Read Triple Threat Online

Authors: Bella Jeanisse

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Action & Adventure, #Romantic Erotica

Triple Threat (2 page)

BOOK: Triple Threat
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Chad used it to his advantage. He put his arms around me and kissed me back forcefully. I could never resist when he kissed me like that. I ran my hands up his back and went with it. When I heard the bedroom door close behind us, I knew Will had gone away annoyed.

Chad suddenly picked me up, cupping my butt in his hands. He pulled my legs around him, as if I weighed nothing. At 110 pounds, I was less than half his size. I automatically put my arms around his neck and we kept kissing. He walked over and dropped me on his bed, then lay down on top of me.

“Get up, Chad!” I told him, only pretending to be annoyed between kisses.

He smirked. “Why?” He leaned down and kissed me deeply. “You watched one of my friends all day. That really hurt. You should make it up to me.” Then he ground his stiff shaft against me a bit.

I held in a moan, then shouted, “Stop!” with a laugh. I enjoyed when we played like that, even though I was afraid to sleep with him. I didn’t want to lose my best friend. Feeling his arousal turned me on, but I would never tell him that. “I’m not doing it with you, Chad.”
Not like in my dreams,
I thought to myself.

He opened my legs with his knee and started sliding his hips over me. I had to close my eyes and bite my lip. Feeling his erection made me wonder how big it was. It felt larger than any I had ever seen before.

“I know you like this,” he whispered. “I can see it in your eyes. Let me make love to you, baby. Please.”

I clenched my teeth, trying to fight my desire for him. “I can’t. Please stop.”

Suddenly, he got off me. “One day, you’re gonna want me real bad. You’ll see.” He leaned down and kissed my lips. “I love you so much, baby girl.” Then he left the room.

When Chad came back 10 minutes later, he sat down on his bed next to me. “Next time, you’re doing it for me,” he told me with a smirk.

I wanted to go further with Chad. I was so comfortable with him, and he turned me on so much. I could picture him later with his hand around his dick, trying to ease his frustration. What an image! I wish that worked for me. I had such small fingers. I couldn’t reach in far enough to give myself an orgasm.

At that moment, I really wished I had a boyfriend, so
wouldn’t be so frustrated. However, that probably wouldn’t help. I didn’t sleep with all the guys I dated. I leaned my head on Chad’s arm, wanting to be close to him and trying to hide how I truly felt.

He put his arm around me and held me to his chest. “I’m sorry. I won’t make you touch me.”

“I know,” I replied. “Can we talk about something else, please?”

He hugged me. “Sure. What do you wanna do for your birthday?”

“Can we go out dancing?” He and I were both born in March. I looked out his window just above his bed and saw my room across the side yard. He used to watch me dance alone in my room for years before I taught him how to dance with me.

Chad smiled. “We can do that.”

He let me go, and I lay back on his bed again. I couldn’t get our kissing out of my mind. Chad and I had kissed many times over the years, but that time it was different. It was more passionate. I was still hot from it. I forced myself to think of something else, before I jumped on Chad and ended our sexual frustration.

We were only months away from graduating college and having to go out into the real world. That was a bit scary, but we had each other, like always. I really hoped the band worked out, because I thought it would be amazing to keep spending time with Chad. I didn’t know what I would ever do without him.

The bed moved, and soon after, Chad was holding my hand, something he did often. I turned my head and saw him lying next to me. He looked like he was thinking, too. I closed my eyes again.

He really
my best friend in the world. We could tell each other anything. We did practically everything together. We told each other all our secrets and helped each other through bad break-ups. We trusted each other completely.

Chad suddenly squeezed my hand. “Baby, you OK? You’re so quiet.”

“Just thinking.” I was glad I had so many wonderful memories of him and me together.

The bed moved again. I looked at Chad. He had turned his body towards me. “Please tell me you’re not thinking about Giovanni.”

“I wasn’t.” I turned to him and looked into his eyes. “I was thinking about you.” Then I touched his face, but I wasn’t sure why.

He smiled and put his hand over mine. “My life would be empty without you in it. You mean more to me than you know.” He kissed my lips softly. “I wish you loved me back.”

“I know,” I sighed. “Sometimes, I wish I did, too. But if we started dating and then broke up…” I took a deep breath because tears were threatening to come. “I’d miss you.”

