Read Unbreakable Online

Authors: Blayne Cooper

Tags: #Lesbian, #Romance

Unbreakable (28 page)

BOOK: Unbreakable
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"No, thanks."

"It's no problem."

"Yes, it is."

A sigh. "It doesn't have to be."


"Jacie." Said in the same warning tone. "Just let me do this. You're making a big deal out of nothing."

Jacie pushed out of her chair and turned around to face Nina. "I don't want your food," she ground out. The last thing she wanted was charity from Nina. "Not only am I not a slacker, I'm not a mooch, either."

Taken aback by Jacie's anger, Nina felt her own temper rise. This was ridiculous. "I don't care what you want, " she shot back. "You need to eat because you look like shit."

Jacie's face turned crimson. "Mind your own business, Nina. I'm not hungry. I had a big breakfast." Just then, her stomach growled, and Jacie closed her eyes. "Great," she murmured disgustedly.

Nina rubbed her temples. "It's nearly midnight; you need something, Jacie. You're on your feet all night. Why are you being so stubborn?" With short, jerky movements, Nina began pulling out cans from her shelf. "Tuna?" She smacked it down on the countertop. "Tomato soup?" Smack. "Or deviled ham?" Smack! She reached inside, grabbing the last of her cans.

Aware that things were spinning out of control, but unable to stop herself, Jacie grabbed the can from Nina's hands and slammed it on the countertop. "I don't want your damned food."

"Deviled ham, it is," Nina snarled, yanking open the drawer and searching for a can opener. When she found it, she set about opening the can at breakneck speed, mumbling all the while. "You don't eat, you don't sleep, all you do is work." She slammed the can opener down. "You're killing yourself."

"Why have you suddenly gone nuts?" Jacie gestured wildly. "I know when I need to eat. Stop babying me."

"Then stop acting like a baby and let me help you."

Jacie sneered, knowing that Nina was partially right but unable to stop herself from egging on the argument. "You're… You're going to wake up Audrey." She nodded a little, impressed with her new line of attack. "Yeah, that's what you're going to do."

"A herd of tap dancing elephants marching through your bedroom couldn't wake up Audrey, and you know it."

"If that fuckin' can of ham was all that was between me dying a slow death from hunger or living to a hundred… I still wouldn't eat it," Jacie spat, reaching for the can only to have Nina pull it away just in time.

Nina grabbed the can opener again and resumed twisting, having trouble with the second half and cursing under her breath as she worked.

"Oh," she was shaking, "you'll eat the damn ham… yes, you will. Because I'll stuff it down your stupid throat if you don't."

Jacie lunged for Nina's hand and managed to grab the half-opened can. Teeth bared ferally, she lifted her arm to throw it.

Nina's eyes bugged, and she gasped. "Don't you dare!"

Jacie stopped cold, gaping when Nina took the opportunity to snatch the can back.

"Ha!" Nina laughed triumphantly, perspiration making her skin glow.

"Give me back the damned can," Jacie warned, her voice raspy and low as she moved forward a step.

Nina's nostrils flared. She was breathing heavily and knew her voice would be husky before she even spoke. "If you want it so bad, why don't you just take it, Jacie?" she challenged, lifting an eyebrow. She was shocked by her own brazenness but determined not to show it.

The young women glared at each other, panting softly, their faces flushed with anger… and something else. Their gazes held, locked for what seemed a lifetime, before something inside Jacie snapped. She surged forward, closing the tiny distance between them in a heartbeat. She grabbed Nina's face in her hands and pulled her forward, crushing their lips together in a searing, desperate kiss.

Nina moaned into the kiss and returned it wholeheartedly, possessively wrapping her arms around Jacie and plastering their bodies together so tightly that she could feel Jacie's heartbeat through her nightshirt.

Tongues clashed and moans were swallowed for what seemed a lifetime before a dazed Jacie pulled back just enough to begin to softly nibble the edges of Nina's lips.

"Jacie," Nina breathed, her eyes still closed as she melted into Jacie's touch. When ardent lips began working their way down her neck, Nina wasn't sure her legs would hold her. "Jac–"

Sensing Nina's dilemma, Jacie gently maneuvered her against the kitchen cabinets. "Better?" she murmured.

