Read Tracker Devils Angels MC Book 2 Online

Authors: Erin Trejo

Tags: #love, #hate, #past, #mc

Tracker Devils Angels MC Book 2 (4 page)

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Your old ex here got herself into a
little bit of bind years ago. She owed some people some money and
never paid up. She used that ass of hers to pay off some but she
still owes a good bit. We have her now and your son. Yea we knew
all about it from day one Terrance. You pay me I will give you
them. I will be in contact. $300,000.

That was all the note said. My son? I don’t
have a son. Do I? I pull out the other envelope and look at the
picture of the little boy. He is blonde with blue eyes like me. My
heart is pounding hard now. I drop the note and the picture and
turn and leave the room. I smash through the back door and out into
the back yard. I'm pacing around talking to myself. How the fuck
could this be? I haven’t seen her in 2 fucking years. That little
boy looked like he could be 2. That could add up. She wouldn’t hide
my son from me would she? This doesn’t make any sense. This is the
same guys that Casey was mixed up in surely she would have seen her
before. I turn and head inside I need to talk to Casey.

Casey come on I need to talk to you.”
I say as I pull her towards my room. “Fuck you Tracker.” She snaps
at me. “Look I'm sorry for what happened with Bell but get the fuck
over it this is important.” I say and she can see the concern in my
eyes. She nods and follows me to my room. I close the door and pace
around. How do I bring this up to her? “What is it Tracker?” She
says grabbing my arm. “The girl we seen the other night, Jenna,
have you ever seen her before?” I say and she looks confused.
“Before that night Casey have you ever seen her before? Think about
it. She had a little boy with Blonde hair.” I say and she looks
like she has seen a ghost. “She was used in the club. Oh my god!
She was one of the girls from Hell Raiser’s. I didn’t mix with the
girls there but she was one of them they just like she was garbage.
They would take turns on her, Tracker, I'm so sorry. It didn’t
click until you said the little boy. I watched him a few times when
she was working. He has problems. The guys didn’t want him there
but the president said he stayed as long as she was there.” Casey
says as she covers her mouth and tears form in her eyes. “I'm so
sorry Tracker, I didn’t realize.” She says as she starts to cry.
“She disappeared on me two years ago.” I say as I look down. Casey
stands and walks over to me and wraps her arms around me as the
door opens. I don’t move but Casey speaks. “Bell come in here.” She
says and I can’t move. I have to tell her I have a son. How can I
tell the girl who lost her child that I have a son? I can’t hurt
her like this. This is so fucking wrong. Casey lets go of me as
Bell walks around in front of us. “What’s going on?” She asks
looking back and forth between us. Casey looks over at me and I
shake my head. “I can’t Casey. I can’t hurt her like this.” I say
to her and Bell looks scared. “It’s not mine to share, Tracker.”
Casey says. I look at Bell and back to Casey. “FUCK. I can’t. I'm
sorry Bell. I can’t hurt her Casey.” I snap as I walk out of the
room. I slam the door behind me as I head out the side door. I need
to get the fuck away from here. I walk as far as I can towards the
field out back. I don’t know what I'm going to do. I can’t be a
father. I can’t be anything. I hurt everything I come in contact
with. Look what I have done to Bell. “This is fucking messed up!” I
scream to myself. I feel Bell’s arms go around my waist. I reach
down and grab her hands in mine as I look down and start to cry.
Bell walks around to face me. “It’s ok Tracker.” She says looking
up at me. She reaches up and wipes the tears from my face. “I don’t
know what to do Bell. I can’t be a dad. I'm not a good person. You
of all people know that. And the fact that they are missing? What
the fuck do I do with that?” I say looking down at her. “We go in
and talk to Prez. That’s what we do. We will get them back. We will
get your son.” She says softly as she stretches up and kisses me.
“I love you Bell.” I say to her as I'm looking in her eyes. “I know
you do. I love you too.” She says and I hug her. “What if they hurt
him?” I say and feel tears again. “Shhh, they won’t baby, they
won’t.” She says.

