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Authors: Denise A. Agnew

UnderFire (5 page)

BOOK: UnderFire
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He was back in moments, his cock sheathed in protection, and
as she pulled him down to her, he filled her with one smooth thrust. She buried
her face in his shoulder and groaned in total bliss. Seconds stretched in pure
ecstasy as she absorbed the sensation. His thickness fit tightly and all the
way to her womb. He impaled her with every wonderful inch of hot cock, and no
man had fit her so completely before. This wasn’t comfort sex or sex for fun.
It was down and dirty need, a fulfillment of all she’d desired for years. She
longed for him to thrust hard and fast. Instead he stayed imbedded, his hips
pressing. He kissed her, tongue intimate, and she fell into a deep well she
might never escape from. She arched into his hips, trying to get him to move,
to do something. He drew back maybe an inch then eased back inside. Over and
over he repeated the teasing, and she went wild. Pleasure sprang loose inside
her as each small thrust of his cock in her depths made her tighten around his
erection. She moaned, she thrashed, her fingernails digging into his shoulders.
Again and again he kissed her, relentless. Their bodies danced as one and yet
fought each other. She gasped for breath, tormented by his slow lovemaking.

Finally, with one last thrust he brought her to the edge and
toppled her over. Tingling, sweet pleasure burst into fiery ecstasy in her
loins. A scream rose in her throat and he captured it in his mouth. She
shivered as the bliss shook her. She moaned and twisted as he held strong and
deep within her. Lightheaded with pleasure, she came down from the orgasm.


Jake kissed her forehead, savoring the pure pleasure on
Kathleen’s face. He was still hard, throbbing like a son of a bitch with a
driving need to fuck her hard. He couldn’t take it anymore. He moved faster,
rearing up on his palms.

Her eyes widened. “Oh God. Yes.”

Each time he thrust deep she moaned softly in pleasure, and
he couldn’t stop the spine-melting enjoyment. He thrust faster, a primal male
reaction making him insane. She clamped tight around him and he thrust through
and into that silken heat. Her cries escalated and he pounded into her. With a
whimpering moan she came around him, her sheath tightening and releasing,
throbbing around his cock. He thrust one last time, holding himself deep as he
climaxed. A guttural cry tore from him as scalding orgasm shook Jake from the
inside out. Gasping and replete, he gathered Kathleen into his arms and rolled
to the side.

Holding her tightly, he managed to gasp, “God, you’re
fantastic.” He kissed her forehead and caressed her hair. “Beautiful.”

She sighed. “I never felt anything like that before. That

“Fucking fantastic?”

She laughed softly. “Yes.”

Heaviness pulled him toward sleep but he went to the
bathroom to clean up. She did the same and they returned to the bed moments
later. She propped up on one elbow and caressed his chest.

As her fingers tested his nipples, he twitched in pleasure. “Damn,
if you keep doing that you’re going to pay.”

Her eyebrows went up. “Pay for what?”

He drew her closer so he could whisper in her ear. “For
being so sexy.”

When she drew back enough so he could look in her eyes, his
breath caught. He’d craved kissing her, being inside her sweet body, and now he’d
gotten everything he wanted. Hadn’t he? A fierce desire to protect roared up
inside him just as it had in the mall when the shooting started. It friggin’
scared the shit out of him. He didn’t want to need her this way, to desire with
soul-stirring intensity a connection that went beyond their physical bodies. He
wavered between panic and contentment, wanting to hold her and wanting to run.
He held on like a drowning man reaching for the riverbank.

Chapter Five


Jake rolled over and realized Kathleen wasn’t in his arms or
the bed. For a wild second he wondered if he’d dreamed coming to her hotel room
and having hot, amazing sex with her. The bedside lamp still glowed and he
squinted in the brightness. Kathleen sat in the straight-back chair, wrapped in
a silky blue robe. She stared at him, her expression almost sad.

He sat up. “Hey, what’s wrong? You okay?”

A gentle smile cleared her somber expression. “I can’t

“Are you one of those women who wake up after sex?”

