Read Unchained: An Eternal Guardians Novella Online

Authors: Elisabeth Naughton

Tags: #Elisabeth Naughton, #Eternal Guardians, #1001 Dark Nights, #Romance, #gods

Unchained: An Eternal Guardians Novella (7 page)

BOOK: Unchained: An Eternal Guardians Novella
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A primitive growl—a sound laced with a burning passion she felt all the way to her toes—echoed from his chest. He drew a breath away, grasped the pale blue dress at her shoulders, and pushed it down her arms. Cool air washed over her breasts as he bared them to his view. Her nipples tightened, and when his eyes darkened and his approving gaze swept over her, those tingles in her belly ricocheted straight into her sex.

“I think I’m going mad, but I don’t care.” He palmed her right breast, lifted it in his hand as he lowered his head. “I need to taste you.”

“Oh, yes...”

His tongue swept over her nipple, and she groaned and threaded her fingers back into his hair, reveling in the wicked sensations and heady desire spinning around her.

He licked and laved her nipple, sending her need into overdrive. With his other hand, he palmed her left breast, pushed them together and teased both nipples with his tongue. Her breaths grew shallow and fast. Her sex contracted with the need to feel him everywhere. Sliding her hands back down to his shoulders, she somehow managed to find the hem of his T-shirt and pull the garment up his spine.

He drew away so she could tug the shirt off. Tossing it on the ground, she reached for him again but he moved quickly, his hands bunching in the fabric at her waist. Before she knew what was happening, he pushed the dress all the way to the floor and moaned.

“Oh, Keia...”

She was naked beneath the dress. In her haste to get here and tell him she was leaving for good, she hadn’t thought to conjure undergarments. Something in the back of her mind warned this was her last chance to leave. That she needed to get out of here before this went too far. But as he lowered to his knees, her sex clenched and she knew she was lost. There was no way she could leave now. Not when he was looking at her like she was the only thing he’d ever wanted.

 He coaxed her to lift one foot out of the fabric at her feet and step back. The chaise brushed against her calves. He pushed the dress aside, inched forward on his knees, and grasped her hand in his, pulling her down to sit.

“Turn, Keia.” His hands landed on her knees, pushing her legs apart. As she turned slightly, he slid one hand under the back of her knee and lifted her foot to the seat. Her spine pressed into the plush cushions as he positioned her. Then he was moving closer, his hands trailing up the insides of her thighs, his hot breath fanning her sex until she was trembling with need.

He parted her with his fingers, stared down at her as if she were a feast he couldn’t wait to devour. Her stomach quivered with anticipation. Her hands shook against the seat of the chaise. When he didn’t make a move, she knew she couldn’t wait any longer. On a desperate breath, she reached for him, wrapped her hand around the back of his head, and pulled him closer. “Taste me, Titos. Don’t make me wait.”

“Yes,” he breathed against her. Then his tongue swept over her clit, sending shards of pleasure all through her core.

She moaned. Lifted her hips to his wicked touch. Shivered as he circled her clit then trailed his tongue down to her opening and pressed inside.

Her eyes slid closed as she leaned back. All she knew was his touch, his tongue moving against her to drive her mad, his hands sliding up her belly to cup and tease her breasts. Heat prickled her skin, made her need that much hotter. She lifted and lowered her hips in time with his frantic strokes, moving faster as the orgasm built. And when he drew her over-sensitized nub between his lips and suckled, the wave of ecstasy broke over her like a tidal wave cresting the mountains.

She cried out, trembled against his lips as the pleasure raced along her nerve endings. The wave slowly faded, and vaguely she became aware of her surroundings, of the darkness pressing in from outside the gazebo, of the soft cushion beneath her, of her knees open, one leaning against the back of the chaise. But then his lips moved over her hip, her belly, trailing a line of hot kisses up to her breasts, and she forgot about everything but him.

Her hands found his shoulders. Her fingers pressed against his strong muscles. She lifted her head, grasped him and pulled, forcing him up from the floor. Finding his mouth with hers, she kissed him with everything she had in her, wanting to give him exactly what he’d given her. Wanting him to know pleasure like nothing he’d ever known.

He groaned into her mouth as he rose over her. Her hands slid down to the waistband of his jeans while she flicked her tongue against his and sat upright. Finding the button, she popped it free then slipped her hands beneath the fabric and pushed it down his hips.

