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Authors: Miranda Kerr

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Treasure Yourself (19 page)

BOOK: Treasure Yourself
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i have faith in my ability

to manifest my desires

- deepak chopra

i manifest my dreams and desires daily and have faith in my abilities to achieve my dreams.

i now create a wonderful job

- louise l. hay

i create my world and i am receptive to new opportunities. i am gifted, talented and grateful as i

embark on the adventure of creating my life daily.

i make and keep commitments

- stephen r. covey

i honour my word and the commitments i make to myself and to others.

loving others is easy when

i love and accept myself

- louise l. hay

my love flows freely to others as i allow myself to love, respect, appreciate and accept myself.

everything i lose is found again;

everything that is hurt is healed again

- caroline myss

everything in my world happens as it’s meant to happen. each change or experience teaches me to

grow and leads me to the path i am meant to take.

i express my creativity

- louise l. hay

i am creative. i express my creativity by allowing my imagination, talents and abilities to flow. my

creativity is a true expression of who i am.

i live a harmonious life

- miranda kerr

i have an incredible family, great friends, sweet pleasures, abundance and wisdom and i lead a

harmonious life.

i am open and receptive to

new avenues of income

- louise l. hay

i have no limits; i am only limited by my imagination. i am grateful, capable, open, abundant and

blessed. i embrace life’s challenges and see them as opportunities.

every day i am a new person

- brian l. weiss

each day i create the life i desire. i am free of any limiting past beliefs as i reach for the stars and

create my life.

i make healthy choices

- louise l. hay

my body works tirelessly to protect me. i nourish it by making healthy choices and i support it with

the goodness, love and respect it deserves.

i am grateful for all that i have in life

- deepak chopra

i am gratefulness, abundance and love. i cherish my life and i am truly blessed. all that i have and all

that i am comes from the power of being grateful.

whatever happens,

i know i can handle it

- louise l. hay

i trust in my body’s innate wisdom and i trust in the universe. i follow my intuition and i know that

nothing is put before me that i cannot handle.

BOOK: Treasure Yourself
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