Read Underwater Online

Authors: Maayan Nahmani

Tags: #Fiction

Underwater (25 page)

BOOK: Underwater
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Fuck. How I wished we could stay this way with my angel bound to me in every possible way, unable to escape me even if she tried
. Not that she would
. It finally dawned on me that she was here to
. She was mine.
And I was hers
, I thought with a smile. She said so herself.

And I was. She had no idea how much I was hers.

I tightened my grip, my hands pulling her body closer until there wasn’t even a fraction of air left between us. I touched her forehead with my lips, a simple, chaste kiss, and marveled at the softness of her skin. I let my eyes close, savoring the tingling touch, the smell of vanilla that lingered in the air around us, and the fact that she was here, in my bed, with me.

She was the first woman I ever brought to my home. And the first woman that ever slept in my bed. And deep down, I knew she would be the last.

She stirred, and slowly opened her bright green eyes to me. And then she smiled.

“Morning baby,” I whispered.

She blinked… eyelashes fluttering once, twice and a third time, and then dropped her gaze downward, her cheeks gaining warmth. Fuck
. She was adorable
. After last night, I felt that every barrier between us had been knocked down. I wanted her to feel the same.

I needed her to feel comfortable with me.

With my thumb and forefinger, I held her chin and tilted it up. When her gaze fixed on mine, I smiled with reassurance. “How did you sleep?”

“Like the dead,” she answered with a chuckle. “Seriously though…” Her eyes glimmered with mischief. “It’s been a while since I’ve slept so peacefully.”


“Yep. I think the orgasm you gave me last night wore me out.”

I coughed, dumbfounded and speechless. I never thought she would actually associate last night with the way she woke up this morning, all shy and flustered.

Watching me, she shook her head and laughed. “You can be adorable sometimes, you know that right?”

“I’ll show you adorable,” I growled. Without warning I rolled us over, covering her body with mine, until she was sprawled on her back with me hovering above her. She squealed, watching me with her big green eyes.

“Am I adorable now?” I asked, rocking my hips forward, my hardness thrusting against her softness. She moaned and arched her back while moving her hips to the same rhythm I set. I wanted to drive inside her, but I restrained myself because deep down I knew she wasn’t ready for that. So I would wait patiently for the perfect time.

Until then...
I was going to make her mine in every other possible way

She sucked in a breath and tried to free her arms from my grip, but I didn’t let her. Instead, I bit her lower lip, just a little nip with my teeth, making her gasp. And instead of freeing her, I intertwined our fingers together and squeezed.

“No, not adorable,” she said with more air than voice. With eyes closed, she rolled her hips against mine, eliciting a groan from somewhere deep within me. I met her thrusts every step of the way with urgent abandon. ”You’re my b-beast.”

“Damn straight I am,” I grunted in her ear, meeting every thrust and every rock of her hips. Forward, back, forward, back…harder and faster across her core until both of us were mindless and consumed with the fire building between us.

Resting my forehead against hers, she opened her eyes, and gazed deeply into mine as we breathed each other in. I freed her hands and in seconds, she wrapped her arms around my neck and her legs around my waist, pulling me closer. I clutched her soft little ass, pulling her firmly against me while grinding even harder. She moaned. The thin layer of clothing was barely a barrier between us, and I could feel her heat against my erection. It was enough to send me over the edge.

I wrapped my arms around her, my hips bucking against hers and we moaned in unison. Immense pleasure hit me and for the second time, I released my seed inside my briefs with an intensity I’d never felt before. She was right there with me, my Tiny, as I felt her body convulse and shudder with her own release underneath me. Our bodies shook with the aftershocks of our climax. I kissed her forehead, her eyelids, her nose, her cheeks, her chin. Then I touched her lips with mine, kissing her with everything I had. When I pulled back and looked at her with a sheepish smile, her eyes shone with warmth and adoration.

For some reason, after each and every physical act with her, I
her approval. I had to know I did right by her. I was rusty and half the time I didn’t know what the fuck I was doing. I was afraid of disappointing her.

“Was it…was it okay for you?”

Covering my face with her hands, she said, “You were perfect. You are the only one who has made me feel this way.” She bent her head toward my ear and whispered, “Or come this hard.”

Fuuuuuk. This girl would be the
of me.

She pulled her head back and grinned.

I got out of bed, cleaned myself up and put on a new pair of boxer-briefs. Then, I came back to bed, bringing a warm washcloth with me, and gently cleaned her too. She blushed all the while. I handed her my t-shirt and settled down next to her.

“Let’s play a game,” she said.

“A game?” I asked, tucking strands of hair behind her ear.

“Yeah. Let’s play twenty questions.”

I couldn’t help the smile that escaped. This girl could go from intense to playful in a blink of an eye.

“I mean...” she continued, “I feel like we jumped headlong into the deep and dark topics. I dunno... I want to know more about you. Simple things. Silly things.”

I caressed her cheek with my thumb. ”I want to know more about you too. Everything.”

“Okay, so...” she said with a smile. “Favorite color?”

That was easy. “Green. The color of your eyes.” I watched Tiny’s cheeks tinge pink and I grinned. “What can I say? I’m biased. Plus, I’ve always loved the color green ever since I was a kid.” I winked. “Yours?”

She cleared her throat and said, “Turquoise.”

“Favorite TV show?”

The Vampire Diaries

I raised an eyebrow.