“Yes, I am actually. But that isn’t it. I was thinking about
Thanksgiving tomorrow and then the wedding on Saturday.” She left the chair and
cruised back to the bed. She settled on the side of the bed opposite him. “Do
you realize I’ve been a bridesmaid eight times? Who in the world is a
bridesmaid eight times? I was thinking about that when the gunfire started
Tuesday night.”

He saw the shiver run through her body and he held his hand
out to her. “Come here.”

She lifted one eyebrow. “There you go being all bossy again.”

He broke into a big smile and said, “Get over here, wench.”

She shook her head and crawled across the bed toward him. “Well,
I suppose that’s better than ‘wench, get over here and make me a sandwich’.”


She put her hand over his mouth playfully for a moment, then
lifted her hand. “Shut up. I’m in command now.”

When she straddled his waist, his lower anatomy rejoiced
that she was in charge. Her robe parted, leaving her naked pussy and half of
her breasts in full view. His cock rose, pressing against the sheet-and-blanket
barrier between them. He lifted his hips and made a low sound in his throat.
His gaze landed on the full dark hair covering her secrets and he wanted to
taste every inch of her folds. Yeah, they’d have to do that sometime soon. Real

“What are you doing, sir?” she asked in a light voice.

“Admiring you.”

She put one hand on her hip and cocked her head to the side.
Her voice went husky, like Mae West. “Mmm. Come up and see me sometime.”

He laughed. “Man, talk about clichés this evening.”

“We’re pretty good at it, don’t you think? The clichés and
the sex.”

“I’d say the sex comes out on top by a long shot.” He
decided he’d admit something he’d never thought of until tonight’s lovemaking. “Sex
has never been like that for me.”

Her eyebrows twitched upward again. “Seriously?”

“It was the hottest I’ve ever experienced.”

She sobered and the softness in her eyes increased. “Me too.”

Her lips parted, and they tantalized him as he imagined her
mouth slipping down, down over his cock. “God, you’re beautiful, Kathleen.”

She blushed, and he loved he could make her feel that way. “Thank
you. But I’ll bet you say that to all the girls.”

He winked and used a hick Southern accent. “Why no, ma’am. I
do not.”

“Where are you going after you leave Constitution?” she
asked suddenly.

“Fort Carson. Why?”

“On Sunday, right?”


She sighed. “Then we’d better pack in as much wild sex as we
can between now and then. After Sunday it’s adios.”

His cock hardened even more at the idea, his hormones
blazing and ready for action. When had he ever been this damn horny for a
woman? “Yes, ma’am, Miss McSwain. Whatever you say.”

She planted her palms by his shoulders and those full
breasts slipped from the confines of the robe. He almost reached up to touch
them but he didn’t. Didn’t mean he couldn’t stare at them.

“See something you like, soldier?”

He cleared this throat. “Jesus yes.” Her hair spilled onto
his chest as she leaned over and pressed a quick kiss to one nipple. He hissed
in a breath at the sweet pleasure. He managed to drag his attention up to her
eyes. “Don’t stop now.”

She tossed her hair back over her shoulder. “Let’s make this
one last. I don’t want to forget it.”

“One,” he said huskily. “Who says we’re only going to do it
one more time tonight?” Then he remembered. “Shit, I only had one condom.”

Her grin went wide. “I have a box. Lena gave them to me
earlier in the year and told me to stop being grouchy and get laid. Don’t
worry, they aren’t expired yet.”

The laugh that burst out of him surprised Jake. “Honey, you
still have a wonderful sense of humor. That hasn’t changed.”

“A lot of other things have.”

“Like what?”

“I don’t let men steamroll me anymore. After you left and I
went to college, I found my independence and realized a lot of things about
myself. That I didn’t have to allow my parents to control everything I did.
After I got my degree, I took a chance and moved out to Los Angeles with a
friend of mine. I was lucky I found work right away in the film industry. I’ve
never left it.”

“I don’t think I could stay in one place that long. I’d be
too restless. The military is good for me.”

She gave him a teasing look. “I remember that about you.
Always restless. Always wanting to go on to the next step. Sure you don’t have

“Nope. But every four years or so the military likes me to
go somewhere else.”

Once more seriousness returned to pretty eyes. “Are you
going back to war?”

“Worried about me?”

