Read To Reap and to Sow Online

Authors: J. R. Roberts

To Reap and to Sow (3 page)

BOOK: To Reap and to Sow
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Clint's eyes snapped open for what felt like the tenth time in as many minutes. As always, his hand reached for the modified Colt at his side but stopped just short of clearing leather. Unlike the other times that had happened, hadn't been awakened by a sound from outside or someone walking heavily down the hall.

He'd heard footsteps, sure enough, but not loud. When he looked at the narrow gap beneath his door, Clint saw two shadows where a set of feet were standing. Swinging his legs over the side of his bed without taking his hand away from his Colt, Clint walked across the small room and stood next to the door.

“What is it?” Clint asked.

The voice that came from the other side of the door was quiet but not as gruff as Clint was expecting.

“It's Lynn McKay,” the voice said. “I'm the one from the room down the hall from yours.”

When Clint pulled open the door, he caused Lynn to jump back half a step.

“Yeah,” Clint said in a tired voice. “I remember you.”

Lynn had her hands clasped in front of her as though she didn't know quite what else to do with them. When she looked at Clint, she kept her head at a demure angle, out of shyness, it seemed, more than anything else. No matter how much she tried to shrink herself down, however, there was no hiding the elegance of her tall, wispy frame.

“I never got a chance to say how much I appreciated what you did,” she told him. After waiting a few silent moments, Lynn added, “Thank you.”

“No need for that,” Clint replied. “It was my pleasure.”

“You didn't have to step in like that.”

“Your friend was making a lot of noise and I was trying to sleep.” Now that he was off his bed and looking at Lynn, it was hard for Clint to keep up his gruff demeanor. “I also don't like to hear a man pushing around a woman,” he said in a much softer tone. “I hope I wasn't too late in getting there.”

Lynn gave a quick wave with one hand. “I've gone through worse with Mark, but it won't be happening again. I'm through with him.”

“That's good to hear. Was it a mutual decision?”

There was a bit of a flicker in Lynn's eyes, which put a small dent in her confidence, but she eventually nodded. “He's gone for now, but he might be back. It's happened plenty of times before.”

“It may get worse now,” Clint replied. “I'd hate to see anyone get blindsided by someone like that friend of yours.”

Lynn put on a fresh smile as she took a step into Clint's room. “You're worried about me? That's sweet. But I can handle Mark. Now that he's shown his true colors, I won't make the mistake of giving him one more kind word. And don't worry about the rest of it either,” she added as she propped one leg up on the small dresser next to Clint's door. “I can take care of myself just fine.”

As she said that, Lynn reached down to hook her fingers along the bottom of her skirt and peel the material up over her leg. The smooth curve of her calf seemed to go on for days, and when it led up to her thigh, the view only got better. She wore a lacy garter midway between her knee and hip. Under that garter, held in place by a red ribbon, was a pearl-handled derringer.

Clint noticed the derringer, but preferred to keep his eyes on Lynn's perfectly contoured leg. She let her fingers drift along the exposed skin for a few seconds more than she needed to, just so Clint would know that she didn't mind him looking. When he looked back up to her, the smile on Lynn's face had taken on a much warmer tone.

“Do you know how to use that?” Clint asked.

Sliding her hand up farther along her leg to caress the little gun, Lynn pushed her skirt up a bit more and said, “Well, it's sure not just for show.”

“You might not want to go around showing that to just anyone, though. They might get the wrong idea.”

Lynn set her leg down and let her skirts fall to cover it. From there, she marched straight up to Clint and placed her hands on either side of his head. “Something tells me you've got the right idea already, but here's a little something to let you know for sure.”

The first time Lynn had kissed him was a quick surprise. This time, Clint had been waiting to feel her lips on his until it seemed almost unbearable. Once he could taste her, he reflexively wrapped his arms around her so he could pull Lynn into his room and kick the door shut.


As soon as Lynn was lifted off her feet, she wrapped her long legs around Clint and locked them tight. He could feel the muscles in her thighs gripping his torso almost hard enough to squeeze the breath out of him. Rather than carry her straight to the bed, he turned and pressed her back against a wall so he could continue the kiss she'd started.

Lynn's fingernails raked along Clint's back and shoulders. When he reached down to cup her tight, rounded backside in both hands, Clint felt a little moan rumble up from her throat to tickle his lips.

They both leaned back at the same time to catch their breath. Lynn's eyes were wide open and her breasts heaved against Clint's body. Her legs were still locked around him, so she didn't slip one bit as she wriggled against him and started pulling at the buttons of his shirt.

“You don't have to do this to thank me,” Clint whispered as he struggled to keep his hands from moving along her body.

Lynn kept her eyes locked upon Clint as she untangled her legs from around him so she could support herself with one and let the other slide up and down along Clint's hip. “The only reason I'm doing this is because I want to. I've wanted to since the moment I laid eyes on you.”

When he saw Lynn lean in for another kiss, Clint took hold of her and planted his lips upon her mouth. Her lips opened to let her tongue flick into his as she pressed herself against him. Clint slid one hand along the delicate slope of her back while using the other to massage the perfect curve of her backside.

