True Love's Fire: A Red Hot Valentine Story (Hell Yeah!) (5 page)

BOOK: True Love's Fire: A Red Hot Valentine Story (Hell Yeah!)
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Seven weeks of sorrow, seven weeks of woe,

Fighting under the Southern sun, many years ago.

Man the canons, fire the guns, Vicksburg’s under siege.

We live, we die in Dixie, resisting Union liege.

Warriors of Vicksburg, we stand bravely every one

Knowing we may die today

Beneath the Southern sun.”

Lia’s eyes sprang open. What had she heard? Where was she? Rubbing her face, she started to spring up, but the throb in her ankle brought it all back. She was with Scott Walker. Carefully, she sat up. Elvis had left her during the night and was snoring on the floor beneath the window.

Oh beneath the Southern sun
…” Scott was singing in the shower. Not very well, but he was putting his all into it. And he was singing one of her songs. She smiled. She wondered if he realized, then shook her head, knowing he didn’t. Most people knew the singer, but few ever bothered to find out the name of the writer of the song itself.

Leaning back against the couch, she checked the weather outside the window. Wow, there must be another foot of snow. Their vehicles were completely covered and the steps had almost disappeared. She heard the water in the shower turn off and imagined him getting out of the stall, toweling off. Her mind went crazy picturing him naked. If she were braver and better looking, Lia could just see herself stripping off her shirt and parading into that bathroom, offering herself to him and having hot monkey sex up against the shower wall. Almost reluctantly, she let her hand slip down between her legs. Already damp—no surprise there. Scott was potent. Many times during the night she’d cast shy glances his way, memorizing his face. Before they’d gone to bed, she’d eaten him up with her eyes—the curve of every muscle, hell, even the unmistakable natural bulge in his jeans. She heard the door open and she stilled, stopping the stroking of her labia through the silk of her panties. Lia held her breath, removing her hand guiltily.

Scott paused in the hall. Damn, he could smell her light perfume. Just knowing she was here with him made him horny. With a quiet groan, he rubbed his half-erect cock and went to get dressed. He’d almost masturbated in the shower, but he was afraid she’d hear. Besides, if he was going to cum, he’d rather do it deep inside of Lia. He wondered if she could want him.

Sandy seemed far away. All of the women he’d been intimate with over the past few months were running together in his mind. They were all cookie cutter copies of the same shallow, self-absorbed woman. Lia was a total breath of fresh air. Damn, his cock was aching. He slid his hand down his shorts and rubbed the swollen shaft. God, it felt good. “Damn.” He stopped, got up to get his underwear, socks and clothes, then sat back on the bed to get dressed.  

Lia listened to the squeaking of Scott’s mattress. She didn’t realize sound would carry so well. Was he groaning? God, she needed to be still and hold in her moans. If he knew she was masturbating, she’d be so embarrassed. But it felt so good. She dipped her fingers into her slit and rubbed. It had been so long. 

But with him in the next room… “Ummm, yes!” she whimpered as she continued to swirl her fingers around her clit. She bit her lip and spread her legs wider, holding the cover tight to her waist.

What the hell? Scott was in the midst of buttoning his shirt, when he heard the unmistakable sound of a woman in the throes of ecstasy. The sweetest sound in the entire fucking world.

Surely not. He wasn’t trying to sneak up on her, but he didn’t stomp either. She might not have heard him, but Elvis did and he barked. Lia jumped, facing him with an extremely guilty look on her face. Ah ha! He was getting to her. Fandamstastic. “Whatchadoin?”

“Ah, nothing.” Shit. Had he heard her? “Just thinking about what we might do today.”

Scott smiled. “Yea, what could two people—a man and a woman—find to do while snowed-in in a romantic cabin in the woods?”

Immediately a warm blush covered her cheeks. Guilty. As he moved closer, he caught a whiff of her arousal and he almost went to his knees. Within seconds his cock was rock hard and ready. She looked at him and he looked at her. “I’ve got to take a shower.” Without thinking, she stood up. “Fudgesicle!”

“Careful, peanut.” He hurried to her and caught her as she swayed.

She wouldn’t look at him, she was too embarrassed. “Thanks, now we’re even. You just saved me from falling on my ass.”

Clasping Lia under her knees, he picked her up and started across the room. “Not hardly.” God, she was a sweet armful. “Need help?”

“No, I’ll be fine.”

Her pout was almost more than he could resist. Okay. He grinned. Now, he had a plan. Before his little winter wonderland fantasy vacation was over, he planned on seducing and bedding one Lia Houston. “Well, if you need me. Just whistle.” To his delight, she puckered her pink cupid-bow mouth, as if she were preparing to follow his advice.

