Twin Ties 2: Twin Affairs (10 page)

BOOK: Twin Ties 2: Twin Affairs
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“Shit. Okay. Let’s see.” Luka rooted around in the space behind the seats “Ooh. Perfect.” He pulled out a knit cap, handing it to Evan. “Wear this. Be Brennan.”

“Be Brennan. That’s your solution?”

“Yeah. It’s just so we can get upstairs. They won’t question it. They see me bring Bren home all the time. Sometimes he wears contact lenses.”

“This is so fucked up,” Evan groaned, but he put the hat on and went with Luka’s plan because of the intensity of his need to shower. Overly focused on how Luka kept taking his hand like Evan was
now, Evan followed along beside the looming, enormous man who used to just be a complicated sort of friend and now had suddenly become a lover. Or, rather,
lover since Evan had two of those already. Trying not to fixate on exactly what sort of reaction Alek and Brennan would have when they found out what had happened, Evan and Luka walked through the front door, heading right for the staircase leading to the second floor.

Luck was not entirely with them as they passed the den. It was full of the three people they suspected to be at home. Evan plastered on what he hoped was a friendly, easy, Brennan-esque smile and waved.

“Hey Luka. Brennan. What’s goin’ on?”

“Not much,” Luka called back, not slowing down, his thumb dragging distractedly over the skin on the underside of Evan’s wrist, sending a wriggling tickle racing out over Evan’s body. “How are you guys?”

“Not bad. You wanna join us? Cowboys are on,” Carter offered as Luka and Evan began to ascend the steps.

“Maybe later. Thanks.”

Evan’s heart hammered in his chest. His breathing quickened. His legs felt sticky with Luka’s come trickling down them. His ass throbbed in a not unpleasant way from the long, hard pounding Luka had so recently given it and a constant, dull ache spread throughout Evan’s ribcage. It was probably time for another handful of ibuprofen, the only pain medication he was allowing himself, but he didn’t have any on him. The one thing bothering him most, though, was how he was pretending to be his brother in order to avoid discovery of the fact—the
—that Evan had just fucked the man his brother was in love with.

“I’m a bastard. I’m an evil, heartless, bastard,” Evan said with marked awe as Luka pulled him into the bathroom and shut the door behind them.

“I’d argue maybe it’s because your heart is so
you keep getting into trouble,” Luka retorted, fitting himself flush to Evan’s back. Pushing up the front of Evan’s dirty shirt, Luka worked it off of him, taking Evan’s arms with it so they were pulled momentarily over his head. Evan hissed at the stretch, wincing as the shirt fell away and his arms came back down. They overlapped Luka’s which were already wrapping him from behind. Luka carefully touched the scar and watched Evan’s reaction in the mirror.

“You’re completely full of it, you know.”

“Does it hurt?” Luka touched the wound, and the previously-fractured ribs.

“I think it’s always gonna hurt. Doesn’t mean I can’t live my life anyway.” Evan clenched his jaw as Luka tilted his hips, thrusting in a gentle drag against the seat of Evan’s pants. Luka hooked a thumb in the waistband of Evan’s jeans, inching them down on his hips. It made Evan tingle with want and lean back instinctively against Luka, seeking more. Luka exhaled sharply and reached inside, under Evan’s come-soiled boxers, fondling him as he thickened.

,” Evan moaned.

“I still want you,” he growled softly, tugging, groping. “Can’t stop thinking about my come running down your thighs, how wet and stretched you must be. I could slide right into you. Wanna be in you again….”

“We shouldn’t. We really—”

“It’s not like we all haven’t crossed the line with each other before. Like I didn’t have to watch Alek suck Bren off, or watch Brennan put his hands all over you, screwing you when he should have been with me. I’ve helped you fuck him. You ordered Alek to fuck me. It’s all tangled. It’s just sex.”

“No, this is different. This feels different,” Evan argued in a small voice, staring at Luka in the mirror as the rest of his clothes were peeled from his body. The betrayal felt worse because of the emotions and sentiment behind it. They were both cheating with their hearts more so than their bodies. Evan felt Luka inside of him, a piece of him left behind to linger in his heart. The possessive fire behind Luka’s eyes, reflected in the mirror, said maybe Evan had already been precious to Luka for quite a while, though now it’d been made permanent. Now, Luka wasn’t ever going to let him go.