She gently punched his shoulder. “Of course I’m worried, you

Back to war. Yeah, he didn’t want to return to war if it
meant not knowing where he stood with her. The idea floored him. Christ, he’d
jumped into this deeply. So deeply he didn’t know when it had happened. Maybe
he’d felt this way for her all his life and it took her practically sitting on
his face for him to notice. He’d never expected the idea of leaving her would
bother him until he’d seen her for the first time since joining the army. After
making love with her, he knew part of him would stay in Constitution no matter
where he went. He didn’t know what to say or how to say what he felt.

Sadness returned to her face, a clear indicator something
weighed heavily on her mind. He touched her thighs, sliding his hands upward
until the silky material of her robe parted and soft female flesh warmed his
fingers. She quivered under his touch and he loved it.

He drew a circle on her left thigh with his index finger. “What’s
wrong? I can see you’re feeling bad about something.”

She shook her head. “Before I even came to Arizona, I was
assessing what I wanted to do with the rest of my life.”

“Heavy stuff.”

“Very.” She slid off his lap and returned to sit on the side
of the bed.

Disappointment almost prompted him to drag her on top of
him. Instead he decided to sideline his baser instincts until she came to him.
If she needed to talk she couldn’t do it with him trying to seduce her.

His throat tightened as he asked, “Did you make any
decisions before you left California?”

“Yeah. I was telling Lena I hate L.A. I don’t want to be
there anymore. It comes full circle to weddings.”

“I don’t understand.”

“I love weddings, so being a bridesmaid eight times was
actually an amazing feeling. I even helped five of the eight women plan the
wedding. I’ve wondered if maybe I shouldn’t have been a wedding planner. Don’t
tell Danelle and Patrick but if I’d been here I could have helped them with
some of the problems they were having with the different vendors. I can see the
angles and I’m great with details.”

A warm sensation came over him, filling him with a sense of
rightness. He didn’t know where the feeling came from but right now he felt
more complete than he had in a long, long time. “So… Are you quitting your job?”

“I don’t know how I’m going to do it but I plan to start off
small and work my way up.”

“California would give you plenty of clients if you started
your own business.”

She chewed on her lower lip, and he wanted to be the one
tasting that lovely mouth.

“Maybe. I’m still thinking about it. Part of me wants to
move back to Constitution. I could hang with Danelle, Lena and Melanie. There’s
still some business here and I can also do work in Flagstaff and Sedona. Or
perhaps I’ll leave Arizona forever.”

That idea didn’t sit well with him but he shoved aside
thinking about it too deeply. “Your mother and father are still in Arizona.”

“I never speak to them, Jake. Never. I parted ways from them
after college. We’ve talked maybe ten times in all these years.” She heaved a
breath. “Dad is still…unspeakably awful. I’ve tried to convince Mom to leave
him but she’s the biggest doormat in the state.”

“I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be. I’ve learned to detach somewhat. If Mom needs me
she knows she can call. I’ve told her enough times. But she never does.”

He was starting to like the sound of her coming to Arizona
more and more. Before he could think too much about the implications and
possibilities, she stood and retrieved her smartphone from the bedstand. She
began fiddling with it.

“What are you doing?” he asked.

She threw him a sly glance and a seductive smile. “Wait for

Suddenly a seductive song began to play, filled with
background vocals from heavenly voices, an exotic combination of instruments
that spoke of Eastern influence.

She tightened her robe back up then she said, “Sit there and
watch. Don’t get up.”

She stood a ways from the bed, and as the music began to
thrum and hum with a deeper, more erotic tone, she started to move. Her hips,
her arms, her legs. A sway and slide that reminded him of a belly dancer, only
with an edgier presentation.

“No, that’s not quite right,” she said.

“Not right?” He groaned the question in frustration. “It
looked damned right to me.”