Catching herself, she wiggled. “I won’t need you, but thanks.” To her relief, Scott winked, but shut the door, leaving her alone. “Whooooh.”  She let out a long breath. God, he was magnetic. And a flirt. But she had to remember one important thing. Lia felt she could safely assume that she wasn’t normally the type of woman who would attract a man like Scott. Right now he was flirting with her for one very important reason—she was just the only one around.

“Lia,” he spoke from outside the door. She jumped.


“Here’s one of my shirts to wear instead of what you’ve worn all day. I think it will be dress length on you.” 

She smiled. He sounded as if he was trying to tempt her. And he did. “Thank you.” She opened the door and grabbed it.

“I’ll be waiting.”  

“Lord, help me.” She fanned herself. Holding on to the vanity and walls, she managed to undress and get in the shower. Even though her passion was still simmering, Lia took no chances. She washed, toweled, redressed, and brushed her teeth with a wash cloth as best she could. When she finished, she looked at her unremarkable face and wished she were devastatingly beautiful. She didn’t even have a bit of makeup to put on, not that she ever used any. But she might—today—if she had some. Sighing, she hung up the rag to dry and decided to go face the music—Scott.

*  *  *

Just about the time she opened the door, everything went dark.

“Houston!” Scott yelled. “Houston, we have a problem.”

Lia laughed. She couldn’t believe he’d said that. ‘Houston, we have a problem.’ Shades of Apollo 13. Okay, two could play this game. “It’s dark. I can’t find you. Beam me up, Scotty.”

From the kitchen, she heard his laughter. “Stay there. I’m coming.”

She groaned. “You’re cuming?”

“Ha! Not yet, but I plan to, later. If you’ll help me.”

His teasing, naughty words sent tingles all over her body. Lia was very still. She could hear Elvis’ toenails tapping on the floor, but from him—nothing. Hands caught her around the waist. “Gotcha!”


Swooping down, he captured her mouth, hungry for the kiss he’d needed since they met. Hot. Velvety soft. And oh, so kissable. For a moment, she didn’t respond and he wondered if he was about to get his face slapped. “Please,” she whispered, throwing her arms around his neck, kissing him back.

God, yes. He sipped at the corners, licked at the swell. “Let me in, Houston,” he ordered with a guttural male moan rumbling in his throat.

She opened to him, breathing in his breath, welcoming the thrust of his hot, hungry tongue. Straining against him, she gave of herself, pressing her breasts against his hard chest. His lips slanted over hers, sealing their mouths together, and he ate at her lips with a heated, devouring demand. This was what she’d needed, wanted. If she hadn’t been holding on to him, she would have fallen.

“Damn, baby, your foot.” He picked her up and began walking, but he never stopped kissing her. Sitting on the couch, he arranged her in his lap, framed her face and ravished her mouth till she was gasping for breath.

“Scott.” She put her hand on his chest. “We shouldn’t.” His mouth had slid from her lips, and now he was kissing her throat. She arched her neck, letting him have access. Shivers of arousal were making her nipples hard and creating an empty ache in her pussy. Lia wanted to move her hips, seek relief, but she was sitting in his lap and underneath her bottom was a very hard, huge male cock. He was aroused.

“Why? I want you so much.”

Did he want her? Or was it as she’d feared earlier—Lia was the only female available. What was the old song her mother used to sing? If you can’t be with the person you love, love the one you’re with. “No. Stop.”

“You’re killing me.” He buried his head in her neck. “Okay. We’ll slow it down.” He kissed her again, lingeringly, tenderly. “For now.” Easing her off his lap, he stood. “I’ll fix you two some breakfast. At least the stove is gas. Then, we’re going to talk.”

Lia couldn’t take her eyes off of him. “Why did you kiss me?”

He’d been cracking eggs in a bowl. He stopped, locking his gaze with her. “I want to make love to you. I like you. I can’t think about anything else.”


Her eyes were narrowed and she looked at him with a suspicious expression which amused him. “Because you make me laugh and you’re sexy as hell in my shirt.” He turned over the bacon and poured the eggs in another skillet to scramble. “You don’t believe me?”

“I didn’t say that.” She believed he felt that way at this very moment. Now, she just had to decide what she was going to do about it.

“Don’t look so worried. I’ll give you time.” He grinned. “At least I’ll feed you first.” He dished some up for Elvis and put it on the floor. Her heart warmed, watching the big man being kind to the dog. “If the electricity doesn’t come back on, do we have candles?” he asked.

“Yes.” She nodded. “There’s some in the coffee table drawer. There’s also plenty of gas for the stove and the fireplace. I checked a few days ago.”

“Do you want to eat at the table or on the couch?”

“The table.” Before he could get there, she got up. “Wait.” She held up her hand. “I want to try.”

He set the plates down, then came close, ready to grab her if she fell. “Be careful, dammit.”

“See, I’ve got it, if I go slowly.” He watched her every move, but she made it to the table.

“I let Elvis outside while you were in the shower.”