Both of Luka’s hands slid down the sides of Evan’s body, along the tapered line from his shoulders to his pelvis, hooking over his narrow hips and drawing them back. Evan knew what Luka wanted. He grasped the counter’s edge and pushed out his ass, dropping his gaze, helplessly undulating when Luka leaned in to kiss his neck while fondling between Evan’s legs. Fingertips rubbed through the sticky come leaking from Evan’s hole. Luka growled and nipped at the side of Evan’s jaw. Not wasting a second, he pulled his cock out, grabbed Evan by the waist and thrust, entering him, drawing a startled, wrenching cry.

It was easier the second time. There was less discomfort, even more pleasure. Letting out every ounce of want that had been bottled up inside both of them for months, Luka violated Evan, who was bent sharply at the waist, fitting into him like he belonged there; claiming Evan for his own. He began to suck a dark bruise under Evan’s jaw once Evan’s head fell to the side, exposing more of his neck. Evan pressed back onto Luka, inviting every rut, begging softly for more.

Luka’s fingers found Evan’s nipple, playing with it as they made love. Emotions flitting between angst-riddled and blissful, for Evan it felt like what Luka was doing to him was taking him apart on a fundamental level. He rocked gently back into each penetration. Reaching behind his shoulder, Evan tugged on Luka’s hair, gasping and moaning as each stroke raked over his prostate.

Luka whispered things in a low, gravelly voice near Evan’s ear as they moved together. Things like, “This isn’t about them. It’s about you, and me, and how fucking beautiful you are. If they can’t give you what you need, I will. I’ll give you everything.
.” He clasped Evan to him, grunting hard as he released, coating Evan’s passage with another load of come, marking him again as Luka’s.

It was all a blur of intoxicating touching, mind-blowing, blissful sensation, and burrowing, radiating ache. The words of protest sat on his tongue but Evan couldn’t voice them. His need for exactly what Luka was giving him silenced him utterly. Evan’s will and loyalty shattered at the way Luka took him. It was intense, sweet, slow and deep.

When Luka was spent, he sank to his knees at Evan’s feet. Turning him around and swallowing down Evan’s reddened cock, Luka gave him a lazy, thorough blowjob.

He drew it out, making it last as long as possible. Luka dragged his fingers through the semen leaking from Evan, stroking in, out, around and inside his tender rim. Rubbing his hole, then sheathing two fingers in Evan’s ass, Luka explored every inch. It was possessive and unhurried. Luka sucked every last brain cell Evan had left out through the tip of his dick.

As soon as Evan was close, stiffening and preparing to unload, Luka pulled off. Three fingers were stuffed to the hilt inside Evan’s hole, tapping his gland, triggering his prostate relentlessly as Luka milked him dry. Thick, pearly white seed spurted from Evan’s slit. Some splattered onto Luka’s face, over his mouth and chin. Luka hungrily licked away the thick drips that began to run down the underside of Evan’s cock, sucking the head clean.

Evan knew, vaguely, he was crying out. He was probably being far too loud, but, as he trembled and climaxed hard enough to white out his vision, he just couldn’t bring himself to care who heard.

However, he was quiet in the shower moments later, letting Luka wash him off. Standing there like he was in a trance, Evan didn’t realize Luka could tell he was in real pain until they were drying off and Luka handed him some brand-name painkillers and a glass of water from the tap.

“Thanks,” Evan murmured, swallowing them greedily down. He squeezed his eyes shut through a random, twisting twinge that eventually faded.

“I’m gonna go find you some clean clothes to wear. Take your time. Meet me in my room when you’re ready,” Luka told him tenderly. Evan nodded and stretched up on his toes, brushing his lips over Luka’s as Luka held Evan’s jaw. The tips of their tongues touched then tangled in a fervent kiss both of them moaned softly through.

Luka threw on a pair of shorts and went downstairs, remembering Brennan left some things to be washed, thinking there might be clothes for Evan in the laundry room. He was right, and Luka grabbed some pants and a shirt, racing back with them to the steps.