She laughed softly and picked up the phone.She
located a song and started it. “Gett Off” by Prince started. The things he didn’t
know about this woman intrigued him and made Jake want to work that much harder
to understand and explore everything about Kathleen McSwain. As Prince’s erotic
song throbbed, the beat and words filled with liquid heat, Kathleen’s dance
flowed. Jake gaped in appreciation and surprise as she turned into a siren.
Their lovemaking had been hot and even wild but this was scorching. If she’d
been naked it would have blown him away. The silky robe covering her hid all
that lovely skin from him. His breath caught. She closed her eyes and threw
herself into the sweltering beat. Her hips moved in a sinuous rhythm. Her hands
smoothed over the silken material from her hips to her waist and up over her
Holy God.
His cock went brick hard as Kathleen slid her hands
upward over her neck and back down again.

She moaned softly. “Mmm. This is a nasty song.”

He grinned, loving the way her inhibitions had broken down.
He wanted her open and real, willing to show him everything without fear. “Don’t

She untied the robe and it parted enough to show the
delicious curve of her breasts but hid her rosy nipples. His mouth watered. He
shifted on the pillows behind him and flipped the sheet off. Her gaze latched
on his erection and he barely muffled a groan of satisfaction. She stared
without inhibition. It made him even harder as he enjoyed the intensity in her
eyes, the wanton sexuality that burned him up. The beat continued and her hips,
hands, her entire body understood the music. She worked the song, and watching
her worked him into the biggest hard-on he’d ever experienced. She turned this
way and that way, the robe swishing as it flowed around her legs and gave him a
glimpse here and there of creamy female flesh. He gritted his teeth, sure he’d
lose it right there. He’d come before he could even get inside her.

Before the song finished, she locked eyes with him. She was
the sexiest, most beautiful woman he’d ever seen. Hell, had ever
Smoldering attention filled her eyes, yet so did caution. Her cheeks went pink,
as if she felt embarrassment. He held out his hand and drew her down onto the
bed. He turned her onto her back and leaned over her. He couldn’t wait any
longer to have her. Jake dove into the moment, taking her mouth. She moaned and
he drank in the sweetness of the sound. Kathleen arched against him as they
kissed, her hands clasping at him and caressing. Suddenly she pulled away. She
left the bed and stood next to it, mischief mixed with pure sexual heat in her

Not knowing what she had in mind excited him. His breathing
quickened, heat shot to his groin. She shrugged out of the robe. As it fell to
the floor, she stood before him like a goddess and he almost…almost reached for

“Lie on your back.” Her voice whispered, the sound small and
hard to hear over the music.

She found a condom and as she climbed onto the bed she
ripped the package open and extracted protection. Without ceremony she suited
him up, and just the sensation of her handling him made him groan as he threw
back his head. All of it fired his libido, brushing over his senses like a
caress. He shifted back onto the pillows and waited. She climbed on to the bed
and straddled him. He clamped onto her hips and couldn’t help pushing upward,
dying to be inside her. But he wouldn’t just fuck her. She had to want him this
way and had to be ready. A second later she circled his cock with her fingers,
and the heat of her grip made him moan with satisfaction. She settled atop his
erection and pressed the blunt tip between her…oh God, her wet folds. Before he
could think more about if she was ready, she proved it by sliding straight down
his thickness. The tightness gripped him as she sank to the root in one
movement. She threw her head back and groaned. He couldn’t think as her tight
sheath hugged him, squeezed him. Jake didn’t wait. He pumped and tried to keep
the motion gentle.

Kathleen wouldn’t let him. “No.”

Her mild domination drove his need higher, until her feral
sexuality threatened to break him into climax after the first few ruthless
strokes of her hot tightness around his cock. Her body swallowed him again and
again and the condom couldn’t deaden the heat she generated each time she came
down on him. She didn’t ease him into the motion but took him fast and hard,
her hair tossing around her head as she increased the pace until he thought the
top of his head might come off. He growled low in his throat as she slammed
down on his cock with a furious pace he knew would make him come in no time. He
held on for her, not wanting to let go until she got her satisfaction. If he
worked into her thrusts, he’d come too soon. He fisted the sheets beneath him,
holding on like they were a lifeline. He watched her wildness spread, her head
back as with one last movement she came down on him and groaned harshly. She
quivered, her pussy clenching and throbbing around him in fast pulsations. He
couldn’t last, and a moan of mind-blowing ecstasy left his throat as he burst
into climax and the last notes of the music faded.

BOOK: UnderFire
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