“Oh, shut up,” she said with a smirk. “Sue me.” She lifted her chin slightly, raised her hand and did a
sign. “Team Damon all the way,” she said, and then sighed. She fucking

I had no idea who the fuck this guy was, but all I wanted to do at that moment was track him down and kick his ass.

“Hey now,” she snickered. “Stop scowling. You know you’re the only one I want.”

I leaned in like I was going to kiss her, only I didn’t. Instead, I whispered in her ear, “Yeah? Well how ‘bout I show you that you’re the only one I want?”

She gasped and her fingers bit into my bare skin. I didn’t give a damn. She was affected and that was what I intended. Well that, and for her to stop thinking about the fucking douchebag from her fucking show. I wanted her thoughts to be consumed by me.
Only me

“Y-you already did,” she said with a hitch in her voice.

“Mmm, that’s right,” I said, licking the shell of her ear. “I did. Don’t forget it.”

She nodded once and then asked, “What’s yours?”

Leaning back, I answered, “
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Her eyes lit up. “I love that show! Skye is the Bomb!”

“Yeah, she’s cool,” I said, focused more on watching my girl’s smiling face.

“Cool?” she said surprisingly. “She’s hot
badass! A deadly, deadly combination, my friend.”

She’s nothing compared to you, Tiny

“Okay, my turn,” she said, her eyes looking up as she tapped her chin with her forefinger. “Favorite food?”

“Any dish that has meat in it. You?”

“I love Italian food.”

“Italian food, huh?”
Mental note: stock my fridge with everything Italian.
“Favorite movie?”

“That’s a tough one. Okay, let me think.” She closed her eyes and teased my bare chest with her fingers. The feeling of her fingertips on my skin... it cut off my train of thought and left me blank. Suddenly, her eyes flew open, and she smiled. “Oh, who the hell am I kidding? It’s always going to be
A Walk to Remember
. I watched that movie like a million times, and I cried every…single…time.”

Her expression began to change, and instead of the lightness I saw seconds ago, a dark cloud overtook her. The edges of her mouth turned down.

“What’s the movie about?” I asked after I couldn’t bear watching her sad expression.

She eyed me strangely. “You haven’t seen it?”

“Um... no?” I answered. Why was I afraid to tell her that I’d never even heard about this movie before today?

“I can’t tell you what the movie is about!” she said. ”It would ruin the whole experience. We’ll just have to watch the movie together.”

More time with her? Sign me up. She could ask me to watch
Desperate Housewives
and I would say,
yes please.

“Sounds good to me,” I said.

“So...” she beamed. “What’s yours?”

Fast and Furious movies

“Talk about stuff in common. I’m not usually an action kind of chick, but I’ve watched them all.”

“Really?” I was surprised. I had her pegged for all things romance.

“Yep.” Her face tilted up so she could look at me. “They are so much more than action movies. They have laugh-out-loud moments, especially where Roman is concerned.” She chuckled, and I joined in with her. She was right. The guy was hilarious. “And the whole ‘family unit’ they have going on...” she continued, “It’s heartwarming.”

Was it possible to fall for her more and more with every passing moment? Was there a limit to the amount of love someone could possess for another person?
I had no idea. All I knew was that this girl could bring me to my knees, and I would go down with a smile on my face.

“Why are you looking at me like that?” she asked.

“Like what?” I knew, but I wanted her to say it.

“Like I hold the sun in my hands,” she whispered. “Or something sappy like that.” She averted her eyes, looking at a spot behind my head.

This girl.
“Because you do.”

It was as simple as that. She held the sun, the moon and the stars in her bare hands. She held my
in her hands too, and all I could do was wish she would be gentle with it.

“Favorite song?” she whispered.

I didn’t even have to think about it. “
Right Here
by Ashes Remain,” I said.


“Yes. From the second you sang it to me,” I said, recalling the memory. “It became my new favorite song.”

I caught the shimmer in her eyes before she quickly looked away.

“Yours?” I whispered, my voice hoarse.

May I
by Trading Yesterday.”

She probably noticed the blank look on my face, because she asked, “Have you ever heard it?”

“No...” Another favorite of hers I didn’t know.

“Well,” she said, “they changed their name to ‘The Age of Information.’ Maybe you’re familiar with that name?”

I shook my head. I had no idea who they were.

“Did you live under a rock or something?”

I grinned. “Anti-social. Loner. Remember?”

She rose up and jumped out of bed. “We have to fix this, as in,
right now

My dark-green T-shirt was long on her, reaching her knees, looking more like a dress. There was something so sexy about seeing my Tiny wearing my shirt. All I wanted to do was gather her into my arms and kiss her senseless.

She left the room and came back holding her iPhone and earbuds. She jumped back into bed and searched through her playlist. “Found it,” she beamed. She wasted no time putting one earbud inside my ear, and the other one in hers.

“Listen,” she said. “Another song I’m dedicating to you.”

The song began to play and I looked at the reason I was breathing and covered her cheek with my hand.

When the song came to an end, she pulled the earbuds from our ears and said, “Aren’t they amazing?”

You are amazing
. “Definitely.”

We looked at each other for the longest time, and then I asked, “Sunset or sunrise?”

And we continued on like that, asking random questions about the most random things. I learned so much about her.

I think that was when I started to believe in soul mates.

And then I thought…
... I was deep under, with no way to keep my head above water. But fuck me...
What a sweet way to drown

“The wound is the place where the Light enters you.”



BOOK: Underwater
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