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Authors: Mark Del Franco

Tags: #Fiction, #Fantasy, #Contemporary

Uncertain Allies

BOOK: Uncertain Allies
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Praise for
unperfect souls


“Peeling back layers in Del Franco’s mystifying Weird series only whets the appetite for more.”

RT Book Reviews


“Mark Del Franco is rapidly staking a claim as one of my favorite non-comic urban fantasy authors. What’s not to like? . . . I thoroughly enjoyed reading
Unperfect Souls
and would recommend it to anyone who enjoys contemporary fantasy.”

Fantasy Literature


“[A] hidden gem.”

Night Owl Romance


Praise for
unfallen dead


“Connor is an engaging character with a real heart and a sense of humor that humanizes him to the reader. The world that he lives in is well constructed and easy to sink into. I also find it incredibly refreshing to read [about] a male protagonist when so much paranormal fiction is dominated by female protagonists. Del Franco has created the perfect hero for the modern age.”



“[A] fast-paced ride through the Weird side of town . . . Rob Thurman and John Levitt fans will want to check out this urban fantasy series.”

Monsters and Critics


“One of the most compelling aspects of this first-person detective series is the evolutionary track taken by its damaged yet persistent hero. Del Franco continues to enhance the backstory relationships between secondary characters while laying out a gritty, compelling mystery. In the hands of a talent like Del Franco, murder, revenge, and attempted world conquest add up to urban fantasy at its best.”

Romantic Times


“Damaged druid Connor Grey is back in his third mystery, which ramps up the magical action considerably . . . lots of snarky characters to keep things fun.”



Praise for
unquiet dreams


“A tale filled with magic, mystery, and suspense . . .
Unquiet Dreams
is a well-written story with characters that will charm readers back for another visit to the Weird.”

Darque Reviews


Unquiet Dreams
is an urban fantasy wrapped around a police procedural, and that makes for a fast-paced, action-packed novel . . . a great new urban fantasy series.”



“A solid adventure filled with unique characters and plenty of fast-paced suspense.”

Pulp Fiction Reviews


“It’s back to the Weird for the second chapter in this striking first-person druid-detective series. Del Franco’s clear and textured voice ensures that readers [invest] instantly in characters and story. Waiting for the next installment will be tough.”

Romantic Times


“Readers who like a mystery as the prime plot of an outstanding fantasy (think of Dresden) will thoroughly be entertained and challenged by
Unquiet Dreams
. This is a great new series.”

Genre Go Round Reviews


“Mark Del Franco is a master at combining modern fantasy with crime detective mystery. Fans of either genre are sure to find a good read in
Unquiet Dreams



Praise for
unshapely things


“A richly detailed world . . . It will pull you along a corkscrew of twists and turns to a final cataclysmic battle that could literally remake the world.”

—Rob Thurman, national bestselling author of


“An engaging urban fantasy . . . a bravura finale.”



“[An] entertaining contemporary fantasy mystery with a hard-boiled druid detective . . . a promising start to a new series.”



“Masterfully blends detective thriller with fantasy . . . a fast-paced thrill ride . . . Del Franco never pauses the action . . . and Connor Grey is a very likable protagonist. The twisting action and engaging lead make
Unshapely Things
hard to put down.”



“The intriguing cast of characters keeps the readers involved with the mystery wrapped up in the fantasy . . . I look forward to spending more time with Connor in the future and learning more about him and his world.”



“A wonderfully written, richly detailed, and complex fantasy novel with twists and turns that make it unputdownable . . . Mr. Del Franco’s take on magic and paranormal elements is fresh and intriguing. Connor Grey’s an appealing hero bound to delight fantasy and paranormal romance fans alike.”

The Romance Readers Connection


“Compelling and fast paced . . . The world-building is superb . . . Fans of urban fantasy should get a kick out of book one in this new series.”

Romantic Times


“A very impressive start. The characters were engaging and believable, and the plot was intriguing. I found myself unable to put it down until I had devoured it completely, and I’m eagerly looking forward to the sequel.”



“A wonderful, smart, and action-packed mystery involving dead fairies, political intrigue, and maybe a plot to destroy humanity . . .
Unshapely Things
has everything it takes to launch a long-running series, and I’m very excited to see what Del Franco has in store next for Connor Grey and his friends.”


Ace Books by Mark Del Franco

The Connor Grey Series





The Laura Blackstone Series




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An Ace Book / published by arrangement with the author



Ace mass-market edition / May 2011


Copyright © 2011 by Mark Del Franco.


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eISBN : 978-1-101-51407-8



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For Jack, as always

BOOK: Uncertain Allies
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