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Authors: Melissa Pearl

True Colors (22 page)

BOOK: True Colors
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“Well as you can see, I don’t know anything about it.” My eyes bulged wide as I remembered another conversation. “Stella,” I whispered.

“What about her?” Micah didn’t even bother hiding his derision.

I ignored his expression and kept on. “She asked me if Libby was working for me. She got all closed off when I tried to question her about it.” I crossed my arms. “I think Liam’s business is some sort of cheating scam or something. He’s using the smart kids to do all this work for the people who can’t be bothered. Do you think they're paying him? Maybe that’s what he means by running a business.”

“Could be.” Micah nodded, not happy about my theory, probably because he knew it was true. “Pressure’s pretty high to do well here. And I gotta say, Liam’s crew don’t seem that stressed about school least the guys in the basketball team aren’t.” Micah pursed his lips. “Damn.” He shook his head. “You’d be opening a big ass can of worms if this is real.”

I bit my lip, nerves skittering through me like frenzied fireflies. “You want to help me do it?”

No. I could see it all over his face.

My insides deflated as I watched him push his lips together and then sigh. “You know I can’t afford to screw up this close to the end of the year. I can’t get involved in anything that’ll jeopardise what I’ve been working so hard for.” He winced and let out a soft hiss. “But I want to get Indie out of whatever shit she’s into, so I’m in.”

I wanted to wrap my arms around him and kiss him. I was so relieved. Instead I sufficed with a friendly slap on his arm and jogged with him back towards the changing rooms. We agreed to broach it at the biology assignment meeting we’d set up before school that day. I was so nervous I wanted to puke, but knowing Micah would be there to back me up was a huge comfort.

Pulling out my phone, I texted Eric with an update as I’d promised I would. It felt good knowing he was there for me, even if not in the physical sense. Today could go one of two ways. I’d find out the truth and sneak Indie into freedom or I’d find out the truth and everything would blow up in my face.

I rubbed my stomach and forced my lungs to inflate as I made my way to the library, the attack on Friday night still way too raw and fresh in my mind.

Chapter 24

The study area of the library was empty, which is why we’d agreed on Friday to meet there first thing Monday morning. Libby’s idea was huge and brilliant, but it was taking us longer than we expected. No one seemed to mind the extra workload. We were enjoying hanging out together, but a very different feel hung in the air this particular morning.

Indie arrived looking flustered. Her hair was mussed and she was busy adjusting her white linen dress. She caught me watching her and shame turned her cheeks pink. I could tell she’d just been made to do something she hadn’t wanted to. I didn’t know what, but the sick feeling in my gut made me wonder. Her hands trembled as she sat down across from me, unable to look me in the eye.

“Morning,” I said with a smile.

“Hey,” she mumbled.

“How was your weekend?”

“Okay.” She shrugged.


I tried to look casual and unfazed. “It was pretty quiet, although Friday night was interesting.”

She went pale, her high cheekbones sticking out as she ruffled her bangs. So she did know about what had been done to me. Stripping back another layer I saw her guilty tears. She felt so bad about what had happened that I didn’t feel one ounce of anger towards her.

Micah strolled in looking edgy, but determined. He sat down next to Indie and a calm relief descended around her. She shot Micah a polite smile, but I could see how safe she felt beside him. Micah glanced my way and I gave him an encouraging smile. We hadn’t really talked about how we were going to broach this and now I wish we had. Who would start the inquiry? Was it better if I did? I knew Libby was still a little afraid of Micah, but she didn’t seem too keen on me at the moment either.

“Morning, everybody.” Libby bubbled into the room.

I gave her a warm smile, which she instinctively returned before swallowing and slumping into the chair beside me. Everyone was silent. It was mega-awkward, to the point that Indie actually initiated.

“So, what are we working on today? Where’s everyone up to?” She opened up her book of notes and began scanning them. "Did you all manage to gather some more samples over the weekend? I only got a few. I haven't had a chance to identify them yet though."

She reached down to unzip her bag and I knew this was my chance.

