Together Forever: Billionaire Alpha (8 page)

BOOK: Together Forever: Billionaire Alpha
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“We have a long time to decide all of that. The next year can just be about learning each other, figuring this thing out and solidifying who we are as a couple.” He ran his hands over her shoulders and down her arms.

Bethany rocked her hips sensually, wanting so badly for every word he promised to come true. It seemed too good to happen. Them together forever? What could be better?

“Make love to me, Beth. Take me inside of you and lock us together once again. I don’t think I could ever get enough of the sounds of your pleasure and knowing I’m responsible for it.”

She shifted her hips, positioning the head of his cock at her entrance. “Only you.”

“Only me, baby.” He pressed her shoulders down and groaned with her as she began her assault, needing to take their love-making through the night and deep into the early morning.

He was right about one thing… she was a greedy little thing - for him.




Bethany woke to the sound of the shower going. She stretched, the soreness between her thighs delicious and a great reminder. She had the most aggressive, demanding man in the universe. She smiled and sat up, more than happy to give over to his cravings anytime.

She ran her fingers through her hair and walked into the bathroom, slipping into the shower with him.

“Good morning, sexy girl.” He turned and reached for her.

Bethany moved toward him, sliding her hands up his thick chest and over his shoulders. His body was honed for sex, his face model material. She lifted to her toes and pressed a long kiss on his mouth, the warm water rushing over her.

She pulled back and reached for the soap before rubbing it all over him. Using her fingernails, she made small circles over his skin to make sure he was completely clean.

“My turn,” he mumbled, his eyes hooded again.

“No way. We have a breakfast this morning that I plan on making. Every time it’s
your turn
we end up sweaty and covered in come.” She laughed and ran her hands over him again, washing away the soap.

“I’m not sure that I heard a complaint in there.” He turned and lifted his hands. “Wash my back, my ass, my legs.”

“So bossy.” She moved up and enjoyed every second of fulfilling his request.

“You know my response to that.” He arched his back, pressing his ass into her hands even more. She leaned into him, rubbing her breasts over his back and licking at the side of his neck.

“We’re going to be late.”

“No. I’m getting out, though I’m considering asking you to stroke my cock a few times before I go.” He glanced over his shoulder and gave her a look that would melt hearts.

“No need to ask.” She reached around him and tugged at his cock a few times as she turned her kisses into long bites, her teeth sinking into him as he shuddered.

He pressed his hand over hers, his rhythm faster and harder than what she was currently doing. She slid her other hand down the outside of his thigh, her nails grating him as he jerked forward. He groaned a few times before his breath caught. His seed spilled out onto their conjoined hands and she stroked him a few more times, making a beautiful mess.

“So far beyond sexy, Damon. I want to drown in you, baby.”

He groaned again and jerked his hips before pulling her hand from him. He washed her fingers and let her go, turning to slip his hands into her hair and pull her up for a long, hot kiss.

“I love you. Wash up and I’ll make sure to return the favor when you least expect it.” He kissed her again and got out of the shower.

Bethany moved up as she tried to still her racing heart. “Why does that leave me more worried than excited?”

“Because you know me too well?” The shower curtain opened at the back and she turned in time to see his hand coming toward her. He popped her ass hard and slipped out of the bathroom.

She grumbled and started to wash up.

Nothing could take away from her elation. He was there with her and they would get to spend the next few days loving on each other and sharing the joy of their families joining together.


The whole family was already gathered for breakfast by the time they walked up. Bethany had decided on a pair of white shorts, sandals and a light blue tank top. She would have something on the shorts within an hour. Damon had laid the bet on the table and she was more than happy to take it. She smirked at the thought as she took a seat next to her Aunt Patty.

Damon walked around the table, shaking hands and giving hugs.

“I’m honestly not surprised at all that you made it out here early.” Kent took a large plate of bacon and sausage and passed it down the table. There had to be twenty people sitting with them. Most of them Bethany knew, but a few were new faces, extended family no doubt.

“I took your advice and brought Ben onto the project. He needed something challenging and I needed help.” Damon shrugged and stopped by Aunt Patty. “I’m Damon, Bethany’s boyfriend. You have to be related to Karen. You’re far too pretty not to be.”