We go inside and head straight for Prez’s
office but he is already on his way out. “You coming to talk about
the finger?” He says looking at me. “What finger?” Bell asks
looking at him. “I got a package Bell with one of Jenna’s fingers
in it and some of the boys hair.” I say and she squeezes my hand.
“Come in here.” Prez says looking at us both. We follow him into
the office and the other guys are already in there. I take a seat
and pull Bell into my lap. “She may want to step out.” Prez says as
I shake my head. “No she needs to be here.” I say and I can tell
that makes Bell happy. Prez nods and starts talking. “We are good
on the meet and greet on Friday night. I made a few calls and got
shit worked out. We will go to that shit hole you guys went too.
The deal is we bring the cash they give us the girl and kid. We all
know shit is never that easy. The original deal had nothing to do
with her or the kid.” Prez says looking around the room. “What do
they want then? What was the original deal for?” Sly asks. “We
don’t know. We are assuming they were trying to get their hands on
one of us to use to get the cash flow in.” Prez says as he looks at
me. That’s right, they would have used me against Jenna and the
kid. They knew she would go. “Deal is we bring the cash the girl
and kid get left in the diner. They roll out and then it’s us.”
Prez says and we all nod. No one speaks much but we go over the
game plan. Once we have it all laid out who will be where and when
the guys all leave. I stay back. “Prez I don’t like this. I don’t
like using the club or it’s money for personal shit.” I say shaking
my head. “Well I guess that’s too damn bad isn’t it Tracker. You
are a vital member of this club. We are a family and we help each
other. You didn’t make this personal, they did. That’s your boy?”
Prez says as he throws a picture down on the table in front of me.
“That’s what they are saying.” I say looking at the small boy. “We
will get a test once we get him back. He is then he is family and
no one will lay a fucking hand on him ever again.” Prez says as he
walks out and leaves me and Bell alone. “I understand if you want
to stop this Bell. You never signed up for this.” I say as I lay my
head on her shoulder. “I was thinking about that. I didn’t sign up
for this. But would you have walked away from me if I had a baby
when we met?” She asks me and I sigh. “No. I love you Bell. A kid
wouldn’t change that it would only make me love you more. That kid
would have been a piece of you.” I say to her in all honesty. “Well
I think the same way Tracker. That boy is a piece of you and I
think you would make a great father.” Bell says as she turns to
face me. “God Bell I couldn’t get any luckier.” I say as I lean in
and kiss her.

The next few days go by in a blur of plans
and weapons. We go over our game plan a million times and then do
it again. We have it mapped out who will be where and when we move.
I will be out back with Prez and Jimmy while Draven is on the
diner. The other guys will be spread out around the area while the
club is on lock down. Me and Bell have talked about everything and
she is ok with Jenna being here until she can make it out on her
own. “What about the little boy?” Bell asks me as she rubs my
shoulders. “I don’t know Bell. I mean I want to keep him with me
but he needs his momma.” I say because I don’t know what else to
say. “We will figure it out.” She says softly as she rubs my back
some more. I'm in heaven right now but I'm still nervous as hell to
go out tonight. I'm scared of what I'm going to find but right now
I just need Bell. I stand up and turn around as I pull my shirt
off. She knows what I need as she lays back on the bed in nothing
but one of my t-shirts. I don’t fuck her. I make slow love to her.
When we are down I pull her on top of me and whisper in her ear.
“Bell you have to promise me something.” I say as I rub her back.
“Anything.” She says and I close my eyes. “If something happens to
me tonight, You promise me you will watch after my boy. Don’t let
anyone hurt him Bell.” I say and I can feel her tears on my chest.
“You will be fine Tracker.” She says. “Just promise me Bell.” I say
again. I just need to hear her say it. I know the guys will look
after him but I need to know that Bell will too. “I will take care
of him. I promise.” She says with more tears spilling from her
eyes. “Thank you.” I whisper and hold her tight. We lay there for a
long time just being together. That’s what I need right now.
“Tracker can I ask you something?” Bell says looking up at me.
“Anything baby.” I say as I run her hair. “Do you think I would
have been a good mother?” She says and she is asking me for
honesty. “Babe at age 14 I don’t think you would have been ready to
be a mother. No one would be. I think you would have made it work
though. You have the best heart of anyone I know. I have never seen
so much compassion and strength in one person in my entire life.
One day Bell I think you will be the perfect mother. You can bake
cookies and set up tea parties and shit.” I say chuckling. “Do you
think you would want more kids?” She asks softly as she rubs her
little hand over my chest. “I don’t know Bell. I have never thought
about being a dad. Now that I might be I'm fucking scared to death.
I don’t want to fuck up some kids life like I did my own. I have to
be honest though. I think we would make some good looking babies.”
I say to her and she laughs. “You want to work on one now?” She
says as she kisses my chest. “Fuck yea I do.” I say as she sits up
looking at me. “Would you at least think about it? For me?” She
says. I know she wants kids but we are still new and I want her to
myself for a while. That may be selfish but I need her right now.
“Bell I would do anything for you. I just need you right now, you
know what I mean? I don’t know if I'm cut out for this father
thing. I mean I'm a complete fucking mess as it is and now I may
have a son that I have no fucking idea how to take care of.” I say
and try to be honest. “You will be a great dad Tracker, just trust
me.” She says as she slides herself on my dick.

