Read Unbreakable Online

Authors: Leo Sullivan Prodctions

Tags: #leo sullivan, #unbreakable, #tynessa

Unbreakable (12 page)

BOOK: Unbreakable
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“Now what are you trying to say?”

“I just said it.” She wasn’t trying to be
disrespectful to her mother but enough was enough. “You sit in
church every Sunday and swear you a Christian but yet and still you
sit up with your nose tooted up at everybody and look down on
people like
beneath you.”

“Child stop your story telling right now,”
was all she could say with a serious tone

“Hey I’m just speaking the truth. You’re
judgmental,” Shaniqua said “But you know what, my son just pulled
up so let me get off this phone so I can spend some time with him
since I’m such a bad parent,” she said hanging up without waiting
for a response.
“Well it’ll be another two weeks without talking
to her if not longer,”
she said slowly sitting up on the couch
turning the TV on cartoons because she already knew that’s was what
Ray’Shun was going to want to look at as him and Dre walked in.

Ray’Shun ran over to her with two toys in his
hand “Mama look what I got,” he said giving her the toys “I got
these for my little sister.” he said rubbing her stomach. He was so
happy he was about to be a big brother

“Aww look at mommy’s big man looking out for
his lil sister,” she said kissing his forehead “That was nice of
you baby,” she said as Dre sat on the couch next to her

“Yeah and when a boy mess with my lil sister
I’m gonna fight them,” he said and balled up his little fist and
started swing like he was fighting causing Dre and Shaniqua to

“Lord I can’t take it,” she said still
laughing and shaking her head at Ray’Shun.

They was sitting laughing and talking when
Dre phone went off and he looked at it and put in back in his
pocket. He had been doing that a lot lately. Sometimes Shaniqua
would catch him whispering on the phone at wee hours of the night
arguing thinking she’s asleep. Something wasn’t right.

“Who was that?” she asked.

“A restricted number.”

“Don’t make me have to nut up on your ass
Andre,” she said eyeing him suspiciously.

Dre just smiled and shook his head because he
had already heard how Shaniqua got down way before they started
talking. He reached over and rubbed her stomach. He was so happy
about the baby that it wasn’t funny. Her mind went to when she
first told him she was pregnant. She had been extra tired and
eating everything in sight. When she wasn’t sleeping, she was
eating, and after eating, she was throwing up. That went on for a
few weeks but she refused to believe she was pregnant until her
monthly cycle didn’t come so she indeed knew then that she was
knocked up again. One day when Dre went to work, she went to the
doctor to find out she was almost 3 months pregnant. She then went
to the store to buy a pregnancy test only so she could slap Dre in
the face with it. When Dre got home that night, she showed him the

A look of confusion came across his face
“What are you saying?” he had the nerve to say.

Shaniqua gave him a ‘
What the fuck
and said “What you mean, what am I saying? Shit, it’s
right there in your got damn face…. I’m fucking pregnant.”

He gave her the strangest looked she have
ever seen. It was a look of anger, disgust, confusion and
disappointment all wrapped in one. He stared at her for what seems
like forever to her before walking off without saying anything to
her leaving her there confused. Although she wasn’t happy about the
pregnancy, she thought maybe he would be. She has never been the
type to want different baby daddies but it happen and there was no
way she was going to abort this baby like she did a year ago with
Ronny’s baby. Dre came home the next morning with flowers and
wearing a smile. He explained that he was just shocked but he was
indeed happy about the baby. That day forward, he has been waiting
on her hand and feet.

“Honey,” he said snapping his finger in her
face trying to get her attention

“Oh I’m sorry. I was in my own world. What’s
up?” she asked slowly getting off the couch with his help to go to
the bathroom.

“Yeah I see. I was asking of you were
hungry,” he said following her to the bathroom.

“Yeah what are you eating?” she asked.

“I want some fish. Is that okay with

“Yeah, and stop at McDonald’s and get my baby
something too please… I have to pee.” She rushed inside shutting
and locking the door.

“Okay. We’ll be back,” he said letting her
know he was taking Ray’Shun

“Okay,” she said and seconds later, she heard
the door shut. She finished in the bathroom and wobbled back in the
living room to find Ray’Shun still sitting in the same spot
watching cartoons.

