Read Tweet Me Online

Authors: Desiree Holt

Tags: #Erotic Romance

Tweet Me (5 page)

BOOK: Tweet Me
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Oh, he’d had a good look at her when she arrived, but she’d done…something to herself. Her hair, which had been restrained in a ponytail, now flowed in curls against her shoulders. She’d done something with her makeup, making her eyes more luminous, or maybe it was just the way the sun hit her.

He marveled again at the impact she always had on him. But tonight that impact seemed stronger, more forceful, hitting him in all his vital places. He realized suddenly just how much he wanted this woman, how much he wanted her to have a place in his life. He also knew he had a long road to travel to get there. Maybe tonight would be a good start.

“Johanna said you prefer white so she selected a bottle for us courtesy of the winery.” He picked up both glasses and handed one to her.

“That was very nice of her.”

“The Montroses are very nice people.”


He touched his glass to hers. “To a memorable evening.”

She took a sip of the crisp icy liquid, and he relaxed when she smiled and licked her lips. Why had he been nervous? Johanna wouldn’t steer him wrong. “Our table will be ready in a few minutes.”

“Tanner, this was very nice of you to do but totally unnecessary.”

“I can’t take a beautiful woman to dinner?” he asked.

She laughed, the sound tickling his nerves. “I happen to know you have your share of beautiful women to choose from. So why me?”

He shrugged. “Why not? We’re both here. We both have to eat.”

“I might have had plans,” she pointed out.

He studied her. “Why is this such a big deal to you, Avery? Did I do something wrong, offend you in any way? What’s the problem here? I don’t understand.”

She took another sip of the wine, then stared into the glass, as if there was some secret answer to his question in there. “Let’s just say I’ve been with men like you before, and we aren’t really compatible.”

“Men like me?”
What the hell?
“What does that mean?”

“You know. Players. Men about town.” She casually flipped a hand in the air. “A different woman every night.”

Every muscle in his body tightened. Was that how she saw him? Was that how other people did? He thought he’d just been enjoying life and he’d settle down when the right person came along. But what if that right person—like Avery—thought his lifestyle made him a bad risk? Funny how some things looked so different when viewed from another person’s point of view.

He took a swallow of wine and forced himself to relax. “I thought dinner would be a nice idea. We could relax, get to know each other better.”

“For what purpose? It’s not as if we travel in the same circles except for Will and Janice.”

More wine. Maybe he needed a shot of bourbon.

“Okay, I probably should have asked you about it first,” he admitted. “I just thought it would be a nice surprise. Let’s just go in, enjoy the food, talk about odds and ends, and go home.”

“Because you won’t be getting me into bed?” She smacked her hand over her mouth, as if the words had just slipped out.

Jesus. Was he that obvious? Of course he was. That was what everyone did these days, right?

Apparently not.

“Listen.” She set the wine glass down on the table. “I really think we should just skip dinner. We can meet in the morning about the flowers. The last thing is the music, and Janice said you’ve seen the trio I suggested at someone else’s wedding. I can even do the flowers myself.”

Oh, no. He wasn’t about to let her brush him off that easily. Not when his stupid brain had finally told him what an idiot he was and made him realize exactly how important Avery was to him.

“I said I’d be there, and I will.” He set his own glass down. “Please reconsider dinner, Avery. Just a dinner between friends.”

“One you went to a lot of trouble to make very special because…well, because. If I’m reading this wrong, I’m sorry, but I really think I should just go home.”

Before he could do anything about it, she turned and headed to the parking area and her car. He could go after her. Ask her again to stay. But what could he say? Had this really all been just about getting her into his bed? Had he been fooling himself that this was special just because she was a challenge to him?

No. His brain and his heart both told him they could have something extraordinary here. He just had to figure out how to make it happen.

Chapter Four

Avery studied the list on her tablet, checking off the items already completed. All the guests had arrived and were being served their choice of wine. The hors d’oeuvres table was a thing of beauty but no less than she expected. The Promenade had a first rate chef. The decorations, the favors, all the other items on the list were under control. The musicians had just arrived, and the small bar was open for business.