“Oh?” Patty slid her hand into his and looked over her shoulder at Bethany. “I like him. Can we keep him?”

“Damon this is my Aunt Patty, mom’s younger sister.” Bethany laughed along with everyone else at the table. “Forever seems like a good amount of time for us to keep him.”

Damon took the seat between her and Matt, reaching over and resting his arm on the back of her chair. “What’s the plan for today?”

“Just got here and already taking control.” Erica smiled, winking at Bethany.

“You guys know me. Just tell me to chill and I’ll force Bethany to make me.” He wagged his eyebrows as the waiter walked around the table taking drink orders. They put in their order and settled back as Bethany’s mom walked everyone through the agenda.

The wedding was the next day at sundown, but almost everything was in place and ready to go. The day would be filled with relaxing, a few games of beach volleyball and a huge party with a dance for that night. Everyone in attendance for the wedding was invited.

Bethany turned to tell Damon how excited she was to show him the tight little white dress she bought for the party as her eyes landed on the one person she hoped not to see. Christa.

The pretty blond wasn’t as attractive off the pages of the magazine, but she still brought it - big time. She moved toward the table, a look of excitement on her features. She glanced at Bethany, but quickly shifted back to Damon.

“Damon Bryant?” She spoke a little too loud.

He turned and looked over his shoulder. “Christa. What’re you doing here?”

Bethany glanced at Matt as Damon got up and hugged the lovely model. He turned and introduced her to the table as an old friend and a current client. Matt rolled his eyes and pretended to stab her in the butt with his knife. Bethany laughed and turned back to breakfast, not wanting to see the two of them close together. She didn’t need anything to detract from all of Damon’s claims. She was his woman. This chick was just grasping for straws. Sucks for her to lose the best thing that most likely ever happened to her.

Damon sat down as Christa moved up to talk to Kent for a few minutes. Bethany slid her hand along his thigh and leaned against him as he put his arm behind her again. She smiled reassuringly and he leaned over, brushing his lips by her cheek. He pressed a soft kiss to her ear.

“See? Told you she looked like the top of an old broom mop. You’re so insanely beautiful. She’s got to be jealous. I would be.” He kissed her ear again and moved back, picking up a large plate of waffles and holding it in front of her. “Here, baby. Get a big one and we’ll share it.”

Bethany glanced down the table, unable to help herself. Christa only seemed to have eyes for Damon, but those eyes weren’t showing joy at all. She looked rather pissed.



“Damn that was delicious. If I could just live here and eat platters of bacon my life would be complete.” Matt stretched, his bright yellow and orange t-shirt slipping up and showing the muscles of his stomach.

Bethany ran her hand over them, tugging at his shirt in surprise. “You totally have a six-pack.”

“Of course I do. I work out. Hellur?” He tugged his shirt down and glanced behind Bethany as they all stood around the table. “Get your woman off of me. She’s likely to fall for my beauty, creating a fissure between us that I don’t want and you don’t need.”

Bethany rolled her eyes and moved to Damon, wrapping her arms around him. His white button down shirt was loose and made for the beach. “You look good.”

“You look, feel and taste good.” He pressed his lips to hers as Matt made a loud gagging sound.

Damon pulled back and licked at his lips, his eyes boring into Bethany. He glanced up at Matt as his lip lifted. “What’s the matter? Thought you were worried about her leaving me for you? I just wanted to remind her who her lover was.”

“Okay. Enough. Thank you. Siblings here.” Matt held up his hands and walked out onto the beach from the table.

Bethany released Damon and gave her mom a quick hug as Erica moved up beside her. Weariness sat heavy on the other woman. Bethany reached out and squeezed her new friend’s shoulder.

“You okay? You look tired.”

“Yeah. I stayed with Matt last night and I don’t think I slept a wink.”

“Oh. Like…” Bethany stopped herself, not sure how open of a person Erica was.

“I wish. More like, we were both in different beds not sure what to say to each other and too worried about snoring or talking in our sleep to actually
any sleep.”

“Come back to our room tonight. Damon and I can have time together during the day or when we get home. I don’t want you exhausted.”

