Uncharted (Unexpected Book 3) (35 page)

BOOK: Uncharted (Unexpected Book 3)
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“Ana sounds happy.” My sister places her phone on top of the piano and I shrug with disdain, as if I don’t give a shit. “You don’t care at all, Prince Charming?”

I shake my head, because I heard from Mae that Pria is in Punta Este. My sister doesn’t know that and I hold in any comments pertaining to Pria.

My lungs have a hard time working. There’s no doubt that I miss her—her scent, her smile, her body, our easy banter. It’s been a long time since the last time I saw her. At the airport, the day she left. She sported a pair of jeans, that blue raincoat jacket she always wears, her backpack, and a big smile. She’s gone. Exploring the world, learning about life, and finding herself. Mae mentioned she had a rough start she can’t talk about, but that since then, everything has been going well.

I appreciate Mae because of that. She tells me about her daily calls with Pria without me having to ask or without assuming there’s an ulterior motive. When she moves to San Diego, I’m going to mourn the loss of both Walker girls.

“When is that baby shower thing?” My sister smirks, holding that tight
I won
but won’t gloat
smile. “I might skip it. The entire family and the Bradley clan is coming along—too many bodies for one weekend.”

Grandma, the queen of the family, decided to plan the big event. Mason’s family is included—and it’s another huge one. Matthew and I will keep our fingers crossed and hope that half of all those people won’t make it. If possible, I’ll run away or hide in my house shortly after it starts because I clearly want to say hello to Grandma and Grandpa. And I want to see my Twinkle.

“I have to confirm with Grandma, and keep that running away plan far away from my husband. You know he hates big family gatherings.” I glare at my sister because she hasn’t given me any more details about the event, or on if Pria is coming or not. AJ plays a few keys and then rolls her eyes at me. “No matter when we organize it, Ana is coming to both—the baby shower and the birth. Now tell me, did Tristan send the signed the contract? I didn’t like the fact that you kicked us out of that venture, but I respect it.”

Tristan is my new partner for the nightclub we’re opening. AJ doesn’t like him too much, but he’s good at what he does and I want him on board.

“Yes, he did.” I pull up my phone and email her and Matthew a copy. “As long as we have the buyout clause. Matthew swore to stay away from him.”

The night my brother and sister met Tristan Cooper was almost a disaster. Mason hated that we’d organized a dinner in his house, and that his wife had had to cook. Then AJ lectured me about the attitude I had toward the partnership. Matthew…he made me want to punch him.

“Rethink that alpha attitude and maybe you’ll convince Tristan we’re a good bet. Matthew and I are your silent partners and have no trouble letting you take charge because we know you and trust you. This new man has no idea who you are, and usually partners like to be on the same ground.”

Alpha attitude? I stared at my sister. Right, during our first meeting I treated him like a prospective employee and not a partner. My only partners were my triplets, and both gave a crap about most decisions.

“Your new friend is pulling up,” the alpha male of the Decker-Bradley house announced, glaring at me. “Nine, you worked at the school all day, cooked, and went shopping with your parents. I’m thinking it’s time for you to rest those feet. Let these two do the rest.”

“You worked all day?” Matthew and I asked simultaneously.

“Yeah well, there’s no Ana. I have—”

“Matthew and I will cover her duties until she’s back.” I interrupted her and made a note on my phone. Damn, no wonder the husband had been planning my funeral. When Pria left, I promised to assume her responsibilities until we found a temporary replacement, but I’d been too busy with my other projects. “Matthew can help doing the remote shit.”

“I can…” His eyes traveled to the doorway of the kitchen and, as predicted, I had to warn him. Matthew walked to where Tristan was standing and gave him that smirk that never fails to fluster both men and women. He extended his hand, taking Tristan’s slowly while speaking with a husky, low voice. “You must be Tristan, Matt.”

Matt? AJ and I mouthed.

“Matthew, help me set the table while we chat about the new venture.” AJ pushed him out of the room. “Remember. When I said ‘Jacob, simmer your attitude?’ Well, for this to work, you have to keep your hormonal levels down, buddy.”

“He’s totally Matthew’s guy type. Mysterious, bossy, and handsome.” AJ rolls her eyes as she describes Tristan. “Are you sure Mattie is going to behave?”

I shrug. “I can only hope, AJ. Matthew can’t have a booty call or a one-nighter with my business partner. And I couldn’t really get a vibe from Tristan—he wasn’t disgusted nor flattered by our brother’s attitude.”

“Me neither,” AJ confirms. “Oh well, how long is the remodeling of the building going to take?”

“I’m heading there right now.” I start gathering my shit. “The contractor is giving us an estimate timeframe and the quote today. See you on Sunday?”

“You’re going to cook, not just serve pizza, right?”

“I’ll cook your favorite.” I kiss the top of her head, pat her belly and head out.

