Undefeated: Bad Boy Fighter Romance (Fighting For Gisele #4) (3 page)

BOOK: Undefeated: Bad Boy Fighter Romance (Fighting For Gisele #4)
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Gisele ran a hand through her hair. “How can that be? You run this place, take orders from our father.”

“Yuri only told me that Andrew Shelton had left you an item of value that he’d stolen from us.”

, you mean Yuri?”

“From our family,” Alek said. “And I suppose you’ll be miffed anyway, and think I should have told you that much at least.”

“Yes, that
what I think.”

“You must know that working for Yuri, I did as I was told. As his son, he didn’t grant me leniency. If anything, he expected more of me.”

“But I’m your sister.”

“Yes, and if I’d known the extent of the trauma, that might have swayed my decision to keep quiet.” Alek rubbed the back of his neck.

How had it come to this? Gisele wanted to believe him, but feelings of betrayal weighed her down. “So Yuri didn’t tell you what the valuable item was?”

“Not until yesterday.”

“I find that hard to believe.”

“It’s true,” Alek said. “I didn’t know about the damned blue diamond, or that you were to take possession of it, once you had access to the trust Andrew set up for you.”

Gisele would have called him a liar, but she knew what Alek described was exactly how Yuri would have handled the situation. Her brother’s explanation rang true. Her mobster father was a conniving criminal who hadn’t fully trusted his own son.

“But you nagged me about my inheritance.”

Alek shrugged. “Just following orders.” Then he furrowed his brow. “And I had nothing to do with your mother’s kidnapping.”

“I have the Kovalenkos to thank for that.”

“I mean…I didn’t even
that Catarina was still alive, until Yuri told me yesterday.”

Gisele was stunned. The revelation about her mother’s captivity would have shocked her brother. Such news must have had quite an effect on him.

“I won’t win any good-guy awards…you know that. But I’m not made of stone either.” Alek’s eyes filled with emotion. “It was wise of Yuri not to tell me.”

“Why, because you wouldn’t have gone along with it?”

Alek was quiet for a beat. “I don’t know what I would have done. That’s impossible to say. But I wouldn’t have just looked the other way…she’s your mother.”

Tears filled Gisele’s eyes. She wasn’t sure if the emotion was because her mother had been treated as she had, or if it was because she saw that Alek hadn’t completely betrayed her, not in his heart.

“I suppose Yuri assumed you’d divulge the confidential information, eventually, because we were on our own out here in Vegas,” Gisele said.

“I’m guessing that was his assumption. After all, we are brother and sister. Plus, we have worked together for years, without his direct supervision.”

Gisele wanted to ask her brother whether he really would have told her, if he had known. But she knew he’d only say that he didn’t know. She didn’t know either. “I don’t know what I would have done if I had known,” she said. “I was a child at the time. I would have been crushed over being too young, and without the resources to free my mother.”

Another thought occurred to Gisele. “Why did you push me toward Vik, then?”

Alek smirked. “I thought you’d be better off marrying into a Russian family, rather than the losers you were attracted to.”

Gisele’s ire rose, but quickly died. What did it matter now? “You’re a bigot, then?” she said.

Alek lifted a hand. “As you know…”

Gisele had to smile. “At least you’re honest about that.”

“Vik isn’t around now, anyway,” her brother said. “He was called back to Chicago. I guess Lazar needs him there.”

I’ll bet
, Gisele thought. “I’m glad he’s gone, because I really wouldn’t want to run into him right now.” She paused. “Do you think Vik knew?”

“I’m almost certain he didn’t,” Alek said. “If the heads of the families didn’t trust me with the knowledge, they surely didn’t trust Vik. But I have no doubt that Lazar wanted his son to date you, or even marry you.”

“Yes, that would have played into their hand quite nicely. Vik was like flypaper; I couldn’t get rid of him. Once I learned about my inheritance, I assumed he’d been ordered to stay close and watch me.”

“That’s probably true, although he wasn’t told why.”

“Just following orders?” Gisele said.

