Read Touching Ghost (SEALs On Fire) Online

Authors: Regina Carlysle

Tags: #erotic romance

Touching Ghost (SEALs On Fire) (4 page)

BOOK: Touching Ghost (SEALs On Fire)
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With a little mental sigh, Sadie realized it served no purpose to beleaguer the point. His work was tough, patriotic in the extreme, and sometimes deadly. Despite the warmth of the bath water, she shivered. “Tell me about your team.”

“SEAL Team Arapaho. They are my brothers and good men. Coyote and Zeus rode into town with me this evening. Badasses in every sense of the word. Dagger got us hooked up with the fancy digs while we’re here in Key West. Though you’d never know it, he has friends in high places.” He laughed. “Then there’s Ice. One cool customer, and he always hits what he aims for. Hands down, he’s the best sharpshooter I’ve ever worked with. Trip is a downright cool customer, too. Jonesin’ and Jagger are great guys and good soldiers who know how to take down the worst kind of creep. They are all rock-hard soldiers, and I’d give my life for any of them. I know they feel the same way.”

Sadie thought about the darkness of his life. The violence and pain he’d experienced in his early years had served to make him the hard man he was today, and she wondered what other dark episodes he’d endured as an adult doing the hardest, most dangerous work imaginable. Yeah, she sometimes dealt with life and death issues in her practice, but the environment was stable. Nobody shot at her.

Impulsively, she turned her head and rested her cheek against his damp chest. “How old were you when you first climbed into my bedroom window? Eight? Ten?”

Ren expelled a breath and dragged his palm over her upper arm. His touch was loving and so tender that tears filled her eyes. “Ten, I think.”

“You were so skinny but tall for your age. Though you really tried to hide it, I knew you were scared.”

“Long time ago.”

“I still remember. It seems like yesterday.”

He laughed softly. “I still can’t believe your folks didn’t know I was there. You had flowered wallpaper. Hell. It felt like I’d landed on another planet with all that pink, ruffly shit everywhere. I’ll never forget it, but you were so warm and funny. You kept patting my back at random moments. I think even then you knew how hard things were at home, but you didn’t talk about it continually. You allowed me to forget about it for a little while.” Pressing his lips against the crown of her head, he continued. “Still remember you sneaking downstairs for food. It had to have been three in the morning.”

“I think it was. Mainly I just knew it was really dark and that you had to have been awfully scared to sneak into my window that way. Honestly, I didn’t know what to do except feed you, let you talk if you wanted, and then tuck you into my bed. Food came first. I was so nervous heading downstairs to the kitchen knowing Dad would go ballistic if he knew what was up. Still remember the first thing I grabbed. Cereal. The chocolate kind.”

“Such a girl.”

It was Sadie’s turn to laugh as the memory unfolded, blooming to life in her mind. “And peanut butter and jelly on whole wheat. I think I brought strawberry cupcakes, too, though I confess, those were probably mainly for me.” She giggled, rolling her head against Ren’s chest.

“Extreme sugar overload, but hey, I was a kid. Tasted like Thanksgiving dinner to me.”

Finally, her laughter died as she recalled more recent events. “Heard your dad passed away.”

Ren went still for a second then gave her a little squeeze. “Rat bastard. It’s not good to speak ill of the dead, but I didn’t waste a tear over him. Men who bully and terrorize women and kids are less than human in my book, and it’s fitting that he died sick and alone. “

“You and your mom changed things so suddenly, didn’t you?” Her heart went out to the boy he’d been in those days.

She glanced up at him, saw him nod. “Survival mode finally kicked into high-gear with Mom, and she made the decision to get the hell out of there before he killed us. Like so many women in her situation, she hoped he would change, but it just never happened. When he moved from alcohol to drug abuse, the situation became critical, and she knew it was time to move on and told me I had to do the same. Enlisting in the Navy seemed the best option for a kid with no money or prospects. Worry for her kept me from doing it sooner, but once she made the decision, the rest was easy.”

“Does Clair like Arizona?”

“She does. She has friends and is happy with her life. It took her a long time to realize there is more to living than subjugation, and she’s even dating a little bit now that she has gotten passed her fear. Guess sometimes a person has to hit rock bottom before they finally understand their own strength. I’m proud of her.”