The elegant room was a sea of red and white hearts, in shiny paper and matte, three-dimensional and flat. The wedding cake, which would be wheeled in after dinner, had white buttercream frosting with Janice and Will in red, the date, and a discreet sprinkling of hearts. The room was large enough to be divided for the wedding and the dinner. Afterwards, the wall would be opened to allow for dancing.

Janice and Will were both upstairs in separate rooms, getting ready for the ceremony. The minister had arrived and was speaking with Janice’s mother. Avery blew out a breath of relief. Everything was on schedule. No disasters yet.

Tanner had arrived with Will, already in best man mode. He had been friendly and polite to Avery, although somewhat remote. Well, she couldn’t exactly blame him. She’d been so determined to let him know she wasn’t going to be one of his here today gone tomorrow bedmates that she had a feeling she’d really insulted him. She probably should have just had dinner with him after he’d gone to all that trouble. Enjoyed the meal, politely but firmly refused to go to bed with him and—

And what? Because the unfortunate truth was, she’d run because it was herself she didn’t trust, not Tanner. Having sex with him in her dreams every night had created a hunger in her that was beyond anything she’d ever felt. Just because she’d walked away from him didn’t mean her desire or need or anything else had disappeared.

Take a chance, Avery.

Yeah, too bad she hadn’t thought of it then. Well, she didn’t have to worry about being dumped, because she’d lost the chance to ever get that far.

The ceremony went off without a hitch, the dinner was exquisite, not even the tiniest problem showed its head. She saw Tanner several times—performing as best man, making the toast, chatting with the bride, and dancing with the single women. Whenever their eyes met the strangest expression came over his face, but he never made a move to speak to her. Fine. She’d just go home tonight and have herself a good cry for letting past history destroy her future and maybe tomorrow she’d get up with a better attitude. Be more open if and when another Tanner Voss came along.

Except there’s only one Tanner Voss.

Pulling herself together, she set aside her pity party to focus on the wedding she was supposed to be supervising. She was scanning the room, checking on things, when Janice and Will hurried toward her.

“You did a fantastic job.” Janice gave her a big hug. “I knew you could do it.” Her expression turned serious. “I know I dumped a bucketful on you at the last minute. I don’t know anyone else who could have done this and done it so well. You knocked this one out of the park, kiddo.” She studied Avery’s face. “So are you going to tell me what happened between you and Tanner?”

“Between me and Tanner?” Avery squeaked. “What do you mean?”

“He shuts down whenever your name is mentioned,” Janice said. “I thought working with him might be a chance for you to see him for the good guy he is. Did you watch him tonight? He danced with all the single women I asked him to. Smiled and spent a few minutes with everyone. And lordy, let’s not forget he was my stand-in for a bunch of stuff anyone but a prospective husband would dig in his heels at. But if he did something to upset you, I might have to kill him.”

“He was fine. He did exactly what you wanted him to do.” She made a show of looking at her watch. “Oh, look at the time. I should be wheeling the cake out right this minute. And I have to get the photographer. Gotta go. Grab Will and meet me at the dessert table.”

The rest of the evening went off without a hitch. She was busy taking care of little details, but now and then she cast a glance at Tanner. He was at his table eating or dancing with one of the many single women in the crowd. She wondered which of them he’d take home tonight.

Stop it. You had your chance and blew it.

That was certainly the truth. The erotic dreams hadn’t stopped, but she’d lost her chance to make them come true. She’d at least have the memories.

Finally, the wedding wound down, and the happy couple left the room under a shower of confetti. Avery made sure the cleanup was in progress and helped herself to a last glass of wine. She had just taken off her shoes and sat down when her phone chimed. Who on earth was tweeting her at eleven at night on a Saturday?

prblm need u”

What the hell? Had the happy couple gotten a new cutesy twitter handle? And what were they still doing here? Had they snuck back? They were supposed to be off already to their honeymoon.

“@eventplanner whr r u? whts wrng?”

“@jandw come to ste 312 asap.”

Okay, suite three-twelve was where Janice had dressed for the wedding and left her luggage. Had something happened to it?

