Undercover Lovers [Urban Affairs 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour ManLove) (2 page)

BOOK: Undercover Lovers [Urban Affairs 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour ManLove)
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Slade started unbuttoning the white silk shirt, one button at a time. When he reached the last button, he grinned and pulled the edges of the shirt apart, revealing a hard chest with a patch of dark hair between chiseled pecs. His cinnamon-colored nipples begged to be squeezed and sucked.

Jaxon’s dick started pulsing to the beat of the music, and he started panting like a dog in heat. Damn wolf genes. Slade’s unique scent had captivated him the minute they met. It had been a long time since he’d felt like this, but he couldn’t deny the primal attraction between him and the other wolf. He never lost his cool, and he looked around, thankful the other shifters hadn’t noticed. They were as worked up as him, their eyes glued to the stage.

The beat picked up, and Slade took his shirt partway off a shoulder and covered it back up. Then he lowered the other side and covered up again, teasing his appreciative audience.

Jaxon’s gaze followed the dark treasure trail that disappeared under the man’s leather pants, and then he focused on the impressive bulge at Slade’s crotch. He glanced over at Quinn. The bartender was salivating, his hand rubbing his own bulge.

A wave of unreasonable jealousy ripped into Jaxon, surprising the hell out of him. All wolves were territorial, but this was crazy. He’d never experienced anything like it, even with his mate. Of course, Mike had never been the focus of a room full of randy wolves. Jaxon kept his human lover well hidden from the pack. He tamped down his testosterone-fueled emotions. This man was nothing more than a stray dog who’d come to him for a job.

Catcalls and screams of “take it off” filled the room, and finally Slade removed his shirt and let it slip to the floor. Then he turned his back and bent to pick it up.

The crowd went wild at the sight of Slade’s tight, firm ass positioned so temptingly in front of them. Jaxon was as mesmerized as all the others.

Slade finally straightened up and threw the shirt off to the side. His handsome face was flush with excitement, and his sweat-slick torso gleamed under the light. Jaxon’s tongue itched to lick the moisture from his chest.

Hands clasped behind his head, Slade rolled his hips in circles. This man bumping and grinding in time to the electronic music was completely confident in front of the crowd. Slade had told Jax he had never stripped before, but from the looks of it, he liked parading around in front of a mob of drooling shifters. He sure knew how to please his audience.

Jaxon drew in a breath when Slade’s fingers hooked in the waistband of his leather pants and inched them down. Then the shifter flashed another sinful grin and tugged the leather down a little lower, teasing the crowd with a glimpse of wiry pubic hair peeking over the waistband. The crowd screamed for more, and the scent of wolf pheromones and testosterone filled the room.

Slade slowly worked a zipper on his right pant leg. It came down inch by agonizing inch. Jaxon couldn’t take his eyes off the man’s leg. He had never been so turned on before. Slade started on the other leg, and Jaxon wanted a closer look. He had to force himself to stay seated.

Finally both zippers were down, and Slade spread his legs. The pants hung between them like a very long loincloth. Jaxon admired Slade’s muscular thighs, imagining what else hung between them. Slade turned his back to the audience and they went silent, anticipating what he’d do next. He didn’t disappoint, pulling on the snaps at his waistband so the pants fell to the floor. Slade bent over to retrieve them, shamelessly showing off his firm, round ass. The shifters howled, and hot blood coursed through Jaxon’s body, straight to his cock. His wolf clawed at his gut, wanting to rim this guy’s ass right here, right now. Suddenly, Slade turned face front, and Jaxon thought he might come in his pants just from looking at the man’s fully erect penis bobbing from a nest of dark curls.

Jaxon heard growling from the shifters around him and suddenly felt protective of the man on the stage.
Cool it, Jaxon. Slade is a big boy. He can take care of himself.
In fact, from the look of things, he’d probably be pissed if Jaxon interfered. Slade was crouched down on the stage giving the men an eyeful of his assets and collecting a small fortune in tips. The guy was hot as hell, and obviously in great demand. He’d have his choice of bed partners tonight. The thought sent a stab of something else through Jaxon’s body. Jealousy? His wolf liked a challenge. Completion was hardwired into his genes. He took a deep breath to control it.
Forget it, Jaxon. You have a boyfriend.
He turned away to ask Quinn for a beer.

The bartender’s eyes were glued to the stage, and he was licking his lips.


“Yeah. Sorry, boss,” Quinn said sheepishly as he took Jaxon’s empty water bottle. “Can’t blame a guy for looking.”