The club is locked down and we are getting
geared up. The guys are ready to roll. I hate dragging them into
this shit with me but like Prez said we are family. The guys are
the only family I have had in a long ass time. I'm glad I found
them. This place makes me whole and I can’t begin to thank them.
“We about ready?” Prez says and the guys all yell. “Casey come
here.” Prez says as Casey walks over to him. “I'm sorry we have to
steal your man out tonight. I will keep him safe I promise.” Prez
says and kisses Casey’s head. She smiles up at him as Bell walks
over to him. “Watch yourself too.” She says smiling up at him. “Get
over here baby girl. You know you are just like a daughter to me
Bell. I’ll look after your man too.” He says and kisses her on the
forehead too. Prez may be a lot of things but when it comes to his
family he is the best man I have ever met. He keeps these girls in
line as well as the guys. Casey walks over to me and wraps her arms
around my waist. “What’s that for?” I ask her as I put my arm
around her neck. “I'm sorry Tracker for everything.” She says and
smiles at me. “I know you are. You just watch out for your sister
Casey I know how it is. I’d do it for my brothers here too. Just
know though I'm not going to hurt her. I love her.” I say and Casey
smiles bigger. “I know you do Tracker. You’re a good man and I love
you.” She says and hugs me tighter. “Love you too Sis.” I say as
she lets go and walks over to Draven. I turn to look at Bell and
she is starring right at me. I smile and nod my head at her and she
starts walking towards me. I grab her around the waist and lift her
and walk over to the bar. I sit her down on the counter and spread
her legs so I'm standing in between them. “I will be fine.” I say
as I can see the worry on her face. “I know you will.” She says
softly looking down. I grab her chin with my finger and lift her
face to look at me. “Don’t do that Bell. Don’t think the worst. I
know what happened last time but we have an advantage this time.” I
say and she nods. I lean in and kiss her hard. He hands snake
around my neck as she pulls me closer. I tangle my hands in the
back of her hair and pull her to me as close as I can get her. I
never want to let her go but I know I have too. She means the world
to me. “You two are not fucking on that bar.” Jimmy says behind us
laughing. I don’t care what they say Bell needs this moment to feel
how much I care about her and I am not leaving here until she
knows. I ignore what they are saying and drown them out. Bell tries
to pull back but I don’t let her. I need this as much as she does.
I need to feel her against me before I leave her not knowing if I'm
coming back. I finally pull back and look in her eyes and she feels
it. That’s the look I wanted. The look that says I know how much
you love me and need me. I drop a kiss on her forehead before I
turn around and head to the door with the guys. I stop at the door
and look back at Bell and Casey hugged up at the bar. I smile to
myself knowing she’s mine.

You guys weren’t joking when you said
this was dirt.” Prez says as we get into position. We laugh and
look around. Of course we got here early. “Ain’t that the truth.” I
say as we stand out in the back field. “This has got to be the
craziest spot we have ever had a fucking meeting at.” He says again
with a slight chuckle. The guys come over the ear piece and say
they are set up and that they can see bikes and a truck coming. We
all get ready for this. “Tracker now I know this is personal son
but let’s be straight about it ok? We want everyone walking out on
our end in one piece.” Prez says looking at me. “I know Prez. I got
this.” I say as we watch bikes pull up. A bunch of big guys climb
off and 3 of them start towards us. “Which one is Prez?” The tall
older man says looking between us. Prez steps forward. “Now that
would be me.” He says eyeing the man in front of him. “I'm Pepper.
Hell Raiser’s acting president.” He says extending his hand to
Prez. He looks down at the guys hand and looks around at us and
then back to Pepper. “You threating my family and you put your hand
out to me?” Prez says and the man looks confused. “I haven’t
threatened anyone in your family. I assumed we were having this
meet about what went down between a few members of mine and a few
of yours.” Pepper says looking as confused as I feel right now.
Pepper looks back at his guys and they just shrug. “You mean to
tell me you don’t have Jenna and her kid?” Prez cuts right to the
chase. “Jenna? Hell I haven’t seen Jenna or her kid in the last 6
months. What the fuck does she have to do with anything?” Pepper
says as Prez looks over at me. I don’t get it. What the fuck is
going on here? Where is my son and Jenna? I start to shift around
and Prez notices. “We got a finger in the mail.” Prez starts to say
when Pepper cuts in. “A finger? What the fuck is this the god
father? What does any of this shit have to do with us?” Pepper
snaps clearly not knowing what is going on. “Let me fucking explain
this to you.” Prez says and Pepper nods. I don’t watch Pepper
anymore because he is clearly out of the loop on this one. I do
however watch his guy behind him that can’t seem to keep his ass
still. “After the shit with Spike and a few of your boys we get a
finger in a box with some hair and picture. According to this note
one of my boys appears to be the father of Jenna’s little boy.
Clearly he didn’t know anything about the kid. The note said you
wanted $300,000 cash to release the girl and the kid and we were to
meet here.” Prez explains as I watch the other guy.

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