Easing into the chair, she thanked him. “I’m so glad you thought of it. I hadn’t.”

“It was the kiss.” He chuckled. “It’s addled your brain.”

“You wish.”

“Oh, I can’t wait for you to grant my wishes.” His lascivious look had Lia blushing again. “How long do you think the power will be out?” Not that he cared. What he most wanted to do could be done in the dark.

“It’s hard to say. Priority is given to populated areas, of course. But they’ll do the best they can.”

“Have you ever been married?”

Lia almost jumped at the question. “No, not even close. “You?”

“I asked someone to marry me right after college, but she didn’t want to be a resident’s wife in Texas when she could stay in California with her rich family.” He probably sounded bitter, but he wasn’t—not anymore.

“Tell me more about your job.” This might turn into twenty questions, but if she was considering sleeping with him, she wanted to know everything she could.

“Let me put on a pot of coffee and I’ll tell you.”

“No electricity, but I brought instant.”

He made a face. “Guess it will have to do.” He put on some water to boil. Seeing she was waiting on him to begin, he hopped up to sit on the counter by the stove and looked down on her at the table. “I’ve been lucky enough to help a lot of people. Not too long ago I was called in to look at a sixty-two year old man who’d been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s. It was early onset, and came upon him quiet suddenly. Strokes were suspected also, since he was drawn up in knots, his arms and legs twisted. One of his daughters asked me to consult to see if there was anything that could be done, because she feared Jerry was in great pain. I checked and did some tests, discovering he had a massive brain tumor. Consulting with other doctors and the family, I suspected the tumor was causing his problem, but no one really wanted to put him through the trauma of surgery.”

He stopped to take a sip of coffee. Lia waited patiently. She’d been hanging on his every word.

“The daughter begged me and I agreed to operate. But when I performed the surgery, I found this huge tumor which was knit into a great portion of Jerry’s brain. The more I tried to remove, the more it bled. I almost lost him twice, but I wouldn’t, couldn’t quit. When I finally finished, I was surprised he was still alive, and when he came to, he was normal. No Alzheimer’s. In fact, he was able to return to his work running a mechanic’s shop. It was a miracle, of a sort.”

“I’m so proud of you.” Lia beamed at him. “It must be wonderful to have a talent like yours. My grandmother had a massive stroke. They told my mother it was an inoperable brain tumor.”

Scott frowned. “What did they do for her?”

“I was young, I don’t really know. We cared for her at home, she was bedridden, paralyzed and couldn’t speak.”

“Tragic,” Scott said. “Now, we can do so much more if we get to the patient in time. How long did she live?”

“She died when I was thirteen.”

“No change at any time?” he asked.

“Once she spoke, just once.” Lia told him about dropping the iron. “We were always amazed at that. But it never happened again.”

Scott smiled sadly. “She was watching you. When she thought you were about to be hurt, the adrenaline rush affected the position of the tumor for a few seconds. Very interesting. I wish we could turn back the clock. I might have been able to help her.”

“She was a kind woman, if she told me once, she told me a hundred times. Be a good person, Lia. That’s all you have.” The expression he was wearing on his face, made Lia’s heart melt. “Tell me more.”

“The story of Jerry had a happy ending. Not all of my attempts at helping someone have been successful.” With a heavy heart he began telling her about Sammy. “His parents brought him to me when he was about eight months old. His head was enlarged, and I knew just by looking that he had a growth which needed to be removed or he would die. After examining him, I knew I had to try.”

She clasped her hands together, realizing this was hard for him to tell. “Sometimes trying is all we can do.”

“I operated, but it didn’t go well. I made a mistake.” He rubbed his hands on his knees, absently. “It happens sometimes, but I nicked a nerve and even though I got most of the tumor, I suspected Sammy would be paralyzed.” He let out a heavy breath, crossing his arms over his chest. “And I was right. We did everything we could, but it was evident the tumor would regrow and he would die. The parents were told the sad news and I prepared them for the fact Sammy would never leave the hospital. To my surprise, they accepted it, but I was wrong again. Sammy didn’t die, not right away. He lived, unable to move very much, but he lived long enough to become aware of people. And his parents only came once or twice. Over almost two years, they only came once or twice.” His voice broke. “So, I would go every day. I sat with him. I held him. When I would walk in that room, his eyes would brighten and he would smile that little lop-sided smile and try to lift his arms. Sammy was always glad to see me.”

Lia was crying. “What happened?”

“We did the best we could. We had a mobile for him. I bought him a little television. The nurses read to him and I came to see Sammy as often as I could. And one day, I held him as he died.”

“Oh, Scott.” She got up and went to him, holding her arms up to hug him, kissing his face. “You are the sweetest, most perfect man.”

BOOK: True Love's Fire: A Red Hot Valentine Story (Hell Yeah!)
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