Read True Beginnings Online

Authors: Willow Madison

True Beginnings (10 page)

BOOK: True Beginnings
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We stand with her back against me for a moment longer. I let go of one arm and squeeze the other a little harder. She doesn't say anything, just keeps up as I walk us quickly back towards the house.

Inside, I head up the stairs, Lucy hesitates on the first step, but I pull her along and she quickly keeps pace. I pass several rooms before going in one that looks like an unused guest room. I shove Lucy inside and close the door behind me.

With my hand still on the door, my back to her, "Now...Do you wanna tell me why every guy here thinks he can touch you?" I turn and she's shaking in the middle of the room. She only shakes her head until I walk to stand in front of her, towering over her.

"I...I don't know, Max...I'm sorry...please!"

"That's not an answer, Lucy."

"Because....because..." She's starting to hiccup, her breathing out of control. She takes a deep breath and tries to steady herself.

"Because you
been disrepectful, haven't you?" She only shakes her head slightly, " haven't? You weren't just running around with your dress soaked, laughing and playing with some guy...the same guy who thinks he can put his hand on you and take you to lunch?!"

She starts to cry, choking out, "I'm sorry, Sir," wrapping her arms around her middle to hide how her dress still clings.

"No...No tears, little girl." She looks up and swallows back her next sob. I give her a moment to calm again. "You'll have
to cry about." Her beautiful fearful eyes. This is the most angry I've been with her. I haven't yelled, but she knows she's in for a punishment. I'm trying to keep control of my anger, but I can feel myself heating up.

"Take off your dress."

Her eyes dart to the door, in quiet fear, "Here?!"

I slap her, not too hard...I'm glad that I’m still in control of my anger enough to stop from slapping her as hard as I want to. Her hand goes up to her face. "I tell you to do something, you do it. No questions. I thought you knew
lesson at least, Lucy...looks like I need to review
the rules with you."

She shakes her head and pulls off her dress quickly. "No...No, Sir...I'm sorry, Sir...I didn't mean..."

When she's standing in only her bra and thong, I take off my belt. Her eyes follow my hands, saucers of fear, she’s frozen. "Stand by the bed." I nod behind her. A nice four-poster bed takes up most of the rest of the room.

She moves awkwardly, her feet tripping a little. "Put your hands up on the post." She does this. "On tip-toe." She stretches up. Her back and arm muscles taut. Her calves hard. Her tiny thong not covering her cheeks at all.

"Why are you being punished, Lucy?"

"Because..." She has to swallow several times before she can finish, "Because I let two men touch me and....and I questioned you."

"And..." She is unable to answer, just shakes on the post.

"You acted indecently, didn't you?"

"Yes, Sir...I...I was indecent in the water...with other men around."

"And..." Again she's unable to answer. Her body shakes with unshed tears, her forehead pressed against the post.

"And you've gone to lunch with a man I don't know...without my
..."  She tries to say something, but I cut her off. "You seem to have the hardest time with this lesson, Lucy..." I say this sadly, almost tenderly.

She sobs once, but quickly gulps back any more. She chokes on her apology, only getting out, "...Sir..."

"I'm going to help you remember, little girl. I'm going to make sure that you don't
forget this lesson again."

I whip the belt across her lower cheeks and upper thighs. She cries out, pressing her face into her arms. I whip twice more rapidly on the same spot. The belt mark flares up. I don’t wait. The next two hit only her thighs, in rapid fire, more strangled screams. Two more marks forming.

I pause to allow her breathing to get under control again, her feet to stop dancing. Her hands are clutching the post. I swallow back some of my anger, breathing a little harder. My anger is only fueled with spanking her, hearing her cries.

I'm not worried about anyone hearing. The door is locked, the party is loud outside, with only staff milling about downstairs. We won't be disturbed.

"How many do you deserve, little girl?" I choke this out through gritted teeth.

She knows I mean how many times she's broken the rule. She gasps out, "Seven, Sir." Seven times she allowed a man to touch her, went behind my back out with another man. Seven. I see only red for a moment. I close my eyes and breathe deeply three times.

"You have two more coming then." The anger making my voice even colder. "And one for questioning." She is shaking harder, her hand slipping on the post. She quickly reaches up and grabs it again. "Count."

I hit the tender spot again. The mark goes white. Her feet dance and her cries are high-pitched yelps. She mouths more than says, "One," into her arms.

I hit once more on her thigh, making the other two marks meet. She strangles this cry, "Tt...two..."