No he couldn’t, but Quinn was on duty, and Jaxon frowned his displeasure. Shit, did every wolf in this room want to claim the new guy? Jaxon’s own inner wolf growled his displeasure and curled up in his gut to sulk. “Gimme a beer.”

Quinn threw him a funny look, but he set a bottle down in front of him. Jaxon picked it up, took a big swallow, and choked on it when two muscular arms circled him and two big hands planted themselves on the bar, trapping him in place. Slade’s scent overwhelmed him as the other wolf leaned over Jaxon’s shoulder and whispered in his ear. “Is the hired help allowed to have a drink with the boss?”

Jaxon’s cock leaked like a drippy faucet. There was no hiding his arousal from another wolf. “Quinn, get the man a drink,” he said gruffly. Jaxon looked at the man sitting next to him and tilted his head, indicating he wanted him to vacate the seat.

The shifter got up reluctantly and Slade, bare-chested but wearing his leather pants, took the stool. “I’ll have whatever the boss man is drinking,” he said to Quinn.

“Your shift is over, Slade. You don’t have to call me boss.”

“That’s a relief because I want to dance with you, and I was pretty sure it would be a mistake to flirt with my employer.”

“Potential employer. I haven’t hired you yet.” Jaxon snorted. “Flirting won’t get you the job. Find another partner.”

Slade leaned in close. “You’d be doing me a favor. The natives are restless, and if they see me with you, they’ll back off.”

Slade wasn’t kidding. Jaxon glanced around and saw a number of men eyeing the new dancer and edging closer to the bar. It was nearing the end of the night, and inhibitions were being left by the wayside. He almost laughed out loud.
Slade isn’t as tough as I thought if he wants help fending off the wildlife. Hell no.
Jaxon didn’t want to send the wrong message to the crowd. He played his personal life close to the vest. In all the time he’d owned the club, he made it a point not to dance with any of the men. If Slade wanted to live and work in Dogtown, he’d better learn how to handle himself. “Sorry, I don’t dance.”

“Your loss.” Slade picked up his bottle, stood, and started to walk away.

Arrogant prick
. “Slade.” Jaxon yelled, stopping the man in his tracks. “We’re not open on Sunday. Come back the same time Monday night.”

Slade saluted with his beer bottle and made his way toward the pool room.

Fuck him. Who does he think he is God’s gift to a shifter?
Jaxon downed the rest of his beer and slammed the bottle on the bar. It shattered, and Quinn was there immediately with a rag. He really needed to take his raging hormones to bed. Unfortunately, he wouldn’t mind taking the new guy as well. Damn, the control freak was off his game tonight. He might as well go upstairs to his apartment.

Jax took a walk past the pool room—just to make sure everything was quiet. Slade was leaning over the table, lining up a shot. A well-built man with a blond ponytail came up behind him and edged closer until his hips brushed Slade’s ass. Slade straightened up and growled over his shoulder. “Back off.”

Jaxon had never seen Ponytail before, but the big shifter looked like trouble. He hung in the back watching the scene play out in front of him.

Ponytail ran a hand down Slade’s arm. “You looked a hell of lot friendlier on the stage.”

“Yeah, well that was then, this is now. You’re ruining my game.”

“I can think of a better game.” His eyes traveled below Slade’s waist. “Looks like you’re up for it.”

“Fuck off.” Slade snarled.

“If you don’t want the attention, you shouldn’t shake your ass in front of a bunch of hungry wolves.”

“It was a show, asshole.”

“Maybe I’d like a private show.” He put a palm on Slade’s hip and started a slow slide to his crotch. “I’ll make it worth your while.”

Slade gave him a hard elbow to the chest.

“Fucking tease.” Ponytail’s face turned ugly.

The hair stood on the back of Jaxon’s neck, and he tensed, ready to jump in if Slade needed a hand.

Slade caught Jaxon’s eye and winked, and then he turned and blocked Ponytail’s sucker punch. A big, ginger wolf picked up a cue stick and moved in on Slade.
Before the prick knew what hit him, Jaxon slammed him to the floor. He planted a booted foot on the man’s chest and looked from him to Ponytail. “I want you both out—now.” Two enforcers appeared, as if by magic, and pulled the redhead to his feet.

Ponytail put his hands up in surrender. “We don’t want any trouble.” He nodded to the redhead, and they followed the enforcers to the door.

“Okay, boys. This show is over.” Jaxon nodded to Slade. “How about that dance you promised me?”