“Hey man. I thought you was gone,” she said
sitting down next to him on the couch.

“No I wanted to stay here with you mama,” he
said never taking his eyes off the TV.

“You want to stay with me or the TV?” she
asked looking at him smiling. He loved himself some Cartoon

“Ummm,” he said as if he was thinking hard.
Shaniqua laughed and kissed the top of his head. She reached over,
grabbed her laptop, and decided to call Ronny on Oovoo since he had
called her earlier.

“You want to talk to daddy Ray’Shun?”

He nodded his head with a big smile on his
face. That’s one thing no one could take from him, the love that he
had for his dad.

“Okay you can’t forget about our lil secret,”
she said referring to her pregnancy. She felt bad because she knew
Ray’Shun wanted to let everyone know he was about to be a big
brother but she knew Ronny ass would shit bricks if he knew she was
pregnant someone other than him. He would probably come beat her
baby out of her

“Okay, but why I can’t tell him?” he wanted
to know

“Because Ray’Shun, we’re gonna surprise
everyone after I have the baby and we go visit.”

“Okay” he said as Ronny was answering.
Shaniqua had the laptop propped up on some pillows that was on her
lap so the camera could stay on their face and Ray’Shun was on his
knees beside her.

“What’s up my lil nigga?” Ronny said with his
fist up to the camera

Ray’Shun put his lil fist up to the camera
also as if they were giving each other a fist pound “Sup Daddy.
What you doing?” he asked smiling. Shaniqua looked over and her lil
man and smiled. It was as if he had grew up overnight, the past
three years had went by so fast.

“Shit. What you doing? I miss you.”

“I miss you too daddy and I’m watching
cartoon network,” he said smiling

“Oh okay. Tell you big head ass mama I miss
her too. I see that big ass head in the corner of the screen,” he
said laughing

Ray’Shun covered his mouth laughing “Mama
daddy said you have a big head,” he said still laughing as if Ronny
had told the funniest joke of all times.

Shaniqua rolled her eyes “Tell yo daddy to go
to hell,” she said

Ronny was still cracking jokes about her head
while Ray’Shun was still laughing urging him on. She sat there
biting her bottom lip while him and Ray’Shun talk imaging herself
running her hands threw his dreads.

“I know you seen me calling you earlier
Shan,” he said to her

She turned the laptop around facing her and
adjusted it so it was only on her face “Yeah, I did,” she said
nonchalantly. “
Damn, why does he always have to look so damn
good on camera?”
she said to herself.

“So why you didn’t answer”

“Because Ray’Shun wasn’t with me,” she

“Aye man I done told you about having my son
around that fuck nigga without your supervision. Don’t make me have
to fuck his ass up.”

She quickly looked over at Ray’Shun who was
all in the TV because she had already told Ronny time and time
before about talking shit about Dre in front of Ray’Shun because he
would go back and repeat it.

“Ronny what did I tell you about that shit.
Got damn I swear yo ass act like you slow or something. You act
like you don’t understand that Ray’Shun would go back and repeat
that shit”

“I’m far from slow and I understand. I just
don’t give a fuck. Hell I want him to repeat it and I dare that
fuck nigga step to me,” he said “Now when are you going to let me
come see my son? I haven’t seen him in months and I’m tired of
begging you to let me come see him or fly him out here.”

She rolled her eyes “Whatever, I don’t know
why you always talking shit. You don’t hear me talking shit about
them busted ass hoes you use to always cheat on me with or that
ugly black ass bitch that caused you your family,” she said
avoiding him asking to see Ray’Shun.

“Man there you go Shan. You always bringing
up old shit”

“Nah, that shit with forever be new to

“Man I got shit to do. Let me holla at my son
right quick,” he said.

Shaniqua knew exactly why he wanted to hang
up “You always wanna hang up when I start talking about your busted
ass hoes. You always talking shit then when I say something back
you wanna hang up and shit.” She said before turning the laptop
toward Ray’Shun “Say bye to your daddy”

They gave each other a fist pound again like
they always do.

“I’ll call you back tomorrow man… I love

“Okay daddy. I love you too,” he said.