He kissed her harder. One hand moved to the back of the chaise, the other slid into her hair to tip her head so he could kiss her deeper. As she worked the fabric down his rock hard thighs and past his knees, he moved closer, rested one leg on the seat of the chaise so she could tug the garment free and throw it on the ground, kissing her the whole time as if he couldn’t get enough.

Need resurged within her as she drew her hands up the backs of his thighs, over the soft layer of hair on his legs, then around to his front. Licking into his mouth, she closed one hand around the base of his cock. He groaned again. His fingertips dug into her skull. Sliding her hand up the thick cylinder of flesh, she cuffed the end and squeezed. A bead of fluid slid from the tip, making her mouth water. With her thumb, she spread it over the sensitive underside of the head and drew her hand down and back up.

He drew back from her mouth. Pulsed in her fist. “You make me weak,” he rasped. Letting go of the back of the chaise, he trailed the pad of his thumb along her wet, bottom lip. “I want to feel these lips around my cock.”

“Oh yes...” She grew wet and hot and achy with his words. Her hand shifted up to his ass, and she pulled him closer, forcing him higher above her as she angled forward and drew his cock toward her.

She breathed hot over his erection, watched it twitch. He trembled as she flicked her tongue against the tip and squeezed the base, teasing him with the lightest of touches.

“More,” he growled, shifting closer. A vein pulsed in his neck. His face flushed with arousal. “Taste me. Suck me, Keia.”

She groaned as she looked up at him. And when his hand drifted to the back of her head, she finally closed her mouth over his length and sucked.

He groaned long and deep. Pushed forward with his hips until he breached her throat, then drew back. Licking the underside every time the tip passed over her tongue, Circe pleasured him with her mouth, wanting him to find the same release he’d given her, wanting to give him everything. He grew harder with every suck, with every lick, with every press and glide and retreat.

“Yes, Keia.” His fingertips tightened in her hair. “Don’t stop.”

She didn’t. Flicking faster with her tongue, she sucked deeper as his thrusts picked up speed. Her other hand found his balls and squeezed. She did it again and again, until she felt his cock begin to swell. And when she sensed he was on the edge, when she felt his climax about to peak, she drew him all the way in and swallowed around his sensitive head.

His pleasure erupted into her mouth. A long, guttural groan echoed from his chest. His fingertips dug into her skull as he thrust once, twice, three more times and trembled.

She continued to work him with her mouth, swallowing every drop, bringing him down slowly. His hips angled back long seconds later, releasing him from her lips. Breathing deeply, she swiped the back of her hand over her mouth and looked up with a smile of satisfaction, of pride, of her own pleasure that she’d been able to give him what he’d given her.

He moved quickly, sweeping his arms around her, lifting her from the chaise. Her smile morphed to a gasp. In a rush, he slid beneath her, and before she realized what was happening she was straddling his hips and his mouth was beneath hers, drawing her right back into a kiss that was so blisteringly hot, lust resurged within her.

He tugged her down and devoured her mouth. His rock hard erection slid through her wetness, reminding her he was a Titan. He could go for days without growing soft if he wanted. A fact that now sent a shiver of excitement down her spine.

“Take me,” he mouthed against her, lifting his hips until he pressed against her opening. “Ride me. Use me. Fuck me. Now.”

She couldn’t say no because that was all she wanted now too. Grasping the back of the chaise, she lowered her weight. Her tongue swept into his mouth just as his cock pressed into her core. Groaning, she tightened around his length until he was seated so far inside they became one.

“Oh, fuck, yes.” His hands landed against her hips. He used them to help her lift and lower. Flexed his hips so he drove in deeper. Against her mouth he groaned and kissed her again. Pleasure arced all through her body as she rode him, as their passions grew together, as he pressed into her with long, deep, blinding thrusts.

A frenzied high the likes of which she’d never known hovered just out of her reach. She moved faster. Kissed him harder. Needed to reach it. Needed to drag him into the abyss with her. Needed everything. Sweat beaded her skin, melded with his. She groaned, lifted, lowered, trembled as he hit that perfect spot again and again. Pulling her mouth from his, she dropped her head back and gave herself over to the moment, to every touch, to the way it pushed her right to the edge.

