Two Sirs for Sasha [Club Esoteria 9] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (6 page)

BOOK: Two Sirs for Sasha [Club Esoteria 9] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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Gavin grabbed the arms of the chair in a white-knuckled grip as he groaned and his hips canted upward. His seed jetted across her tongue, and she swallowed as fast as she could, determined not to lose a drop of his seed either. He tasted similar to and yet different from Peyton, but it was a taste she could easily get addicted to.

When he finally relaxed back into the chair, she spent a few minutes cleaning his length as he softened before she pulled back. Kissing the tip of his cock, she gently laid it on his lower belly before looking up into his eyes.

“Was I all right, Sir?”

“Perfection. You are a natural cocksucker,” he said, his words slurring just before his eyes rolled up in his head and then closed.

Alarmed, she looked over her shoulder at Peyton. “I think I killed him.”

When Peyton began to laugh, she frowned in confusion even as Gavin began to snore softly.

“Don’t worry about him, cupcake. He always passes out after a really good orgasm. He’ll wake up in a few minutes and be ready to go again. In the meantime why don’t you come over here and cuddle with me.”

“Yes, Sir,” Sasha responded.

Peyton shifted so he lounged on the couch with his back against the arm and one leg extended along the back.

When she started to push to her feet, he shook his head. “No, pet. Crawl to me. I want to see those pretty tits sway now.”

Not wanting to disappoint her Sir, Sasha dropped back to the floor and crawled the short distance to the couch.

“Hmmm, so damn sexy,” he said.

He lifted her from the floor and settled her so she was resting against him with her back to his front. “Rest for a few minutes, cupcake. When sleepyhead wakes up, we’ll give you a tour of the club before we start your next lesson.”

“Okay,” she responded on a sigh, then added a sleepy, “Sir.”

After a long day of cooking and an intense few hours with her new Sirs, Sasha closed her eyes and fully relaxed before Peyton could respond.

Chapter 7


A warm tongue batting at her left nipple followed by strong suction pulling at it was the next thing Sasha was aware of. Taking a deep breath, she opened her eyes and found Gavin kneeling beside the couch, his head at her breast.

“Mmmm,” she sighed as she shifted, trying to stretch tired, sore muscles.

“Feel good, little lamb?”

“Uh-huh,” she moaned as he slid a warm hand up her belly to cover her left breast.

“It’s time to wake up, cupcake,” Peyton’s voice rumbled softly under the ear pressed to his chest. “We want to show you some of the things that go on here and see what you might want to try in the future.”

She whined a sound of protest when Gavin’s attention left her breasts. With eyes still closed, she sat up and lifted her arms over her head, stretching everything from her butt up. She jumped when very masculine, very dominant, almost animalistic sound broke the silence around her. Opening her eyes, she looked from Gavin to Peyton and back. Both men looked at her as if she were a plate of extra crispy bacon and they had not eaten in a week.

Still a little groggy, but wanting to tease them a little more, Sasha slipped off the couch and knelt on the floor in the position they had taught her. Looking from one man to the other, she threw her shoulders back just a little more than necessary.

“Sirs, may I please put my dress on the way it is meant to be worn?”

She waited as the men exchanged a glance before both turned and looked across the rest of the room. Then they nodded.

“Yes, cupcake, you may,” Peyton added as he pushed up from the couch and stretched himself. “Do you also need to use the restroom?”

“Yes, Sir, that would be nice,” she responded as her overfull bladder twinged with pain.

It took her a moment before she decided the best way to straighten out the chemise was to take it off, untangle it, and then put it on again.

So she did.

It only took a minute and she was so focused on the task she did not realize until she pulled the silky material down her body that Gavin and Peyton had moved to stand between her and the rest of the room, once again concealing her behind a human wall.

Once the slip was back in place, Gavin took her hand and escorted her to the restroom. “Don’t be long,” he said, brushing a kiss across her lips before stepping back. “I’ll be right here waiting for you.”

After using the facilities, she was washing her hands when two women came in. From what she had learned from talking to her Sirs their bare feet indicated they were subs. From the lack of collars around their necks, she knew they were also single, or uncollared as Gavin put it. They were both very thin and muscular with long hair and perfect makeup. They wore thongs and matching bras that barely covered anything. Even wearing the silk chemise, Sasha felt outclassed, even if she did have two men occupying her evening.

They hurried to the stalls and closed themselves in and began to talk. Sasha was shocked to find herself the subject of their conversation.

“Did you see that cow Master Peyton and Master Gavin are testing out tonight?” one of the women said.

“Yeah. Wonder where they picked her up from?” the other one responded.

“Trina said she works at the bakery downtown.”

“Oh, well, that explains all that extra weight. But what do they see in her? They’ve never played with a fat girl before.”

Sasha’s heart imploded as she listened to the two women. They were voicing the questions she herself had not been brave enough to think about.

Why had Gavin and Peyton chosen her?

Looking in the mirror, she forced herself to look down her round, curvy body to which the blue silk chemise clung. Her stomach knotted painfully at the thought that the men were only playing with her, using her for an evening’s entertainment. But then she acknowledged, that was what this place was all about, wasn’t it? Playing with and using others?

Hearing the toilets flush nearly simultaneously, Sasha hurried to the door. There was no need to embarrass the bitches who had just slapped her in the face with a big honking dose of reality. She was humiliated enough for all three of them.

Stepping out into the hallway, she found Gavin was no longer leaning against the wall across the hall where she had left him. Looking left and right, she found there was no one in the hallway. She turned toward the main room, but hesitated.