“@eventplanner on my way”

Wishing she didn’t have to put her shoes back on, she swallowed a sigh as she rode up in the elevator to the third floor.
Please, let this be minor, and I can put this night to bed. Finally.

She knocked on the door of three-twelve, but it wasn’t Janice or Will who opened the door. It was Tanner, still resplendent in his tux and looking so sexy and so handsome she had to fight the urge to throw herself at him. His hair was a little mussed as if he’d been running his fingers through it and he had actually taken off the bow tie.

What on earth?

“Tanner?” She stared at him, dumbfounded.

“In person.” He opened the door wider and gestured her into the suite. “Please. Come in.”

Her legs shook as she entered the suite, and her brain had trouble trying to process what was going on. “Is everything okay? Where are Janice and Will? I thought they…”

“Gone as planned.” His mouth curved in a crooked grin. “They did me a favor and let me borrow their names for a new Twitter account.”

“You’re kidding.” Avery was still having trouble processing the whole thing.

“Not even a little. I was pretty sure after you ran away the other night that you wouldn’t show up if you knew it was me.” He stuffed his hands in his pockets, the most adorable hesitant look on his face. “Would you?” he prompted. “Please?”

She was stunned by the uncertainty in his eyes. Tanner Voss, hotshot attorney and ladies’ man, unsure of himself? Her heart turned over, something inside her easing.

Now or never, Avery. Not everyone gets second chances.

She wet her lips. “M-Maybe.”

“Maybe?” His eyes lit up.

“Oh, Tanner.” She sighed. “I was just afraid. I have…history, and I was worried you’d be part of the same chapter.”

He took a step closer, then another and another, until he was close enough to cup her face. “Does that mean I get another chance? Because I really want one.”

Avery closed her eyes and took a leap of faith. “Yes, it does.”

She felt the soft touch of his lips against hers, almost like a butterfly kiss, the warmth of his hands cradling her cheeks. He moved his lips back and forth slowly, as if waiting for her to back away, change her mind. But that wasn’t happening. Not now. She reached up and threaded her hands through his hair, holding him fast to her. He responded by using his tongue to trace the seam of her mouth, pressing gently until she opened for him. Then that clever tongue swept inside and heat consumed her.

She had never been kissed quite like this, a kiss with need and hunger and passion and possession. He licked every inch of her inner surface, coaxing her own tongue to dance with his in a lusty tango. By the time he lifted his head, she was hot and dizzy with erotic hunger.

Tanner took a step back, and she gave a small, involuntary cry. “What—”

He pointed to the window in the suite’s living room.

When he’d opened the door, she’d had eyes only for him. Now, she took in the scene, which he’d obviously staged for her benefit. Her pleasure. Vases of red and white flowers were on every available surface. In the middle of the coffee table in front of the couch was a silver platter with a mound of foil wrapped heart-shaped candies. A table for two was set with red and white flowers, crystal, and china. Champagne nestled in a bucket in a stand right next to it. And now that she was paying attention, she realized instrumental music was playing softly through the speakers set on the credenza against one wall.

Avery stared at the table. “Dinner? But we just ate.”

“I watched you,” he told her. “You hardly ate a bite, the way you ran around taking care of things. Besides, I wanted to make up for the one we didn’t have at Montrose. I wanted you to have the full special treatment.” He smiled. “Because you are very special, Avery. Special to me.”

She believed him, for a lot of reasons. A primary one was that Janice and Will had obviously supported this, and neither of them would set her up to be hurt. She had spent so much time protecting herself from hurt again that she forgot how to live and feel and enjoy life.

“Thank you for giving me another chance,” she told him in a soft voice.

“No, thank
.” He nodded toward the table. “Shall we?”

“Um, could I have another kiss first?”

“Avery.” He blew out a breath. “If I kiss you now, we might not get to eat for a long time. I’ve wanted this for a long time.”

“That’s okay. I’m not that hungry. I—”

Tanner pulled her to him again and took her mouth in a kiss that scorched her all the way to her toes. His tongue scoured her mouth, waking up every nerve ending as his hands pulled her to him so tightly she could feel the hard, thick ridge of his cock pressed against her mound.

BOOK: Tweet Me
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