, I love her. I may steal her from you myself. She’s wonderful.”

Blushing, Sidney wraps her arms around my waist. My chest swells at Rebecca’s compliment.

“I picked a good one, huh?” I place a kiss on the top of Sid’s head and ask, “You ready to go? I’m looking forward to see Connor. I want to stop and pick up a gift for him on the way.”


One month later……


ver the last month, Sidney and I spent every available moment we had together. My fight is scheduled for New Year’s Day, so I’ve been putting in long hours at the gym, but luckily, I haven’t needed to go out of town to train again.

Once Connor left the hospital, Abby promised to stop taking assignments that would take her away for extended periods of time. True to her word, she was gone only a couple of days the entire month of December.

This Christmas was the best one I’ve ever had. One of the items on Connor’s list was a white Christmas, but living in the South makes that damn near impossible. He had a better chance of catching Santa in his chimney than seeing snowflakes on Christmas morning.

With a little help from Rebecca, I managed to surprise all of them with a three-day ski trip in the mountains of Colorado. Connor’s excitement was rewarding, but the best gift I received was being able to spend time with Sidney, cuddled under blankets, in front of a fire.

Tripp and Rebecca fell in love with Connor, and we were all able to spend the holiday together—the way a family should. It was the first time in my life that I hadn’t dreaded the holidays. Even my mother’s famous guilt trip couldn’t get me down.

After the last few weeks with Sidney, I can’t imagine life getting much better than it is right now.

“Yo, Breccan! Stop fucking off and get back over here!” Mark yells at me from across the gym.

I took a break from working on my ground game to have my sixth meal of the day—a protein shake. It was ten p.m., less than a week before my fight, and I haven’t left the gym in the last sixteen hours. With the way Mark is riding my ass, it doesn’t look like I’ll be getting out of here any time soon, either.

BOOK: Undisputed
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