Read Unbroken (The Disclosure Series Book 2) Online

Authors: R.E. Hunter

Tags: #Contemporary

Unbroken (The Disclosure Series Book 2) (31 page)

BOOK: Unbroken (The Disclosure Series Book 2)
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Luke threw their bags into the back of the Jeep, then walked to the passenger side, offering his hand and helping Embry into the vehicle. She’d never get sick of him opening doors, pulling out chairs, and just generally being a gentleman.

“Thank you kindly,” she said sweetly as she settled into her seat.

He leaned into the Wrangler and pressed his lips to hers. “You’re very welcome.” He hopped into the driver’s seat and rolled down the windows. Turning to Embry, he lifted his eyebrows. “You ready?”

A gigantic smile split her lips. “So ready.”

He drove off while fiddling with the radio as Embry leaned her head back and enjoyed the fresh air whipping through her hair. The early April night had a slight chill, but it felt amazing compared to the still-cold and rainy New York weather.

“How long of a drive is it?” she asked over the wind and music.

“About thirty minutes,” he called back.

Embry nodded and stared out at the starry night as they headed east on US 80 toward the coast. Ed Sheeran was crooning in the background, making the drive feel even more relaxing.

Embry felt Luke’s warm touch as he reached across the console and weaved his fingers through hers. The simple caress sent a shiver through her entire body. Between her lusty dream on the plane and Luke’s relentless teasing, her self-control was hanging by a thin thread.

Her hair thrashed wild in the wind, stinging her cheeks as she took in a deep breath, the briny air a balm to her soul. They drove through miles of salt marsh, nothing on either side of them but wetland, and marshy grass swaying in the wind. Luke’s index finger moved against hers, slowly stroking up and down, the gentle, tempting touch sending a wave of heat straight to her core. There was something so erotic about it. They were barely touching, only their fingers tangled and teasing, but Embry felt it in every fiber of her being.

Bringing his hand to her lips, she kissed the tip of his finger before sucking it into her mouth and swirling her tongue around it. She looked over at him as she scraped her teeth lightly over his knuckle. He stared back, his eyes blazing bright with desire in the moonlight. “Fuck, baby,” he groaned.

Encouraged by his response, Embry released his hand and unbuckled her seatbelt. She had no idea where this nerve was coming from, but she went with it before she could second-guess herself.

He tracked her as best he could, but having to keep his eyes on the road, he could only make quick, curious glances as she leaned over the console, her fingers deftly working to open his pants.

“Baby, what’re you—” His words died on the wind as Embry pulled his hard cock from his pants and wrapped her hand around him, stroking him.

Maneuvering her upper body so that she lay across the console, she leaned down, flicking her tongue over his thick head before sucking him into her mouth. His hips bucked, and the car swerved slightly.

She looked up from his lap in concern.

“Are you trying to get us killed?” he said, smirking.

“Just trying to make you feel good.” She’d never done this before, been so bold, so carnal, but she needed to touch him, to taste him.

She bent her head back down and dragged her tongue along his shaft, licking him from root to tip before pulling him back into her mouth, her lips gliding up and down as her tongue swirled around him.

He took one hand from the steering wheel, his fingers digging into her hair and applying slight pressure against her head as she hollowed her cheeks and took him deeper. He groaned loudly, his hips lifting in his seat.

Suddenly, he cut the wheel and crossed over the divider, pulling into a sandy lot.

Embry sat up, startled. “Is everything—” Her question was silenced as he tunneled his hands in her hair, crushing his mouth to hers.

The kiss was hard, demanding and filled with the same desperate need that coursed through her veins. Luke tore his lips away, panting. He killed the engine and flicked off the lights. The only thing illuminating them was the large moon’s reflection glowing off the Savannah River.

He adjusted his seat, reclined the back, then looked at her, his eyes smoldering. “Come here.”

The air around them crackled with electricity. Driven by a sense of urgency she could barely understand, Embry kicked off her flats, unbuttoned her jeans and pushed them down her legs along with her panties as her heart pounded an erratic rhythm in her ears. They were on their way to a private cottage on the beach where they could make love all day and night with no interruptions. But in this moment, she felt as if she’d die if she couldn’t have him.

She turned in her seat and Luke gripped her hips, lifting her over the console and arranging her on his lap, straddling his hips. She felt his thick erection between her legs and moved against him involuntarily, a ripple of pleasure spreading through her.

Pushing up onto her knees, she reached behind her, gripped Luke in her hand and guided him to her entrance. A string of expletives left his mouth as she sunk down onto him. She cried out as he filled and stretched her, seated fully inside of her. He gripped her ass, pulling her against him as she began to find her rhythm, rolling her hips against him and creating a delicious friction.

Luke ripped open her blouse, pushing the lacy cups of her bra beneath her breasts and teasing her nipples, his tongue swirling around the hardened peaks and sending a scorching wave of desire straight to her core. She trembled above him, his hands sliding up her sides and caressing her curves as his hips bucked, pushing deeper inside of her.

Nothing about their movements was gentle. They were devouring each other, pushing and pulling against some unknown force that was thrusting them into a passion-driven haze.

Embry tore open Luke’s shirt, roughly dragging her fingernails down his chest as she leaned back against the steering wheel, riding him in earnest. Every now and then, headlights would flash as a car passed by, but it had no effect. Embry couldn’t have cared less if a car pulled up beside them to watch. She was lost, floating in a sea of desire; the only thing she’d respond to was Luke’s touch.