Having my sister’s support during the time when I’m trying to fix my shit is essential. AJ not only drops whatever she’s doing when I need her, but she’s also my biggest cheerleader. That’s why I adore my sister; she believes in me. Having her, my parents and all this energy makes me want to accelerate the process I’m going through in finding a new me. Though I miss Pria with all my heart, all these positives help me cope with her absence. They are a step forward in having a real relationship with her. Like today. This emergency session was productive; we polished my new song faster than I would’ve thought. We sent it to Matthew so he can add the drums. At this pace, we can release an EP before AJ has the spawn of Bradley—before Pria arrives back in Seattle. My first single is coming out next Tuesday.

“Jacob, I forgot. The new assistant starts tomorrow.” I turn back, staring at her.

“We’re not replacing Pria. After her trip, she’s coming back.” My last words are a whisper.
She is coming back to me. Isn’t she?

“We have a system, AJ.” I fight the constriction in my vocal cords. “Pria does the hiring for both the academy and the recording studio. I assumed all her responsibilities. I do everything—including hiring, and that includes an interview.”

“Ana Walker handpicked her,” AJ announces.

“Her name is Pria,” I explode.

Jace: What the hell, Pria? You sent a replacement? That’s unacceptable. You’re coming back to work, right?

Twinkle: Ummm… You fired me. There’s a letter where you clearly stated you no longer required the services of my company. That means I no longer work for you. What reason would I have to go back?

Jace: We destroyed that fucking letter, which means…where are you? I want you back, and now!

Twinkle: Jacob, one day it’ll sink in that head of yours that you can’t boss me around. Not even when you were my client did I allow such.

No, that part I got. She barely let me take charge.

Jace: Twink, I need you back. When can that happen?

I miss you.

Twinkle: I’ll be there when I’m ready. Around February 30th, 2110. If that’s all, I’m going back to enjoy my hiatus.

Jace: Don’t fuck with me. You have a few days to pack your shit and come back.

Twinkle: You should know better by now than to talk to me like that.

“Pria won’t come back. She was over-qualified to be an assistant. She was here to help you with your image and to help me. Now I have someone to do that.” AJ sneers at me.
Now I have two females pissed at me.

“Don’t you think she’s had enough time to sow her wild oats, or whatever the hell she’s off doing? She’s alone, AJ.” I try the unselfish route. “She needs her support group and that’s us. We’re practically her family.”

AJ lets out a loud, exasperated breath and sends a sympathetic look my way. “Pria needs space. A bunch of things have happened to her, Jacob.” She clears her throat, checks her phone, and shakes her head. “When she needs us, she’ll call us. For now, try to survive without Pria’s smarminess and lack of respect for your alpha persona, please.”

My sister caresses her belly and gives me that exasperated glare, as if I can’t understand.

“She’s my best friend, Jacob. I want her close to me too, but I have to respect her wishes. I know all about second chances and new beginnings.”

She wins. I’m yielding and leaving before we end up fighting.

“Hire whoever you want, AJ.” I push myself from the wall and head out for some fresh air.

I pull my phone out and search through my contacts. I need to hear her sweet voice. It’s been weeks. I only hope she answers.

“I’m sorry,” I begin. “I didn’t mean to behave like a jerk.” I lead with an apology before she can even say
. I miss her. “Come back home, please. I miss you.”

I hear her deep sigh on the other end of the line. It’s the only indication I have to assure me that she didn’t hang up on me. “Funny, you haven’t contacted me in a long time, and suddenly you’re bossing me around.” The light laugh hits me like a rush of musical notes and lyrics that need some arranging. “Why are you upset?”

“I miss you,” I repeat as I step out into the backyard and stare at the lake. “Come back home, my bed is cold.”

There’s a second wave of laughter. “You’re priceless. Surely you can ask a couple of skanks that walk by to give you a quick release.”

“The pictures were fake. Matthew did that so you’d leave town. Twink, I’d never cheat on you. Please, I’m begging you to come back.”

“Tell me what’s wrong?” The tender voice releases some of the pressure in my chest. “Jace?”

Other than I miss you and my memories of you are becoming blurry, despite the fact I replay them every second of the day.

This ripping feeling I had managed to numb for years has returned. It’s driving me crazy. It’s the fight I have with my demons that’s causing that hurt, and I refuse to sip a drink of alcohol while doing so.

“My sister worries me. You’re not around.” I close my eyes and picture her Spanish eyes staring at me with a glint of mischief because she always likes to taunt me. “What if I offer to pay you double?”

“AJ and the baby will be okay, and you need to stop being a jerk to your sister,” she reasons, as usual. “She needs her brother. That’s all I can offer now, Jace. There’s no way I’m coming back to work for you. Things ended badly between the two of us.”

“What if she doesn’t make it?” Pria is the only one that gets me when it comes to AJ and my fear.

There’s a long silence. I can hear her breathing and imagine her lying in bed with me in my arms. “You worry so much about what can happen, that you forget to enjoy what
happening. I have to go. I need my space, please.”

“I miss you,” I call out, and I don’t know if she hears me because the line goes dead.

BOOK: Uncharted (Unexpected Book 3)
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