I willed my courage not to flake as I leaned forward and laid my hands on the table. “Before we get started, I just wanted to say...” I glanced at Micah. “How much I enjoy working with you guys. I feel like we’re a really great group. We work well together.” Although confused, everyone nodded. Indie sat up with a small grin, giving me the confidence to go on. “It might sound weird, but I feel safe with you guys, like I could tell you anything and it’d be okay.”

Indie’s smile fled. She glanced at Micah who was watching her with the softest expression I’d ever seen. Behind his mask his face was glowing with pure affection. It was so strong it was breaking through and Indie saw it. Her eyes glistened before she had a chance to turn away and blink at tears.

Libby squirmed in her seat as my gaze hit her. “Do you feel that way?”

She shrugged, but I could see that she did.

I took her hand. “Libby, you can tell us anything and it’ll be okay.”

I looked to Indie. Her blue eyes were wide with fear. “You too, Indie. No one’s going to hurt you here.” She flinched, her gaze pressing into me with a look that was both pleading and angry.

The tension in the air grew thick and suffocating, and I wasn’t quite sure what to say next, but then Libby drew in a deep breath and kind of let out this hiccuping sob. “I didn’t want be involved in this, but after the whole Carter thing I had no choice.”

“Libby, stop.” Indie’s voice was steel cold, but behind her mask she was a quivering mess.

“I can’t do this anymore, Indie! I don’t care what Liam threatens me with.” Her bravado was only just masking her palpitating terror.

“Keep going, Libby, tell me what’s happening with Liam.” I tentatively touched her arm, not wanting to scare her off, but feeling like a little human contact might help her along.

Libby sniffed, big fat tears popping onto her lower lashes. “He started up a business last year. He recruited a whole bunch of vulnerables.” She pointed at herself in anguish. “And he makes them do all this extra work - assignments mostly, but he’s managed to steal a few tests as well. We have to complete them and then hand in the answers and then the rich kids who aren’t smart enough to do their own work, pay him.”

“Libby, please stop.” Indie’s teeth were clenched.

“No, Indie.” Libby threw a vehement look at the meek redhead before turning back to me. “Liam approached me a few months ago and I was hesitant at first. It felt wrong to me, but he kept telling me how much he needed me and how there’d be these great rewards.” Libby swiped at her tears. “That’s why I knew whenever you guys were doing anything social. He knew I wanted to be part of your crowd and he kept inviting me and finally I caved. But then I started second-guessing myself and I tried to quit. I told Liam the workload was getting too much. That’s when he set up the Carter thing. He knew I liked Carter and he also knew there was no way I’d have the guts to do what Carter was demanding. It was the perfect threat to keep me in line. Carter was going to start these rumors about what we’d done in that upstairs room. He made sure everyone saw us go up there and then people saw me leaving in tears. On Monday, Liam told me he’d taken care of any rumors, but nothing could stop him from igniting some new ones. He threatened to call my parents. I had no choice but to do what he wanted.”

“Libby, shut up!” Indie slammed the table. “Don’t you get it? He’ll destroy you. If this gets out, you’re dead.” Her voice hitched.

“Indie, it’s okay.” Micah gently touched her hand.

“It’s not okay.” Tears flooded her eyes, making them a brilliant blue. She yanked her hand away and stood from her chair. “You don’t know what he’s like. You don’t know what he’s capable of doing. Libby needs to shut up and toe the line. That’s the only way to be safe! You’re an idiot, Libby!” Her finger was trembling as she pointed at the weeping girl beside me. “You should have kept your mouth shut! Now we’re both gonna pay!”

“Indie.” Micah’s voice was a soothing balm. He reached for her hand again and held tight when she tried to snatch it away. “It’s okay.” His large thumb caressed her pale skin. She looked so small and fragile beside him.

Her chin trembled as her lips fought for control. “It’s never going to be okay,” she whispered.

“Yes it is.” I could see Micah’s anguish as he gently pulled her onto his knee. I thought she’d fight him, but she didn’t. She sank into his embrace and buried her face in his shoulder. His strong arms encircled her, cocooning her from the world.