“And I’m proud of

Warmth, affection, and love curled around her heart, filling her mind with images of the years they’d spent together and the picture of them
here and now
. Together. Every moment with him was as natural as breathing. Reaching up, knowing this time with him was short, she stroked his cheek and trailed her thumb along his bottom lip. His eyes darkened.

“No more re-hashing the past, honey,” he said, his voice rough, his gaze filling with some unnamed emotion. “I don’t have long with you, and I aim to do more than talk now that I have you right where I want you.”

Ren punctuated his words with deed, taking her breast in his hand and thumbing the nipple with the pad of his finger. His mouth lowered to hers, and suddenly all bets were off as to where this would go. The hungry brush of his lips changed, becoming hot, fiery as his tongue swept deep, and before Sadie could draw her next breath, the position of her body changed until she sat astride his lap. Her thighs, strategically placed on each side of his, opened her fully to whatever Ren wanted.

As his kiss strengthened and each breath heated, Sadie gripped the length of his hard cock. Fisting it firmly, she drew her hands over thick flesh to finally make teasing little circles over the rounded, swollen head.

Ren groaned then tested her bottom lip with his teeth, taking the moment from easy to frantic in the space of a heartbeat. Sadie drank his breath, intent on pleasing him. These might be the only days she’d ever have with him, and more than anything she wanted him to head off into the world remembering how things could be between them.

Friends to lovers.

She liked the sound of that.

“Damn it, woman, you’re killing me.” Ren’s harshly whispered words brushed her lips before he dove back into the kiss. Sadie wanted him crazy for her. She trailed her thumb over the thick head then teased beneath the notch of it. Her other hand went to work on his sensitive balls. Beneath the touch of her fingertips, the heavy sacs tightened and puckered, and she didn’t have to be an MD to know how he must love this. Finally, he gripped her shoulders and prodded Sadie to her knees.

The cool air instantly hit her warmish, wet torso, invoking a shiver, but that faded away under the hot look in Ren’s eyes. Gone were her inhibitions and doubts about the appearance of her body. No, she wasn’t perfect, and his obvious admiration, the need burning in his eyes, served to bring out the wicked in her.

Giving in, she cupped her hands over her breasts. Ren’s face went hard. A muscle worked in his strong jaw. “Yeah, babe. That’s perfect. Touch yourself.”

Sadie focused on him as she plied her breasts, played with them, stroked her aching nipples until raw need pulsed a jungle rhythm in her belly. Her pussy ached, too, so she drew her hands over her belly, paused at the slight roundness there and finally moved to stroke her pussy.


Oh, yeah, Ren liked that. His hand went to his erection, and he grabbed it in one fist as his eyes slid to half-mast. His low groan melded with the soft lapping of the water in the tub.

“Spread your pussy lips. I want to see. Ah, yeah, that’s it. Pink and beautiful,” he said.

Sadie’s body creamed with each word he spoke. Inner muscles contracted. Now that he’d been inside her, she truly understood how it felt to be empty, and the knowledge shook her. She wanted his cock thrusting high, hard, and deep into her pussy. She wanted to come and come and come while crying his name.

Had she ever been more turned on? The answer was ridiculously easy.


Dear. God. No.

Giving in to the unspoken demand, she touched herself, parted, stroked and sent her fingers deep into her body. She found her clit, circling slowly, pressing until a tiny pitiful sound passed her lips. An aching ball of need rolled tightly through her belly. “Touch me. Ren, please.”

Her whispered plea sounded a little pathetic but she couldn’t help it. If he didn’t take over now, she would scream in sheer frustration. Seconds ticked by. Panic began to set in as she fingerfucked herself, and then he was there. Big rough hands gripped her thighs, stroked her flesh. He straightened a bit in the tub, bringing his face close to her belly. Taking over for her, he quickly removed her hands and put his mouth on her cunt.

Oh, yes!

Instant pleasure took over, a pounding lust that burned higher, flamed brighter as he ate her out. Sadie gripped his hair and held on for the ride until she was a whimpering mass of hungry woman who could only beg and plead for anything he had to offer. Stiffening, she sucked in a breath and held it as her body spasmed, tightening as orgasm rolled through her like a shockwave.