He stepped back and Lynn followed him. They kissed each other hungrily as they started ripping the clothes off of each other's body. Lynn had Clint all but undressed in a matter of seconds. He, on the other hand, had a bit more clothing to get through before he could see her naked figure.

Lynn giggled as she eased herself onto the bed so both legs dangled over the side. She stretched her arms up over her head and arched her back like a contented cat as Clint unbuttoned, unhooked and untied everything necessary to peel the dress and undergarments off of her.

It was an effort, but it was also worth every second. Clint felt like he was unwrapping one hell of a Christmas present as he peeled away layer after layer. When he was done, the only thing Lynn had on was the garter and the pearl-handled derringer. Clint lowered himself to his knees and pulled Lynn closer to the edge of the bed so he could run his lips against the silky smooth skin of her inner thigh.

Lynn draped her legs over Clint's shoulders and reached down to run her fingers through his hair. As she felt his tongue glide closer to the sensitive skin between her legs, she let out a slow, contented purr.

Clint moved both hands along Lynn's legs, savoring the feel of her smooth skin over the tight muscles beneath it. He let out a slow breath as his lips brushed against the downy hair between her thighs. When he could feel Lynn using her legs to pull him in closer, he ran his tongue straight up along the lips of her pussy.

Letting out a loud groan, Lynn arched her back again and grabbed onto the bed with one hand. She kept the other hand on the back of Clint's head to keep him from stopping what he was doing.

After a few quick flicks of his tongue, Clint circled her little clitoris until Lynn was moaning and bucking her hips against his face. Soon, she was out of breath. She didn't even get a chance to catch her next breath before Clint stood up and moved her legs a bit further apart.

Even though she looked surprised to see him on his feet, Lynn opened her legs and even reached down to guide Clint's rigid penis into her. As Clint pushed his hips forward, Lynn kept her fingers wrapped around him so she could stroke every inch of his cock as it entered her. Lynn moved her fingers down so she could touch herself as Clint started to pump in and out.

Clint fell into a rhythm as he pumped his hips back and forth. Soon, he felt Lynn's legs wrapping around him. This time, however, she tightened her grip on him with her legs to pull him in even harder as he entered her. She would ease up a bit to allow him to pull back, only to pull him in once more.

Soon, Clint felt her tighten around him in a different way. Lynn let out a shuddering moan and leaned back onto the bed. She gripped the blankets with both hands and clenched her eyes shut as her first climax rippled through her body. When it built to its peak, her orgasm caused her pussy to grip his cock as if she never wanted him to slip out.

Once that storm had passed, Clint eased back and flipped her onto her stomach. All Lynn needed to feel was his hands upon her legs and she immediately knew what he wanted. She turned around so her back was to him as she placed her knees on the edge of the bed. From there, Lynn lowered her upper body and propped up her backside to make her buttocks seem even more perfectly rounded.

Clint took a moment to admire the view from behind her. His hands traced along the upper edge of her buttocks, all the way down to the wet lips of her pussy. As soon as his fingers found that spot between her legs, Lynn clawed at the bed and moaned softly in anticipation.

Even if Clint had wanted to wait any longer, he wouldn't have been able to pull it off. Only a few seconds had passed, but it felt as if he'd waited an eternity before guiding his cock inside of her. Once the tip of his erection was in her, Clint took hold of Lynn's hips and pulled her toward him as he pushed his hips forward. He could feel his erection growing even harder as he slipped inside of her. By the time he'd buried himself within Lynn's warm depths, Clint could feel her pussy gripping him once more.

“Oh my God,” she whispered. When Clint grabbed hold of her hips and started pumping in earnest, she tried to say something else. All she could get out after a few tries was “Oh my…oh my God!”

Clint placed one hand on the small of her back so he could feel every little wriggle of her hips. He kept his other hand on Lynn's backside, simply because it was too soft to let go.

Lynn tossed her hair over one shoulder so she could turn and look back at Clint. Her mouth was open to let out every gasp. Those gasps turned into an excited yelp as Clint gave her rump a little playful smack. The grin on Lynn's face was all Clint needed to see to know how much she'd liked that.

Before long, Clint could feel his own pleasure building to its climax. His thrusts had become more powerful, and Lynn had her face buried in a pillow so she could cry out as much as she wanted. While she was riding the crest of her second orgasm, Lynn threw her head back and moaned to the ceiling.

Clint reached out to take hold of her hair and pulled it just enough to take up the slack. That pushed Lynn over the edge, and she was quickly in the grip of a climax that got her entire body shaking.

Once Clint let his eyes run from the tangle of her blond hair in his hands, down the curve of her back and along the slope of her buttocks, he was past the point of no return. He pumped into her a few more times, driving harder each time. Finally, he exploded inside of her until he swore he felt the floor tilt under his feet.

Clint let her go and then crawled onto the bed. Within seconds, Lynn was curled up and facing him with one leg draped over his side.

“I feel like I should be thanking you,” she said. “Again.”

“Don't mention it,” Clint replied breathlessly.