Her pitiful sobs brought tears to my eyes. I looked at Libby and nearly started laughing. We were all blubbering messes. I yanked some Kleenex out of my bag and passed one to her. She gave me a watery smile as she took it, her eyes filling with an apology that didn’t need to be spoken. I shook my head and squeezed her hand.

As Indie’s tears slowly ebbed, she turned to look at me. Her head was perched on Micah’s shoulder and she didn’t want to move it. I passed her a Kleenex. Our fingers brushed as she took it and her face crested with pain.

“I’m sorry about what happened to you on Friday.” Her voice was small. “I didn’t find out until afterwards and I felt so bad.”

“It’s not your fault, Indie.”

She swallowed, looking guilty.

“What happened to you?” Micah frowned.

I flicked my hand, going for casual. “Some guy tried to give me a warning, told me stay away from Liam.”

“Did he hurt you?”

“I’m okay, Micah.” I didn’t want to go into details. Indie didn’t need to hear it. She already looked bad enough and it wasn’t her fault. “Indie, who attacked me?”

“I can’t.” She shook her head. “You don’t understand. He’ll hurt me.”

“Who? Liam or this other guy?”

Her lips quivered. “Both.” She drew in a sharp breath. “They both have their ways of keeping me in line.”

Micah looked ready to murder someone. I shot him a warning look. Indie did not need to meet his angry side. I knew he had one, that’s why he’d been on probation...for fighting. He worked overtime to pull his emotions inline. I could see him using some sort of calming technique he’d obviously learned. The unnerving black rage I spotted slowly swirled away.

Satisfied he wouldn’t explode, I turned my attention back to the trembling waif on his knee. “Indie, you can’t go on like this. We have to stop Liam. We have to end this and get you somewhere safe.”

“I don’t have anywhere safe to go. Liam lives at my house.” Her breathy laughter was sad and broken. “He manipulated his way into my life and now I’m trapped. I can’t get out. He’ll kill me, Caitlyn. And as miserable as my life is, I don’t want to die.”

She pulled in a shaky breath and pressed the tissue to her eyes. Micah rubbed her back, placing a sweet kiss on her forehead. His fond touch seemed to jolt something inside her and she popped off his shoulder. Fear struck her features. She stumbled off Micah’s knee and popped back into her chair.

“If Liam finds out what’s happening right now, he’s gonna...” She pointed at Micah’s lap and looked ready to puke. “He’s very particular about who I talk to. Please don’t tell him I let you touch me.” Her quavering voice tore at my heart and it was doing the same to Micah.

He leaned over her, running his hand down her back. “I’m not going to let him hurt you anymore,” he whispered.

“You can’t stop him.” She met his deep gaze.

“I’m not going to let him hurt you,” Micah repeated slowly.

But Indie just kept shaking her head. “If he finds out about this, about what Libby told you, he'll find a way to hit us all where it hurts the most. He watches everything. He’ll figure out the best way to make our lives a living hell.”

The threat was frightening because I knew how real it was. Liam did know how to get to people. He preyed on their weaknesses and always knew the perfect way to strike. Everyone around this table was at risk. But in spite of that, there was a sense of freedom and unity among us.

Everything had finally been spilled and I could tell Libby felt a deep sense of relief. Even through Indie’s fear, I could sense a spark of hope. So I decided to build on it.

“Indie, he doesn’t know what’s happening right now. He’s not here.” I pointed around the study room. “We’re the only people privy to this conversation and we can trust each other. Together, we can bring an end to this.”

Her fleeting hope shimmered a little brighter. “How?”

“We need to out Liam. There’s bound to be some kind of proof of what he’s doing.” I looked to Libby. “How does his business work?”

“Well.” Libby sniffed. “Every morning when I get to school there’s a new set of assignments, or a test to complete, in my locker. I have to finish it three days before the deadline so whoever the work belongs to can tweak anything and make it sound more like them. If I’m late with a deadline...I find other stuff in my locker.”

BOOK: True Colors
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