He pulled me close to him. “I wouldn’t let that happen. I’d do anything to keep you in my life. I’d treat you so good you’d never leave me. There’s nothing in the world that could make me stop loving you. Nothing.” He held me for a while longer, and then we both sat up.

I looked up at him and asked, “What do you love about me?”

He caressed my cheek. “I love how your cheeks turn a little pink in the sun when we go to the beach. You know I love your blue eyes. They’re like sapphires. I’ve never met anyone else with eyes that exact color.” He ran a hand through my hair. “And the red highlights in this gorgeous brown hair make you even more beautiful.”

He kissed my lips. “Your lips are perfect, too. They’re so full and they taste so good.” He closed his eyes briefly and then he gazed down at me again.

We both smiled. I never heard him talk that way before. I could feel his love in every word.

Before saying a word, he used a finger to pull my blouse down more and got a real eyeful of my breasts. “You know I love your boobs, but that’s another story.” He leaned his head down and kissed as much of my breasts as he could.

I liked it, but I didn’t have the answer I was hoping for. “You only love me for my looks, huh?”

“No, baby,” he said as he lifted his head. “I love the way you walk, and the way you talk. I love the face you make at me when I say I want you.” He picked up my hand. “I love how you’ll try anything once and aren’t afraid to do things most girls shy away from. I love teaching you things and watching you play sports. And I really love how tiny you are. I love everything about you, baby. I swear it’s not just your body, although that is calling to me right now.”

I sighed. He almost always had to add a sexual comment to something nice. “Thanks, Chad.” I squeezed him a bit.

Then we heard his mother yell, “Chad Patrick McLoughlin, get in the garage and clean up that mess!”

Chad looked at me and smiled. “She used my whole name. I better get down there before she accidentally breaks something.” He stood up then pulled me up by my hands. “Do you wanna go see a movie tonight?”

“Sure.” We liked a lot of the same types of movies. “Hey, Chad do you think we’ll still be friends when we’re our parents’ age?”

He pulled me to him so my head rested on his chest. “Baby, I think we’ll be friends forever.”


Chad’s birthday fell on the second Friday in March. His roommates threw him a party in the house they rented near school. The party was loud, but a lot of fun. Nothing like my birthday that year had been. He and I had hung out with my family for a while, then gone dancing. His parties were always crazy.

After a lot of pleading from party guests, we set up our instruments in the cleared-out dining room. Mark and Phil, our old roadies, helped us out. We kept the equipment in the garage normally. It was a tight fit for Giovanni’s drums, but he adjusted well.

With a beer bottle in his hand, Chad yelled out, “What do you wanna hear?”

People yelled out song names at the same time. We heard, “‘Devil’s Boy!’” I looked at Chad. He was grinning. It was a song by our favorite band, Gasoline.

Chad raised his beer and shouted. “‘Devil’s Boy’ it is!” Then he handed the bottle to Phil.

Giovanni’s feet started pounding his bass drums in a mesmerizing rhythm. I bobbed my head, counting the beats. Then Giovanni slammed his snare drum just as I struck the first note on my bass. The two of us played together for a bit.

Suddenly, Chad came in, and I couldn’t help but watch his fingers fly across the strings of his guitar. How fast he could play had amazed me for years. He looked lost in the notes, as if he was all alone. His eyes were closed and his hair moved around along with Giovanni’s beat. It made him look even sexier.

I turned to Giovanni. He was in a different type of trance, concentrating. It took a lot of talent and coordination to be a drummer. He had both and everything else I liked as well.

I was hopeless. I wanted to fuck the man who loved me, yet the man I liked in a romantic way seemed not to want me at all.

Rosario had already started singing. Well, shouting, really. The song was damn near heavy metal. One of Gasoline’s hardest. The crowd seemed to like our version of it. We changed it a little to suit our style.

After that, we played three more songs before Chad’s beer consumption forced him to the bathroom. He’d knocked back at least two after each song.

While Chad was upstairs, his friend Derek came up to me and said, “Hey, sweetheart.” He and I had gone on a few dates.

I put my bass down and pulled Derek into the kitchen. “I don’t want Chad to see us talking.” I knew Chad hated seeing us together.

“You wanna go out next Friday?” he asked, flashing me a bright smile.