"Mmm…." Nina wound her hands in Jacie's thick hair, something she'd wanted to do since they were in junior high school. Then, to her surprise, Jacie deepened the kiss and used one hand to tease the soft skin of her inner thigh. "God," she mumbled a few moments later, her head spinning. "Where did you learn to do that?"

Jacie chuckled softly, delighting in the silken texture of Nina's lips and skin. "Do you really want to know?"

Nina ran her hands down Jacie's arms, her stomach tightening when she noticed that Jacie's nipples were now visible through her black silk blouse. She bit off a groan. "No, I guess I don't," she said absently, her hand drifting up to where her eyes were riveted.

Not to be left out, Jacie reached up and cupped one of Nina's breasts, and this time, Nina couldn't be quiet. She let out a slow, sexy hiss than nearly dropped Jacie to her knees.

"Is this what you want?" Jacie asked quickly, praying that she was right. She hugged her closer. "Us, like this?"

Nina closed her eyes. "Yes," she said, unable to deny the truth. She swallowed hard and did her best to collect herself. She was so aroused that she felt a little out of control. When she opened her eyes, she looked directly into Jacie's brown eyes, her gaze sizzling. "I don't want to stop." Her words set off another blistering bout of kissing and mutual petting that continued as Jacie guided her out of the kitchen and into Nina's bedroom, kissing her senseless along the way.

Nina's bedroom was dark, and the sound of the door latching behind them barely registered over their labored breathing. Jacie knew which of the two twin beds in the room was Nina's, and it was only seconds before Nina was engulfed in soft fabric, Jacie's hot body coming to rest alongside.

Close together, facing each other in the wan light, they smiled nervously at each other. Moonbeams poured through the window, making Jacie's dark eyes appear almost otherworldly and casting Nina in mysterious shadows.

The air between them crackled. Jacie had seen enough movies to know that this was where they were supposed to say something, to declare their true love and swear they'd never let crossing this line hurt their friendship. The words, she felt certain, shouldn't be so hard to say. But her tongue felt heavy in her mouth. To be rejected by Nina now? When she was close to what she'd dreamed of for so long? Her mind violently recoiled at the mere possibility.



They said in unison.

"You first," Nina urged, her hands starting to roam over Jacie's body of their own free will.

Jacie swallowed dryly, her desire ratcheting up with amazing speed. "What are y-you doing?" she said absently, her mind on the fabulous sensations Nina's fingers were teasing from her.

Nina let out a deep breath. "Whatever I want." She unbuttoned one button on Jacie's blouse and slid her shaking hand inside to touch hot skin. "You're so soft." She sighed, easily losing herself in the moment. "I knew you would be." She glanced up from her task and innocently asked, "Am I doing something wrong?"

Jacie would have laughed if there had been enough blood left in her brain to form an appropriate response to the ridiculous question. As it was, every drop she had was headed southward. Furiously, she shook her head no.

Nina bit her bottom lip at the soft sigh Jacie made when her fingertips skimmed the curve of her friend's breast. "I," she had to stop and shake her head, the emotion of the moment stealing her words. "I don't know what to say." A warm hand cupped her cheek.

"You don't have to say anything."

"I–" But Nina's words were lost in another incendiary kiss. And soon Jacie had her aroused to the point of no return. In a fuzzy part of her mind, she was glad that Jacie had steered them into the bedroom, because as out of her head as she was at this very moment, she'd have made love to Jacie on the kitchen table.

Frantic hands peeled away Jacie's black slacks and silk blouse, not slowing until they reached a bra and panties. Nina swallowed hard. When she saw all that was in front of her, a moment of uncertainty assailed her. "I don't know what to do." She gave Jacie a worried look.

"It's okay," Jacie said, easing Nina's nightshirt over her head. The sight of her friend naked sent a rush of heated blood to her center, and she started to throb. She smiled devilishly. "I'll help."

Nina's eyes twinkled. "You're generous to a fault, Jacie."

Jacie laughed, glad that the humor seemed to cut through some of the tension. She kissed Nina's chin softly. "Aren't I just?"

Clothes were shed and soon moist heated skin was sliding together. Smoothly, Jacie's fingers trailed across Nina's stomach, then through soft sandy hair and into her wetness.

Nina gasped, not expecting the intensity of the sensation.