My last one is aimed a little lower on her thigh. I haven't hit her here before. She cries out again, her voice raw. Finally, squeaking out, "Three."

I don't let her catch her breath. I grab the back of her hair, pull her off the post and I shove her down on the floor. She crawls and rolls over. On my knees, I grab her legs and yank them out, pulling her towards me. She cries out as the belt marks flare from the carpet. I smile.

"Please...please, Max...I'm sorry..."

"Hands behind your head." She immediately obeys.

I tear her thong off.  She whimpers, but stays quiet. Shoving three fingers into her wet pussy, leaning over her. "Who does this belong to?"

"It belongs to you...I belong to you!"

I take my fingers out to the tips and shove them back, my knuckle meeting her bone. "Again."

"I belong to you!"


"I belong to you!" I do this seven times. She's crying, eyes closed, but she keeps her hands behind her head. Her cries only drive me to want to hurt her more. I stop and take a few deep breaths, she keeps her eyes closed.

I pull off my shorts. Grabbing her knees, I bend her legs up, pressing her thighs wide and back. I shove inside her deep. She cries out again. I know from this angle, I'm able to go deeper than she likes. I stay inside, not moving. Her eyes finally open.

"You went behind my back
times with other men?"

She starts to shake her head, bringing her elbows to both sides protectively, "...No...No...Max...I only went to was a team...a work thing...I swear..."

"And you let guys touch you." I say this quietly, staring down at her in angry disbelief.

She moans, a wounded animal, "I'm sorry...I won't let...I won't ever let anyone touch me again...I swear, Max...please...please forgive me." She's crying uncontrollably again.

I pull out and shove in deep again, her sobs interrupted with a stronger moan. I fuck her hard, in and out, deep, my body pressing on her legs, the carpet burning her ass. We cum together, both of us crying out.

I sit back and Lucy rolls onto her side, crying, sobbing a "thank you." The belt marks on her thighs a deep red with a few bumps, the tender spot a raised welt with swollen edges. I slap her hip. "Get up. We're leaving."

I pull up my shorts, grab her torn underwear and put it in my pocket. I head to the bathroom. When I come out, Lucy is unsteady on her feet, pulling up her dress. She doesn't look at me.

"Go to the bathroom...wipe your face and clean up." She moves numbly by me.

My anger is only slightly spent. I am hurt by her betrayals. My anger keeps heating up and I have to breathe deeply to get it under control again.

When she comes out of the bathroom, she is still shy and pleading with her eyes. I put my hand out to her and she quickly runs into my arms. She's still crying softly and begging my forgiveness.

"Shhh,'s ok...I love you...shhh..." But I’m still seeing red. She finally quiets and I open the door.


Chapter 10 HER

Max keeps his hand on my lower back, he's rubbing a small spot made raw from the carpet, but I know better than to move away from him. I feel my ass burning under my dress, the very bottom almost numb with pain, my swollen and sore pussy pulls between my legs as I walk, no underwear to keep them from hurting more. We move quickly down the stairs and out the doors. My only relief is not running into anyone I know. I don't know what I would do if Tracy confronted me now.

I wait by the curb while Max tips the valet. Max opens my door and watches as I gently lower myself onto the seat. He gives me one last hard look before going to his side and getting in. He races out down the drive.

I try to find a comfortable position to sit. My lower bottom sits directly on the leather and I can't get away from the added pain. "Sit still." Max is still very mad at me. His voice has a ragged edge, a deep ember to it.

He doesn't look at me, but turns on the cooling fans for my seat. I quietly say, "Thank you," as I feel the seat cooling under me, a small relief. But now I have a long drive, with no ability to reposition. I'll be lucky if I can walk when we get home, my whole body is tense.

This thought makes me cry...that I could make Max this angry with me, this disappointed.

"No...No more tears. You just sit there...think about what you've done." I sniffle and try not to cry. Soon, my eyes burn as much as my ass.

I can't help reliving how the day started to how it ended. And it's all my fault! If I hadn't been indecent, if I hadn't let those men touch me, if I hadn't gone to lunch without permission...none of this would have happened. I berate myself in silence, stealing glances at Max when I can. His face remains statue, the angry God in his beauty, his jaw firm and eyes narrowed.

When we pull into his garage spot, I know a new fear though. This is the first time that his anger has extended past disciplining me. I don't know that I can take more punishment! He opens the door and gives me both arms to help me up. "Go slow." I glance at his face, his voice was deceptively tender, his face still stoney. My thighs are knotted, my ass swollen and stiff. I move slowly towards the elevators, holding his arm more for comfort than support. It's the most he's touched me since we left the party.