Lynn ran her fingernails along Clint's arm and smiled in satisfaction. “I think I'll thank you anyway. That is…once we've caught our breath.”


Spelling was a small enough town that Clint didn't have to walk far before reaching the edge of it. He took such a walk as the sun was breaking the eastern horizon the next morning. Standing with the dusty streets behind him, Clint gazed out at a stretch of wide open land and pulled in a breath of crisp air.

It was an odd time of year wedged in between the most recent cold snap of winter and the earliest wave of heat that would roll in for the spring. Actually, it was still mostly winter, but the winds were being generous, and Clint hadn't needed his thick wool coat for the last couple of weeks. As he pulled in another breath, he caught a hint of frost at the back of his throat.

It would be getting colder soon. There could possibly even be some snow before too long. This morning, though, was bright and clear. It was the kind of morning that made Clint want to sit down to a big breakfast and stuff himself with griddle cakes covered in syrup.

He had those thoughts in his head as he turned around and spotted a pair of men walking straight toward him. Clint squared his shoulders and dropped one hand to rest upon his Colt when he saw that one of those men was Mark Rowlett.

“Where's Lynn?” Mark grunted.

Clint didn't say a word. Instead, he spent the next few seconds sizing up the two men in front of him. Mark was just the same as he'd been the day before, except a little angrier and a little more cautious. The other man was doing his best to put on a tough facade, but was obviously there to follow Mark's lead. Both of them were armed.

“What's the matter?” Mark asked as he planted his feet and leaned forward. “You go deaf? I asked you a question. Where's Lynn?”

“If she wanted to see you, she'd be with you,” Clint replied.

“Don't bother with what I got going with her. You just tell me where she's at and you won't get hurt.”

Clint stood his ground without moving a muscle. His eyes darted back and forth between Mark and the other man as a cold wind blew past them.

“Who'd you bring with you?” Clint asked. “Backup?”

Mark gritted his teeth and snapped, “I don't need anyone to back me up. If you don't answer my damn question, I'll drop you right here and then go find Lynn myself.”

“I don't think you could find your own hat if it was nailed to your head. Now, why don't you go find yourself another woman who'll put up with the likes of you? Something tells me Lynn's more than you can handle.”

“You think so, huh?”

“I know so,” Clint replied. “Why don't you ask her yourself? Oh, that's right. She ran from you like you had the plague, didn't she?”

Hearing that, the man next to Mark let out a chuckle. He quickly tried to choke it back, but wasn't quick enough to do so before Mark turned to glare at him.

“You think that's funny, Joey?” Mark grunted.

Joey shook his head. “No, I just—”

“Then shut yer damn hole and help me bury this cocksucker.”

When Joey shifted his eyes toward Clint, he found Clint already staring at him with a deadly fire burning in his eyes. Joey didn't want to hold Clint's gaze and quickly looked back at Mark. “Lynn's probably back at the hotel by now. Why don't we look for her there?”


Still keeping his eyes away from Clint, Joey added, “That bitch is more trouble than she's worth. You said so, yourself.”

Mark pulled the gun from his holster and spoke in a voice that sounded as if it had been dried out and tom to shreds. “I can say whatever I please about her. She's mine, you hear? Mine!”

Clint would have been content to let Mark spout off all he wanted. He drew the line, however, when he saw the gun leave Mark's holster. Seeing that, Clint reacted out of pure reflex and drew his modified Colt in a one fluid motion.

A single shot barked from the Colt and clipped a piece from Mark's sleeve. Mark pulled his arm away with a surprised expression that was almost funny. As soon as he saw Clint standing there with a smoking pistol in his hand, Mark let out a profane grunt and shifted his aim in Clint's direction.

The modified Colt spat out another round and bucked against Clint's palm. This time, the bullet sparked against Mark's gun. It was pure luck that the round ricocheted from there and whipped past Joey's head.

Mark couldn't toss his gun away fast enough. His face had turned beet red from his own anger, and he was fit to be tied when he saw Joey back away from him and Clint.

“Son of a bitch!” Mark hollered.

Clint kept his pistol aimed at Mark and said, “Next time I see you, I'll figure you're out to shoot me. Whatever happens after that will be self-defense.”

“She's mine, goddammit,” Mark shouted. “I'll take her back whether you like it or not. I'll have her back whether
likes it or not!”

“Just leave.”

Without a gun in his hand or any friends to back his play, Mark didn't have many options other than the one Clint had given him. “She's a whore, you hear me?” Mark said as he backed away. “You can have her.”

Clint stood his ground and watched as Mark sputtered and kept shuffling backward toward the town. He didn't pay any mind to the obscenities rolling from Mark's mouth or the gestures he made with his wildly flailing hands.

Once Mark turned tail and ran, Clint holstered his Colt and started walking back to the hotel. He kept his eyes open for either of the two men to come at him again, but there was no trace of Mark or Joey. Clint's mind shifted to more pleasant thoughts when he caught a whiff of bacon coming from one of the nearby restaurants.

BOOK: To Reap and to Sow
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