Trust in Me: A Biker Erotic Romance (Dark Riders MC) (4 page)

BOOK: Trust in Me: A Biker Erotic Romance (Dark Riders MC)
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I swim up out the darkness. “Did I go to sleep?” I ask.


“For a couple of hours. My arm is going to sleep. Sorry I woke you,” Charlie says pulling his arm out from under my head, but he doesn’t move away.


The nap has refreshed me and I become aware of Charlie’s closeness. A closeness I enjoy. “Charlie?” I ask softly. “May I ask you a question?”




“Why did you join the
Dark Riders?”


“As I recall, they asked me to join.”


“Yes, but why? You didn’t know why we asked you to join at the time.”


“I don’t know,” Charlie sighs. “I’ve thought about quitting several times.”


“So why haven’t you?”


“I guess it’s because you guys are the closest thing I have to a family. After juvie, I went to school and got a degree. I bounced around here and there; but, I never felt like I belonged anywhere. Then, the DRs asked me to join. It was the first time in my life anyone actually wanted me around. At least I thought so. Now I’m not so sure.”


“I want you around,” I say softly. I turn in Charlie’s embrace to face him. “You’re not at all like I thought you were. I will admit that I’m what you called a bad girl. I didn’t even give you a second look because…well, I just didn’t. I didn’t think you were my type. I was wrong.”


“What is your type?” Charlie asks, his eyes burning into my own.


“I don’t know. Tough. Strong. Maybe a little bit on the wild side. The hint of danger. Guys that won’t tie me down.”


“And now? Me?”


“I always thought you were this nerdy guy that sulked all the time. Like Danny does when he doesn’t get his way. But now…I see that you’re not that way at all. You’re dependable, strong, and fearless. But, you’re also kind and compassionate. You haven’t made one pass at me since all this shit started. I can’t think of one other guy I’ve ever dated that would’ve done the same. None of them would have done what you have for me and not expect something in return.”


Charlie gives me that soft little smile of his, the one I am beginning to enjoy seeing. “I didn’t want to get shot with my own gun.”


“I wish I had never said that,” I say softly.


“It’s okay,” Charlie says. “I know you were kidding.”


“So why haven’t you…tried?”


“Because…” Charlie begins, but trails off.


“Please, Charlie, just tell me.”


“Because I like you. I don’t want to screw that up,” Charlie finally says. I have the feeling there is more to it than those words. I think about the things he has told me over the last few days and I realize what Charlie is really saying.


“Charlie, I won’t hurt you. You can trust me.” I see Charlie’s face twist, as if he is struggling to not cry. My heart breaks for him. I try to imagine what it must be like to be so alone. So alone that just having someone say they won’t hurt me would affect me like that. I find that I can’t. That tears at my heart even more.


“Thank you, Aubrey,” Charlie finally whispers.


I gently pull Charlie’s glasses from his face and lay them aside on the bed. We’re going to have to move them in a minute, I hope, but I don’t want to break this moment between us. I move in closer, signaling my willingness, but Charlie doesn’t take the hint. Dammit, I have to do everything. I pull Charlie’s lips to mine and we kiss, slow and gentle.


“Aubrey,” Charlie begins pulling back slightly, but I refuse to release him.


“Shhhh,” I whisper. “Trust me. I won’t hurt you. I promise.”


Charlie looks into my eyes, as if peering directly into my soul. I hold his gaze and let him read the truth of my statement. I won’t hurt him. He’s been hurt enough already. Finally, Charlie pulls me to him. I prepare to receive his kiss, but he pulls me into a hug. He holds onto me like a lifeline. I hold him, saying nothing. “I do, Aubrey. I do trust you,” he finally whispers into my neck.


“You have my word,” I say and I mean it.


Charlie releases me. I see the fear and hope on his face. “Charlie,” I breathe, touching his lips with my own again. “I want you.” Charlie takes my lips and returns my kiss gently. I can feel his need, but he still seems hesitant. “What?” I ask, looking into his face. He has such a handsome face.


“It has been a long time,” he says with a shy smile.


“I know it hasn’t been easy,” I say, kissing his lips gently before moving to his cheek, then his eyes.


“I mean, I haven’t been with a woman in a long time. I’m…uh…”


I can’t help but smile. “You’re not a virgin are you?” I tease.


Charlie laughs softly. “No, but…”


I smile at his embarrassment, finding it charming. “How long has it been?”


“Five, six months maybe.”


“Oooohhhh,” I coo. “I’m going to enjoy this.”


“But not for very long, I’m afraid,” Charlie says with another of his small smiles.


“You just let me worry about that,” I purr in the most seductive voice I can manage. As Charlie moves his glasses from the bed to the bedside table, I take him into my embrace. I reach around him from behind to begin unbuttoning his shirt. I don’t know if it is because of the danger and how Charlie has protected me or the fact that he is unlike any other man I have taken to my bed, but I am as turned on as I have ever been. I
Charlie like no man that I can remember.


When he turns back to me, I practically attack him. I have always liked to fuck and I don’t mean making love. I mean,
Come on. Let’s get it on. Bang the shit out of me. Fucking.


Charlie muscles me off of him before rolling me over and pinning me to the bed. I stare at him, silently challenging him to try to subdue me. As I look into his face, I see something there I have never seen in another lover: tenderness and compassion. He has a softness in his face that dulls the sharp edge of my need.