As soon as the door closes behind him, he orders me to undress. I don't hesitate. The cool air feels good on my backside. But I shake from fear not coolness. "Face the wall, Lucy." I pivot into position. Praying for his mercy, but knowing I don't deserve any. I want to cry, but keep my tears bottled.


His shortness and disappointment hurt as much as my bodily pain. I recite again all of my transgressions.


He makes me repeat everything seven times. My voice is hoarse from holding in tears. His voice doesn't lose any of its anger.

He paces behind me. I want so much to put my arms around him, but I don't move, keeping my head up the way he likes. I no longer fear the pain...I fear no release from this torture...knowing that I've hurt him and he can't forgive me...that he won't be able to make me his good girl again. I shudder a breath in and hold it as long as I can.

I speak quietly, a little calmer. "Please...forgive me...please."

He stops pacing, right behind me. "I want to. I can't stop thinking about your betrayal...You let men touch you and treat you a
could have you...when you
to me." His voice is broken, raw with his anger.

"Then...then...punish me...please...anything so you can...can forgive I deserve your forgiveness...I can't take you not loving me."

"I love you very much." His voice is almost back to tender again. I can't stop a tear from sliding down my cheek. "But I can't punish you more...not are too swollen all ready." Knowing that he's putting my safety and care ahead of his anger, even in his darkness, tortures me more. "I keep pacing hoping my anger will subside, but all I want to do is take my belt to you until I can't picture your betrayals anymore." He says this with such sadness, but the anger is still there. He starts pacing again.

With my arms still behind my back, I lower myself slowly onto my knees, still facing the wall. I'm completely numb, unable to feel the strain that my legs and butt must be under with this motion. "Max...please...I'll do anything to deserve your forgiveness." I lower my head and take a deep breath. " what you have to do...punish me...
!" And I know that I mean this. That I would take his slaps and belt, anything so long as he would forgive me...that I would trust my body to his care order to have his loving forgiveness again.

He walks away. To get the belt himself. I try to steady my breathing, knowing that I'll need every breath to get through this. When he returns, I stiffen, feeling the pain in my legs and butt momentarily. I breathe out slowly, raise my head, and close my eyes.

But it's not the belt I feel. It's cool and silky. Max is tying my wrists with one of his ties, next my ankles. I panic for a second, trying to swallow and breathe. I can't move and he's going to beat me like this...I lower my head only slightly in an agony of shame...he doesn't even trust me not to move.

He steps back and I brace myself. "I made a promise to you, little girl." I want so badly to see his face, because his voice is unreadable...not quite tender, not quite angry, not quite sad...and all of them. "I promised not to hurt you so badly that you wouldn't heal and..." He pauses for a full minute. "And if I start punishing you again tonight I may not be able keep that promise." He picks me up, my arms pinned painfully underneath me. I look into his eyes, but he won't meet mine. He walks into the bedroom and goes straight to the closet. He stops in front of the door. And finally looks at me.

The pain I see breaks my heart. He's searching my face, looking for an answer...I feel only shame and beg with my eyes for his forgiveness. He opens the door with one hand. And he lowers me to the carpet, on my side.

"You'll sleep here tonight. Think about what you've done. No more tears, don't get to cry yourself to sleep, little girl." And he closes the door, leaving me in darkness. I gasp. I can't believe he's leaving me here...without...without any release from his torture!

I don't move. I concentrate on my breathing to steady myself. I can see a sliver of light under the door and hear small movements. Max moving around the bedroom. I don't know how long I stare at that only ray of hope that he'll come back in here, take me in his me or beat me...just do something. My eyes begin to burn again; a tear crab walks down my cheek to the carpet. I blink several times to stop crying.

Max doesn't want me to cry. And I desperately want to earn his forgiveness, not make him more disappointed and angry. I stay awake, not moving, only breathing, staring at that light. I don't know how long this goes on.

Finally, the light goes off and I'm in full darkness. I can hear Max getting in bed. I don't hear his steady breathing. I don't feel his chest hairs on my cheek. I don't feel his hand in my hair, lulling me into sweet dreams. I only feel the rough carpet and I pretend it's his touch. I don't know when I sleep, when my fevered prayers for his forgiveness finally give way to dreams as fevered.



BOOK: True Beginnings
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