The other men looked at each other, surprised at this new development, but they shrugged and went back to their game. Jaxon not only owned the club, but he was the closest thing to an Alpha in Dogtown. Somebody had to step up because no one else wanted the job.

Slade grinned, and Jaxon got the distinct impression the man had planned the whole thing. Too late to back out now. He’d committed to a dance. “One dance.” He held up a forefinger. “And then I’m packing it in.”

“That’s all I want.” Slade led the way, and the next thing Jaxon knew, they were on the dance floor and the sexy wolf was moving to a slow beat.

“In hindsight, I should have put my shirt on, but I was hot and sweaty.”

“Still are from the looks of it.” Jaxon eyed Slade’s chest. “But I don’t think a shirt would have helped,” he added. “For a first-timer, you’re pretty damn good. How do you do it? You make it look easy.”

“Nothing to it,” Slade said, smiling. “Put your arms around me and just feel the music. Take it slow and easy.”

Jaxon was keenly aware of everyone’s eyes on them, and he hesitated but finally let Slade pull him closer. Only one beer, but it had been enough to loosen him up a little. Besides, Slade’s moves oozed sex and were hard to resist.

Slade nuzzled his cheek. “You smell good.” He licked Jaxon’s neck. “Hmm, taste good too.”

Slade’s sweat and animal musk filled Jaxon’s nose, and following the man’s sensual moves was all too easy. Slade’s lips were inches from his. Jaxon had a momentary lapse of sanity, and he let Slade kiss him. Their tongues danced, and Slade’s hard prick rubbed against his own. Visions of their hot, sweaty bodies doing a tango on his bed danced behind his closed eyelids.

Slade came up for air, nipping Jaxon’s bottom lip as he pulled back. “Feel what you do to me.”

Only too well.
Good sense prevailed. He already had a lover. “Keep that shit up and you’ll attract a lot more unwanted attention,” Jaxon warned him.

“I only want your attention.”

Slade’s words made his blood burn a hot path to his dick. What the hell had he started? “Sorry, I never mix business with pleasure.”

“Neither do I, but I’m ready to make an exception in this case.”

Slade wasn’t going to make this easy. “It’s a cardinal rule.”

“Okay then. I quit.” Slade forced Jaxon closer still. “You don’t even have to pay me for tonight.”

Jaxon’s head spun. Being this close to Slade took his breath away, not to mention his will to argue. “I thought you needed a job. And you’ll be leaving me without a dancer.”

“I don’t want to leave you at all. Just think about it. We’d be good together. I know it.”

That’s the problem.
Jax knew it, too. But he already had a partner he loved, and he didn’t want to screw up their relationship, not any more than he already had. It wasn’t easy maintaining a relationship with a human boyfriend.

As de facto leader in Dogtown, Jaxon would lose all cred with the pack if they knew he had a human mate. Humans were for fucking only, and preferably outside of Dogtown’s boundaries. Letting them get too close to Were business wasn’t tolerated. He and Mike maintained separate residences and always met at Mike’s apartment in the Village. Jaxon could pass as human, but a human could not pass a sniff test in Dogtown. So Jaxon’s time with Mike was limited, and lately Mike had been getting distant. Jaxon was afraid the frequent absences and deception were wearing his lover down. He didn’t like it either, but what could he do?

He’d told Mike to find someone else. They could still maintain a relationship, just see other people. It was unnatural to abstain from sex for long periods of time when they couldn’t see each other. Mike said he wasn’t sure he could handle a relationship that wasn’t hermetically sealed. He didn’t want anyone else, so Jaxon remained monogamous, too. Only it was harder for a wolf…

Jaxon possessed a shifter’s
biological imperative, the need to perpetuate their existence, to survive. He might be gay but he still had
the high sexual appetite that was inbred in every Were.
Like attracts like.
It was the law of the universe. Somewhere out there was a wolf-shifter meant for him alone but with his people scattered all over the world, it was unlikely they would ever meet. But somehow he’d been lucky enough to find a kindred spirit in Mike, a human male.
Right from the first, they had connected—both feeling as though they had known each other forever. Their feelings went way beyond the physical. Most humans believed Jax was nothing but an animal. Mike saw beneath the surface and made him feel worthy of the love he lavished on the shifter. They had forged a connection that went beyond genetics.

BOOK: Undercover Lovers [Urban Affairs 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour ManLove)
11.99Mb size Format: txt, pdf, ePub

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