Alek didn’t need to answer that question, as Gisele understood now. She had been right about one thing: Vik hadn’t been devoted to her because he cared about her. He’d had other reasons, such as trying to please his father by obeying orders, confirming what she’d already realized about him.

“Don’t you ever think about what’s right or wrong?” Gisele said, knowing the question was dumb the instant she said it. To the Russian mob, right was what benefitted them and put more money in their pockets.

“I’m part of a Russian brigade.”

“I suppose that answers everything.”

“Not entirely,” Alek said. “You are my sister, and that counts for something.”

“Then you have to help me,” Gisele said. “You are Yuri’s son, his blood…so you aren’t under threat. But I’m in danger.” She intended to make the most of her brother’s divided loyalties. “You have to help me.”

Alek looked at her. “How, exactly?”

Gisele felt a spark of hope. “I’m not sure yet, but…be ready.”


The meeting with Yuri was delayed, but not for long. He’d been to the casinos and arrived late. Gisele was pacing the library, with her phone in one hand, when he walked in. He offered no apology, just sat across from her and ordered the butler to bring him a drink. “Vodka.”

When the man disappeared, Yuri turned his attention to her. “I see you’ve come to speak to your mother.”

Gisele stiffened. “I hope we didn’t miss the opportunity because of your tardiness.”

Instead of balking at her scathing remark, Yuri laughed, but it was a mocking sound. “You haven’t changed, Gisele. You still have a sharp tongue.”

“If you think I’m going to bow down to you, quaking in my shoes, think again.” Gisele wasn’t going to cower, that was for damn sure. It was pure survival, as the instant Yuri thought he’d won, he would walk all over her.

Yuri didn’t acknowledge her biting comment. “You will have two minutes on the phone, just long enough to verify that she hasn’t been harmed. You will not be allowed to ask questions. That will be for later…after you give me what I want and I release Catarina.”

If that ever happens
, she thought. Gisele had no confidence in the mobster. He’d kill if it suited him. It was all about his interests, as it had been all the years she’d been with him.

With little preamble, Yuri retrieved a phone from his pocket and dialed a number. After a lag, he said, “I’ll put her on.”

Trembling, Gisele took the phone. “Mother, is that you?”

“Gisele, sweetheart.” It sounded like her mother, but it had been so long.

“Are you okay? Have they harmed you?”

“No, they haven’t, but I miss you desperately.”

Yuri grabbed the phone and ended the call. Gisele was furious. The sudden loss of the connection left a hurtful void. Her mother was so close, yet so far from being with her. She glared at her father.

Gisele stood over Yuri, shaking. With tears in her eyes, she pointed a finger. “You had no right to do that. My mother was taken from me fifteen years ago. And you let me speak to her for no more than a minute.”

“You’ll have plenty of time later.”

“No, that’s not how it’s going to work.” Gisele wrapped her arms around her waist to still the shivers running through her body. “Phones cannot be trusted. I have no assurance that
really was
my mother. And for all I know, one of your thugs had a gun to her head, forcing her to say she was all right.”

Yuri leaned back in the chair. “You have so little faith in me?”

“Should I have faith in you?” Gisele’s voice rose. “You’ve done nothing to earn it.”

“Sit down, Gisele.”

“No, I’m not sitting down.” Gisele paced a few steps. “And do you know what else? I’m not giving you that diamond…not until I
my mother.”

Rage flared in Yuri’s eyes. “I told you that isn’t going to happen.”

take me to see my mother, and let me talk to her.” Gisele stiffened. “Those are my terms.”

Yuri didn’t acquiesce, only watched her, hate evident in his expression.

“You’ll probably kill us anyway before this is over,” Gisele said. “I want to see her
one last time
. It is the only way I will lead you to the diamond you lust after.”

Still Yuri didn’t agree, but his silence spurred her on.

“You’re getting
you want, Yuri. So why not let me see my mother?”

Yuri narrowed his eyes. “You’ll turn over the diamond?”

Hope surged, but Gisele maintained as fierce a stance as she could manage. “Do I have a choice?”

The room went quiet, and Gisele held her breath.