As the final waves of pleasure receded, she opened her eyes to see him roll a condom into place over his cock. SEALs must be masters at thinking ahead because he’d grabbed up a couple of them when they’d headed into the bathroom earlier. Had to love an optimistic, take-charge man.

“Gotta fuck you, Sadie.”

She could handle that.

His hands slid over her ass, fingers flexing on rounded hips as he encouraged her to sink down until her pussy hovered over the head of his cock. Hanging on for dear life, Sadie sank her fingers into his bronzed, broad shoulders, loving the way he dragged his erection through her drenched flesh. He circled it over her clit, pressing, pressing, and then his fingers joined the play. When he lightly pinched the hooded, swollen bit, she almost blasted off again.

Whimpering with need, Sadie sank over him. His erection filled her to capacity, stretching her sensitive flesh. There was no doubt she’d be sore beyond belief tomorrow, but it didn’t matter now. Ren went still as her body accommodated his size, but then all bets were off as he withdrew slowly to finally slam deep, high, and hard deep inside her slick channel. Each thrust pressed her clit and brushed along the sensitive bundle of nerves that nestled behind her pubic bone.

Sadie trembled and couldn’t stop as he fucked her. In. Out. Deeper. Slower. Then faster and harder. All she could do was hang on, enjoy and pray this never ended. Water sloshed from the sides of the tub but it just didn’t matter. Nothing was more important than this savage display of fucking by a man who knew his way around a woman’s body. Far in the back of her mind loomed the realization that no one would ever compare to Ren and the way he touched her, fucked her, and treated her as if she were the last woman on Earth.

Ren latched onto a nipple, sucking it into the warmth of his mouth, and she felt the lash of his tongue and the slight nipping of his teeth on her tender flesh. Crying out, she moved over him, reveling in the moment and in him until lust crashed over her, a heavy, drenching wave that finally carried her over the edge into bliss.

Chapter Four

The car she’d rented after landing in Key West had certainly come in handy. Sadie eyed Ren sitting behind the wheel, noting the way he filled up the small space. By unspoken consent, they knew they’d be spending the rest of their short time together, and that was fine with her. Better than fine. Sadie planned to enjoy him for as long as possible.

For most of the morning, she’d tried to block thoughts of him heading off into unknown danger. Keeping scary images at bay was so damn hard. He’d been abnormally quiet during their intimate breakfast and now, as they drove toward the house where Team Arapaho was staying, he remained silent.


A dangerous thing…thinking…and Sadie knew the signs of a man who was deep in thought.

Florida sunshine beat heavily upon the small compact car as they pulled up at the gate of movie star, Brice Benson’s house. House. Hmph. An understatement considering the size of the massive structure. As they paused for Ren to punch in a number at the entrance gate, she struggled to pull her tongue back into her mouth. “Wow. This place is the size of a small country. It’s gorgeous.”

Ren grinned and glanced her way. “Far cry from the houses back home, huh? It was really a coup for us that Dagger is friends with the guy and he let us bunk here while we’re in Key West. We’re definitely not used to such fancy digs.”

“Are you sure you don’t want to stay here instead of at my hotel?”

He cruised through the circular drive, stopped in front of two elaborate front doors and after braking to a stop, leaned in close. The scent of soap and red-hot man swam through her senses. “There’s no place I’d rather be than with you, Sadie, so wherever you are is what suits me best.” He prefaced the comment by sinking his fingers into her hair and pulling her close. His warm breath caressed her face seconds before he kissed her long and slow. After several heart-stopping moments, he drew back long enough for her to become lost in his soft gray eyes. “Besides, I like the privacy of your room. I’m not done with you, Doc. Not by a longshot.”

“Good to hear it, because I have hot plans for later.” After sending the most lecherous look she could muster up and then down his body, she grinned at him, hoping the desperation she felt didn’t show. The clock was her enemy as bittersweet emotion barreled its way through her heart. She wasn’t
with him either. She never would be.

On a mission to gather his things, they stepped from the car and met a small army of maids heading into the house. The troupe of women smiled, obviously recognizing him, and Ren chatted with them, his mastery of Spanish very clear, as they allowed them into the mansion.

“Spanish, too? I’m so impressed.”

Ren shrugged. “Comes in as handy as Arabic these days.”

BOOK: Touching Ghost (SEALs On Fire)
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