Just then, he reached down, applying wonderful pressure against her clit, and she exploded, pure pleasure coursing through her as she contracted around him.

He pumped into her, prolonging her orgasm and finding his own, his cock pulsing inside of her, until she collapsed in his arms, panting. His chest heaved below her as he fought to catch his own breath.

“Fuck, baby. What

She let out a strangled giggle. “I don’t know. But whatever it was, I liked it.”

His fingers sought her chin, and he gently lifted her face to his, dragging his thumb across her bottom lip. “I fucking loved it.”



A short while later they pulled up to a large cottage on the sand, the weathered cedar shingles giving it an extra beachy feel. As Embry opened the door and hopped out of the Jeep, she heard the sound of waves lapping at the shore. “How close, exactly, are we to the beach?” she asked, already knowing the answer.

“We’re on it, sweetheart.” He pulled their bags from the back of the 4x4. “This way.”

They walked a winding path along the side of the house, and as it curved toward the front, Embry saw the ocean sprawled before her, moon glowing bright on the rippling surface.

She let out an excited shriek but continued to follow Luke, fighting the urge to drop her bag, run through the sand and dip her feet in the water.

Security lights flicked on at their movement, bathing the front of the cottage in low lights. It had a small, covered porch, with a hammock—the one she’d seen in the picture—and two Adirondack rocking chairs.

Luke reached into his pocket and pulled out a set of keys Embry didn’t recognize.

“When did you pick up the keys?” Embry looked at him curiously.

“I keep the keys at my parents’ house.”

“Wait… you own it?” She’d just assumed he’d rented it.

He nodded and pushed open the door, standing aside to let Embry walk in first.

All questions died on her tongue as she stepped inside. She was standing in the living room, her eyes traveling the interior. It was the perfect beach cottage— wooden floors and white walls, sea blue and yellow accents bringing it to life. A small brick fireplace painted white sat in the corner, sea glass and driftwood adorning the mantle.

She turned back to find Luke watching her, a satisfied smile on her face. “I

“I’m glad.” He carried their bags inside and closed the door behind him. “Want the tour?”

Her face lit up. “Absolutely!”

From the living room they made their way into the kitchen. Luke flicked on the light and Embry sucked in a breath. It was a large open space with white glass-front cabinets and light blue wainscoting as a backsplash.

She twirled around in the middle of the floor. “This is amazing. Can we cook a few meals in here while we’re here? It would be a shame not to use it!”

Luke’s arms came around her from behind, hugging her waist as his lips found her neck. “I hadn’t really thought about meals, babe. Sex for breakfast, lunch and dinner was more what I had in mind.”

His words, combined with his warm breath against her neck, had the desired effect, and a shiver of satisfaction buzzed through her. “Mmm, sex for breakfast?”

He nodded against her. “That’s the plan.”

“I like that plan.” She turned in his arms and wrapped her arms around his neck. Pressing up onto her toes, she lightly swept her lips across his. “Show me the rest of the house.”

The living room, kitchen and dining room were connected to the living quarters by a long breezeway, with French doors that opened on each side. They walked through, and Embry noticed a small deck jutting out on the sand toward the front of the house. There was also a small private yard toward the back. In the middle of the yard stood a large, wooden structure that stole Embry’s attention.

“What’s that?” She indicated to the boxed structure.

“Outdoor shower,” Luke said with a smile.

“Ooooh.” The house was beyond impressive, and Embry couldn’t believe Luke had never once mentioned that he owned a cottage on the beach. She poked her head into a cute guest room before they made their way into the master bedroom.

A large four-poster bed with a fluffy, snow white comforter and marine blue decorative pillows sat in the center of the room, an antique anchor hanging on the wall above it. To the left was the adjoining master bath, and to the right was a large bay window with a cushioned seat lined with plush pillows begging to be snuggled into.

Luke drew the blinds and Embry gazed out the large picture window. There was nothing but ocean for miles. She pictured herself sprawled out across the cushioned seat, sun shining in and warming her skin as she relaxed with a good book.

A smile formed on her lips.
This place is heaven.

Luke set their bags down and came to her, his blue eyes searching hers. “You like?”

She beamed up at him. “I more than like.”

He bent his head, his lips claiming hers in a soul-searing kiss. “I more than like you.”



Luke stepped out onto the porch with two beers, handing one to Embry, then he sat down in the rocking chair beside her.

She took a delicate sip from the bottle and hummed in pleasure. “Cam?”

Luke nodded, thankful that his brother had stocked the house for them earlier in the day. “Yep.”

They sat quietly for a few moments, lulled by the sound of the crashing surf while he held his beer in one hand, the fingers of his other hand twined with Embry’s. After a few more minutes of silence, he looked over to find her head back, eyes closed as she quietly rocked back and forth. She was flawless. Her long lashes fanned her cheeks, and the cool ocean breeze lifted her hair, sending long, blonde wisps swirling about her face as a faint glow shone on her from the porch light.

She must’ve felt him staring because she opened her eyes and caught him.

“See something you like?” she said with an enticing grin.

Luke took a swig of his beer and nodded.

BOOK: Unbroken (The Disclosure Series Book 2)
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