Jacie's hand froze. Terrified, she said, "I'm sorry. I didn't mean–"

"Jace," Nina whispered softly, laying her hand over the one that rested between her legs and giving a tender squeeze. "I was just surprised." She tried to convey with her eyes all the love she felt as she admired how the moonlight danced across Jacie's skin. With her hand, she urged Jacie to continue what she was doing, seeing the glint of white teeth in response to her actions.

Jacie stroked her slowly, using the tips of her fingers and her tongue to bring her as much pleasure as she possibly could. She was by no means an expert at what she was doing, and it took several fumbling but sweet tries to establish a rhythm that seemed to work for them both.

It took Nina a long time to climax. But when she did, she felt as though she might fracture in two, spasms wracking her entire body, and she sought to pull Jacie deeper inside her. "Jesus." With a trembling hand, she clutched the head suckling her breast. She squeezed her eyes tightly shut, her thundering heart nearly drowning out the sounds of the languid moans and soft sighs that caressed her senses every bit as much as Jacie's hands and mouth.

Jacie nuzzled the curve of Nina's breast and grinned. She nipped at the tender skin gently, causing Nina's entire body to jump. "I love you, Nina," she whispered, kissing her way up Nina's salty throat and finding eager lips anxious to greet her.

"You mean everything to me," Nina murmured, tasting herself on Jacie's soft lips. "Everything. And I–"

Jacie plunged her tongue into her mouth and kissed her senseless, grinding her center against Nina's and causing the other woman to writhe beneath her.


Jacie slid a hand up between their bodies and pinched one of Nina's hard nipples, causing her back to arch and a throaty growl to explode from her chest. "Yes? You were about to say something," Jacie said innocently, thrilling at Nina's reaction to her touch.

"I-I—" Nina's mind went blank amidst the myriad of overpowering sensations. "I forget," she admitted, capturing Jacie's upper lip with her teeth and giving it a playful tug.

Jacie chuckled and promised, "It'll come back to you." She lifted her head slightly so they could see each other's faces. Then she smiled such a hopeful, beautiful smile that Nina fell in love with her, right then in that very moment, all over again. Her heart ached from the sweetness of it.

"I want to touch you the way you touched me," Nina breathed, invigorated by her orgasm, but a little shaken by Jacie's open display of devotion. She ran her fingers down Jacie's cheek, capturing a drop of perspiration on her fingertip and then popping the digit into her mouth.

Jacie's belly clenched, and she bit back a moan. She'd already had an orgasm, just tasting Nina, and was beginning to wonder whether watching the other woman would give her a stroke. When Nina lifted her eyebrows meaningfully, Jacie snapped out of her reverie and rolled off her and onto her side, taking a spot next to Nina.

Nina smiled at the change in positions, which placed Jacie squarely in the moonlight and allowed her a full view of her nude body. "You are so beautiful, Jacie." Her eyes landed on a thin scar that ran from the outside of Jacie's elbow and about a third of the way down her forearm. Another failed world record attempt. She traced it lovingly, thinking it didn't detract one bit from Jacie's beauty.

Jacie's gaze followed Nina's. She frowned. "Damn, was I ever a dufus."

"Nuh uh," Nina corrected as she bent to trace the scar with her tongue. "You kicked ass and took names, Jacie," she said, her faith unwavering. "You still do." She sighed dreamily. "Every inch of my body is still on fire from the way you touched me."

Jacie's nostrils flared, and she sucked in a breath, ready to pounce on Nina, but a firm hand placed flat at the top of her chest stopped her.

"My turn," Nina said simply. She pulled away a little and waited, knowing deep down that not a single one of her wants would be denied. Not when it came to loving Jacie.

For a few seconds a silent battle of wills raged. Jacie felt as though she could devour Nina and never stop. She still hadn't learned all the secret places that she liked to be touched and the tiny things that drove her insane. Well, she had already learned a few of those. But as tempting as it was to persuade Nina to allow herself to be ravished all night, a larger part of her craved Nina's touch. She needed the other woman in an elemental way, like air or water. Then she looked into hungry blue-green eyes and felt Nina's gentle persistence win the war.

Nina sensed it; the second victory was hers and a heady sense of power sang through her veins. With more courage than she knew she had, she boldly stroked and kissed Jacie everywhere she had a mind to, nipping at the tender skin of Jacie's throat with careful teeth. Jacie was moaning with abandon. And when her hand finally found its way between Jacie's legs, the other woman's enthusiastic squirming threatened to topple them from the twin bed.

BOOK: Unbreakable
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