“Tell yo big ass head mama daddy loves her

Shaniqua reached around and waved her middle
finger in front of the camera shooting him a bird.

He laughed. “Ol’ mean ass,” he said before
disconnecting the call.


Shaniqua had been having sharp pain off and
on for two days. They didn’t hurt that much to go to the hospital
plus her baby wasn’t due for another 3 weeks so she already knew
they was gonna send her home so since she had an doctor appointment
in a few days she decided to wait it out. She was lying in bed
cuddling with Dre when it felt like she was pissing on herself. Dre
jumped up

“What the fuck? Did you just pee?” he asked
with wide eyes. He knew the baby had her going to the bathroom a
lot but did she really just pee in the bed. She slowly sat up “No,
my water just broke,” she said calmly. He ran around to her side of
the bed and began helping her out the bed.

“Are you okay baby?” he asked.

“Yes, just go wake Ray’Shun up so we can go
to the hospital,” she said and watched Dre run out the room in full
speed. She shook her head and wobbled over to the dresser to get
something to put on.

Once they was dressed and in the car headed
to the hospital she looked in the back seat at Ray’Shun who had
went back to sleep. She wanted to break down and cry. Here she was
pregnant with her second child with a man that she wasn’t even sure
if she really loved like she claimed.

Dre seen the sadness on her face “What’s
wrong baby? Are you hurting? Do I need to slow down?

She shook her head as a tear dropped from her
eyes “No. I just feel so alone,” she answered his truthfully.

“What you mean Bae? You not alone I’m right

“Yeah you are and I appreciate that. But I
don’t have my family here, they don’t even know I’m pregnant,” she
wiped the tears “Hell I don’t even have anyone to watch my baby why
I’m giving birth.”

“What you mean they don’t know? Why haven’t
you told them?”

She shrug her shoulder she couldn’t dare tell
him the real reason she didn’t let anyone know “I don’t know. I
want to surprise them when I go visit,” she lied

“Oh okay,” he said then smiled. “Well guess
what I already talked to Brooke and she said she would watch
Ray’Shun for you while you’re in the hospital.”

Shaniqua looked over at him, she didn’t know
about leaving her son with her. She liked Brooke and hung out with
her but she didn’t know about letting Ray’Shun stay over there the
whole time she stayed at the hospital.

“Man Brooke is cool. You even hung out with
her so you know she good people. She got 3 kids of her own so you
know she know how to take care of Ray’Shun and wouldn’t let
anything happen to him. Plus he goes over there all the time, hell
you even keep her kids”

She knew Dre had a good point. “Okay that’s
fine but she gonna have to bring him to see me every day,” she
informed him.

Dre smiled at her. “I’ll go get him myself
for you,” he said. He loved how overprotective she was over
Ray’Shun and knew she was going to be a good mother to his
daughter. When they pulled up to the hospital, Brooke was already
at the front entrance waiting. She got Ray’Shun out and Dre help
her out and helped her inside before going back out to park his
car. Shaniqua walked up to the front desk and checked in. Being
that her water had broken they took her right to the back.

Brooke was standing outside the room with
Ray’Shun as the nurse checked Shaniqua. “Okay Miss. Holmes you have
dilated 4 centimeters,” she said. After she finished making sure
everything was okay she left out the room and Dre walked in.

“Where my baby at Dre?” she asked.

“Brooke took him with her,” he said pulling
up a chair to the side of her bed.

“Okay,” she said throwing her head back on
the pillow.

Shaniqua don’t know how long she had been
asleep but she felt a sharp pain at the bottom of her stomach and
quickly sat up “Uuugggghhhh,” she grunted causing Dre to jump to
his feet.

“Baby you okay?” he asked with a look of

“No I need a doctor Dre,” she said still
holding her stomach “Oh my god she’s coming,” she screamed as Dre
took off running out the room. Seconds later, he was running back
with nurses right behind him.

“I have to push,” Shaniqua screamed.

“Hold on Miss. Holmes let me page the
doctor,” one of the nurse said and another one checked her to see
if she was fully dilated.

“Tell Dr. Brown to get here
,” the
nurse said. “Just hold on Miss. Holmes,” she said as the other ones
got everything ready.

BOOK: Unbreakable
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