“No way. We’re good. I just need to stop letting Matt’s concerns become my own. I know what I want. I’m about to stop dicking around and just take it.” She shrugged and nodded toward the boys. “Looks like they are hoping for a game of volleyball. You up for it?”

“Hell yeah.” Bethany glanced over her shoulder and held up a fist. “Boys against girls. You’re going down.”

“Ha! You wish, chick. You’re going to eat my shorts!” Matt responded and caught a hand to the chest. He glanced to Damon and laughed. “Okay, you’re going to eat Damon’s shorts.”

“Better,” Damon muttered and looked up. “Let’s do this. The chance to get to teach both of you good-looking women a lesson in one swipe? Brilliant. Lay your wager.”

“Winner chooses where we have sex tonight.” Bethany walked toward them, taking the ball from Damon and pushing her hip against him as she walked onto the sand.

Nervous laughter followed her as Matt didn’t seem to know how to respond. Erica moved into the sand beside her, taking the ball and glancing over her shoulder at Matt, no doubt. “I’m down. You, Matthew?”

“Fuck yeah, I am.” Matt’s voice dropped an octave.

Bethany glanced over her shoulder, almost surprised by the predatory look on his face as he watched Erica move to the far side of the sand court.

Damon laughed and clapped his hands. “All right. Girls can serve first. We’ll go easy on you both. It’s hard to play against such great athletes as the Bryant boys.”

“Oh, fuck no. They’re going down.” Bethany glanced back at Erica as she prepared to serve.

“No worries, sister. We were district champs in high school every year I was on the team.” Erica winked and threw the ball in the air, hitting it hard. It dodged both of the guys and scored the girl’s a point.

“You’re welcome.” Matthew shrugged as if they had given the point away.

“Keep it up and I’ll make you my bitch, Matthew,” Erica spoke with a sultry voice.

“Yes, ma’am.” Matt saluted her and Bethany couldn’t help but share a warm smile with Damon.

He was so handsome, his dark hair moving as the wind blew, his strong arms and chest on display as he pulled his shirt off and threw it in the sand. Suddenly, losing sounded much, much better than winning. She would take him above her in the bedroom if she had the choice of where they were going to spend their night fucking, but he was creative and bold. He would push her to open up and walk beyond the edge of her comfort.

The thought sent a shockwave through her and she missed a return ball. She glanced back to Erica, who very much had on a game face.

“If you throw this game for Damon, I’m going to get you good,” she growled playfully.

Bethany shrugged and turned back around, bursting into laughter at the look on Matt’s face.

“See… I told you. Insanely intimidating,” Matt mumbled and squatted, preparing. “Bring it on, girl. You’re going down.”

“I hope so,” Erica responded and that was all it took. Matt missed every ball hit to him after that.




The boys won the game, but only by a point. Erica cussed the whole way back to the room as they danced and made a scene in the hall before the girls. Bethany couldn’t help but laugh uncontrollably. Damon was beyond cute as he delighted in his brother’s madness.

“This is such bullshit,” she huffed and stopped at the room, glaring down the hall at them.

“Sore loser and you’re going to be sore when I get done with you.” Matt clapped his hands and high-fived Damon. If Matt and Erica ended up sleeping together, everyone would be shocked, Matthew especially.

“Promises. Promises.” Erica slipped into the room with a soft chuckle under her breath. The girl was devious. She knew what she was doing.

Bethany pressed her hand to the door and looked down the hall, catching Damon’s attention as Matt slipped into their room. “That was fun.”

“It was, but don’t forget later tonight when I strip you bare on the edge of the ocean and make love to you, that I get to. I won.”

A shiver ran through her and she bit her lip to keep from letting him see just how much he affected her. “I’m ready.”

“Good. I love you, wicked naughty girl.”

“I love you too, overly competitive jack-ass.”

He laughed and walked into his room. Bethany stood there for a minute, taking in the joy that raced around inside of her chest. She wanted to analyze every bit of it, but decided to just let it be. Damon was hers and unless she walked away, it seemed he would be forever.

BOOK: Together Forever: Billionaire Alpha
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