Yuri stood up, then walked to the window to look out, ignoring her for so long that Gisele thought he’d have her removed and be done with it. He turned to face her, and Gisele forgot to breathe.

“I’ll arrange the mother/daughter reunion for the day after tomorrow,” Yuri said. “Be here by six in the morning.”

Gisele sagged with relief, but said nothing. She just nodded and left the room, unable to get out of the complex fast enough. She nearly bowled over the butler as he entered the room to bring Yuri’s vodka. The space was stifling, and it felt like the walls were closing in. But once she stepped onto the sidewalk outside, her heart soared. She was going to be able to see her mother at last.



Chapter 4

Gisele took in a lungful of air, marveling that she hadn’t fainted. She’d stood up to Yuri, for God’s sake. When the car pulled to the curb, she yanked the door open and hopped in, before Zeke could get out and open it for her.

“Get me out of here. I’ve had all I can take for one day.”

Zeke didn’t say a thing, just pulled out into traffic. “Where am I taking you?”

“I need to talk to Micah, so you can drop me at the gym.” Gisele couldn’t wait to see him, as having him near would be reassuring.

On the way, Zeke made a quick stop to buy Cokes for them. Gisele’s mouth was as dry as the desert. “Thanks, I need this,” she said, and took long sips through her straw. She needed to settle her nerves.

The thought of Yuri glaring at her made her shudder. He could have killed her, but in that moment Gisele hadn’t cared. Fury had filled her veins, and she’d blindly forged ahead. If she didn’t see her mother, then she wouldn’t give Yuri anything…even if it meant her life. Or so she felt when anger surged.

Micah had been right; she was stubborn. Now that she’d calmed down a bit, Gisele reflected on what had just happened. She’d had the gall to challenge her mobster father, but it hadn’t been the first time. As a young girl, she’d been able to get her way, even when he resisted at first. She thought maybe even Yuri, as hardened as he was, had a soft spot for his daughter.

If that was so, it certainly wasn’t much of one, but Gisele knew how to play into it. It wasn’t only what she said, but a look she could give him that made him hesitate. At that crucial moment it had worked, and she was immensely relieved.

Gisele looked over at her bodyguard. “In the back of my mind, I knew you were outside. It sparked my confidence just a bit more.” She wrinkled her brow. “Although I still don’t know how you would have gotten inside if I had sent you the emergency signal.”

Zeke cracked a smile. “It’s good that I didn’t have to demonstrate for you.”

As a bodyguard, he was a combination of aggression and friendliness. Gisele was starting to like him. When he pulled in front of the gym, she said, “Thanks again. I’m sure I’ll see you soon.”

Zeke nodded. “Yes, I’ll wait for Micah’s call. He indicated that he might need my services over the next week or so.”

“No doubt he will. Our lives show no signs of calming down anytime soon.” Gisele got out and the car pulled away. Then she pulled open the glass door and entered the gym.

A cool blast of air hit her as the door closed behind her. At least the air conditioning worked, yet the fighters working out were all sweating anyway. Gisele made her way along the wall to the back, keeping clear of the action. She took a seat in one of the folding chairs to watch the workouts.

Micah’s eyes briefly met hers, but he remained focused on jumping rope. Harlan looked over and gave her a nod. The space was noisy and crowded, but Gisele didn’t mind. She was content to sit and watch. The view was great.

Micah’s powerful legs were a sight to see. It was hard to look away as he jumped rope. Her gaze drifted over his honed body. Gisele admired his pumped arms, recalling how his biceps flexed during sex.

His wide shoulders were drool-worthy, and the view of his well-developed pecs made Gisele a little weak. Micah had said her body was a
work of art
, but she decided that
was. He was all testosterone, muscle, and sweat.

It was nearly too much, and Gisele began daydreaming about licking the drips of sweat off his chest. Visions of her mouth on his flat belly, and her tongue drifting down the trail of hair disappearing under his waistband, filled her mind.

Watching Micah was a joy, and she decided that she should observe his training more often. He was such a hunk, like a statue carved from bronze, only he was flesh and blood. And hot blooded at that, as Gisele knew the passion that simmered within him.