Charlie stares at me for several long moments. He looks at me as if he is trying to memorize every detail of my face. Then, with infinite slowness he lowers his lips to mine. I realize the need is still there, but the raging beast within me is tamed by that look. I still want Charlie. I desperately want him, but I realize I don’t want to fuck him. I want more than just the satisfaction of the flesh. I can feel my very being relax, as we share the best kiss I have ever had. It’s long, slow…and dare I say it? Loving.


As he pulls back from the kiss, he smiles at me again before releasing my hands. He says nothing, as he begins to slowly unbutton my shirt. His lips and tongue follow the ever widening gap. I can feel my breathing speed up as his ministrations begin to amplify my need.


Charlie kisses and licks. Each touch of his lips and tongue finds a point of pleasure. In the length of time it takes him to slowly remove my shirt and bra, I would normally have some guys cock inside of me; but, this is better. This is so much better.


His tongue swirls around my breast, teasing the nipple to erection with the most erotic of tortures. His hand is busy, loosening my pants. As soon as I feel the button become free, Charlie begins to kiss his way down my body, taking his time. I marvel at his steel-like control. If I had been six months without sex, I would be screaming by now. Hell, it’s only been a couple of weeks for me and I still feel like screaming with what Charlie is doing to me. But Charlie takes his time, winding me up.


“Fuck!” I gasp, twisting Charlie’s hair in my hands. “Charlie, you’re driving me crazy,” I gasp as I begin to squirm. The feel of his lips on my stomach lights me up, as if an electric current is pouring into me from his touch.


As Charlie moves ever lower, I begin to pant in anticipation of his touch. I desperately want it; but, he passes over my pussy and kisses the inside of my thigh. “No,” I groan, pulling on his head. I try to steer him to where I want him. Here I am about to come and he isn’t even undressed yet.


Charlie refuses to be rushed, but finally he begins to kiss and touch me where I want him. My God! I can’t be still. I move and thrust as I whimper. He simply will not finish me, holding me on the knife edge of my orgasm until I think I am going to lose my mind. “Charlie, please!” I beg, as I gasp and move. No man has ever done this to me. I am loving it and hating it at the same time.


Charlie finally takes pity on me and begins to probe more forcibly with his tongue. His finger strokes me, as he presses on “the” spot inside of me. I come with the power of a hurricane. The pleasure flows through me, as I wail out my release. I have never screamed in the throes of an orgasm before; but, fuck, I look forward to doing it again. As my orgasm washes free of me, I shudder with a groan. “Fuck,” I gasp, as I throw an arm over my forehead. I keep my eyes closed as I try to catch my breath. “I’m wiped out, you asshole.”


I feel the bed move as Charlie settles beside me. “Are you okay?” he asks. I can hear his smile in his voice.


“Yeah. Just give me a minute. Then, you’re going to get it.” I open my eyes and turn to look at him. He’s lying in the bed. His shirt half open from where I started unbuttoning it. The opening allows me a peek at his chest. Oh yeah, he is so going to get it. “Come here, you,” I say, pulling him to me.


The kiss is like a battery, recharging me. It causes my need to once again spring to life. I push Charlie over and he goes without protest. Taking a cue from Charlie, I slowly strip him. I stare into his face as I remove first his shirt, then pants and underwear. Once he is exposed to my touch, I begin to work my way down his body. I kiss, suckle, and explore every muscular ripple. I purr in anticipation of the delights yet unexplored.


When I reach his cock, I tease him with my tongue, giving him a taste of what is to come. Then, I suddenly plunge him into my mouth. Charlie’s gasping groan sends my desires leaping again. The sound of his pleasure ramps up my need. I fellate him mercilessly, trying to do to him what he did to me. To have been so long without a woman, he holds out far longer than I would have thought possible. Finally, I can feel his reserve begin to crumble. “Aubrey, stop. You’re going to make me come,” he begs.


That’s all I need to hear. I release him and swing a leg over. I take him into my hand and steering him inside. “Now, let’s see if I can make
scream,” I say seductively, as I impale myself on his hardness.


I begin to thrust on him, the feel of him inside me exquisite. Charlie groans as he takes my breasts into his hands. He gently kneads them as he rolls the nipples softly between his fingers. I thought I had him under my control, but now I think it is going to be a race, a race to see who comes first.


We move together for a few minutes before Charlie begins to gasp and moan. I stare into his face. The intensity of his visage causes my pussy to contract in need.  I can tell I am going to come again and it’s going to be a hard one.


Suddenly, Charlie reaches for me. He pulls me roughly down and pins me to his body with his strong arms. I feel him raise his legs, planting his feet on the bed. Then, my God, does it give it to me. He begins to drive into me with the power and the speed of a jackhammer. He growls low and deep in his chest as he does. I gasp as my orgasm begins to overtake me.


Charlie’s sudden desperate need thrills me at a very deep level. Before I fall into my own orgasm, I hear Charlie bark loudly as he begins to come. He still pounds into me, whimpering as if in pain. His grip is almost painfully tight as his body tries to curl into a ball. I want him to hold me tighter still. There is something about Charlie giving me his all, holding nothing back that causes my orgasm to explode within me. I begin to wail once again. My voice staccato with our tender violence. Then, with a sudden gasp, we both fall limp, gasping and panting in release.


I feel Charlie relax under me, his grip loosening. “Are you okay? I didn’t hurt you did I?”


I can feel my eyes well with tears. No man has ever asked me if he has hurt me. “No,” I whisper.


BOOK: Trust in Me: A Biker Erotic Romance (Dark Riders MC)
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