Why rejoin the two men she was beginning to have feelings for when she knew they could not feel the same way? After all, she was dumpy and out of shape while they should be up for the “Sex God of the Year” award.

Spinning, she hurried past the men’s room door and pushed her way through the door that held a sign reading Private. Once in the lobby-looking room, she figured the door to her right opened into the back parking lot where she had parked her van earlier.

Still conscious of her clothing, or lack thereof, she pushed her way out of the building and quickly crossed to the van. She tried to stay in the moment and not think of anything beyond her need to get home.

Slipping into the driver’s seat, she sighed at her father’s rule about leaving the delivery van’s keys under the floor mat instead of carrying them in her pocket. As she drove out of the parking lot, her gut clenched, warning her that she was making a huge-ass mistake. But, she tried to convince herself, if leaving without a word to Gavin and Peyton was a mistake, it was not her first one, and she had no doubt that it would not be her last one either.

She did not relax until she parked the van in its reserved space behind the bakery. Only then did she remember that not only had she left her clothes behind at Club Esoteria, but she had also forgotten the serving trays.

“They’ll be safe,” she assured herself. “Antony will get your clothes, and you can pick everything up in the morning.”

But would he understand why she left the club without a word to him or the two men she had spent the evening with? For a short moment, she wondered if Gavin and Peyton would even care.


* * * *


Gavin checked his watch for the third time as he spoke with Taurus about upgrading the club’s security system while waiting for Sasha. They were near the hallway to the restrooms, but just out of sight of the doors. He thought he heard a door open, but no one stepped into view.

Just as Taurus walked away, Gavin shifted so he could see the door to the ladies’ room. A moment later, the door opened, and Angela and Wendy, two of club’s uncollared submissives, stepped into view.

“Good evening, Master Gavin,” they said in unison. Their smiles hinted they would be happy to join him and Peyton for any games they might want to play.

Problem was that over the past few months both subs had failed nearly every test he and Peyton had thrown at them. Even without talking to Peyton, he knew that Sasha had not only passed their tests, she was just the kind of submissive they were looking for.

Gavin nodded, but did not speak. His mind was still on Sasha’s amazingly easy acceptance of their dominance over her. Then he wondered what the hell she was doing in the ladies’ room for so damn long. He watched the two subs pass him and wander back to the seating area the unclaimed submissives had staked out as their own just after the opening of the club.

After another minute, he went to the ladies’ room door. He knocked loudly and when there was no response, pushed open the door and walked in.

The room was empty.

How had she left without him seeing her? Where had she gone? Had Angela and Wendy said something that upset her enough to run?

Stepping out of the restroom, he looked down the hall toward the door that led to the off-limit areas of the club. Was that how she escaped?

With a frown, Gavin returned to the seating area they had been playing in earlier.

Peyton arrived a moment later carrying three bottles of water.

“Where’s Sasha?” Peyton asked.

“All indications are that she’s gone.”

“Gone? What the hell do you mean she’s gone?” Peyton shoved a bottle of water in his direction before setting a second one on the coffee table and opening the third one and drinking deeply.

“I mean, she went into the restroom, but when I checked five minutes later, she had disappeared,” Gavin said as he savagely twisted the top off the bottle of water and downed half the contents.

“What did you say to her?”

“Nothing. She was fine until she went into the restroom. Taurus saw me and wanted to talk about upgrading the system,” Gavin said as he stared across the club. It took a moment before light dawned. “Come on.”

“What?” Peyton asked, trailing behind as Gavin stalked across the room to the land of the submissive.

Angela and Wendy had a reputation for being jealous, sniping, viperous bitches who thought nothing of putting others down without caring who heard. Had they said something to upset Sasha? If they did, how were he and Peyton going to repair the damage these two had done?

Stopping well away from the unmarked boundary of the “land of submissives,” he pointed at Angela and Wendy. The two were sitting on the couch whispering back and giggling. “You two, come here.”

The women jumped up and hurried across the open space to Gavin. When they reached him, they knelt and gazed up at him, obviously hopeful that he was wanting to play with them.

“You were just in the ladies’ room,” he said, stating a fact and not asking a question.

“Yes, Sir,” the two answer in harmony.

“What was the topic of discussion while you were in there?”

He watched as the two exchanged a glance then dropped their heads forward so they were staring at his boots.

“Well?” he demanded when neither of them spoke.

“We were talking about the woman you and Master Peyton were playing with,” Angela said, her voice just loud enough to be heard over all the other activities in the room.

“And what, exactly, did you have to say about a woman you had never met and knew nothing about?” Gavin asked, steel filling his voice as he tried to keep his temper from flaring because he had a good idea what had been said.

Heads dropped even lower, but neither woman answered.

“Speak,” Gavin barked.

Angela lifted her head to look into his face with tears in her eyes and a truly remorseful expression.

“We wondered why you and Master Peyton were with her,” she whispered. “She wasn’t like the subs you usually play with. She was so…so…”

“Large,” Wendy finished when it appeared her friend was unable to.

Gavin knew from their expressions there was more to it, but he had heard enough. Turning away from the subs, he motioned for Peyton to follow him. “We’ve got to find her. If she heard those two she-devils, she’s probably feeling humiliated.”

The two men stalked to the bar where Jenna was talking with Taurus and her two slaves.

“Mistress Jenna, if you would be so kind to address the issue of gossiping about other people’s pets with a couple of uncollared subs. Angela and Wendy just insulted our sub in the restroom, and she has now disappeared because of it,” Gavin said when there was a break in her conversation.

BOOK: Two Sirs for Sasha [Club Esoteria 9] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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