He ran into Presley at the landing.

“Oh, hey. Brennan asked to borrow this and I keep forgetting to give it to him,” Presley started, holding up a CD. He stopped as Evan emerged from the bathroom. Though he and Luka were standing at the bottom of the steps and Evan was at the top and at the far end of the hall, Presley could see him clearly enough. He was wrapped in a towel at the waist, the scar on his mid-section perfectly visible, his short hair sticking up in tousled, dark spikes as he walked into Luka’s room without noticing he was being watched.

“That’s not Brennan.” Presley turned to Luka, astonished, horrified. “Luka, what the hell is going on? Why is Evan—?”

“It just happened, okay? Let it go,” Luka whispered, taking the disc out of Presley’s hand.

“It just happened?!” Presley hissed back. “You didn’t actually…. Holy shit, you did, didn’t you? Are you out of your fucking mind, Popovic?!”

Presley smacked him hard on the shoulder like he was trying not to punch him in the jaw instead. “You really can’t keep it in your pants, can you? Even when you’ve got a really, really good thing going. I thought you
him. I thought you guys were happy!”

“It’s not like that.” Luka frowned, dragging Presley farther from the steps so no one else overheard. “I’m still with Brennan. Nothing’s wrong. It’s just complicated.”

“You bet your ass it is, now. Alek is gonna seriously fuck you up, man. Even more than usual, too. Evan’s got an excuse. He’s just a kid who’s been through hell and he’s probably confused by all the screwing around you all do.
know better, or you should. What made you do it? Was his ass just that tempting?”

With a hard look into his eyes, Luka glared defiantly back at his friend. “I don’t expect you to understand.”

“The fuck has gotten into you? Hell yes, I understand. You saw something you liked and so you took it. I know that shit very well, son. And now Brennan and Alek, and Evan most of all, are the ones who are gonna pay for it.”

“No one else hears what he’s going through.
the one he talks to.
. Alek and Bren are dealing with it in their own ways but they’re both too scared of losing Evan to actually listen to what
needs. They think shutting him out and handling him like he’s gonna shatter at any given moment will protect him. But all that’s really doing is making him think nobody gives a
about him, that he’s on his own and can’t confide in them. I’m not gonna stand for that! He deserves better and I’m not gonna stand by and let him beat on himself anymore for not being good enough when I can do something to help him be happy.”

“You’re fucking ignorant if you think this will make Evan happy.”

Hurt, Luka backed away. He shook his head, dropping his gaze to the floor before turning and sprinting up the steps, leaving Presley standing there, watching him go.

Luka burst into the bedroom. Evan was standing there, biting nervously on a thumbnail. He smiled broadly when Luka appeared, and did in fact look incredibly happy, despite it all—for the moment, at least. Joy became colored with confusion when Luka gathered Evan to his bare chest, holding him close. Guilt for betraying Brennan, fear of what was going to happen next, and pure, newfound love for Evan all burned through Luka’s heart. Evan’s fingertips skittered over Luka’s chest, brushing against him like butterfly wings.

He wanted to promise Evan so many things—that he could make it all better, that he could keep him safe, that no one was going to get hurt—but he just couldn’t. He couldn’t lie. Nothing seemed right except the feel of Evan in Luka’s arms.

“I’m sorry,” Luka professed, choking on the words. “I just couldn’t stand to see you hurting anymore. It was killing me. I didn’t mean to do anything to hurt Bren or Alek. I really didn’t.”

Evan made a soft sound and tilted his chin up, combing his fingers back through Luka’s damp, tangled hair, opening for him like a flower as they fell into a kiss.

“We can do this,” Luka resolved. “We’ll tell them. We have to be honest. And no matter what—whatever happens—I will not abandon you, okay?
I won’t give you up
. I need you.”

,” Evan sighed. It shifted into a moan as Luka claimed Evan’s mouth yet again, while lifting him up. He hooked his hands under Evan’s legs, which wound readily around Luka’s waist. Luka held him, worshiped him like a treasure, uniquely special all on his own, stealing his heart away.

BOOK: Twin Ties 2: Twin Affairs
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