It was good that this was only practice, so Gisele didn’t have to cringe at the sight of blood and injuries. She could just admire the beauty of Micah’s form, and his graceful boxer movements. He went from jumping rope to doing sit-ups, and then to practicing footwork. It was an athletic ballet, so male and very sexy.

By the time Micah came over, Gisele’s drink was empty and her body was on fire. He stood nearby and swabbed his buff form with a towel, while she stared. “Hi, honey.” Micah grinned. “I was happy to see you come in, so I didn’t have to worry about you.”

“I’m just happy to see you…period.”

“I like the sound of that.” Micah hopped from foot to foot, cooling down. “The coach let me off early. We’re just getting back into training and he doesn’t want me to overdo it. No sparring yet, either. He’s being cautious with my hand.”

“Someone has to be, since I know you won’t.” Gisele smiled at him. “If you had your way, you’d be right back in the ring.”

“No argument.” Micah tossed the towel onto a bench, then leaned down and kissed her. “Wait for me,” he said as he pranced toward the locker room. She looked at his back, all muscle and power, then stared at his firm ass until he disappeared.

Gisele wasn’t going anywhere. His gym performance had succeeded in pulling her attention away from her woes. And they had the rest of the day together to enjoy the
romantic date
Micah had planned. She was interested to see what his idea of romance was, although he could be such a heartthrob when he wanted to be. Whatever they did, Gisele would be happy, because she would be with him.


Micah stripped down and showered up; he didn’t want to smell gross when he was with Gisele. He’d noticed her watching him work out, with a look on her face that he quite liked. Having her there as a one-person audience had been a distraction.

While sweating and breathing hard, Micah had caught glimpses of her. Gisele was so lovely, and he knew how soft her skin was, how silky her hair felt to the touch. It took concentration to get through the workout, even that easy one Harlan had put him through as a first step.

He had planned a special evening. Just because the bad guys were chasing them, didn’t mean they had to hide in fear. That certainly wasn’t his style, or Gisele’s either. Anything the mob wanted from them they’d bloody well have to take, because they weren’t going to just hand it over.

Micah dressed in jeans and a white t-shirt, then stowed his gear and went out to find Gisele. She looked up, her brown eyes soft, then gazed at his pumped biceps, just at the edge of his tight sleeves. He grinned at her.

“I must say, you do look fine today.” Gisele stood up and laced her arm through his.

“That’s good to hear. You provide great motivation for my workouts.”

Gisele beamed at him. “Showing off, were you?”

“What can I say? I crave attention…especially
.” Gisele laughed right along with him.

Micah took her out the front door, as was his habit since the thugs had jumped him in the alley. He had the evening planned out, plus they had the rest of the afternoon together too. “I want to hear how it went this morning,” he said, taking Gisele’s hand.

They took a cab to the Vesper, an oasis at the Cosmopolitan hotel, away from the buzz of the casino. It was a fair-sized lounge with plenty of seats. The dark, cool interior was welcoming, an escape from the unrelenting heat of Vegas in the summer.

Mirrored tiles covered the walls, and the white with silver seating was very modern. The contemporary setting had a certain posh charm that Micah thought Gisele would like.

“I haven’t been in here before,” Gisele said, taking in the décor.

“Kind of a cool place.”

“Yes, I like it.” Gisele took a seat in a white-upholstered chair, and Micah sat across from her.

The menu described one of their famous drinks, the Vesper martini, inspired by a cocktail in the James Bond novel
Casino Royale
. “I have to try it,” Micah said. “If it was good enough for James Bond, I’m sure it will suit me.”

Gisele chose a caipirinha, a cocktail popular in Brazil, made with white rum called cachaça and lime. “It’s as close as I’m likely to get to Brazil…unless we make our escape to South America.”

The drinks were served and they each sampled theirs. “Mmm, this is good…potent too, I bet,” Gisele said.

Micah lifted his glass. “A good
spy drink

Gisele giggled, then turned serious. “I ran into Alek this morning before Yuri arrived.”