I debated whether it was a good idea. I really wanted to be with Giovanni. Then I heard a girl laugh loudly. I followed the sound and saw a brunette in Giovanni’s arms. They were kissing.

I scowled and turned back to Derek. “Friday sounds great.”

“I’ll pick you up at seven.”

I looked around and didn’t see Chad, so I kissed Derek on the cheek. “Don’t tell Chad. Got it?”

“I won’t. I know how he gets.”

Chad suddenly yelled, “Baby, get your ass over here!”

I glanced up and saw him standing with Rosario.
How did he get downstairs so fast?

We soon started playing again, but Chad took a break after every song and went to the kitchen. He started to have trouble playing by the end of the third song of the new set. Then we had to quit. Chad was trashed.

We left everything in place and went back to partying. Chad pulled me to the living room. He had a bottle of Jack Daniels in the other hand. I had no idea where he got it. We’d wanted to keep the party beer-only. He got unruly when he drank hard liquor. He sat on the couch and yanked me down onto his lap.

Giovanni was close by. “Is he OK?” he asked, nodding at Chad.

“He’s shit-faced.” I rolled my eyes.

Chad lifted my right leg and put my foot in Giovanni’s hand. “Lookit… she likes it… so much… she don’t… take it off.” He was slurring so badly it was laughable.

Giovanni examined the sterling silver anklet I wore. “It says, ‘BABY.’ Like he calls you.”

“Yeah.” I didn’t tell him Chad had given it to me for my birthday and I loved it.

Giovanni slowly put my foot down. “You guys
dating, aren’t you?”

“No,” I said, too quickly.

“He likes you though, right?”

“Yeah. Kinda.”

Then Giovanni walked away. I tried to get up, but Chad pulled me back down and leaned me back a bit. He brought his face down close to mine. I was worried he would start kissing me in front of everyone.

Chad stammered, “I l-love you. Let me take you upstairs and fuck you, please.”

I pushed him back up, so he was sitting again. Then I rested my head on his shoulder. He put the bottle of Jack to his lips and finished it off.

I sighed. “Happy birthday, best friend.”

He relaxed for a few minutes. Then I felt a hand moving up my blouse. I leaned on him to stop its progress. He pulled the hand away and moved it to my waist. I wasn’t drunk enough to let him do that with our friends right there.

Suddenly, he got me down flat on the couch and started kissing me. I kicked him off of me and he fell on the floor. “What the fuck, Chad?”

He got to his knees. “Baby, you always let me kiss you.”

“Not in front of everyone,” I whispered.

Will, who was there for the party, came over to us. “Damn, he’s fucked up! Stop begging, bro. She ain’t giving it up to you, either.”

“She will.” Chad looked up at his brother.

Will rolled his eyes. “Dude, get up. You look like a pussy.”

“He’s plastered. He needs to go to bed,” I growled.

Will sighed. “Come on. Let’s get you upstairs, man.”

He pulled his brother to his feet. Chad was bigger than Will, so he struggled a bit. I helped him and we got Chad up the stairs.

Chad’s 25-year-old brother Josh, who also came for the party, was in the upstairs hallway and laughed. “I guess he drank my present already.”

“What?” I shouted. “You know how he gets when he mixes beer and liquor! He’s this fucked up because of you?”

Josh smiled at me. “He needed it. Do you have any idea how awful you made him feel when you kissed Derek?”

“He saw that?” I felt horrible.

Chad’s oldest brother looked at him. “The look on his face told me you broke his heart. Why would you do that on his birthday?”

“I thought we were alone,” I explained. “I was making a date with Derek.”

“I’ll give you a date,” Chad slurred as Will let go of him to open Chad’s bedroom door.

Then Chad started to fall and took me down with him. Josh and Will got him off of me, then helped me up. They walked with us into Chad’s room and laid him on his bed.

“You’re a mess, bro,” Josh commented. “Will, now we can break out the good stuff. I wasn’t wasting it on birthday boy here. And Rosario wants to trick Giovanni into getting drunk. Come on.”

Chad was laughing. “Get in this bed so I can fuck you.” This was a common drunken demand from him. When the door closed, Chad yanked me down onto the bed. He quickly got on top of me and started kissing me. “Make it up to me. Let me fuck you.”

“Chad, I can’t do that with you.”

His kisses got stronger, and he began using his tongue. “I want you so bad, baby. Please.”

BOOK: Triple Threat
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