“Come for me, Keia.” His hot breath washed over her neck. One hand closed around her breast, and then his mouth was there, suckling her nipple. Shards of ecstasy shot from her breast into her sex. Light blinded her. She cried out. And as the orgasm consumed her, she realized the pleasure she felt with him was better than anything she’d ever felt, not because he was a Titan or even a god, but because he was the first person in ages that mattered.

Slowly, she became aware of the gazebo once more. Candles she didn’t remember lighting blazed around them. Somehow she’d ended up on her back on the chaise with Prometheus’s heavy weight pressing into her from above, his sweat-slicked skin plastered to hers. She didn’t remember him flipping her, didn’t remember much of anything besides the most delicious orgasm of her life.

“Holy Hades, witch,” he breathed against her neck. “You totally wrecked me.”

No, he’d wrecked her. More than she’d thought possible. Nerves echoed through her belly and chest, a feeling she didn’t understand. What was happening to her? Was she falling for him? She wasn’t supposed to fall for him. She was supposed to use him. And if she couldn’t stomach using him, she was supposed to walk away. But right now she didn’t want to walk away. She just wanted a repeat of the wicked pleasure he’d given her only moments ago.

Her throat grew thick as she looked up at the shadows dancing over the ceiling from the candles, so similar to the shadows she watched on the ceiling of her cell as she lay on her measly blanket when the flames in her cauldron died out. A bitter reality circled around her.

Nothing had changed.

No, that wasn’t right. Her chest pinched. Something had definitely changed.

Her heart had changed.

No matter how badly she wanted to be free, she wouldn’t risk him. Not now, not when she knew she was falling for him. If she told him the truth about her imprisonment—now or when she’d learned to fight the shade—she had a feeling he’d come after her. He might succeed in freeing her from Zeus’s hell by doing so, but he’d put himself at risk. Zeus had a long memory. Yes, the king of the gods wanted the water element in his quest for ultimate power, but he would also love to see Prometheus suffer once more. And nothing would make Prometheus suffer more than being chained all over again.

She couldn’t let that happen. Which meant she wasn’t just going to walk away for now. To save him, she needed to walk away forever.

Something hot burned behind her eyes. Something she wasn’t used to. She blinked several times, knowing more than anything that she just wanted to go on lying there in his arms, but couldn’t.

She shifted beneath him. Taking her hint, he rolled to his side on the chaise, propped his elbow on the cushion and his head on his hand, and smiled down at her. “That was amazing.” His hand drifted from her shoulder, across her collarbone, and down the center of her chest, right between her breasts, sending tingles over her skin. “I love this body. And I plan to have it each and every way tonight before you have to leave.”

Her eyes slid closed as his warm hand drifted lower, over her belly button and down her lower abs. Gods, that was all she wanted too, but she knew if he started that wicked plan, she’d never have the strength to leave.

Capturing his hand before it could slide between her legs, she lifted it to her mouth and kissed his palm. And then, pushing up so she was sitting, she moved his hand to his naked hip, pinned it there, and leaned in to feather a kiss against his luscious mouth. “I wish I had time for that, but I don’t.”

She rose, found her gown on the floor, and pulled it on.

“You have to go already?” Confusion drew his brows together as he sat up. “But you just got here. I haven’t seen you in days.”

“I know.” She reached back and buttoned her dress, turning away so she wouldn’t have to see the disappointment in his hazel eyes. “And I’m sorry. Believe me. If I could stay, I would.”


The floor creaked behind her. His hands landed on her shoulders, turning her to face him. “I want more than these brief visits. I was sort of hoping you wanted more too.”

Her heart squeezed tight as she looked up at him. She did want more. She wanted everything. But that wasn’t her future, and she had no one to blame for this gigantic mess but herself. “Titos, this is the last time I’m going to visit you.”

Panic widened his eyes, and his fingers tightened around her shoulders. “What?”

She pushed back the pain, unwilling to let it consume her. When she was alone in her cell again, then she’d wallow in it. But now she needed to be strong. For him, but mostly for her. “I can’t keep coming here. It’s not fair to either of us. It’s too draining on my powers, and as you said, it’s disrupting your life.”

“Since meeting you, I finally have a life.” His intense gaze swept over her features. “Tell me where you are. I’ll come find you.”

BOOK: Unchained: An Eternal Guardians Novella
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