“Did he behave?”

“He talked to me in private, and he claims that he wasn’t in on the deception.”

Micah raised his brows. “Do you believe him?”

“At first I wasn’t sure,” Gisele said. “But I’d wondered anyway. There were things he did or said that made me question how much he knew. Now that he has explained everything, I really think he is telling the truth.”

Micah listened while Gisele told him in detail about her conversation with her brother. She was pleased to know that he hadn’t betrayed her to the degree that she’d thought. That was something, a bright note in an otherwise bleak situation.

“Maybe Alek will help us.”

“That would be good,” Micah said, already thinking of possibilities. “We’ll see.”

“Then Yuri finally arrived so I could talk to my mother on the phone.” Gisele made a face. “He is such an ass.”

Micah took a drink of his martini. “So…did he let you talk to her?”

Before Gisele answered, she dug her hand in her long hair and expelled a breath. “He really ticked me off. After putting me on the phone with my mother, he yanks it back and disconnects. I’d barely said hello.”

“What was the point in that?”

“The same as everything else…to throw his weight around.” Gisele sat up and leaned forward. “I was so mad, just furious.”

Micah noticed her cheeks flush.

“I had already planned to demand to see my mother, but I was going to feel it out first. But when Yuri pulled that stunt, I blew up.”

“What did you do?”

“I stood up to him, that’s what. I demanded to see my mother
in person
. I gave him an ultimatum.”

“I wish I could have seen that,” Micah said. “You’re here in one piece, so I guess he didn’t attack you.”

“Oh my God…it was so scary. Yuri was seething; hate filled the room. I made my demand and he walked over to the window then turned his back on me.”

Micah hung on every word.

“My pulse raced so fast I thought I might drop over, but I refused to show weakness in his presence.” Gisele lifted her drink. “Then, miracle of all miracles, he agreed.”


“Yes, he’s going to arrange it for the day after tomorrow.” Gisele took a big sip of her cocktail.

“Then you’ll be able to see for yourself how Catarina is doing.”

“I know.” Gisele hesitated. “But I’m so nervous. It’s been so long. I haven’t seen my mother in over fifteen years. And I don’t know what I’ll find, how she’ll look, or if she’s been harmed in any way.”

“I understand.”

“But at least I’ll get to

Micah had an idea, but it wasn’t the time to discuss it. A strategy had been forming in his mind, and it included rescuing Gisele’s mother. Now, with the possibility of Alek’s help, it just might work. But for the rest of the day, he planned to focus on Gisele. Any action he took would have to happen after she’d seen her mother and verified her wellbeing.

When they finished their drinks, Gisele suggested shopping the Miracle Mile at Planet Hollywood, full of specialty shops. “It will be a good distraction. I’m looking for some art for the bare walls of my new condo.”

Gisele hadn’t ended up moving into a temporary apartment. It had proven to be a moot point, since she stayed with Micah at the hotel. But the condo she’d purchased was nearly ready for occupancy, as the renovations should be complete within another week or so.

It was good she had something normal to focus on amidst the drama of her life. Although Micah had trouble envisioning her moving into the condo, since where would that leave
? He didn’t intend to live there, but he couldn’t look to the future without seeing Gisele as part of his life, a major part. That discussion would have to wait, though, as they had more pressing issues at the moment.

Walking down the mall, veering around other shoppers, Micah noticed a tattoo place that advertised talented tattoo artists. That was something to remember. Gisele took his hand and led him into a gallery. She found a couple of paintings she liked, but couldn’t make up her mind, so just took a card, letting the clerk know that she’d come back later.

When they tired of shopping, they returned to the Wynn to get ready for the evening. In the past, dinner and a movie would have been a fine date. But Micah wanted to surprise Gisele, in a good way, and do something exceptional.

Aria Resort fit the bill, so he’d reserved a room for the night. The resort was in CityCenter, a city within a city. The hotel rooms were in several high-rise towers around a high-end mall called Crystals, with several water and ice features in the main area.

BOOK: Undefeated: Bad Boy Fighter Romance (Fighting For Gisele #4)
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